domingo, 17 de junio de 2012

The PeheLOVE

In the first debate it was plane
The PeheLOVE
By: Carlos Damián June 14, 2012
The forwards AMLO and EPN
México. - The second debate of the presidential candidates was with more interest and according to the intellectuals and political analysts, it is considered to the vote of the undecided ones, to the useful vote of Josefina Vazquez Mota (JVM) disappointed PAN-men they will give the useful vote to Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) to transform it into the president from Mexico. Here it is perceived who the accomplices that passed are? They’ll going without pain and without glory. There is somebody who we found pathetic, incongruous, Mr. Quadri (Quadro). From this central point we see JVM desperate woman and totally outside of the electoral war, to EPN that he comes out walking slowly, deflating man and that the final dispute will be between EPN and AMLO.

To Chepina (JVM), she was seen trembling, insecure, wizened cardboard and it didn't give the political capacity that was expected from a simple political official. She wanted to be aggressive with their competitors and the only thing that it achieved it was to be exhibited like a person that is not accustomed to the debates. A simple person that was never political and orator woman. She lacked experience and if it had participated in the Congress she would know-how of to answer with sharpness and to play the weak and sensitive points of its opponents. Desperate, with little force in their arguments, falsely happy, with stereotyped smile. Even the comment chauvinist of transforming the debate into “an imaginary exercise, if here they were women", she became without intending it, in an expression of feminine misogyny.

The attacks that she rushed fell for their own weight because they were so coarse and grotesque that showed it deeply weakened and without moral authority. She could not fall below since it was the floor in their feet. The only thing worthy that leave to Chepina –JVM-, it is that she retires of the war or that it declines in favor of The Pehe. It would be humiliating and shameful that the day of the election suffered the abandonment of the citizenship and she kept the vote of the conservative women, of men with the ‘yunque’ and right-side position, only to sympathize with its notions and the women's traditional ideas, and of the homelike men.

The forwards in the debate went without place to doubts: AML and EPN, in this order. The first one was perfectly coherent, measured in their tones and expressions, solid, and judging by their occasional smile, with a touch of almost contained irony. He was until respectful of the political debate, even to deny their competitors. A facet of the unknown Pehe. It was done with more ease, moral authority and argument. He made some precisions like the economic problem when arguing that this crisis comes behind from time since the neoliberal system began. He played the topic of the creation of a million 200 thousand employments to assist the main problem that we living: the violence. Of the civic austerity: "There we will save, without discharging anybody, and to finish with the privileges."

As for EPN he was seen hollow in their proposals, half-hearted, he makes a call to the individualism: "So that you’ll winning more… so that it reaches you more". It seemed in wizened cardboard moments how if he went to a casting of the ‘Big Brother’, with a monotonous parliament learned by heart, and in all moment it was to the defensive, and to the expectation. He never went to solve the bottom problems: "There will be medicine vouchers so that you can change them in the pharmacy that you decide". He was making mediatic proposed, how the that a citizen can present a law initiative, perhaps the citizen believes these sentences mediatic but given the dirty record and impunity that it culminates with pacts that the newspaper ' The Guardian' commented, it is a jeer more to the Mexican society. In this circumstance of comments it became evident that the social movement 132 has made strong emotional havocs to EPN and visible hitting to their campaign.

We can affirm that EPN approaches to occupy a second place in the electoral results. Some of the proposals mediatic that are hidden in the inkwell are, “creating a commission national anti corruption, for the three government levels". In the current government of the PAN it exists and they calls itself Ministry of the Public Function that occupies the place of the old Check’s Ministry of the Federation that so far has not served of anything.

The Pehe acted as what is a political gentleman that is better every day as the matured wines. He when answering to the verbal aggressions of their political opponents and especially to Chepina with regard to that this said that Octavio Paz had given up its ambassador position in India like protest for the slaughter of Tlatelolco (1968), in this she questions AMLO what he had made. The Pehe answers that he was 15 years of age old, and when recreating the political history of the Pehe, let us remember that he entered to the PRI in 1971, times in those that the happened ' big hawk’ of June 10, and in those days it was in the Preparatory one. According to the readings it is said that he entered in the politics in 1976 and for the poet's invitation Pellicer to their campaign like senator. In the debate he was seen as a social fighter, a politician with experience, a candidate with desires of triumphing. Perhaps EPN also believes it, but it is no longer so sure of its victory, they have changed the times.

The two forwards behaved: serious, mature and even, they were not attacked to each other one, they know that they are opposing political really and they didn't lose the time, they showed their proposals being placed to the height of the debate, we didn't seize Chepina and Quadros of the Panal. They still lack some days for the election of July 1 and we hope AMLO wins, since the Peje is the only option of change of the Mexican system, it will reconstruct to the political, economic and educational system. We are sympathetic we don't have the pleasure of knowing it. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 6 - 24, June 6, 2012). Intento del regreso del PRI:

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