lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016

Outsider gasolina

This table put so that the outsider sharks are made rich
Outsider gasolina
By: Carlos Damián                                             March 20, 2016
The national business will change of hands with the norm of the current federal administration
Mexico. -   This private business already has more than two years of be outlining and is going the profit of the new rich oil of 19.4 and 22.2 billion of annual dollars and the great losing is the oil company and nonproducing national company, Pemex. This business created by the current federal administration is the opening of the market of the gasoline and the free fuels import from the next month of April, something that during 30 years the national right-wing legislators, they did not want that produced Pemex. The eternal lie is that the "only beneficiary" of the "opening" are the Mexican citizens. However “the small sisters of the charity" benefitted are: the transnational national and outsider that they are being distributing the oil booty, so much of gasoline as of the crude oil. Pemex asphyxiated by the huge obligations, so much of Estate as of loans for the State, so that the transnational and domestic pages are distributed the huge pastel with annual sales from among 20 and 22 billion of dollars, and Pemex will be remained as the innocent dog of the two sandwiches, it only seeing. 

The statements of the energy secretary, Pedro Joaquin Coldwell about the sale of gasoline to the retail, has to two companies prepared to build infrastructure to store, and to build terminal in the large consumption markets, the Mexico Valley, the area neighboring of Monterrey, Guadalajara and the north frontier. These statements of the official confirm the negligible abandonment in the one which the previous federal administrations had to Pemex, as well as the current dismantlement of the nonproducing company of the State. This deliberate contempt to Pemex confirms what have asserted an and again the lies factory, in the one which in thirty years have not made nothing by building and updating the infrastructure of the State, and neither an alone screw has lifted to favor to the ex-property company of the state, and cynically they are said  surprised them. 

Business within other business
With these affirmations of the ex-governing of Quintana Roo, is that previously the mining, the railways were property of the State, today the barons of the mining, as German Larrea will be the superintendent with transporting the imported gasoline, by the currently barons of the gasoline and oil from the north frontier toward the interior of the country, that will buy to their similar in The States. In this business created by the Sener (for their initials in Spanish), we have private businesses that they will not let nothing to the State, and the transnational will import gasoline to a price 40 percent inferior to which will collect to the Mexican consumers, more the percentage of profit than negotiated with the Mexican government. And within this great business the mining baron will use the resources railroad that the government of Ernesto Zedillo donated to him and that the following three federal government continued with this gift to the rich, that they could be earned a penny most by be added to the development of goods of the free State, such as: mining, oil, gas and what accumulate the federal government in the national property auction. 

In this context of favoring outsider and to punish Mexican citizen, it have the gasoline liter in The States sold to the consumer in the gasoline station, it was of 58 dollar pennies, while the Mexican consumers favored by EPN, due to the free gasoline import, paid 79 dollar pennies, for identical volume. The lies factory of the federal government says that the "competition" between companies "will reduce" the consumer price, but if this fantasy happened would be resulted of the fact that the Estate Secretariat eliminated and in their case was reduced the imposed wretches that loads to the Mexican consumers, but with the voracity that it has registered the minister of the year, it is little probable that happen. Has a graphic example in the gasoline stations opened on the part of Pemex in The States, purportedly in a first stage of 5 service stations in Houston City, in those which the gasoline liter  is sold to the equivalent of 7 pesos (Mx), that is to say, to half than what collect to the Mexican consumer this consumer loads with more than two decades in permanent increases in  the final price; and now they publish the grandiose gift, in the one which "reduce" pennies to the gasoline, (La Jornada, Carlos Fernandez).

This strategy seems be the one which will follow the transnational energetic, in the month by April that will import gasoline, only reduced some pennies, and in summarized counts buy inexpensive to the American  refineries and resell expensive in Mexico. Upon soaring us a little in this abuse of the federal government to the suffered citizen, to be installed EPN in Los Pinos residence, were elaborated in Pemex, 418 thousand barrels per day of fuel and now in 2016, suffers a fall from 11 percent upon elaborating 375 thousand daily barrels, and these numbers realize of the old and dismantled national refining system that has Pemex. On the other hand he must import has 55 percent of internal demand and currently has a growing daily demand of 800 thousand barrels.  But the gasoline "cheap" already comes the transnational Gulf (Chevron), which has about two thousand gasoline stations in the country.  Other lie of the inexpensive flammable for cars, which we will not see. 

Adjustment of value
Perhaps the fund of the problem is the chaotic urban expansion, supports the Studies Center of the Atmosphere of the UNAM upon evaluating the current environmental crisis. "Affect not only the quality of the air, also makes it with the protected natural areas, cultivation and resources hydric, in a nutshell, the sustainability and viability of the megalopolis of Mexico. In this context the background is the corruption, in the capital of the country Seduvi (for their initials in Spanish) and the delegations have issued thousands of change permits of use of soil and construction. This problem is cyclical and it has collected force with Marcelo Ebrard and continues with Michael Mancera. If is recalled from the earthquake of 1985, was created a norm to regulate the growth of the Mexico City, but this was went to the file, and inclusive the ideas were moved to other cities with some dependencies of the government. 

Carmen Aristegui threatened that it returns to the radio, but by route Internet, to a year from her bid farewell of MVS Co. In a video that is being transmitting by YouTube, and says that is found preparing a new space "to be of new to the air with new horizons, with more desire, new energies, with all by saying and with all by making". Mentioned that to the radio it is not possible to return and much less to the commercial television. Carmen emphasizes: "That no doubt it nobody: this battle is by our freedom". On the other hand, in Paseo de la Reforma Avenue and Rio Neva street, as compared to the offices of the PGR in the Mexico City, will be carried out a feeling of solidarity with the arrested, disappeared, prisoners and political defendants that there is in the country and that symbolically are grouped in the number 43.  And this will be one of the "43 forums by 43", and the solidarity will be extended to the laborers of San Quintin, whose demands have been released and cheat unattended by the federal authorities and of California Baxa, same that support opened support to the entrepreneurial groups that they have imposed in that population a system of occupational development that it has generated strong protests the last year. (La Jornada, economia, p. 26, March 9, 2016).

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