It was the law of phone
espionage strong
By: Carlos Damian August 12, 2014
The birds in the wire;
"they are necessary nuisances"
Mexico. - The full one of the Federal Institute of
Access to the Information and Protection of Data (IFAI, with their initials
in Spanish) it determined not to interpose before the Supreme Court of
Justice of the Nation (SCJN, with their initials in Spanish) the
unconstitutionality action against the articles 30, 189 and 190, in their
fractions I, II and III of the Federal law of Telecommunications and
Broadcasting (Telecom). The
Institute considered that those norms are not infringing of the Constitution
neither of the protection to the access rights to the information and
protection of personal data. After five hours of debate, with four votes in
against and three to favor, the autonomous organism discarded the project of
agreement of unconstitutionality action in which was contemplated to request
the SCJN the revision of the mentioned articles that they allow the
geolocalización in real time of teams of mobile telephony and they force to
the concessionaires of the service to preserve during two years the
communications that it is carried out from any line that uses own or leased
The commissioned
president Ximena Puente de la Mora (XPM), it sustained that the IFAI “doesn't
have genuineness to require unconstitutionality action", for what the
application could be underrated by the SCJN, position to which they were
added the commissioned Francisco Javier Acuña Llamas, Patricia Kurczyn
Villalobos (PKV) y Rosendo Eugenio Monterrey Chepov. In contrast the
commissioned Joel Salas Suarez (JSJ), Oscar Guerra Ford (OGF), and Areli Cano
Guadiana they reiterated that yes there are enough technical elements to
promote the action, when considering unconstitutional the dispositions
contained in the article 30, which points out that the interviews among the
commissioners of the Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFETEL, for
their initials in Spanish) with the concessionaires they will be classified
as reserved without fixing by how long it will be made. They considered that the articles 198 and
190 if they affect the right to the protection of personal data of millions
of Mexicans. In their argument in
against, the commissioned PKV sustained that the mentioned articles don't
contravene any constitutional disposition. It highlighted that the right human
to the privacy is not absolute, for what contexts exist in that “it can be
limited". After pointing out the conditions in that the geolocalización
will be requested they are justified and delimited by competent authorities, it
underlined that the delinquency uses novel mechanisms to intervene calls, to
even watch over people and families to know financial data of matters, (La
Jornada, Laura Poy).
For the above-mentioned,
it considered that the application 189 and 190 is ”the less bad thing that it
can happen; painful yes, but we have to tolerate it to safeguard bigger
interests, as the public, national and personal security". The commissioned
OGF pointed out that in the case of the access to the geolocalización data,
the law of telecommunications doesn't point out the treatment of the
information, who will have access to her, for how long and how it will be
destroyed, for what they don't exist safeguard's mechanism, -clear any hood
fool with some malice will be able to consent to this information, and soon
we will see it in internet in Wikileaks like Top Secret -. He reiterate that
the application of the articles 189 and 190 will affect in Mexico to more
than a hundred million users of cellular telephony, for what considered of
national interest that the SCJN was pronounced in this respect. Although SJS
emphasized that the attributions and abilities, granted by the Congress to
the IFAI “they aren’t ornamental, they gave them to us to exercise them, and
therefore we consider fundamental that can interpose the unconstitutionality
action and that it is the SCJN the one that determines if it proceeds or
not", but this “autonomous” organism takes out to the bundle its
responsibility and commitment with the Mexican society.
Also the commissioned
president (XPM), it emphasized that that pointed out in the articles 189 and
190 is not arbitrary acts, but of authority, founded and motivated. In
connection with the reservation of the interviews of the commissioners of the
IFETEL, it assured that it will be competition of the IFAI to qualify it, and
in their case, to delimit it matter for matter.
IFAI doesn't have " genuineness " to
claim unconstitutionality: president
On Wednesday (8/13/14) it
conquered the term to present unconstitutionality actions against the law Telecom before the SCJN, but none of
the organisms authorized to make it so much the Congressional, CNDH, and
IFAI, made it, -being among their obligations to defend the citizen of the
totalitarian State -. Perhaps for meanness and timorous none of them carried
out the invasion to the privacy and the aggression to our personal data, and
the suspicion invades us since they were in fact chosen not by its submission
to the State to be the best capable citizens for the position. The IFAI
decided not to interpose this action because it considered that the law
doesn't force the access right to the information and the protection of
personal data, but it is segmenting the right to the privacy and the respect
to our personal data that it is a basic right of our individual guarantees.
We argue that measured as the geolocalización in real time of cellular
telephones they are “necessary nuisances” to combat the delinquency.
Luis Fernando Garcia
(LFG), lawyer of Human Rights Watch and member of the Net in Defense of the
Digital Rights, it considers that in the relative thing to Internet the
blockade of contents was eliminated that it contained the Executive's
initiative, but it stayed the possibility that the sign of areas certain so
pretext of the national security is blocked. Also, it stays the “obligatorily
of collaboration” of the supplying companies of Internet (Yahoo, Google,
Prodigy type) with the authority, what the door to that these have to provide
the personal data of the government's users opens up. It is something
lamentable that illegitimate to the new IFAI and their supposed autonomy of
the federal Executive, since after this it will cost him a lot of work become
prestigious. Lawyer LFG, says that for the Web, the most serious effects in
the non interference of the resource have to do with the surveillance.
"The citizen is not aware of the moment in that his privacy is invaded,
because for its nature these techniques are secret. People can realize when
they fail theirs house, but not of the surveillance of cellular and the geolocalization."
"For this same
reason it is difficult for each citizen to refute the law and for that reason
it was important that the IFAI interposed the unconstitutionality
action". The lawyer points out that the law Telecom contains dangerous ambiguities to allow the access to
personal data, as the concept “instances of security. It is not a concept
defined in the law and for that reason now the Secretary of Treasury you this
considering itself instance of security to have access to these data without
a justification settles down". For the geolocalización circumstances,
procedures or legal counterbalances are neither specified. "Of anything
it serves that the law says that it should have founded reasons and
motivated, if there is not form of detecting the abuses. It is to open the
field for the authoritarian", LFG says.
The net will interpose a habeas corpus claiming the
unconstitutionality of the law because it affects the rights to the freedom
of speech and the privacy of the citizens. It is also necessary to mention
that they even hid some of the legislators that had offered to interpose
another resource before the Supreme Court, of the PRD. The legislators don't
survive of the phone espionage when they collaborate to each other with three
thousand dollars and they produce the local and small bad to have a good time
and they are espionage object in the means. They aren’t bear in mind of the
money that they invested in their amusement, and coming from the PAN they
prescribe us conservative and prejudicial laws for the citizen. However to
them they don't imprison them for not well had money, does all worlds also
wonder from where that quantity of money came out to spend them in a cabaret
of bad death? It is enough that these right-wing legislators very religious
and defenders of the good customs are only said goodbye to of their
coordination, it is only question. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 6- 7, August
15, 2014).
martes, 26 de agosto de 2014
Persecution to journalists
La persecusión
Quedó firme la ley de espionaje telefónico
Por: Carlos Damián 12 de Agosto,
Los pájaros en el alambre; “son molestias
México. - El
pleno del Instituto Federal de Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos
(IFAI) determinó no interponer ante la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación
(SCJN) la acción de inconstitucionalidad contra los artículos 30, 189 y 190,
en sus fracciones I, II y III de la ley Federal de Telecomunicaciones y
Radiodifusión (Telecom). El Instituto consideró que esas normas no son
violatorias de la Constitución ni de la protección a los derechos de acceso a la información y
protección de datos personales. Luego de cinco horas de debate, con cuatro
votos en contra y tres a favor, el organismo autónomo desechó el proyecto de
acuerdo de acción de inconstitucionalidad en el que se contemplaba solicitar
a la SCJN la revisión de los citados artículos, que permiten la geolocalización
en tiempo real de equipos de telefonía móvil y obligan a los concesionarios
del servicio resguardar durante dos años las comunicaciones que se realice
desde cualquier línea que utilice
numeración propia o arrendada.
La comisionada presidenta Ximena Puente de la
Mora (XPM), sostuvo que el IFAI ”no tiene legitimidad para requerir acción de
inconstitucionalidad”, por lo que la solicitud podría ser desestimada por la
SCJN, posición a la que se sumaron los comisionados Francisco Javier Acuña
Llamas, Patricia Kurczyn Villalobos (PKV) y Rosendo Eugenio Monterrey Chepov.
Encontraste los comisionados Joel Salas Suárez (JSJ), Oscar Guerra Ford (OGF),
y Areli Cano Guadiana reiteraron que sí hay elementos técnicos suficientes
para promover la acción, al considerar inconstitucionales las disposiciones
contenidas en el artículo 30, el cual
señala que las entrevistas entre los comisionados del Instituto Federal de
Telecomunicaciones (IFETEL) con los concesionarios serán clasificadas como
reservadas sin fijar por cuánto tiempo se hará. Consideraron que los artículos 198 y 190 si
afectan el derecho a la protección de datos personales de millones de mexicanos. En su argumentación en contra, la
comisionada PKV sostuvo que los citados artículos no contravienen ninguna
disposición constitucional. Destacó que el derecho a la privacidad no es
absoluto, por lo que existen contextos en que “puede limitarse”. Tras señalar
las condiciones en que se solicitará la geolocalización están justificadas y
acotadas por autoridades competentes, subrayó que la delincuencia emplea
mecanismos novedosos para intervenir llamadas, vigilar personas y familias
incluso conocer datos financieros de particulares, (La Jornada, Laura Poy).
Por lo anterior, consideró que la aplicación 189
y 190 es “lo menos mal que puede pasar; doloroso sí, pero tenemos que
tolerarlo para salvaguardar intereses mayores, como la seguridad pública,
nacional y personal”. El comisionado OGF señaló que en el caso del acceso a
los datos de geolocalización, la ley de telecomunicaciones no señala el
tratamiento de la información, quién tendrá acceso a ella, por cuánto tiempo
y cómo se destruirá, por lo que no existen mecanismo de salvaguarda, -Claro
cualquier tonto de capirote con un poco de malicia va a poder acceder a esta
información, y pronto vamos a verla en internet en Wikileaks como Top
Secret-. Reitero que la aplicación de los artículos 189 y 190 afectarán en
México a más de cien millones de usuarios de telefonía celular, por lo que
consideró de interés nacional que la SCJN se pronunciara al respecto. Aunque
SJS enfatizó que las atribuciones y facultades, otorgadas por el Congreso al
IFAI 2no son ornamentales, nos las dieron para ejercerlas, y por lo tanto
considero fundamental que podamos interponer la acción de
inconstitucionalidad y que sea la SCJN la que determine si procede o no”,
pero este organismo “autónomo” le saco al bulto su responsabilidad y compromiso con la sociedad mexicana.
Además la comisionada presidenta (XPM), enfatizó
que lo señalado en los artículos 189 y 190 no son actos arbitrarios, sino de
autoridad, fundados y motivados. En relación con la reserva de las
entrevistas de los comisionados del IFETEL, aseguró que será competencia del
IFAI calificarla, y en su caso, acotarla asunto por asunto.
El IFAI no tiene “legitimidad” para
reclamar inconstitucionalidad: presidenta
El miércoles (13/8/14) venció el plazo para
presentar acciones de inconstitucionalidad contra la ley Telecom ante la
SCJN, pero ninguno de los organismos facultados para hacerlo tanto el
Congreso , la CNDH, y el IFAI, lo hizo, -siendo entre sus obligaciones
defender al ciudadano del Estado totalitario-. Tal vez por mezquindad y
timorato ninguno de ellos realizó la invasión a la privacidad y la agresión a
nuestros datos personales, y la sospecha nos invade ya que fueron elegidos
precisamente por su sumisión al Estado no por ser los mejores ciudadanos
capaces para el puesto. El IFAI decidió no interponer dicha acción porque
consideró que la ley no violenta el derecho de acceso a la información y la
protección de datos personales, pero está segmentando el derecho a la privacidad
y el respeto a nuestros datos personales que es un derecho básico de nuestras
garantías individuales. Argumento que medidas como la geolocalización en
tiempo real de teléfonos celulares son “molestias necesarias” para combatir
la delincuencia.
Luis Fernando García (LFG), abogado de derechos
humanos e integrante de la Red en Defensa de los Derechos Digitales,
considera que en lo relativo a Internet se eliminó el bloqueo de contenidos
que contenía la iniciativa del Ejecutivo, pero se mantuvo la posibilidad de
que se bloquee la señal de zonas
determinadas so pretexto de la seguridad nacional. Además, se mantiene la
“obligatoriedad de colaboración” de las empresas proveedoras de Internet
(tipo Yahoo, Google, Prodigy) con la autoridad, lo que abre la puerta a que
éstas tengan que proveer los datos personales de los usuarios del gobierno.
Es algo lamentable, que deslegitima al nuevo IFAI y su supuesta autonomía del
Ejecutivo federal, ya que después de esto le va a costar mucho trabajo prestigiarse.
El abogado LFG, dice que para la red, los efectos más graves de la no
interposición del recurso tienen que ver con la vigilancia. “El ciudadano no
está consciente del momento en que es invadida su privacidad, porque por su
naturaleza estas técnicas son secretas. La gente puede darse cuenta de cuándo
catean su casa, pero no de la vigilancia de celulares y la geolocalización.”
“Por esta misma razón es difícil para cada
ciudadano impugnar la ley y por eso era importante que el IFAI interpusiera
la acción de inconstitucionalidad”. El abogado señala que la ley Telecom
contiene ambigüedades peligrosas para permitir el acceso a datos personales,
como el concepto “instancias de seguridad. No es un concepto definido en la
ley y por eso ahora la Secretaría de Hacienda se esta considerando a sí misma
instancia de seguridad para tener acceso a estos datos sin que se establezca
una justificación”. Para la geolocalización tampoco se especifican
circunstancias, procedimientos o contrapesos legales. “De nada sirve que la
ley diga que debe haber razones fundadas y motivadas, si no hay forma de
detectar los abusos. Es abrir el campo para el autoritarismo”, dice LFG. La red interpondrá un amparo reclamando la
inconstitucionalidad de la ley porque afecta los derechos a la libertad de
expresión y a la privacidad de los ciudadanos. También hay que mencionar que
se escondieron algunos de los legisladores que habían ofrecido interponer
otro recurso ante la Suprema Corte, incluso del PRD. Los legisladores no se
salvan del espionaje telefónico cuando se colaboran entre sí con tres mil
dólares y rentan el local y chicas malas para divertirse y son objeto de espionaje
en los medios. No dando cuenta del dinero que invirtieron en su diversión, y
procedentes del PAN nos recetan leyes conservadoras y lesivas para el
ciudadano. Sin embargo ellos no los encarcelan por dinero mal habido, además todo
mundo se pregunta de ¿dónde salió esa cantidad de dinero para gastarlas en un
cabaret de mala muerte? Es suficiente que estos legisladores de derecha,
mochos y defensores de las buenas costumbres sólo sean despedidos de su
coordinación, es sólo pregunta. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 6- 7, 15 de
Agosto, 2014).
The speech without sense
the figure is of 863
thousand 177 millions dollars: political opposition
The speech
without sense
By: Carlos Damian July 26, 2014
Due to the public debt,
each Mexican will pay 7 thousand 290 dollars
Mexico. - The parties opponents to the energy
reformation in the Chamber of Deputies (PRD, Civic Movement –MC- and PT) they
removed that the national public debt ascends to 863 thousand 177 million 73 dollars.
This quantity of money implies that each Mexican, and even those that are to
be born will owe, each one, 7 mil 290 dollars. In that total of public debt
the passive one is included labor of Pemex that reaches 74 thousand 600 million
dollars. Only the change of passive to public debt in the oil company will
add 636 dollars to the debt per capita of the Mexicans. That is to say, of 6 thousand 653 dollars
for each one of the citizens the figure is grew at 7 thousand 290 dollars. On
the other hand, the president of the energy Commission, Marco Antonio Bernal
(MAB) of the PRI, it rejected that the passive one labor it sinks directly, actually,
to the public debt: "the figure that it overcomes a trillion pesos it
will be divided in 30 years, and every year the government will distribute of
the federal budget around a thousand a thousand 666 million 67 dollars."
The reaction of MAB
corresponded to the information provided by the vice -coordinator of the PRD,
Miguel Alonso Raya who elaborated a comparative one on the figure of the
public debt and theirs repercussions in the indebtedness per capita of the
Mexicans. The total debt of the public
sector, including the Law of Protection to the Bank Saving and Rescue
Cartwright's Program, it ascends to
443 thousand 920 million dollars.
And of that figure, divided among each one of the Mexicans, it reaches to a
figure of 3 thousand 749 dollars. Also the passive of the system of pensions
of defined benefit, through the laws of social security, collective contracts
and administrative agreements among those that it will be the passive one
labor of Pemex and CFE they reach a total of 419 thousand 257 million dollars.
And the debt per capita of the 188 millions 400 thousand inhabitants of the
country for that item is located in the 3 thousand 541 dollars. In answer
legislator MAB (PRI) he replied: "What happens is that it is an
actuarial exercise that it goes to 30 years that it contemplates the number
of workers that you have, the age that they have, when you hope they go into
retirement and the hope of life. It solves how much it will wear out in that
lapse. There 106 thousand 667 million dollars are contemplated in total.
Now the figure that Pemex
pays for people that has pensioner, year by year it is about the a thousand 667
million 67 dollars, and that pays it Pemex. "If the pensions’ system is
restructured a cut it is made, it means, it is needed to reform the system of
pensions and of what it save you in that traffic (of a thousand 667 million 67
that it distributes the company) the federal government assumes a similar
percentage to subtract the debt". The union at this time doesn't want us
to be sniffing and what they allege is that we are entering in a contractual
negotiation from the budget law, and our argument is that not, finally it is
a matter of Pemex and its union, and if one wants to unload the financial
load of the company a negotiation it should be made, in having given case
that they don't want it the government it doesn't assume anything.
Name of guiltiest it wants the town
Cuauhtemoc Cardenas
assured yesterday (7/30/14) that the State has the obligation of clarifying
why Pemex, the CFE, and the IMSS don't have reservations to assist their
passive ones labor, and in its case, to delimit responsibilities. In
interview at Casa Lamm, during the social rights seminar and democratic institutionalize
in Mexico, the former presidential candidate pointed out that it should be
given to know the last names and the culprits' complete names of those
implied, in this serious case of corruption and impunity. "It would have
to be clarified why it doesn't have Pemex the reservations in their treasury
and in their own accountings… The most important thing is that they are clear
the responsibilities, what people, with last names and the culprits' complete
names, beyond the positions that can have carried out". The same thing,
said in the case of the CFE, and other instances. The former boss of
government of the DF assured that it doesn't should strange the approval of
the energy reformation and his secondary laws in the Congress. "Most was
imposed delivering and officialdom of the Chambers: PRI, PAN, PVEM, PANAL",
he underlined. It also affirmed that the bottom of the reformations is to
give the oil resource to interests outsiders, “to drain the reservations (oil)
as soon as possible and to generate resources as soon as possible, of which
independently the future of the country can be."
He insisted in that the
term “temporary occupation” of lands in the secondary laws is “a plundering, it
doesn't have anything to do with the public utility, but it is how to benefit
to a peculiar with the force of the State". He indicated that it is
continued getting signatures for the popular consultation on the energy
reformation. On the other hand, it aimed that the possibility has not been
discarded of participating in the elections for the national presidency of
the PRD. "We only hope to see in what conditions that situation could be
given to take a definition". Before versions that it had not been
included in the census of the Aztec sun (party), it pointed out that he has
never moved away from the PRD, neither we have stopped to be member since it
was constituted, May 5 1989…We have my credential and we ignore to have
neither left or lost my rights". He remembered that to the only thing
that gave up, in March of 2004, went to be member of the directive bodies, (La
Jornada, Alma Munoz).
We reject to the reformations
When beginning a tour for
the Potosi’s Huasteca, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) it summoned in the
municipality of Tamuín, San Luis Potosí (SLP), to protest against the
structural reformations that the president impels. "It is not necessary
to be quiet, because if not, they pass above one, and for that reason it is
important that there is true opposition, non accomplices and mercenaries, but
an opposition that is really against the abuses of the régime". He added
the desire delivering of EPN, to who described as “vulgar liar",
“because he said that if it was approved to reformation energetic they will
lower the prices of the light and of the fuels", and that is a vile
deceit, it expressed this to the media in Tampico, Tamaulipas before leaving
to SLP. About the videos that it has rushed in U-Tube, ‘Tuta’, with Rodrigo Vallejo, the former governor's Vallejo son from
Michoacan, expressed that he will appear information that criminals' bands
supported EPN: "that will come out and for that reason these videos are
very cut, but in the conversations they are not mentioned to EPN from Mexico
State, when it is of public domain that those bands (criminals) they
supported him in 2012", to arrive to the presidential seat.
In their work tour in ‘La
Huasteca’, for the municipalities from Ebano, it sustained that “Morena will
take advantage of all the opportunities to avoid the delivery of the energy
sector and to show this honest act, a regular button: the movement is devoted
to reach two million signatures so that the federal government carries out a
civic consultation as regards petroleum". When using this work trip we
are informing people that the looting of petroleum, gas and electricity you
can combat with the signatures for a popular consultation. We won't allow passing
the opportunity, because the Constitution and consultation citizen's law
points out that if two million Mexicans request it with their signatures, the
government is forced to make it so that they say on the energy reformation.
We already gather a million 150 thousand signatures, we have of term until
the first week of September to obtain the two millions and we will achieve
it", he asserted. The consultation will be made June of 2015, 7 day in
that there will be federal and local elections. He explained: "I am no
longer in the PRD, of which were founder and national president, but I had to
leave because their leaders supported (to the farce) so a Pact for Mexico and
with they franked it the step to EPN, and they approved the increases of
taxes and gasoline. I painted my line and now I am in Morena". (La
Jornada, politica, p.p. 6-8, August 1, 2014).
El discurso hueco
El monto es de 12 billones 947 mil 666 millones:
oposición política
El discurso hueco
Por: Carlos Damián 26 de julio,
Debido a la deuda pública, cada mexicano deberá
pagar 109 mil 355 pesos
México. -
Los partidos opositores a la reforma energética en la Cámara de
Diputados (PRD, Movimiento ciudadano y PT) desglosaron que la deuda pública
nacional asciende a 12 billones 947 mil 666 millones de pesos. Esta cantidad
de dinero implica que cada mexicano, e incluso los que están por nacer adeudarán, cada uno, 109 mil 355 pesos. En
ese total de deuda pública se incluye el pasivo laboral de Pemex que alcanza
1 billón 119 mil millones de pesos. Tan sólo el cambio de pasivo a deuda
pública en la petrolera sumará 9 mil 542 mil pesos a la deuda per cápita de
los mexicanos. Es decir, de 99 mil 800
pesos por cada uno de los ciudadanos el monto creció a 109 mil 355. Por su
parte, el presidente de la Comisión de energía, el priísta Marco Antonio
Bernal (MAB), rechazó que el pasivo laboral se sume directamente, al día de
hoy, a la deuda pública: “El monto que supera un billón de pesos se dividirá
en 30 años, y cada año el gobierno deberá erogar del presupuesto federal
alrededor de 25 mil millones de pesos”.
La reacción de MAB correspondió a la información
proporcionada por el vicecoordinador del PRD, Miguel Alonso Raya, quien
elaboró un comparativo sobre el monto
de la deuda pública y sus repercusiones en el endeudamiento per cápita de los
mexicanos. La deuda total del sector
público, incluyendo la Ley de Protección al Ahorro Bancario y el Programa de
Rescate Carretero, asciende a 6 billones 658 mil 800 millones de pesos. Y de
ese monto, dividido entre cada uno de los mexicanos, alcanza a una cifra de
56 mil 240 pesos. También los pasivos del sistema de pensiones de beneficio
definido, a través de las leyes de seguridad social, contratos colectivos y
acuerdos administrativos entre los que se contará el pasivo laboral de Pemex y CFE alcanzan un total de
6 billones 288 mil 866 millones de pesos. Y
la deuda per cápita de los 188 millones 400 mil habitantes del país
por ese rubro se ubica en los 53 mil 115 pesos. En respuesta el legislador
MAB (PRI) replicó: “Lo que sucede es que es un ejercicio actuarial que va a
30 años, que contempla el número de trabajadores que tienes, la edad que
tienen, cuándo esperas que se jubilen y la esperanza de vida. Resuelve cuánto
se va a gastar en ese lapso. Ahí se contemplan los 1.6 billones de pesos en
Ahora el monto que Pemex paga por la gente que
tiene jubilada, año con año ronda los 25 mil millones de pesos, y eso lo paga
Pemex. “Si se reestructura el sistema pensionario se hace un corte, es decir,
se necesita reformar el sistema de pensiones y de lo que te ahorres en ese
tránsito (de los 25 mil millones que debe erogar la empresa) el gobierno
federal asume un porcentaje similar para restar la deuda”. El sindicato en
este momento no quiere que estemos husmeando y lo que alegan es que nos
estamos metiendo en una negociación contractual desde la ley de presupuesto,
y nuestro argumento es que no, finalmente es un asunto de Pemex y su
sindicato, y si se quiere aligerar la carga financiera de la empresa se debe
hacer una negociación, en dado caso que no la quieran el gobierno no asume
Nombres de culpables quiere el pueblo
Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas aseguró ayer
(30/7/14) que el estado tiene la obligación de esclarecer por qué Pemex, la
CFE, y el IMSS no tienen reservas para atender sus pasivos laborales, y en su
caso, fincar responsabilidades. En entrevista en Casa Lamm, durante el
seminario derechos sociales e institucionalidad democrática en México, el ex
candidato presidencial señaló que debe darse a conocer los nombres y
apellidos de los implicados, en este grave caso de corrupción e impunidad.
“Tendría que esclarecerse por qué no tiene Pemex las reservas en su tesorería
y en sus propias contabilidades… Lo más importante es que queden claras las
responsabilidades, qué personas, con nombres y apellidos, más allá de los
cargos que puedan haber desempeñado”. Lo mismo, dijo en el caso de la CFE, y
otras instancias. El ex jefe de gobierno del DF aseguró que no debe extraña
la aprobación de la reforma energética y sus leyes secundarias en el
Congreso. “Se impuso la mayoría entreguista y gobiernista de las cámaras:
PRI, PAN, PVEM, PANAL”, subrayó. También afirmó que el fondo de las reformas
es entregar el recurso petrolero a intereses extranjeros, “agotar los
reservas (petroleras) lo más pronto
posible y generar recursos lo más pronto posible, independientemente
de cuál pueda ser el futuro del país”.
Insistió en que el término
“ocupación temporal” de tierras en las leyes secundarias es “un despojo, no
tiene nada que ver con la utilidad pública, sino es cómo beneficiar a un
particular con la fuerza del Estado”. Indicó que se sigue recabando firmas
para la consulta popular sobre la reforma energética. Por otro lado, apuntó
que no se ha desechado la posibilidad de participar en las elecciones por la
presidencia nacional del PRD. “Sólo espero ver en qué condiciones podría
darse esa situación para tomar una definición”. Ante versiones de que no
había sido incluido en el padrón del sol azteca, señaló que nunca se ha
alejado del PRD, ni “he dejado de ser miembro desde que se constituyó, el 5
de mayo de 1989…Tengo mi credencial y desconozco haber ni salido o perdido
mis derechos”. Recordó que a lo único que renunció, en marzo de 2004, fue a
ser miembro de los cuerpos directivos, (La Jornada, Alma Muñoz).
Rechazo a las reformas
Al iniciar una gira por la huasteca potosina,
Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) convocó en el municipio de Tamuín, San
Luis Potosí (SLP), a protestar contra las reformas estructurales que impulsa
el presidente. “No hay que quedarse callados, porque si no, pasan por encima
de uno, y por eso es importante que haya oposición verdadera, no paleros,
sino una oposición que realmente esté en contra de los abusos del régimen”.
Agregó el afán entreguista de EPN, a quien calificó de “vulgar mentiroso”,
porque dijo que si se aprobaba a reforma energética iban a bajar los precios
de la luz y de los combustibles”, y eso es un engaño vil, expresó esto a los
medios de comunicación en Tampico, Tamaulipas antes de salir a SLP. Acerca de
los videos que ha lanzado en YouTube, La
Tuta, con Rodrigo Vallejo, hijo del ex gobernador de Michoacán Fausto
Vallejo, expresó que aparecerá información de que bandas de delincuentes
apoyaron a EPN: “eso va a salir y por eso estos videos están muy cortados, pero
en las conversaciones no se mencionan al mexiquense (EPN), cuando es de
dominio público que esas bandas (criminales) lo apoyaron en 2012”, para
llegar a la silla presidencial.
En su gira de trabajo en La Huasteca, por los
municipios de Ébano, sostuvo que “Morena aprovechará todas las oportunidades
para evitar la entrega del sector energético y para muestra, un botón: el
movimiento se dedica a recabar dos millones de firmas para que el gobierno
federal lleve a cabo una consulta ciudadana en materia de petróleo”. Al usar
este viaje de trabajo estamos informando a la gente que el saqueo de
petróleo, gas y electricidad se puede combatir con las firmas para una
consulta popular. No vamos a dejar pasar la oportunidad, porque la
Constitución, y la ley de consulta ciudadana señalan que si dos millones de
mexicanos la solicitan con sus firmas, el gobierno está obligado a efectuarla
para que opinen sobre la reforma energética. Ya reunimos un millón 150 mil
firmas, tenemos de plazo hasta la primera semana de septiembre para obtener
los dos millones y lo vamos a lograr”, aseveró. La consulta se efectuará el 7
de junio de 2015, día en que habrá elecciones federales y locales. Explicó:
“Ya no estoy en el PRD, del que fui fundador y presidente nacional, pero tuve
que salir porque sus dirigentes apoyaron (a la farsa) Pacto por México y con
ello franquearon el paso a EPN, y aprobaron los aumentos de impuestos y
gasolinas. Pinté mi raya y ahora estoy en Morena”. (La Jornada, política, p.p.
6-8, 1 de Agosto, 2014).
Blue mice
PAN claims energy
reformation that it will administer the Senate
Cultural Victoria: blue mice
By: Carlos Damian August 9, 2014
PRD wins in arguments,
and Mayans (PRD) it votes in favor of prejudicial law
Mexico. - It is known that Miguel A. Osorio Chong
(MAO) it completed half century and the party to which serves him he has many
reasons to celebrate having injured the interests and human rights of the
Mexican citizenship, since the political system in the Senate the last
touches are given to the regulation laws that they will open the one in route
to the investments of the outsiders in energy items that up to now reserved
the national interest and Mexican investors, with this action will seal
alliances with capitals and powerful interests that will try to influence in
the presidential succession of 2015-18 so that to the front a politician
continues (PAN-PRI) committed with such robberies and spoils. MAO is a
candidate with pretenses for 2018, deputy federal and former governor of the
Hidalgo State, he was born in Pachuca and he hopes its party chooses it to be
to the front of the presidential seat.
Cesar Camacho (CC),
president of the national committee of the PRI gave to know his work team
Mauricio Lopez, the leader in substitution of the slight Cuauhtemoc Gutierrez
of the Tower (the king of the garbage) and to who was plundered with a group
of burning girls in difficult position, to those that got them profession
(prostitutes), and I use with a good dose of lack of moral. It was accused of
serious criminal obscenities, when being accused and lowered of the height of
the palace that was, it was a simple maneuver of the party of three colors to
improve the competitive conditions in the D. F. For intermediation of CC, it
was forgiven by the Caesar so that it is reinstated to tasks of the PRI and
it speak of their party willing to propose candidates in 2015 “to alleviate
to the of the capital of the monochrome hepatitis that it has characterized
them", although it recognized that the electoral fight won't be "a
day of camping". In the case of the president he thanked to the
political parties that so much helped so that the proposals of reformation of
Los Pinos residence were completed. Since in spite of the differences of
colors they behaved with civility and maturity, with the words "agreements”
and “funds " like code keys.
They rob to rural and indigenous
Although the members of
the party of the Aztec sun, mature and civilized sun leave perseverance of
their anger for some details from the energy reformation when making that in
an electronic marquee one can read for the pedestrians of that area a message
to the PRI-PAN, “they won't forgive them", but to them who it tells them
that the citizens have benefitted them of their pardon if these figures were
key since they franked the entrance from PRI to the presidency, and they
created the farce strategic “Pact for Mexico". Although president Benito
Neme's godfather, director of federal Roads and Bridges, he is happy for the
change in time of vacations that made of the pass in roads and federal
highways, impeding the vacationers a good stay in some destination place, and
they comment in the PAN to mention it in the Senate so that it argues in
connection with the chaos that generated in Capufe (Federal organism), but
finally he will be benefitted with this business by the manager favorite of
six years, Roberto Alcantara.
Rural organizations agree
with the political line of the PRD they advanced that they will present help
trials and of unconstitutionality against the energy reformation approved in
the National Congress. Jose Narro Cespedes (NC) leader of the National
Democratic Unit, requested the president he abstains from publishing the
approved norms, because “it would consummate the betrayal crime to the
homeland when giving the national patrimony to foreigners". From the
national headquarters of the PRD, NC underlined that if the Federal Executive
decides to publish the norms, they will have 30 days to prefix the mentioned
legal resources, with the argument that a fundamental principle is forced
that is the right of property. "With the approved reformations,
practically all the properties at national level, so much private as communal
and ejido’s land, they are subject to
the expropriation and declared being of occupation or of servitude
storms", the leader stood out. NC and Hector Yescas, of the Coordinator
National Plan de Ayala, they didn't discard the possibility to go to
international courts.
It reforms energetic of the PAN
The authors show off in
the tribune, in short and in long of the most prejudicial and neoliberal version
of the energy reformation. "This is not the reformation of EPN", it
is a “cultural victory” of the PAN, when saying this they were heard the
sound of the currencies when they scatter in one it struggles of eternity. If
the legislators say it from the PRI-PAN when negotiating everything outside
of the Congress that puts it has to have a building dedicated to the
legislators so that they negotiate their laws, it was said, although this
doesn't sound to letters neither laws, but of the sound of the silver
currencies, falling of the table where it was negotiated these structural
laws. What case does it have to listen to the arguments incendiaries and with
passion personally for a left that it doesn't get tired of calling them accomplices
and traitors to the homeland? In occasions they decide to respond for the
legislators of the PRI that smile approval while PRD and PAN are thrown
everything and each other are accused of ignorant. Francisco Dominguez (PAN),
trying to call ignorant to the PRD getting entangled in their own clumsy
language, it questions a senator of Morelos State that if the one knows a
page of called internet Demedicis.
The legislators of the PAN
are in their places it is a to say, since they are only at certain hours two
of 38 senators, to defend a reformation that they claim as theirs, but that
it will be put into practice by an emanated government of the PRI. They are
given the luxury of nagging the PRI.
Emilio Gamboa controls to his hosts and nobody responds to the
favorite of the president, not even when they enter with the Federal
Executive, and perhaps be the only matter that can inconvenience the heirs of
the social neoliberalism. One of them, Carlos Mendoza looses the blow when
answering their own questions: "This is not president Peña Nieto’s
reformation, but a part of the reformation that we have come proposing".
In this complete delivery to their commercial accomplice puts rhetorical
limit: "There are no longer pretexts. To administer this reformation in
way responsible, honest professional, it is the federal government's pending
subject. Their petition was completed, now they have an obligation".
When the legislator reduces the idea of governing “to administer the
reformation", one begins to understand, belatedly, the 12 years of
federal governments of the PAN.
The senators of the PRD
take advantage of the big windows of their offices to make monumental signs
that they pray with big letters that seem three: "To the PRI and the PAN,
Mexico won't forgive them". They take the picture in the morning with
its new placard and they are prescribed with a sentence: "And when
Mexico woke up, the dinosaur continued there". In this lapse something
was presented curious and they were surprised that the senator for Tabasco,
Fernando Mayans (PRD-Morena), he voted to favor, and in general, of the portion
budgetary of the energy reformation. It was forced him by the carrot of the
oil revenues and the governor of his state, Arturo Nunez, made a call to his
legislators so that they voted to favor, in the one that will obtain more
resources to that oil state in theory. Alejandro Encinas, explains in
tribune: "This positive measure has become the carrot for the oil
states, but it is only fiction. The estimate of revenues is not known of
those of operation, and it doesn't contemplate that the companies assume the
environmental costs of these strongly polluting activities". The
legislator of Tabasco wants that his voice is listened and although it is
personally that listen to it until the Grijalva Quinta The PAN’s men catches
it to the flight and they insult him in Twitter: "He gets tired of
accusing us from traitors to the homeland, but today he votes to distribute
the money, and until it goes out with the picture of a dog rumba dancing. With
the sentence: "With money a dog is dancing", and the PAN’s men is
bitten the line, repeating their “cultural victory”. (La Jornada, economía,
p.p. 4- 7, 6 de Agosto, 2014).
Ratón Azul
PAN se arroga reforma energética que
“administrará” el Senado
Victoria cultural: ratón azul
Por: Carlos Damián 9 de Agosto,
El PRD gana en argumentos, y Mayans (PRD) vota a
favor de ley lesiva
México. - Se
sabe que Miguel A. Osorio Chong (MAO) cumplió medio siglo y el partido al que
le sirve tiene muchos motivos para celebrar el haber lesionado los intereses
y derechos humanos de la ciudadanía mexicana, ya que el sistema político en
el Senado se dan los últimos toques a las leyes reglamentarias que abrirán el
camino a las inversiones de los extranjeros en rubros energéticos hasta ahora
reservados el interés nacional e inversionistas mexicanos, con esta
acción sellará alianzas con capitales
e intereses poderosos que tratarán de influir en la sucesión presidencial de
2015-18 para que al frente siga un político (PAN-PRI) comprometido con tales
robos y despojos. MAO es un candidato con pretensiones para 2018, diputado
federal y ex gobernador del estado de Hidalgo, nacido en Pachuca y espera que
su partido lo elija para estar al frente de la silla presidencial.
César Camacho (CC), presidente del comité
nacional del PRI dio a conocer su equipo de trabajo Mauricio López, el dirigente
en reemplazo del ligero Cuauhtémoc Gutiérrez de la Torre (el rey de la
basura) y a quien se le pilló con un grupo de candentes edecanes en difícil
posición, a las que les conseguía profesión, y empleo con una buena dosis de
falta de moral. Fue acusado de obscenidades delictivas graves, al ser acusado
y bajado de la altura del palacio que se encontraba, fue una simple maniobra del
partido de tres colores para mejorar las condiciones competitivas en el D. F.
Por intermediación de CC, fue perdonado por el César para que se reintegre a
tareas del PRI y habló de su partido dispuesto a proponer candidatos en 2015
para “aliviar a los capitalinos de la hepatitis monocromática que los ha
caracterizado”, aunque reconoció que la lucha electoral no será “un día de campo”. En el caso del presidente agradeció a los
partidos políticos que tanto ayudaron para que se cumplieran las propuestas
de reforma de Los Pinos. Ya que a pesar de las diferencias de colores
se comportaron con civilidad y madurez, con las palabras “acuerdos” y
“bonos” como claves.
Despojo a organizaciones campesinas
e indígenas
Aunque los miembros del partido del sol azteca,
maduros y civilizados dejan constancia de su enojo por algunos detalles de la
reforma energética al hacer que en una marquesina electrónica se pueda leer
por los peatones de esa zona un mensaje al PRI-PAN, “no los perdonarán”, pero
a ellos quien les dice que los ciudadanos los han beneficiado de su perdón si
estos figuras fueron claves ya que franquearon la entrada de PRI a la presidencia,
y crearon la farsa estratégica “Pacto por México”. Aunque el compadre del
presidente Benito Neme, director de Caminos y Puentes Federales, está feliz
por el cambio en tiempo de vacaciones que hizo del pase en caminos y
carreteras federales, impidiendo a los vacacionistas un buena estancia en
algún lugar de destino, y comentan en el PAN citarlo en el Senado para que
arguya en relación con el caos que generó en Capufe, pero al fin se le
beneficiará con este negocio por el empresario sexenal favorito, Roberto
Organizaciones campesinas afines al PRD
anticiparon que presentarán juicios de amparo y de inconstitucionalidad en
contra de la reforma energética aprobada en el Congreso Nacional. José Narro
Céspedes (NC) líder de la Unidad Democrática Nacional, solicitó al presidente
se abstenga de publicar las normas aprobadas, porque “consumaría el delito de
traición a la patria al entregar el patrimonio nacional a extranjeros”. Desde la sede nacional del PRD, NC subrayó
que si el Ejecutivo Federal decide publicar las normas, dispondrán de 30 días
para anteponer los recursos legales citados, con el argumento de que se
violenta un principio fundamental que es el derecho de propiedad. “Con las
reformas aprobadas, prácticamente todas las propiedades a nivel nacional,
tanto privadas como ejidales o comunales, quedan sujetas a la expropiación y ser declaradas de
ocupación o de servidumbre temporales”, resaltó el líder. NC y Héctor Yescas,
de la Coordinadora Nacional Plan de Ayala, no descartó la posibilidad de
acudir a cortes internacionales.
Reforma energética del PAN
Los autores presumen en la tribuna, en corto y en
largo de la versión más lesiva y neoliberal de la reforma energética. “Esta
no es la reforma de EPN”, es una “victoria cultural” del PAN, al decir esto
se oían el sonido de las monedas cuando se desparraman en una brega de
eternidad. Si lo dicen los legisladores del PRI-PAN al negociarlo todo fuera del Congreso, que
meta tiene tener un edificio destinado a los legisladores para que negocien
sus leyes, se dijo, aunque esto no suene a letras ni leyes, sino del sonido
de las monedas de plata, cayendo de la mesa donde fue negociada estas leyes
estructurales. ¿Qué caso tiene escuchar los argumentos incendiarios y con
pasión de viva voz por una izquierda que no se cansa de llamarlos paleros y
traidores a la patria? En ocasiones deciden responder para beneplácito de los
legisladores del PRI, que sonríen mientras PRD y PAN se tiran todo y se
acusan unos a otros de ignorantes. Francisco Domínguez (PAN), tratando de
llamar ignorante al PRD enredándose en su propia lengua torpe, le cuestiona a
un senador de Morelos, que si el conoce una página de internet llamada Demédicis.
Los legisladores del PAN se encuentran en sus
lugares es un decir, ya que están sólo a ciertas horas dos de 38 senadores,
para defender una reforma que reclaman como suya, pero que será puesta en
práctica por un gobierno emanado del PRI. Se dan el lujo de regañar al
PRI. Emilio Gamboa controla a sus
huestes y nadie les responde a los favoritos del presidente, ni siquiera
cuando se meten con el Ejecutivo federal, y tal vez sea el único asunto que
puede incomodar a los herederos del neoliberalismo social. Uno de ellos,
Carlos Mendoza suelta el golpe al contestar sus propias preguntas: “Esta no
es la reforma del presidente Peña Nieto, sino una parte de la reforma que
hemos venido proponiendo”. En esta completa entrega a su cómplice comercial
pone límite retórico: “Ya no hay pretextos. Administrar esta reforma de
manera responsable, honesta profesional, es una asignatura pendiente del
gobierno federal. Se cumplió su petición, ahora tienen una obligación”.
Cuando el legislador reduce la idea de gobernar a “administrar la reforma”,
uno comienza a entender, tardíamente, los 12 años de gobiernos federales del
Los senadores del PRD, aprovechan las grandes
ventanas de sus oficinas para hacer letreros monumentales, que rezan con
grandes letras que parecen tres: “Al PRI y el PAN, México no los perdonará”.
Se toman la foto mañanera con su nuevo letrero y se recetan con una frase: “Y
cuando México se despertó, el dinosaurio seguía ahí”. En este lapso se
presentó algo curioso y se sorprendieron que el senador por Tabasco, Fernando
Mayans (PRD-Morena), votara a favor, y en general, de la porción presupuestal
de la reforma energética. Lo hizo obligado por la zanahoria de los ingresos petroleros y el gobernador de
su estado, Arturo Núñez, hizo un llamado a sus legisladores para que votaran
a favor, en la que en teoría iba a obtener más recursos a ese estado
petrolero. Alejandro Encinas, explica en tribuna: “Esta medida positiva se ha
convertido en la zanahoria para los estados petroleros, pero es sólo ficción.
No se conoce la estimación de ingresos ni las de operación, y no contempla
que las empresas asuman los costos ambientales de estas actividades
fuertemente contaminantes”. El legislador de Tabasco quiere que su voz se
escuche y aunque sea de viva voz, que lo escuchen hasta la Quinta Grijalva.
Los panistas la cogen al vuelo y lo insultan en Twitter: “Se cansa de
acusarnos de traidores a la patria, pero hoy vota por repartir la plata, y
hasta sale con la foto de un can rumbero. Con la frase: “Con dinero baila el
perro”, y los panistas se muerden la cola, repitiendo su “victoria cultural”.
(La Jornada, economía, p.p. 4- 7, 6 de Agosto, 2014).
miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014
Freezing Europe: USA
It will start a plan
cooperation decennial in several sectors
Freezing Europe: USA
By: Carlos Damian August 7, 2014
It stands out the
interest to develop an economic war
Mexico. - At some hours of the imposition of
financial sanctions, energetic and military of The States and the European
Union against Russia, the Kremlin announced its decision of vetoing the
import of foods European and American -meat, milky, fruits, vegetables and
fish among other -, and it noticed of to enlarge the reprisals to the
prohibition of flights that they cross for its territory and to introduce “defensive
measures” in the self-propelled industry, aeronautics of construction of
crafts. They like or not, the previous determination is a reciprocal and
proportional measure to the isolation crusade undertaken by Brussels and
Washington against Moscow, to the heat of the tensions blocks pair for the
civil war in Ukraine that loosened, remember between both that there was a
rebellion of the Euromaidan, impelled certainly for West. What began as a
pulse of contemporary geopolitical order tornado is had in a matter of
serious consequences for the national economies that it allows to ponder the
existence from a real counterbalance to West that is that of Russia, and it
remits us, in an unavoidable way at the times of the cold war, with Nikita
Krushev rotating their Russian missiles in Fidel Castro's Cuba, and saving of
the nuclear catastrophe president John F. Kennedy.
But now one has a mutual
attempt that doesn't reside in the possibility of untying a nuclear
holocaust, but of raking an escalade of economic sanctions potentially with
effects devastating for the respective populations, mainly those of smaller
revenues. Beyond the phenomenon that we describe there is a series of
consequences because it questions one of the optimistic perspectives of the
instigators of the globalization: the depth of the economic interdependence
among the nations of the world would end up reducing the conflicts among
them, because it would reinforce it relates of mutual necessity. On the other
hand, the reality is that the economic interdependence will be used as a factor
of pressure and of hostility for powers like The States, Russia and China.
Against the grain of these factors the referred situation generates global
poles, for the emergent markets of Latin America, Asia and Africa it
represents a great opportunity window that our country has lost in automatic.
In contrast with the facts that can worry in this situation and in the
measure that one of the foregone effects of the sanctions and mentioned
vetoes are the diversification and the opening of a market of enormous
proportions, as Russian and Chinese.
The lost opportunity of Mexico
The president from The
States clings to the idea of freezing the relationships economic-diplomats
with Russia, but in his kick you of passing his also freeze, in the strict
sense of the word, to millions of European homes that depend in supreme
degree of the supply of Russian gas. To Washington it leaves him more
expensive the broth that the meatballs, because in the adventures of un-slept
empire it is taken among the paws to their European allied countries. Of this
circumstance it comes off if Obama and their accomplices of the European
Union have with which “to heat” and “to move” the population and the European
industry that it takes that early they will leave without energy. This
because 40 percent of the gas and near 30 percent of the petroleum that
consume the integral nations of the European Union they are supplying by
Russia, and without more problems Kremlin has where to place its production
in case the "allies" decide to pay the high cost that imposes them
the whim of the White House. If we remit ourselves to the previous sanctions
of the Consent of Washington, of passed May.
Russia signed a contract
of export of gas to China: 38 thousand million annual cubic meters, along next
three decades, with a dear value of 400 thousand million dollars. The company
Gazprom has commented that it is not its intention to lose the European market,
but it signed with the Asian giant being ahead at the times. If we document
ourselves in the yank history, we see that the "blockades" to the
governments that don't join to their whims only damage the inhabitants of the
sanctioned nations, but if of "punishments " it seizes it treats
the first one in the list it should be the own The States for their long
chain of aggressions, attacks, invasions, blockades, coups and annexations of
territories. As for magic art European imitators appear, with Germany,
France, Holland, England, Belgium, Italy, and certainly, Spain to the head.
In this universal history from the Soviet times, Europe has been the biggest
consumer of Russian gas. But when remitting us to the data, we have that 100
percent of the internal consumption of gas in European nations, as: Finland.
Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Bulgaria, and Slovakia depends on the energy one
Other nations are very
dependent of the Russian gas, and in full energy crisis in the world they
will sacrifice the gringos. Perhaps what they look for is an energy saving
and to sacrifice some old citizens and poor workers that don't have the
capital to face the artificial shortage, and also near 50 percent it would
lose the supply of the gas for the homes and their industrial apparatus. Also
it would grow 20 percent of the supply that comes from Algeria, former colony
French that it pays a high price for their independence, and of Libyan that
is a country razed by the European Union and United States to keep the
control of their energy ones. For what they would have (UE) then that to depend
on the possibility of being given by the Norwegian that really only cover 30
percent of the demand, because The States is a net importer of petroleum and
gas. Of there the importance geo-strategic of Ukraine, for this territory
passes near 60 percent of the ducts like a connected spider's web with
Siberia, and these tubes transport the Russian gas to the rest of Europe. The
States neither would come out well liberated of this situation, since around
75 percent of its imports of Russia they correspond to gas and petroleum, for
a figure approximate to the 120 thousand million annual dollars. Although the
White House already covered its backyard of reservoir of black gold, after
the approval of the “energy reformation” of Mexico, with the clumsy
In this context it is not
casual that Moscow and China have begun negotiations with diplomats of Latin
American countries with the purpose of substituting the foods of the European
Union and The States whose exports to Russia last year ascended in that item,
of 15 thousand 800 to a thousand 300 million dollars, respectively. We should
highlight the circumstance that forces to meditate on the paper of Mexico in
the globalization, in our situation country it should benefit the same as
other emergent countries, if the economy of the country had a strategy of
diversification of markets (that doesn't have), as those that have adopted
other nations of the south hemisphere. However the economic war between
Russia and West coincides in the time with a double submission from our
country to The States: the politics that is expressed with the lukewarmness
with which the Mexican government usually reacts before the authorities of
the neighbor of the north, and the economic one that is reflected in the fact
that the immense majority of the exports of our country will going to the
American market. The opportunity that comes off of the current geopolitical
crisis finds to our country in a vulnerability position and dependence,
result of government zeal in driving the politics and national economy under
the precepts dictated from Washington, as good country slave. Finally for
mere chance it USA it announces the “hardening" of sanctions against
Russia. And this country has not said neither it tweets on the massacre in
the Fringe of Gaza, but the ministry summarized this way the situation:
"it is a primitive intent of avenging the fact that the events in
Ukraine are not developed according to the script of Washington". (La
Jornada, economia, p.p. 24- 29, July 18, 2014).
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