viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

The ABC nursery

Three years of impunity and corruption
The ABC nursery
By: Carlos Damián June 12, 2012
The murder and 49 children's negligence has been without punishment
México. - The commemoration of the third anniversary of the fire in the ABC nursery of Sonora Hermosillo, subrogated to private sector by the Mexican Institute of the Public Health (IMSS, in Spanish), in which 49 children died and they were wounded 76 more, it was marked by a new wave of the bodies’ relatives mobilizations who they demanded to the authorities the realization of new investigations on the case in a missive, the application of the sanctions to that there are place and the ceasing to the concealment of individuals like Juan Molinar Horcasitas (JFMH) and Javier Lozano Alarcon (JLA), former leaderships of the IMSS and of the Ministry of the Work and Social Security, respectively. The first of those ex officials insisted last Tuesday (9/5/12) in his innocence, he affirmed that it has already been investigated and acquitted by the corresponding judicial instances and he said to respect their removal of the campaign’s team of Josefina Vazquez Mota (JVM).

It is necessary to remember that the tragedy of the ABC nursery was consequence of a chain of negligence and attribution omissions, in the first place to the proprietors of the stay infantile concessional, but also to the local authorities that allowed the qualification of the establishment in an area of cellars and a property inadequate. Although the federal government is the one that gives, for conduit of the IMSS, the operation of these centers to privates, and it is for omission the responsible one that they are operated under correct operative and appropriate conditions. (

Those responsible for this criminal omission
Nevertheless the disorder and the opacity that characterize the outline of subrogation of stays for children were conjugated, in the case of the ABC kindergarten, with the absence of minimum conditions of security in the set on fire property, which lacked extinguishers, detecting of smoke and emergency exits, as well as of personal enough for the attention to the children. The improvidence and the government indolence that gave cause to the tragedy were increased, in the later months, for the erratic facts, slow down, and unfounded attitudes in the investigations about the case for part of the federal administration, elements that they force to suppose a design of impunity for the presumed ones implied in the lamentable events.

The fact is that up to now, smaller officials have only been imputed penalty by the tragedy, without jail. In contrast, in these years it has been of manifesto the reluctance of the levels federal and state of government to take them to prosecute the culprits, to the co-proprietors of the ABC nursery. Certainly the same thing should be made with the officials, former officials that had some responsibility in the tragedy.

The children shouldn’t die
It is remembered that the owners of the nursery had political nexuses with the former governor Eduardo Bours Castelo, of the PRI and family bonds with the president’s wife Margarita Zavala Gomez del Campo. The family parents consider that the archbishops of Hermosillo (Ulises Macias Salcedo and Carlos Quintero Arce) they have been partial toward the rich families to the one that the five main partners belong among them Marcia Matilde Gomez del Campo Tonella, it prevails of the president's wife. It was expected that the State government remembered the tragedy, in attention to an ordinance emitted in 2009 that he declared June 5 Day of National Mourning. But there was not ceremony some, neither on the part of the city council of Hermosillo, Sonora.

The scream of “justice " resonated 49 times away from the central offices of the IMSS, followed by the children's name that lost the life in the ABC kindergarten, with the demand to Felipe Calderon's government of punishing to those responsible for the tragedy. Almost a hundred of integral of the associations and social activists demanded that the law of nurseries of the IMSS is completed again. That is to say “that the subrogation system is eliminated to be completely illegal"; they noticed that 99.7% of the stays of that social institution “operates in an irregular way and less than the half they have had revisions of Civil Protection."

To three years of the tragedy it persists the it reject to the "impunity " to the resolution of the Nation’s Court who defended “the corruption and the subrogation of services", and certainly to the impunity, it pointed out Aurora Muñoz, of the GFCC collective who sustained that the collective demand, jail to the responsible ones and “true guilty” as: Daniel Karam, Santiago Levy, Juan Francisco Molinar Horcasitas, Eduardo Bours Castelo, Marcia Matilde Gomez del Campo, Sandra Tellez, Gildardo Urquidez, Alfonso Escalante and Antonio Salido.
The presidential campaign of JVM
In that way, the application of JVM to JMH that “he moves away” from hers presidential campaign it shines like a maneuver of distraction and of control of damages before as an expression of good will toward the victim and their parents: if this way outside, JLA whose dependence had the responsibility of supervising the conditions of security of the nursery set on fire in the measure in that was a work center, and who had, in consequence a similar political responsibility to which relapses on the former holder of the IMSS (JFMH).

In sum, to 36 months of the tragedy of the property subrogated by the IMSS the balance it is devastating: 49 dead children, seven dozens of wounded and officials' responsibilities documented and former public officials, but any outstanding culprit neither indication some of government will to amend the disastrous régime of subrogation of infantile stays set. Such elements, on the whole, show the contempt of state and federal, current and last authorities, for the life and the population's well-being and of their more vulnerable segments: the babies and the children. (La Jornada, poiítica, p.p. 2 - 36, June 6, 2012).

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