lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016

Aggression hidden 1916

National/Mex History 2/2
Secretive theft of 100 years against Mexico
Aggression hidden 1916
By: Carlos Damian                                             March 10, 2016
The cold war was disguised with the criminals siege in the frontier
México.-   As a result initial of the accomplished investigations, Casasola Museum /Museum Casasola presents the book Pancho Villa: punitive invasion/ intervened revolution and the educational documentary Pancho Villa: centennial of the punitive invasion/ punitive invasion, that will serve as referring to accomplish a judgment on what indeed  represented said invasion in the destination of Mexico. As well as to delimit responsibilities in the theft of new territories and patrimonial goods of the Mexican nation, assignments by powerful corporations supported by The States army and the millionaires of the two countries benefitted by the military invasion that let moribund to a movement that awoke late-night the conscience of the revolutionary Pancho Villa, just when he recognized to the real enemies of the nation.   

Six spies arrest Villa in El Paso
However this born official dramatization of the American promotion to try to forget and to forgive the assignment damages by Villa revolutionary, purportedly to defenseless people, is offered in exchange for erasing forever of the collective memory all the offences and assassinations  made by the aggressive expedition to fight against Mexico under the sham of pursuing and punishing Pancho Villa. What has permitted to forget to the godfathers to the cartels of the weapons, oil, mineral, metals, rails and to real estate that acted in apparent obscurity to shed to Mexico, once again of their principal strategic resources. This is an indisputable fact of domination that it has diverted and delayed the evaluation of the great theft of the century XX to Mexico assignment by the czars of the development and the expansionism. What is converted in new territorial losses, yet not quantified. In addition to that simultaneously  they were ransacked, in full Mexican Revolution, patrimonial resources deducted in complicity with the triumphant " institutional revolutionaries" to destine them for the World War I. Museum Casasola must abandon the four walls of their traditional museum to follow the fingerprints let by the invaders of the punitive expedition in the official history and to attempt to document all the domination evidence that changed the destination of Mexico during the following 100 punishment years against the Mexican people.

 "As the gratefulness of the Veracruz government to the man rich Weetman D. Pearson, with the witnesses of the future bronze. This person was a development enriched by Porfirio Diaz and Victorian Huerta, grants millionaires that ransacked to the country, forgetting that it was one of the promoters of the coup d'état of Victorian Huerta in 1913, the invasion of Veracruz of 1914, as well as of the punitive expedition of 1916 -1917. The trade Chamber of Columbus, after 16 years of ritualism and to promote in festive form the Cavalcade Binational Villista between Chihuahua and New Mexico, USA, with dance. Music, choir of “revolutionary children", posts of food and Mexican drinks, all has ready for drag out the collective amnesia of an invasion announced from five days before happened. This situation to sow and disseminate images that simulate to increase the historical Villa figure as exemplary hero, letting back the lynching campaign annexed arranged  then by the dirty means of publication handled by: William Hearst, W. Pearson, the general H. Gray Otis, And. T. Earl between other, to convert it into the most pursued bandit than attempted against "the national safety" of The States, and only one that assaulted on country more powerful in their own land."

The president orders to invade Mexico: 1916
Many of the participants in the centennial holiday are children and Palomas youths, Chihuahua, that cross daily to study to Columbus before the lack of schools for them, where receive an education that anesthesia the conscience and fluff the history from the domination between two neighboring countries. Today euphoric by the coincident and strategic visit of the Pope Francisco to the frontier Mexico - USA, to only Juarez City 60 miles. And to a few days of the centennial of the Assault on Columbus, as is known to them in the official history. This celebration was designed to erase of the collective memory the punitive expedition together with the crimes, violations and assignment thefts against the people of Mexico by the powerful corporations trans-continentals and delinquent of white neck millionaires supported by the American army more powerful of the orb. Between them presidents and vice-presidents of USA, familiar of they with interest in Mexico (Roosevelt, Grant, Garfield, Taft, Hayes).  Similar participation had State secretaries, ambassadors, senators, deputies, soldiers, judges, governing and elites wealthy of the two countries that were benefitted of the punitive invasion and of the Mexican Revolution. 

In this context, the army expedition was conceived from a punitive principle that accomplished USA against Mexico, between 1916 - 1917 has been buried with honors and impunity to justify the invasion and the cost that touched to it to pay to the people of Mexico, in a kind of exchange for organized feasts, mainly by cavalcades, sponsored by the government of Chihuahua and municipal presidents (PRI), that come to Columbus to recall us with a Long life Villa! , in reality the Yankees say Long life the punitive invasion!, since now the official history glorifies in both sides of the frontier not to Villa but to the general Pershing, and their par Hugh L. Scott. To Villa is to him Satanist for have assaulted on USA, March 9th, 1916. Without this mean that Villa and their Division of the North with 30 thousand of their effective invaded to USA, as has been intended to make to believe in a century. In reality only a few of their men assaulted a military fort of the first world power. Independently of the fact that there is no evidence in fact that the "bandit" and enemy number one of the Empire of the North, it was physically in this populated wretch of hardly 200 civil inhabitants and 650 fight in the American Fort.   

The American infantry pursues to Villa with weapons in rest
The assault of the 9 of March against the population of Columbus, New Mexico, protagonists for a small army of Villa soldiers 480 has been motive of many studies. This stage of the history is not there was it must be put on size correctly in spite in fact that authors as: Paco Taibo II, and Ruben Osorio they have presented it with new interpretive elements. Though may not have been unleashed the war between the two countries, after of the assault on Columbus, The States, we can suppose by the great quantity of indicia that were found Mexico with an implicit war statement against The States. So that it will be necessary to understand it can be begun with two determinant facts in the spirit state, and the decisions provided by the General Villa: the recognition of Washington to the government of Venustiano Carranza of conservative origin and with the military support of The States to the troops of Carranza in the Agua Prieta combat, Sonora. To be located this event in the World War I, it should the government of Washington recognizes to the government of Venustiano Carranza in October of 1915. The agreements that had Germany with Victorian Huerta and Pascual Orozco clarify the situation in the one which the president Wilson must face this favorable situation to the military interest of the Germany of the World War I. Other lie more than the media. (La Jornada, mundo, p. 30, March 12, 2016).

Agresión armada 1916

Nacional / Mex Historia 2/2
Robo sigiloso de 100 años contra México
Agresión armada 1916
Por: Carlos Damián                                             Marzo 10, 2016
La guerra fría fue disfrazada con el asedio de criminales en la frontera
México.-   Como resultado inicial de las investigaciones realizadas, Casasola Museum /Museo Casasola presenta el libro Pancho Villa: invasión punitiva/ revolución intervenida y el documental educativo Pancho Villa: centenario de la invasión punitiva/ invasión punitiva, que servirán de referentes para realizar un juicio sobre lo que verdaderamente  representó dicha invasión en el destino de México. Así como para deslindar responsabilidades en el robo de nuevos territorios y bienes patrimoniales de la nación mexicana, cometidos por poderosas  corporaciones apoyadas por el ejército de Estados Unidos y los millonarios  de los dos países beneficiados por la invasión militar que dejó moribundo a un movimiento que despertó muy tarde la conciencia del revolucionario Pancho Villa, justo cuando él reconoció a los verdaderos enemigos de la nación.

Seis espías arrestan a Villa en El Paso
Sin embargo esta dramatización oficial nacida de la promoción estadounidense para tratar de olvidar y perdonar los agravios cometidos por revolucionarios villistas, supuestamente a un pueblo indefenso, se ofrece a cambio de borrar para siempre de la memoria colectiva la expedición agresiva militar contra México bajo el simulacro de perseguir y castigar a Pancho Villa. Lo que ha permitido olvidar a los padrinos de los cárteles de las armas, petróleo, minerales, metales, ferroviarios y de bienes raíces que actuaron en aparente obscuridad para despojar a México, una vez más de sus principales recursos estratégicos. Este es un hecho irrefutable de dominación que ha desviado y retrasado la evaluación del gran robo del siglo XX a México cometido por los zares del desarrollo y el expansionismo. Lo que se tradujo en nuevas pérdidas territoriales, aún no cuantificadas. Además de que simultáneamente  fueron saqueados, en plena Revolución Mexicana, recursos patrimoniales sustraídos en complicidad con los triunfantes “revolucionarios institucionales” para destinarlos a la Primera Guerra Mundial. Museo Casasola tuvo que abandonar las cuatro paredes de su museo tradicional para seguir las huellas dejadas por los invasores de la expedición punitiva en la historia oficial e intentar documentar todas las evidencias de dominación que cambiaron el destino de México durante los siguientes 100 años de castigo contra el pueblo mexicano.

 “Como el agradecimiento del gobierno veracruzano al magnate Weetman D. Pearson, con el bronce testigos del futuro. Esta persona fue un desarrollista enriquecido por Porfirio Díaz y Victoriano Huerta, concesiones millonarias que saquearon al país, olvidando que fue uno de los promotores del golpe de Estado de Victoriano Huerta en 1913, la invasión de Veracruz de 1914, así como de la expedición  punitiva de 1916-1917. La Cámara de comercio de Columbus, tras 16 años de ritualizar y promocionar en forma festiva la Cabalgata Binacional Villista entre Chihuahua y Nuevo México, USA., con danza. Música, coro de “niños revolucionarios”, puestos de comida y bebidas mexicanas, tiene todo listo para eternizar la amnesia colectiva de una invasión anunciada desde cinco días antes de que sucediera. Esta situación para sembrar y diseminar imágenes que simulan elevar la figura histórica de Villa como héroe ejemplar, dejando atrás la campaña de linchamiento mediático orquestada entonces por los medios sucios de publicación manejados por: William Hearst, W. Pearson, el general H. Gray Otis, E. T. Earl entre otros, para convertirlo en el bandido más perseguido que atentó contra “la seguridad nacional” de Estados Unidos, y el único que atacó al país más poderoso en su propia tierra.”

El presidente ordena invadir México: 1916
Muchos de los participantes en la fiesta del centenario son niños y jóvenes de Palomas, Chihuahua, que cruzan diariamente a estudiar a Columbus ante la falta de escuelas para ellos, donde reciben una educación que anestesia la conciencia y borra la historia de la dominación entre dos países vecinos. Hoy eufóricos por la coincidente y estratégica visita del Papa Francisco a la frontera México-EU, a sólo 60 millas de Ciudad Juárez. Y a unos cuantos días del centenario del Ataque a Columbus, como se le conoce en la historia oficial. Esta celebración fue diseñada para borrar de la memoria colectiva la expedición punitiva junto con los crímenes, violaciones y robos cometidos contra el pueblo de México por las poderosas corporaciones transcontinentales y delincuentes de cuello blanco millonarios apoyadas por el ejército  estadounidense más poderoso del orbe. Entre ellos presidentes y vicepresidentes de EU, familiares de ellos con intereses en México (Roosevelt, Grant, Garfield, Taft, Hayes).  Similar participación tuvieron secretarios de Estado, embajadores, senadores, diputados, militares, jueces, gobernadores y elites adineradas de los dos países que se beneficiaron de la invasión punitiva y de la Revolución Mexicana.

En este contexto, la expedición armada se concibió desde un principio punitivo que realizó EU contra México, entre 1916 – 1917 ha sido enterrada con honores e impunidad para justificar la invasión y el costo que le tocó pagar al pueblo de México, en una especie de intercambio por festejos organizados, principalmente con cabalgatas, patrocinados por el gobierno de Chihuahua y presidentes municipales (PRI), que vienen a Columbus a recordarnos con un ¡Viva Villa! , en realidad dicen los gringos ¡viva la invasión punitiva!, ya que ahora la historia oficial glorifica en ambos lados de la frontera no a Villa sino al general Pershing, y su par Hugh L. Scott.  A Villa se le sataniza por haber atacado a EU el 9 de marzo de 1916. Sin  que esto signifique que Villa y su División del Norte con 30 mil de sus efectivos invadieron a EU, como se ha pretendido hacer creer en un siglo. En realidad sólo unos cuantos  de sus hombres asaltaron un fuerte militar de la primera potencia mundial. Independientemente de que no hay evidencias de que el “bandido” y enemigo número uno del Imperio del Norte, estuvo físicamente en este miserable poblado de apenas 200 habitantes civiles y 650 militares en el Fuerte estadounidense. 

La infantería estadounidense persigue a Villa con armas en ristre
El ataque del 9 de marzo contra la población de Columbus, Nuevo México, protagonizado por un pequeño ejército de 480 soldados villistas ha sido motivo de muchos estudios. Esta etapa de la historia no se ha dimensionado correctamente a pesar de que autores como: Paco Taibo II, y Rubén Osorio lo han presentado con nuevos elementos interpretativos. Aunque no se haya desatado la guerra entre los dos países, después del ataque a Columbus, Estados Unidos, podemos suponer por la gran cantidad de indicios que se encontraba México con una declaración de guerra implícita contra Estados Unidos. Para que sea necesario comprenderla se puede comenzar con dos hechos determinantes en el estado de ánimo, y las decisiones aportadas por el General Villa: el reconocimiento de Washington al gobierno de Venustiano Carranza de origen conservador y con el apoyo  militar de Estados Unidos a las tropas de Carranza en el combate de Agua Prieta, Sonora. Al situarse este evento en la Primera Guerra Mundial, se tiene que el gobierno de Washington reconoce al gobierno de Venustiano Carranza en octubre de 1915. Los acuerdos que tuvo Alemania con Victoriano Huerta y Pascual Orozco aclaran la situación en la que el presidente Wilson tuvo que enfrentar esta situación favorable a los intereses militares de la Alemania de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Otra mentira más de los medios de comunicación. (La Jornada, sociedad, p. 30, Marzo 12, 2016).

Collision underway: Maduro

 International  / Venezuela
Impel opposition of Venezuela project of referendum for president exit
Collision underway: Maduro
By: Carlos Damian                                             March 15, 2016
Chavez men and detracting summon to social mobilizations for president
Mexico. -  The table of the Democratic Unit (MUD, for their initials in Spanish), that groups to the lion's share of the group opposes to the Venezuelan government, announced (03/08/16) that will launch a campaign to depose to the president Nicolas Maduro. On the one hand it will impel the accomplishment of a referendum abrogative of mandate and will attempt to obtain we approval of a constitutional reform  "to reduce the presidential mandate and to achieve elections this year"; on the other hand, according to declares Jesus Torrealba (JT), general secretary of the MUD, the oppose leadership took "the unanimous decision of summoning to the people to certify  the popular pressure movement largest than may have existed to activate all, the change mechanisms". Outlined in those terms, we exhort it that against Chavez men constitutes a virtual called to overthrow to the mandatory and not solely to seek their separation of the charge by the parliamentary route. Even though it is certain that the electoral of the past December 6th permitted the opposition be made with most of the Legislative assembly for the first time in 17 years of government chavista. This wisdom does not mean that has the road opened to carry out a presidential modification guided to shorten the presidential mandate, neither that achieve the accomplishment of the referendum abrogative; the government has the possibility of appealing to the Supreme Justice court, more related to the executive than to the Legislative, to stop the institutional movements that intend carry out the opposes. 

The Venezuelan opposition announced this Tuesday (03/08/16), that will impel a referendum abrogative and a constitutional amendment to expel of the power before end of year to the Maduro president, simultaneously with a great popular mobilization that demand his resign, since accuses their government of carrying to the country to a socio-economic crisis without preceding. Two months after assuming the control of the National Assembly for the first time in 17 years chavista hegemony, table of the Democratic Unit announced their  "unanimous decision" of summoning to the " popular pressure movement largest than may have existed" to activate "all the change mechanisms", to say of their general secretary JT. He considered that the strategy seeks "to reach a political solution, electoral constitutional and peaceful", before the aggravating of the economic and social situation of the oil country. "This no longer it is endured, we are victims of the worse crisis of the history of the country, nothing operates. Therefore Venezuela assumed the road of the change", asserted. 

The mobilization summoned by the opposition will begin the next Saturday, informed JT." The activated street is what is going to serve so that those constitutional changes are given. We do not want hoods, neither a stone, what we want is a peaceful mobilization of the people", added. But beforehand, the government also it has called to their militant to the streets. The chavismo (Chavez political line) will give "the battles that outline to them the blind opposition by deposing it" and discards a resignation of the Maduro president, declared the leader of the legislative block officialism Hector Rodriguez. "During all the eras of this revolution the opposition has said: coup d'état, veto already, resignation, referendum. It is not nothing new", it underlined. Vladimir Padrino, Venezuelan Defense minister, repudiated the recent decision of the American president, Barack Obama, of extending by a year the declaration of “national emergency" on Venezuela by the supposed violation of human rights and persecution to directing opposes, whose decision qualified as "vile maneuver interferences".

As far as it is concerned, the chavismo made to know. For route of the chief of the minority officialism in the Assembly, Hector Rodriguez, that will resist the attempts by drawing to Maduro from the Palace de Miraflores and will give battles, in the "areas that is required. The currency is in the air and none of the stages can be given by discarded. Regrettably, the most probable is that of acutely way of the political polarization in Venezuela, either in the institutional area or in that of the street confrontations. It is clear that the opposes have calculated that in the current moments a call to take the streets can have due to sufficient fuel get deeper with respect to shortage, and to it decontrol inflation. The chavismo, in so much, it knows that their last defense line is the call to the mobilization of their hard bases. The combination of both calculations would empty in similar or worse violence situations to those which occurred in the first months of 2014, and let balance of 42 dead, between officialdom, opposes and integrating of the public force, almost middle thousands of injured and about thousand 800 arrested. With these precedents, the worst that would be able to do both decrees would be ended of cutting the bridges of the institutional dialogue. It is required, on the contrary, that the two parts make collection of political will and begin to seek an alternative to the confrontation that, for the time being seems be the only one horizon of the Venezuelan crisis. 

Referendum for Maduro
The Venezuelan opposition achieved on Thursday the partial approval in the National Assembly, where has majority, of a project of law of referendum, one of the constitutional mechanisms with those which seeks the anticipated exit of the power of the Maduro president. The initiative was rejected by the petit committee official. After be endorsed in a first discussion, the initiative will be submitted in the next days to a second discussion for their final approval. The right-wing opposition indicated that in addition to referendum abrogative will impel the constitutional amendment and the resignation mechanism. "All of us yes imports us that the country not explode and therefore we plant the law of the referendum so that this year could come the peaceful and constitutional conclusion and there is not a social snap that nobody wants", asserted the oppose deputy Juan Michael Matheus during the discussion.  The officialism accused the opposition of promoting a "coup d'état". The deputy chavista Hector Rodriguez accused their adversary of making the "ridiculous political" by impelling several mechanisms to cease to the government of Maduro and supported that the laws that promote are "of back to the interest of the Venezuelans".

The project of law establishes a three month and a half term to summon, to transact and to accomplish referendum, between other aspects. The new normative will regulate the popular conferences on the mandates repeal, the amendments approval of the constitutional text and of laws, and the derogation or procedures suspension. In other ideas order, the general district attorney's office of Venezuela informed have identified to 16 of 28 mining disappeared March 4th in the Bolivar State, after accomplishing interviews with familiar and witnesses. Soldiers were sent to the Tumeremo Zone to support the miners search. (La Jornada, mundo, p.p. 19-20, March 11, 2016).

Colisión en curso: Maduro

Internacional  / Venezuela
Impulsa oposición de Venezuela proyecto de referendo para salida de presidente
Colisión en curso: Maduro
Por: Carlos Damián                                             Marzo 15, 2016
Chavista y detractores convocan a movilizaciones sociales para presidente
México.-   La  mesa de la Unidad Democrática (MUD), que agrupa a la mayor parte de los grupos opositores al gobierno venezolano, anunció (08/03/16) que lanzará una campaña para deponer al presidente Nicolás Maduro. Por un lado impulsará la realización de un referendo revocatorio de mandato e intentará conseguir l aprobación de una reforma constitucional  “para reducir el mandato presidencial y lograr elecciones este año”; por otra parte, según declaró Jesús Torrealba (JT), secretario general de la MUD, la dirigencia opositora tomó “la decisión unánime de convocar al pueblo a conformar  el movimiento de presión popular más grande que haya existido para activar todos, los mecanismos de cambio”. Planteado en esos términos, el exhorto de los antichavistas constituye un virtual llamado a derrocar al mandatario y no únicamente a buscar su separación del cargo por la vía parlamentaria. Si bien es cierto que los comicios del 6 de diciembre pasado permitieron a la oposición hacerse con la mayoría de la asamblea Legislativa por primera vez en 17 años de gobierno chavista. Este acierto no significa que tenga el camino abierto para llevar a cabo una modificación presidencial orientada a acortar el mandato presidencial, ni que logre la realización del referendo revocatorio; el gobierno tiene la posibilidad de recurrir al tribunal Supremo de Justicia, más afín al ejecutivo que al Legislativo, para frenar los movimientos institucionales que pretenden llevar a cabo los opositores.

La oposición venezolana anunció este martes (08/03/16), que impulsará un referendo revocatorio y una enmienda constitucional para expulsar del poder antes de fin de año al presidente Maduro, simultáneamente con una gran movilización popular que exija su renuncia, pues acusa a su gobierno de llevar al país a una crisis socio-económica sin precedente. Dos meses después de asumir el control de la Asamblea Nacional por primera vez en 17 años de hegemonía chavista, la mesa de la Unidad Democrática anunció su “decisión unánime” de convocar al “movimiento de presión popular más grande que haya existido” para activar “todos los mecanismos de cambio”, a decir de su secretario general JT. Consideró que la estrategia busca “alcanzar una solución política, electoral constitucional y pacífica”, ante el agravamiento de la situación económica y social del país petrolero. “Esto ya no se aguanta, somos víctimas de la peor crisis de la historia del país, nada funciona. Por eso Venezuela asumió el camino del cambio”, afirmó.

La movilización convocada por la oposición empezará el próximo  sábado, informó JT.” La calle activada es lo que va a servir para que esos cambios constitucionales se den. No queremos capuchas, ni una piedra, lo que queremos  es una movilización pacífica del pueblo”, agregó. Pero de antemano, el gobierno también ha llamado a sus militantes a las calles. El chavismo dará “las batallas que le plantee la oposición ciega por deponerlo” y descarta una renuncia del presidente Maduro, declaró el líder  del bloque legislativo oficialista, Héctor Rodríguez. “Durante todas las épocas de esta revolución la oposición ha dicho: golpe de Estado, vete ya, renuncia, referendo. No es nada nuevo”, subrayó. Vladimir Padrino, ministro venezolano de Defensa, repudió la reciente decisión del presidente estadounidense, Barack Obama, de prolongar por un año la declaratoria de “emergencia nacional” sobre Venezuela por la supuesta violación de derechos humanos y persecución  a dirigentes opositores, cuya decisión calificó de “vil maniobra injerencista”.

Por su parte, el chavismo hizo saber. Por vía del jefe de la minoría oficialista en la Asamblea, Héctor Rodríguez, que resistirá los intentos por sacar a Maduro del Palacio de Miraflores y dará batallas, en los “ámbitos que se requiera. La moneda está en el aire y ninguno de los escenarios puede darse por descartado. Lamentablemente, el más probable es el de una agudización de la polarización política en Venezuela, ya sea en el terreno institucional o en el de las confrontaciones callejeras. Es claro que los opositores han calculado que en los momentos actuales un llamado a tomar las calles puede tener combustible suficiente debido al ahondamiento en lo que se refiere al desabasto, y a la descontrolada inflación. El chavismo, en tanto, sabe que su última línea de defensa es el llamado a la movilización de sus bases duras. La combinación de ambos cálculos podría desembocar en situaciones de violencia semejantes o peores a las que ocurrieron en los primeros meses de 2014, y dejaron saldo de 42 muertos, entre oficialistas, opositores e integrantes de la fuerza pública, casi medio millar de heridos y cerca de mil 800 detenidos. Con estos antecedentes, lo peor que podrían hacer ambos bandos sería terminar de cortar los puentes del diálogo institucional. Se requiere, por el contrario, que las dos partes hagan acopio de voluntad política y empiecen a buscar una alternativa a la confrontación que, por ahora parece ser el único horizonte de la crisis venezolana.

Referendo para Maduro
La oposición venezolana logró el jueves la aprobación parcial en la Asamblea Nacional, donde tiene mayoría, de un proyecto de ley de referendo, uno de los mecanismos constitucionales con los que busca la salida anticipada del poder del presidente Maduro. La iniciativa fue rechazada por la bancada oficialista. Luego de ser avalada en un primer debate, la iniciativa será sometida en los próximos días a una segunda discusión para su aprobación final. La oposición de derecha  indicó que además del referendo revocatorio impulsará la enmienda constitucional y el mecanismo de renuncia. “A  nosotros sí nos importa que el país no estalle y por eso plantamos la ley del referendo para que este año pueda venir el desenlace pacífico y constitucional y no haya un estallido social que nadie quiere”, afirmó el diputado opositor Juan Miguel Matheus durante el debate. El oficialismo acusó  la oposición de promover un “golpe de Estado”. El diputado chavista Héctor Rodríguez acusó a sus adversarios de hacer el “ridículo político” por impulsar varios mecanismos para cesar al gobierno de Maduro y sostuvo que las leyes que promueven están “de espalda a los intereses de los venezolanos”.

El proyecto de ley establece un plazo de tres meses y medio para convocar, gestionar y realizar un referendo, entre otros aspectos. La nueva normativa regulará las consultas populares sobre la revocación de mandatos, la aprobación de enmiendas del texto constitucional y de leyes, y la derogación o suspensión de normas. En otro orden de ideas, la fiscalía general de Venezuela informó haber identificado a 16 de los 28 mineros desaparecidos el 4 de marzo en el estado de Bolívar, tras realizar entrevistas con familiares y testigos. Militares fueron enviados a la zona de Tumeremo para apoyar la búsqueda de mineros. (La Jornada, mundo, p.p. 19-20, Marzo 11, 2016).

Killing to the gringo

For a Mexican League against slander for Mexican in The States
Killing to the gringo
By: Carlos Damian                                             March 14, 2016
The demographic revolt of the Wasp, headed by Donald Trump
Mexico. -   It is incredible that up until now the government of Mexico may have begun to repudiate publicly to the American candidate Donald Trump. During months was kept quiet sepulchral in connection with the incendiaries and miserable statements of the republican candidate, and he was seeking that the government answered to him to increase the electoral possibilities, to remain to the head of the nominated by the republican party. In spite of the statements that the Mexican government, the secretariat of Foreign Relationships, and political others make of their pronouncements will be similar to those of Benito Mussolini, and to that of Adolf Hitler. Actually if we put ourselves to listen well we do not know to who are directed, but clear remain that vary between the silence and the stridency of Trump, the conservative government of Enrique Pena Nieto does not know what measures to take before the popularity of the candidate that was puts on high the phobias and fillies of the Wasp American-Saxons white protestants), as: the expulsion of the migrants; the impervious border wall for Mexican; the kidnapping of many Latino children in search of their family; and the criminalization of the undocumented. The damage made by the statements of Trump has changed the political panorama, commercial, social and economic. Yet if he loses the migrant discussion seems to go to the failure. 

In reality the discussion is not if Trump triumphs and it is president is a politician that represents to the sector Wasp, and the proposal is that is going to go to the war, it goes to go to the third World War, it is going to support to the religious cartel of the Daesh, and that the empire of the north goes to split into 10 nations - state. All these proposals to us the citizens of Mexico do not import, since if it is president Hillary Clinton is going to be what is same. It actually interesting is the proposal of many Mexican upon impelling the Mexican League against slander in The States, similar to that of Jewish population sector formed in 1913 to educate to the population against the national feeling against Mexican and the religious prejudice, and indeed to offset many falsehoods that the decadent racist American maintains against the Latin population. Similarly it must be created the legal arm of the Latin culture in The States, met to carry to the court cases of discrimination, assassination, defamation and legal conference to the Mexican migrants. 

The racist supremacy against the Latino-American
It can be seen an ideas convergence between the current driving of the white supremacy (KKK), Donald Trump and Samuel Huntington, theoretical of the permanent war of eight civilizations, the difference is that Trump is rejected by the military complex - industrial, and Huntington it is venerated. Both with Mexicanphobic, and Islamphobic, you see they hate all what will not be Wasp, but Huntington, it is an apologist of the apartheid of South Africa, it was the coordinator of the planning of safety in the National Security Council with James Carter, and it is recognized by Harvard, Chicago and Yale universities. It is said in the book "Who are us?" that "in 1930s, the Wasp are the dominant group, and they are the great in number of the American society, though ethnically they have let of be a society American-Saxons. However the Wasp have gone losing proportional weight in the population, the Anglo - Protestant culture of their forebears English colonists has survived during 300 years as element definitely of the identity". The Anglo- Protestant culture it mentions that it has combined institutions, practical political and social inherited of England, with the concepts and values of the religious dissenting Protestant that the colonists brought of their country mother.

To judgment of Huntington the immigration "Latino - catholic" represents a cultural threat for The States, that it can divide it in two populations, two cultures and two languages, which in reality in their origins are more than two cultures that represent to the citizen American. To be Huntington a Wasp, Protestant Episcopalism, it can be seen to a Protestant Presbyterian Trump, ignorant of the catholic Bible that to each moment sees abominable in their to walk to the presidential chair, but he will happen to the history by have annihilated to the Bush dynasty, and represents the excrescence of the toxic white supremacy, Wasp.  In Trump is observed to a political clown accomplishing his work in a Reality Show, accompanied of a controverted shepherd Norman Vincent Peale, Mason of the Scottish rite degree 33, who tried to relating the psychiatry and Theo-psicotherapy religion through of the “positive thought". Mitt Romney is a converted Mormon of the polygamist Church of Utah, which assaulted on Trump with greater sarcasm. In this circumstance has to Brent Scowcroft, Mormon and ex National Security counselor with Daddy Bush and Ford, that in their arrived the CIA and FBI have been covered the posts by recruited  of the Romney Church. In our vision are before they arrive of a religions war, of the Argentine Jesuit Pope, and the Wasp Presbyterian Trump of Scottish mother and German grandfather. The be identified with the percentage of white population (64 %), it is not an idea of Trump, this found figure is of Baby Bush from 2006, in the third part of the trans-frontier to a cost of 3 thousand 400 million of dollars; with the " enchilada complete" of the jocular and fugacious chancellor of Vicente Fox, that after Calderon opted for the shameful silence. In this domestic diatribe Trump as Baby Bush has many followers in the political class of the "Item´s neoliberal Mexico ".

The neo-conservators Straussians are closer to Hillary Clinton that of Trump, ironically, they are the responsible for the social and political line of Trump, when the lion's share of the Americans are working class without university education. If their values and their interest are not represented seriously by the think tank, academic publications, or anyone of the political factions, will find someone that represent them, maybe it will be a star of the Reality Show. In this line is Trump who represents this circumscription electoral. From a horizontal point of view were lost the classic electoral frontiers, and with some atypical elections, this clown attracts a sector of the working class Wasp that is felt abandoned and that it is voting of the democrat side, but for the Jew "socialistic", Bernie Sanders. But on the other hand we have to the voters that support to Hillary Clinton: Mexicans –- American but ‘Guadalupano’ - (4 %), African-American (12 %), added of Goldman Sachs, and the Zionist coalition of George Soros and Haim Know (Univision owner). Clinton has in their baggage electoral several corpses - from spurious gifts until the assassination of The States ambassador in Bengasi -, and above all, the ominous investigation of the FBI and their "private" governmental e-mails. Washington thinks about recapturing in extremis to the democrat party, with Joe Biden to the head. To the Mexican people not interests to them if it is Hillary Clinton, or Donald Trump, since any operating of the Empire of the North is going us to go equal, always we have lost. In reality what must concern us is that the Mexicans should have a champion in the American court, an institution that has an attorney’s stable that know to earn and that know publicity. The Mexican State has resources to offer services to their citizen, that they are about 60 percent of the total of Latino-Americans. This government of right is discovering something late the need of defending to the Mexicans abroad and needs to insist on the responsibility and the interest abroad. It is not with domestic diatribes with the infectious Trump as go to solve the problem. It is needed to support an educational policy, of means, of lobbying and judicial, supported and coherent The decadent policy that throws the blame of the American working and middle-class problems is a historical mistake, the load is not from migrant men reviled and criminalized. (La Jornada, mundo, p.p. 18-21, March 9, 2016).

Matando al gringo

Por una Liga Antidifamación para mexicanos en Estados Unidos
Matando al gringo
Por: Carlos Damián                                             Marzo 14, 2016
La revuelta demográfica de los WASP, encabezada por Donald Trump
México.-   Es increíble que hasta ahora el gobierno de México haya comenzado a repudiar públicamente al candidato estadounidense Donald Trump. Durante meses se guardó silencio sepulcral en torno a las incendiarias y miserables declaraciones del candidato republicano, y él buscaba que el gobierno le contestara para aumentar las posibilidades electorales, para quedar a la cabeza de los nominados por el partido republicano. A pesar de las declaraciones que el gobierno mexicano, la secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, y otros políticos hacen de sus pronunciamientos sean similares a los de Benito Mussolini, y al de Adolf Hitler. Realmente si nos ponemos a escuchar bien no sabemos a quién están dirigidas, pero queda claro que varían entre el silencio y la estridencia de Trump, el gobierno conservador de Enrique Peña Nieto no sabe qué medidas tomar ante la popularidad del candidato que enarbolas las fobias y filias de los WASP (angloestadounidenses protestantes blancos), como: la expulsión de los migrantes; el muro fronterizo impenetrable para mexicanos; el secuestro de muchos niños latinos en busca de su familia; y la criminalización del indocumentado. El daño hecho por las declaraciones de Trump ha cambiado el panorama político, comercial, social y económico. Aún si pierde el debate migratorio parece ir al fracaso.

En realidad el debate no es si Trump triunfa y es presidente es un político que representa al sector Wasp, y la propuesta es que va a ir a la guerra, se va a ir a la tercera guerra mundial, va a apoyar al cartel religioso del Daesh, y que el imperio del norte se va a dividir en 10 naciones- estado. Todas estas propuestas a nosotros los ciudadanos de México no importan, ya que si es presidente Hillary Clinton va a ser lo mismo. Lo realmente interesante es la propuesta de muchos mexicanos al impulsar la Liga Antidifamación mexicana en Estados Unidos, similar a la del sector poblacional judío formada en 1913 para educar a la población contra el sentimiento  nacional anti-mexicano y el prejuicio  religioso, y desde luego para contrarrestar muchas falsedades que el decadente racista estadounidense mantiene en contra de la población latina. Similarmente debe crearse el brazo jurídico de la cultura latina en Estados Unidos, abocada a llevar a la corte casos de discriminación, asesinato, difamación y consulta legal a los migrantes mexicanos.

La supremacía racista contra el latino
Se puede ver una convergencia de ideas entre el actual impulsor de la supremacía blanca (KKK), Donald Trump y Samuel Huntington, teórico de la guerra permanente de ocho civilizaciones, la diferencia es que Trump es rechazado por el complejo militar-industrial, y Huntington es venerado. Ambos con mexicanófobos, islamófobos, odian todo lo que no sea Wasp, pero Huntington, es un apologista del apartheid de Sudáfrica, fue el coordinador de la planeación de seguridad en el Consejo de Seguridad Nacional con James Carter, y es reconocido por universidades de Harvard, Chicago y Yale. Se dice en el libro “¿Quiénes somos?” que “en 1930, los Wasp son el grupo dominante, y son el mayor en número de la sociedad estadounidense, aunque étnicamente han dejado de ser una sociedad angloestadounidense. Sin embargo los Wasp han ido perdiendo peso proporcional en la población, la cultura anglo-protestante de sus antepasados colonos ingleses ha sobrevivido durante 300 años como elemento definitorio de la identidad”. La cultura anglo-protestante menciona que ha combinado instituciones, prácticas políticas y sociales heredadas de Inglaterra, con los conceptos y valores del protestante disidente religioso que los colonos trajeron de su madre patria.

A juicio de Huntington la inmigración “latino-católica” representa una amenaza cultural para Estados Unidos, que puede dividirlo en dos poblaciones, dos culturas y dos idiomas, que en realidad en sus orígenes son más de dos culturas que representan al ciudadano estadounidense. Al ser Huntington un Wasp, protestante episcopalista, se puede ver a un Trump protestante presbiteriano, ignorante de la Biblia católica que a cada momento ve abominable en su caminar a la silla presidencial, pero él pasará a la historia por haber aniquilado a la dinastía Bush, y representa la excrecencia de la tóxica supremacía blanca, Wasp.  En Trump se observa a un político payaso realizando su trabajo en un Reality Show, acompañado de un pastor controvertido Norman Vincent Peale, masón del rito escocés grado 33, quien trató de relacionar la siquiatría y religión mediante la teosicoterapia del “pensamiento positivo”. Mitt Romney es un mormón convertido de la poligámica Iglesia de Utah, que atacó a Trump con mayor sarcasmo. En esta circunstancia se tiene a Brent Scowcroft, mormón y ex consejero de Seguridad Nacional con Daddy Bush y Ford, que en su llegada la CIA y FBI han sido cubiertos los puestos por reclutados  de la Iglesia de Romney. En mi visión estamos ante el arribo de una guerra de religiones, del papa jesuita argentino, y el Wasp presbiteriano Trump de madre escocesa y abuelo alemán. El identificarse con el porcentaje de población blanca (64 %), no es una idea de Trump, esta cifra encontrada es de Baby Bush desde 2006, en la tercera parte de la transfrontera a un costo de 3 mil 400 millones de dólares; con la “enchilada completa” del jocoso y fugaz canciller de Vicente Fox, que después de Calderón optaron por el vergonzoso silencio. En esta diatriba doméstica Trump como Baby Bush tiene muchos seguidores en la clase política del “México neoliberal Itemita”.

Los neoconservadores straussianos están más cerca de Hillary Clinton que de Trump, irónicamente, son los responsables de la línea social y política de Trump, cuando la mayor parte de los estadounidenses son clase trabajadora sin educación universitaria. Si sus valores y sus intereses no están representados seriamente por los think tank, publicaciones académicas, o cualquiera de las facciones políticas, encontrarán alguien que los represente, quizá sea una estrella del Reality Show. En esta línea es Trump quien representa esta circunscripción electoral. Desde un punto de vista horizontal se perdieron las clásicas fronteras electorales, y con unas atípicas elecciones, este payaso atrae a un sector de la clase trabajadora Wasp  que se siente abandonada y que está votando del lado demócrata, pero por el judío “socialista”, Bernie Sanders. Pero por otro lado tenemos a los votantes que apoyan a Hillary Clinton: mexicanos -guadalupanos- (4 %), afro-estadounidenses (12 %), sumados  de Goldman Sachs, y la coalición sionista de George Soros y Haim Saban (dueño de Univisión). Clinton tiene en su bagaje electoral varios cadáveres –desde donaciones espurias hasta el asesinato del embajador de Estados Unidos en Bengasi-, y sobre todo, la ominosa investigación del FBNI y sus “privados” correos gubernamentales. Washington piensa en rescatar in extremis al partido demócrata, con Joe Biden a la cabeza. Al pueblo mexicano no le interesa si es Hillary Clinton, o Donald Trump, ya que cualquier operador del Imperio del Norte nos va a ir igual, siempre hemos perdido. En realidad lo que nos debe preocupar es que los mexicanos deben tener un campeón en la corte estadounidense, una institución que tenga un establo de abogados que sepan ganar y que sepan publicitar. El Estado mexicano tiene recursos para ofrecer servicios a sus ciudadanos, que son cerca del 60 por ciento del total de latinos. Este gobierno de derecha está descubriendo algo tarde la necesidad de defender a los mexicanos en el extranjero y necesita insistir en la responsabilidad y los intereses en el extranjero. No es con diatribas domésticas con el infeccioso Trump como van a resolver el problema. Se necesita apuntalar una política educativa, de medios, de lobbying y judicial, sostenida y coherente La política decadente que echa la culpa de los problemas de la clase media y trabajadora estadounidense es un error histórico, la carga no es del migrante denostado y criminalizado. (La Jornada, mundo, p.p. 18-21, Marzo 9, 2016).

To import gasoline: Pemex

Other groups are guided to build poliducts and storage tanks
To import gasoline: Pemex
By: Carlos Damian                                             March 18, 2016
The companies of 21 organizations disposed to participate in 4ª bidding: round one
Mexico. -   Unless the federal government provide a substantial injection to the fifth oil of the world by oil reserves and reduce the taxes that they have hung for many years to the national petroleum, Mexican Oils (Pemex). The hated national company  "nonproducing" that by thirty years have treated of liquidating, and today their longed dream is being fulfilling; and it get currently that this company faces many growing needs of loans in 2016 and 2017, warned Moody's. This situation will increase the balances of the debt very above the historical levels, in a moment in which the production is reducing and the profitability, as well as the cash flow, they are very "weak", considered. In the pasts three years, Pemex increased its debt,  to finance them large resource requirements to pay taxes and rights to the exchequer, as well as to cover  their capital expenses, without have achieved to increase of supported way their production and their operative efficiency with that growing indebtedness record, Pemex announced 29 of February a reduction of its budget of this year by 5.55 billion of dollars (part of the clipping of 7 thousand 350 million of dollars disposed by the federal government).
Though the reduction of the expense to attend the reality labeled by the fall in the prices of the oil is positive for the credit qualification of the company, Pemex enter a greater indebtedness phase if it does not receive help governmental through the injection of the taxes that pays to the exchequer. The indicators on the quality of the credit of Pemex will be deteriorated still more during 2016, due in fact that the prices of the oil are maintained low the production continues reducing, the taxes that pays the company are high and the needs of capital expense are financed with debt. At the beginning of this year, Moody's put on perspective of review to the decrease the qualification of the debt of Pemex. The evaluation is a form of measuring the nonfulfillment probability, and in such sense, so much will be better the financing cost of the companies or governments is smaller. 

Companies go to import gasoline by train
Has in the market more than five entrepreneurial groups that will import gasoline from The States through the railway, other two groups from investors be prepared to build poliducts and storage tanks for flammable, and 21 companies (registered nine) be interested in participating in the "jewel of the wreath", called thus by the companies to qualify in the fourth bidding as the round one, because implies the exploration and development of the "stimulant" resources prospective for 10 billion of barrels of crude in much more vast areas that assigned them before, and located in deep and ultra- deep waters of the Mexico Golf, weighted Energy secretary, Pedro Joaquin Coldwell, before outsider and national investors upon summarizing the advances reached by the energetic reform. It is a pride for Coldwell to have the honor of liquidating to the nonproducing national company, Pemex. This is the energetic reform younger of the world and shows an important advance in their implementation to less of two years of have been approved, it said. 

The adverse panorama of the low prices of the oil at international level has not diminished the interest of the investors in the Mexican energetic sector "neither kills the reform” since hardly two years ago there was not an alone company private in Mexico that they had contracts of this nature in the oil market, but now already exist 30 that originate of seven countries, of those which 20 are Mexican. Meanwhile, Pemex it is maintained as the fifth national petroleum with more oil reserves, between those which are reported to the stock exchange markets. With 30 private companies that already participate in oil industry, is fulfilled one of the principal objectives of the oil reform, to sell in strategic chunks of the national petroleum to the outsider sharks, with something which has been created an industrial system diversified in Mexico. Upon participating in 11 Private Capital Summit, Energy secretary supported that the adjudication average of the three previous biddings was of 69 percent, because have left 33 of 48 offered blocks, one of the highest percentages of the last ten years at international level, without may have been "undersold" - good terminated them intentionally in a garage sale - , the oil fields. The contracts contain good conditions for the Mexican State, which will receive in average 70 percent from profit margins. 

Auction contracts for the national and foreign
Coldwell emphasized that have advanced for the first of April the permits of gasoline import to particular was a sign sent by the federal government to the investors market so that they could program their investments, since is required to build poliducts and storage tanks, in what Mexico has 20-year-old fallen behind, and this is an infrastructure that it should be to increase by energetic safety. Other of the advances that indicated energy secretary is the ambitious program of expanding in 10 thousand kilometers additional the net of gas ducts in the country in this six years - what is same said of the national railways of Mexico, that the outsiders went to extend rail kilometers in their infrastructure and continues just as when ended of building Porfirio Diaz to railways -. The foregoing implies an investment of 16 billion of dollars, and with this will be permitted Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE, for their initials in Spanish) and private companies to put under way combined cycle plants, to substitute those of diesel, so that it will be able to cheapen the electrical tariffs - all these marvels will be fulfilled in the century 25 -, and will be carried natural gas to zones where up until now it has not been infrastructure for this. A commentary with good intention: in which will have been heard these lies repeated and again, when were sold the banks, or when was sold: Telmex, Conasupo, buffalo Bicycles, TVAztec, Afore, and so many national companies to the outsider sharks.

Also it mentioned that to difference of the previous legal regime, in the one which only Pemex had attributions to accomplish seismic three-dimensional in the Gulf of Mexico, and was contracting companies to make it, now already there are 28 companies that they can make it, similarly Pemex them gave the infrastructure, explorations, developments and their investigations so that work with the knowledge of the nonproducing national company. The foregoing implies an increase of 370 percent of all the seismic three-dimensional that it has been made in the history of Mexico, obviously was given as part of the State reform, participating of this property array of Pemex, national and outsider companies. Seem relevant that the obtained information is of last generation, it is property of the nation, and the companies that obtained this information free of charge they can market. All this will be included in the "date -room" and it will be useful for the fourth bidding on December 5th. (La Jornada, economia, p. 26, March 9, 2016).

Importar gasolina: Pemex

Otros grupos se orientan a construir poliductos y tanques de almacenamiento
Importar gasolina: Pemex
Por: Carlos Damián                                             Marzo 18, 2016
Las compañías de 21 organizaciones dispuestas a participar en la 4ª  licitación: ronda uno
México.-   A menos que el gobierno federal proporcione una sustancial inyección a la quinta petrolera del mundo por reservas petroleras y reduzca los impuestos que han ahorcado por muchos años a la petrolera nacional, Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex). La odiada compañía nacional  “improductiva” que por treinta años han tratado de liquidar, y hoy su anhelado sueño se está concretando; y se tiene que actualmente que esta compañía afronta muchas necesidades crecientes de préstamos en 2016 y 2017, advirtió Moody’s. Esta situación elevará los saldos de la deuda muy por encima de los niveles históricos, en un momento en que la producción está disminuyendo y la rentabilidad, así como el flujo de efectivo, son muy “débiles”, consideró. En los pasados tres años, Pemex incrementó su deuda,   para financiarlos grandes requerimientos de recursos para pagar impuestos y derechos al fisco, así como para cubrir  sus gastos de capital, sin haber logrado incrementar de manera sostenida su producción y su eficiencia operativo con ese historial de creciente endeudamiento, Pemex anunció el 29 de febrero una reducción de su presupuesto de este año por 100 mil millones de pesos (parte del recorte de 132 mil 300 millones de pesos dispuesto por el gobierno federal).

Aunque la reducción del gasto para atender la realidad marcada por la caída en los precios del petróleo es positiva para la calificación de crédito de la empresa, Pemex entrará  en una fase de mayor endeudamiento si no recibe ayuda gubernamental mediante la inyección de los tributos que paga al fisco. Los indicadores sobre la calidad del crédito de Pemex se deteriorarán  todavía más durante 2016, debido a que los precios del petróleo se mantienen bajos la producción sigue disminuyendo, los impuestos que paga la empresa son altos y las necesidades de gasto de capital son financiados con deuda. Al principio de este año, Moody’s colocó en perspectiva de revisión a la baja la calificación de la deuda de Pemex. La evaluación es una forma de medir la probabilidad de incumplimiento, y en tal sentido,en tanto sea mejor el costo de financiamiento de las empresas o gobiernos es menor.

Empresas van a importar gasolinas por tren
Se tiene en el mercado más de cinco grupos empresariales que importarán gasolina desde Estados Unidos mediante el ferrocarril, otros dos grupos de inversionistas están dispuestos a construir poliductos y tanques de almacenamiento para combustible, y 21 compañías (nueve inscritas) están interesadas en participar en la “joya de la corona”, llamada así por las empresas para calificar en la cuarta licitación de la ronda uno, porque implica la exploración y explotación de los “estimulantes” recursos prospectivos por 10 mil millones de barriles de crudo en áreas mucho más extensas que las asignadas antes, y ubicados en aguas profundas y ultra-profundas del Gofo de México, ponderó el secretario de Energía, Pedro Joaquín Coldwell, ante inversionistas extranjeros y nacionales al resumir los avances alcanzados por la reforma energética. Es un orgullo para Coldwell tener el honor de liquidar a la empresa nacional improductiva, Pemex. Esta es la reforma energética más joven del mundo y muestra un avance importante en su implementación a menos de dos años de haber sido aprobada, dijo.

El panorama adverso de los bajos precios del petróleo a nivel internacional no ha mermado el interés de los inversionistas en el sector energético mexicano “ni mata la reforma”  pues apenas hace dos años no había una sola empresa privada en México que tuviera contratos de esta naturaleza en el mercado petrolero, pero ahora ya existen 30 que provienen de siete países, de las cuales 20 son mexicanas. Mientras tanto, Pemex se mantiene como la quinta petrolera nacional con más reservas petroleras, entre las que se reportan a los mercados bursátiles. Con las 30 empresas privadas que ya participan en la industria petrolera, se cumple uno de los objetivos principales de la reforma petrolera, vender en pedazos estratégicos de la petrolera nacional a los tiburones extranjeros, con lo cual se ha creado un sistema industrial diversificado en México. Al participar en la 11 Cumbre de Capital Privado, el secretario de Energía sostuvo que el promedio de adjudicación de las tres licitaciones anteriores fue de 69 por ciento, porque han salido 33 de 48 bloques ofertados, uno de los porcentajes más altos de los últimos diez años a nivel internacional, sin que se hayan “malbaratados” –bueno los remató intencionalmente en una venta de cochera- , los campos petroleros. Los contratos contienen condiciones buenas para el Estado Mexicano, que recibirá en promedio 70 por ciento de márgenes de ganancia.

Contratos de remate para el nacional y extranjero
Coldwell destacó que haber adelantado para el primero de abril los permisos de importación de gasolina a particulares fue una señal enviada por el gobierno federal al mercado de inversionistas para que pudieran programar sus inversiones, pues se requiere construir poliductos y tanques de almacenamiento, en lo que México tiene un rezago de 20 años, y esta es una infraestructura que se debe incrementar por seguridad energética. Otro de los avances que señaló el secretario de energía es el ambicioso programa de expandir en 10 mil kilómetros adicionales la red de gasoductos en el país en este sexenio –lo mismo dijeron de los ferrocarriles nacionales de México, que los extranjeros iban a extender kilómetros de carriles en su infraestructura y sigue igual que cuando terminó de construir Porfirio Díaz a ferrocarriles -. Lo anterior implica una inversión de 16 mil millones de dólares, y con esto se permitirá a Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) y a empresas privadas poner en marcha plantas de ciclo combinado, para sustituir las de diesel, de manera que se podrá abaratar las tarifas eléctricas –todas estas maravillas se cumplirán en el siglo 25-, y se llevará gas natural a zonas donde hasta ahora no ha habido infraestructura para ello. Un comentario con buena intención: en donde se habrá oído estas mentiras repetidas una y otra vez, cuando se vendieron los bancos, o cuando se vendió: Telmex, Conasupo, Bicicletas búfalo, TV Azteca, Afores, y tantas empresas nacionales a los tiburones extranjeros.

También mencionó que a diferencia del régimen jurídico anterior, en el que solamente Pemex tenía atribuciones para realizar sísmica tridimensional en el Golfo de México, y contrataba empresas para hacerlo, ahora ya hay 28 empresas que pueden hacerlo,  similarmente Pemex les regaló la infraestructura, exploraciones, explotaciones y sus investigaciones para que trabajen con el conocimiento de la improductiva empresa nacional. Lo anterior implica un incremento de 370 por ciento de toda la sísmica tridimensional que se ha hecho en la historia de México, obviamente se regaló como parte de la reforma de Estado, participando de este acervo propiedad de Pemex, empresas nacionales y extranjeras. Parece relevante que la información obtenida es de última generación, es propiedad de la nación, y las empresas que obtuvieron esta información gratis la pueden comercializar. Todo esto se incluirá en el “data-room” y será útil para la cuarta licitación del 5 de diciembre. (La Jornada, economía, p. 26, Marzo 9, 2016).

Berta Caceres

International / Honduras
After the coupe d’état was unleashed an offensive against popular movements
Berta Caceres
By: Carlos Damián                                             March 17, 2016
Hillary Clinton is recalled her central paper to sap the return of Zelaya to the power
México. -   The assassination of Berta Caceres in Honduras is in responsibility part of the candidate to democrat president, Hillary Clinton (HC), recalling the implicit support, when was State secretary of Barack Obama, which offered to the coupe d’état men of Honduras. Greg Grandin, history teacher in the university of New York, recalls that Berta it was a brave indigenous leader "oppose to the Honduran coupe d’état of 2009 that Clinton, made possible". The ex-State secretary was a central paper in sapping the return of the declared president, Manuel Zelaya, "upon making it, Clinton was allied with the worse sectors of the Honduran society", adds Grandin. Zelaya it was kidnaped by gunfire Honduran soldiers who drew it from the country in June 28, 2009, and though the act was condemned internationally as a coup d'état, the State Department never qualified it as such, something which was interpreted as a support implicit to the blowers.

Advocate deaths of the human rights and journalists in AC
Grandin reports today that, before their assassination, the own Caceres indicated to Clinton as one of the responsible for legitimating to the coupe d’état in their country. Caceres it was one of the voices in demand of the return of Zelaya, but indicated that Clinton was promoting the election of a call "government of unit". Caceres, recalls that "were warning that that would be very dangerous", interview recorded at Argentina in 2014.  After of the coupe d’état was unleashed an offensive restrictive against the movements and popular interest, including that of Caceres and their group Civic Council of Indigenous and Popular Organizations from Honduras (Copinh, for their initials in Spanish). Have been documented incessant activists assassination, journalists,    and defending of human rights in that country during the last years. Clinton, in their book Hard Choices, presents the case of Honduras as a great example of her manage pragmatic of her foreign policy.  "The names of the assassins of Caceres yet are not known. But we know who killed it".  It is indicated the wave of repression against the work of Copinh, above all her opposition to a great hydraulic project of a Honduran company, DESA, financed with capital foreign. Clinton in their book, describes that made all as State secretary to assure that Zelaya could not return to the presidency: "In the subsequent days (after of the coup d’état) I spoke with my counterparts about hemisphere, including the Espinosa secretary in Mexico.

We elaborate strategies on a plan to restore  the order in Honduras and to assure that soon they could be accomplished free and impartial elections of legitimate way, something which would let irrelevant the issue Zelaya", was indicating in her book due to the fact that no longer appears in the issue paperback. However as recalls the analyst Mark Weisbrot, expert in American foreign policy in America: "the issue of Zelaya was all less irrelevant", since Latin American leaders, the Organization of United Nations and other multilateral organizations condemned the coup d’état and demanded the return of the legitimate president to the power. "The defiant position and anti-democratic of Clinton impelled a sliding by downward in the American relationships with several countries Latino-American on the discussion between the two pre-candidates democrats; at no time it recognized Clinton their paper in the coup d’état that now is considered one of the most violent of the world. More yet, it evaded any reference to the obviates relationship between the political situation that helped to beget in Honduras with the refugees crisis that flee from that country, and only was presented as someone that wishes to protect immigrants. 

The death of Zelaya has to do with the support of The States to the lands theft
She either it recalled her labor as State secretary when justified to return to age minors that were fleeing from Honduras and other Central American countries to attempt to stop the wave of migrants to The States. Beverly Bell, collaborative in projects with Caceres during more than 15 years, commented to the institute for the Precision Publica that, more than nothing, the assassination of Caceres has to do with "the continuous American support and of the government of Honduras to the lands and rivers theft, and the multinational investment". On the other hand, the organization School of the Americas Watch recalled, that the Honduran coup d’état was carried out by graduates of the before were called the School of the Americas, fight institution American for the Latin American soldiers training. The obligated question is: "if Clinton is proud from hell that helped to make routine in Honduras", concludes Grandin.   

Berta Caceres, the murdered environmentalist, was converted in the principal social accusation figure of the demonstrations the International Day of the Woman, that this Tuesday (03/08/16) were accomplished not only in her country, but in Nicaragua and El Salvador. Demonstrators and environmentalist hundreds marched in Tegucigalpa and other cities of Honduras to demand justice by the assassination of the indigenous leader and so that an international commission investigate to the company Energetic Development S. A. (Desa, for their initials in Spanish), by the assassination of Caceres. “The government must investigate the assassination and to Desa because is the company that was threatening to Berta" as coordinator of the Copinh, asserted Suraya Martinez, of the Studies Center of the Woman. Caceres it was kill her of March 3rd, in the city of La Esperanza by hooded that entered to their/its/your/his housing in an action in the one which resulted injured the Mexican Gustavo Castro. "It is clear that were those which were threatening to Berta by defending the Gualcarque river, but the investigation must be of an international commission because the government what has made is to criminalize and to try to concealing guilty", denounced Martinez. To the moment of the assassination, Caceres was releasing a battle against a project of Desa was to build a hydroelectric on the river Gualcarque, that feeds of water to indigenous communities. 

The mobilizations are extended to Nicaragua and El Salvador
Members of different indigenous organizations were gathered as compared to the presidential house and marched toward the Congress, where demanded to the deputies that "declare to the river motive of the dispute, national patrimony so that nobody covet their waters, as Desa and Sinohydro ( Chinese company)", that they have intended to build a hydroelectric in the affluent. The organizations clamored also by the cease of homicides. In Nicaragua, the figure of Berta Caceres was the marches and protests shaft. In this context, the social activist, Gustavo Castro Soto, Mexican witness of the assassination, he denounced in a letter that Honduran authorities altered the scene of the crime while was arrested and assured that the assassins continue free. The Mexican accused that the government intends "to present before the public opinion that the assassination of Berta was had to internal conflicts, there are demands against who had wanted to murder, linking to the hydroelectric company protected by the State". Gustavo Castro arrested on Saturday passed when was intending to return to his country, with the argument of the fact that must testify, alleges that the "threats are something that the Honduran government does not want to see and attempts to retain me to control the information of my statements". International Amnesty denounced the defects in the investigation of the assassination, and criticized the measures to those which is submitted the Mexican, whose life, runs danger because "do not exist conditions to guarantee his safety", more information in www.otrosmundoschiap. (La Jornada, mundo, p.p. 20-22, March 9, 2016).