The figure is of 863
thousand 177 millions dollars: political opposition
The empty
By: Carlos Damian July 26, 2014
Due to the public debt,
each Mexican will pay 7 thousand 290 dollars
Mexico. - The parties opponents to the energy
reformation in the Chamber of Deputies (PRD, Civic Movement –MC- and PT) they
removed that the national public debt ascends to 863 thousand 177 million 73 dollars.
This quantity of money implies that each Mexican, and even those that are to
be born will owe, each one, 7 mil 290 dollars. In that total of public debt
the passive one is included labor of Pemex that reaches 74 thousand 600 million
dollars. Only the change of passive to public debt in the oil company will
add 636 dollars to the debt per capita of the Mexicans. That is to say, of 6 thousand 653 dollars
for each one of the citizens the figure is grew at 7 thousand 290 dollars. On
the other hand, the president of the energy Commission, Marco Antonio Bernal
(MAB) of the PRI, it rejected that the passive one labor it sinks directly, actually,
to the public debt: "the figure that it overcomes a trillion pesos it
will be divided in 30 years, and every year the government will distribute of
the federal budget around a thousand a thousand 666 million 67 dollars."
The reaction of MAB
corresponded to the information provided by the vice -coordinator of the PRD,
Miguel Alonso Raya who elaborated a comparative one on the figure of the
public debt and theirs repercussions in the indebtedness per capita of the
Mexicans. The total debt of the public
sector, including the Law of Protection to the Bank Saving and Rescue
Cartwright's Program, it ascends to
443 thousand 920 million dollars.
And of that figure, divided among each one of the Mexicans, it reaches to a
figure of 3 thousand 749 dollars. Also the passive of the system of pensions
of defined benefit, through the laws of social security, collective contracts
and administrative agreements among those that it will be the passive one
labor of Pemex and CFE they reach a total of 419 thousand 257 million dollars.
And the debt per capita of the 188 millions 400 thousand inhabitants of the
country for that item is located in the 3 thousand 541 dollars. In answer
legislator MAB (PRI) he replied: "What happens is that it is an
actuarial exercise that it goes to 30 years that it contemplates the number
of workers that you have, the age that they have, when you hope they go into
retirement and the hope of life. It solves how much it will wear out in that
lapse. There 106 thousand 667 million dollars are contemplated in total.
Now the figure that Pemex
pays for people that has pensioner, year by year it is about the a thousand 667
million 67 dollars, and that pays it Pemex. "If the pensions’ system is
restructured a cut it is made, it means, it is needed to reform the system of
pensions and of what it save you in that traffic (of a thousand 667 million 67
that it distributes the company) the federal government assumes a similar
percentage to subtract the debt". The union at this time doesn't want us
to be sniffing and what they allege is that we are entering in a contractual
negotiation from the budget law, and our argument is that not, finally it is
a matter of Pemex and its union, and if one wants to unload the financial
load of the company a negotiation it should be made, in having given case
that they don't want it the government it doesn't assume anything.
Name of guiltiest it wants the town
Cuauhtemoc Cardenas
assured yesterday (7/30/14) that the State has the obligation of clarifying
why Pemex, the CFE, and the IMSS don't have reservations to assist their
passive ones labor, and in its case, to delimit responsibilities. In
interview at Casa Lamm, during the social rights seminar and democratic institutionalize
in Mexico, the former presidential candidate pointed out that it should be
given to know the last names and the culprits' complete names of those
implied, in this serious case of corruption and impunity. "It would have
to be clarified why it doesn't have Pemex the reservations in their treasury
and in their own accountings… The most important thing is that they are clear
the responsibilities, what people, with last names and the culprits' complete
names, beyond the positions that can have carried out". The same thing,
said in the case of the CFE, and other instances. The former boss of
government of the DF assured that it doesn't should strange the approval of
the energy reformation and his secondary laws in the Congress. "Most was
imposed delivering and officialdom of the Chambers: PRI, PAN, PVEM, PANAL",
he underlined. It also affirmed that the bottom of the reformations is to
give the oil resource to interests outsiders, “to drain the reservations (oil)
as soon as possible and to generate resources as soon as possible, of which
independently the future of the country can be."
He insisted in that the
term “temporary occupation” of lands in the secondary laws is “a plundering, it
doesn't have anything to do with the public utility, but it is how to benefit
to a peculiar with the force of the State". He indicated that it is
continued getting signatures for the popular consultation on the energy
reformation. On the other hand, it aimed that the possibility has not been
discarded of participating in the elections for the national presidency of
the PRD. "We only hope to see in what conditions that situation could be
given to take a definition". Before versions that it had not been
included in the census of the Aztec sun (party), it pointed out that he has
never moved away from the PRD, neither we have stopped to be member since it
was constituted, May 5 1989…We have my credential and we ignore to have
neither left or lost my rights". He remembered that to the only thing
that gave up, in March of 2004, went to be member of the directive bodies, (La
Jornada, Alma Munoz).
We reject to the reformations
When beginning a tour for
the Potosi’s Huasteca, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) it summoned in the
municipality of Tamuín, San Luis Potosí (SLP), to protest against the
structural reformations that the president impels. "It is not necessary
to be quiet, because if not, they pass above one, and for that reason it is
important that there is true opposition, non accomplices and mercenaries, but
an opposition that is really against the abuses of the régime". He added
the desire delivering of EPN, to who described as “vulgar liar",
“because he said that if it was approved to reformation energetic they will
lower the prices of the light and of the fuels", and that is a vile
deceit, it expressed this to the media in Tampico, Tamaulipas before leaving
to SLP. About the videos that it has rushed in U-Tube, ‘Tuta’, with Rodrigo Vallejo, the former governor's Vallejo son from
Michoacan, expressed that he will appear information that criminals' bands
supported EPN: "that will come out and for that reason these videos are
very cut, but in the conversations they are not mentioned to EPN from Mexico
State, when it is of public domain that those bands (criminals) they
supported him in 2012", to arrive to the presidential seat.
In their work tour in ‘La
Huasteca’, for the municipalities from Ebano, it sustained that “Morena will
take advantage of all the opportunities to avoid the delivery of the energy
sector and to show this honest act, a regular button: the movement is devoted
to reach two million signatures so that the federal government carries out a
civic consultation as regards petroleum". When using this work trip we
are informing people that the looting of petroleum, gas and electricity you
can combat with the signatures for a popular consultation. We won't allow passing
the opportunity, because the Constitution and consultation citizen's law
points out that if two million Mexicans request it with their signatures, the
government is forced to make it so that they say on the energy reformation.
We already gather a million 150 thousand signatures, we have of term until
the first week of September to obtain the two millions and we will achieve
it", he asserted. The consultation will be made June of 2015, 7 day in
that there will be federal and local elections. He explained: "I am no
longer in the PRD, of which were founder and national president, but I had to
leave because their leaders supported (to the farce) so a Pact for Mexico and
with they franked it the step to EPN, and they approved the increases of
taxes and gasoline. I painted my line and now I am in Morena". (La
Jornada, politica, p.p. 6-8, August 1, 2014).
sábado, 9 de agosto de 2014
The empty speech
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