viernes, 1 de agosto de 2014


Bolivia rejects the genocide that the Israeli government makes and he requests demand in La Haya
By: Carlos Damian                                          July18, 2014
The premiere Netanyahu rejects the world call to put an end to the offensive against Hamas
Mexico. -   A command of elite of the marine Israeli made the dawn of this Sunday (7/13/14) a brief terrestrial “special operation” in Palestinian territory, that was qualified of successful, to attack a platform of launching of rockets, although four welded Israelis were wounded to the being faced by combatants of the Islamic group Hamas. The president of the National Authority Palestine (ANP), Mahmoud Abbas, requested to the organization of United Nations (UN) “to place the Palestine State low international   protection officially", after the deterioration of the situation in the fringe of Gaza. Abbas emitted an official statement in that sense to the general secretary of the organism, Ban Ki-moon. As long as, thousands of Palestinian escaped from the north of the fringe of Gaza after the warnings of the Israeli army of evicting the inhabitants of the areas where it operates the Palestinian resistance of Hamas, when making the 'operative protective border, in which they have died more than 170 Palestinian in six days. 
With the air support of combat airplanes, the elite troops Israelis disembarked during the dawn in the coast of the fringe of Gaza and they attacked a place used to throw rockets of long reach, the military spokesman informed Israeli, Peter Lerner. However, in a shooting with combatants Palestinian four soldiers from Israel were wounded before the command retired, it informed the Israeli army. "There has been an operation of the special forces of the marine one in a beach of Gaza against a platform of launching of rockets of long reach. The mission was completed. The members of the command were attacked and they replied. Four soldiers were wounded", Lerner explained. The branch military of Hamas, the brigades Ezzedin Al Qasam, affirmed in an official statement that intense shootings took place among our combatants and Zionist soldiers of the marine one that tried to penetrate in the area of Sudanyia". This is the first terrestrial incursion the Israeli army since on Monday in the midnight its offensive “Protective Border” rushed in the Gaza fringe against Hamas that a shot of rockets of long reach and the sirens that warn of the attacks shot them sounded in the Ben Gurion’s airport from Tel Aviv and in some neighborhoods of the city. No Israeli has died because of the projectiles rushed by Hamas.  

Middle East in war 
In the most recent episode, the Israeli régime noticed at hundred of north’s inhabitants of the Gaza fringe thousands that abandoned its housings, because the area would be attacked by bombing airplanes of Tel Aviv. this situation generated an event, toward the south of that immense field of refugees an exodus that the catastrophic conditions in that the Palestinian population is worsens, with thousands of wounded to dead, the crowded hospitals, lack of medicines of first necessity, shortage of water and of foods and a single open point, in the frontier with Egypt, to communicate to Gaza with the rest of the world.  In the days of the denominated military attack 'protective border' they have already died more than 170 people, hundred of homes and buildings have been destroyed and the aviation aggressor has chosen among their targets a hospital, a school and a mosque. In accordance with the Palestinian recount, most of the victims -corps and wounded - they are civil, and enter 25 and 30 percent, children. But after bombarding more than a thousand 600 objectives and of throwing hundred of tons of bombs of high to be able to on Gaza, the military Israelis have not killed a high leader of Hamas neither that of Islamic Jihad that are the military objectives of Tel Aviv's régime, which has not achieved, apart from this, not even a significant reduction in the rhythm of launchings of homemade rockets from the fringe on the territory of Israel.  
People's thousands left their houses in Beit Lahiya, city near the north frontier of Gaza this Sunday, and the Palestinian ministry of health said that more than 160 people, among them 135 civilians, they have died in the past six days and more than thousand they have been injured. Adnan Abu Hassna spokesman of agency of United Nations to assist refugees Palestinian it said that eight schools were enabled as temporary refuges and they have been occupied by some 4 thousand people. He asserted that more schools of housings will be used if it was necessary.  The Israeli army assured that it has rushed more than 800 rockets since its offensive began (7/8/14), they have been carried out a thousand 320 attacks against “extremist” objectives, the half against places of launching of rockets from Gaza and the rest against control centers, facilities for the production, deposits and smuggling tunnels. The first Israeli minister Benjamin Netanyahu, rejected the international orders for a ceasing to the fire and it defended the offensive in Gaza, during an interview with the American chain CBS. Netanyahu made a call to solidarity with the Israelis that are low the blockade of rockets rushed for militant.  
"When this interview began we were with a bomb alert and in the measure in that the minutes passed we said to people that could leave outdoors again", it assured to the program 'Face the nation'. This is the reality that we live. We will make the necessary thing to conclude it", he added. The president from Bolivia, Evo Morales, rejected this Sunday (7/13/14), the 'genocide' made by Israel in the fringe of Gaza. It asked to United Nations to present an international demand before the tribunal from La Haya against the material authors and intellectuals of that human butcher shop. The Pope Francisco headed together with thousands of faithful gathered in San Pedro's square a sentence in silence so that the war ends Middle East and the indiscriminate slaughter of Palestinian.   
Such projectiles that cause fear in the towns nears Israelis to Gaza possess an insignificant destructive capacity; they have continued leaving for dozens every day like only possible defensive answer of the Palestinian, disagreement to the contrary side that they possess the whole military technology of The States and monthly monetary support. Coarse to remember that in the two previous military aggressions in great scale against Gaza concocted with the same pretext (2008-2009 and 2012), Tel Aviv's authorities must have clear that the massive bombings and the military incursions in great scale on the fringe of Gaza won't be able to stop the production neither the use of such rudimentary weapons. The real objective of the current attack seems to be, in consequence just do it, to kill regular citizens (civil), like journalist Gideon Levy expressed in his article (14/7/14, “Israel's real purpose in Gaza operation? To kill Arabs"), it bears in mind that “the overthrow of the government of Hamas is an unreal objective (and illegitimate), also undesirable, because the alternative could be much worse", “Israel believes sincerely that if it kills at hundred of Palestinian in the fringe of Gaza the calm it will reign." 
That calculation, besides the destruction of homes, “is a crime of war", even if the military of Israel call them “control centers and command” or “rooms of conference", expressed Levy, known by its critical postures to Tel Aviv's régime. The insistent brutality and cruelty against the defenseless population of Gaza don't fit in the understanding, but neither they are comprehensible the passivity and the indifference of The States and the European Union before a military operation of clearing genocide action. For much less dead that those figure the western powers have made campaigns against the Syrian government and they intervened militarily in Libyan to overthrow Muamar Kadafi. Finally it is observed to the Palestinian, like an obscenity the hypocrisy of the European and American governments, which accomplices are made to ignore the crimes of war of the Jewish Israelis cause in Gaza full with human blood. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 2-22, July 14, 2014).

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