domingo, 10 de junio de 2012

The Federal Republic

Mexico supports to U.S.A.
The Federal Republic
By: Carlos Damián June 11, 2012
The disguised Congress and bundle of hands
México. - The reservations of the Bank of Mexico are high relatively, but they are not good for anything and they reflect the ‘delivering country’ like the contradictions of those “who manage” the national finances. So they have not been good it for great thing that the decline of the Mexican peso already began and if one observes it is to the unison of the collapse of the price of the petroleum and the flight of capitals to Madrid, and to the called Bancomer BBVA and of the Santander Serfin Bank, an observation for those people that have saving current account and investments, be careful that its money won't leave to Madrid and Barcelona, and this not said it so that it goes a long way the panic.

Great part of the Mexican capital that is exporting will stuff the black holes of the Spanish banking (, and to bolster to the dollar of The States that they have not been able to leave the financial crisis. The Federal reservation (FED) it quotes trickily their reservations of gold to a first floor price of 35 dollars the ounce: to price of Bretton Woods ago 67 years old, when today in the market it is worth more five times. It is probable that The States (United States of America). It is probable that The States stays an ace inner of the sleeve. If one observes those that fewer have reservations of gold they are the countries of the G-7, to scale singular, less than Mexico, clear except for Japan: The States, 148 thousand 445 mod (without gold): 1.01% of their nominal GIP; Germany 263 thousand 17 mod (7.10% of the GIP); Japan, the big country, 1.302,877 mod (21.27% of the GDP); France 185 thousand 40 mod (6,40% of the GIP); and Italy with 187,298 mod (9.19%).

The Mexican commodities
Mexico shows 155 thousand 949 million dollars (13.2% of the GIP), that which is bigger it at the G-7 (except Japan) but less than the Asian and Arab oil producing countries (Saudi Arabia and Algeria). In anomalous form Mexico is the first producing of silver of the world, that which is not good it for anything because it benefits exclusively to the depredators mining Anglo-Saxons and Canadian. The paradigm of the silver’s looting. Zacatecas State is the first producing of migrants to The States. Although this can contribute with the idea from the Bush Junior when inventing a commodities basket to strengthen to the dollar: foods, petroleum, gold, uranium, and other goods.

The reservations of foreign currencies of Mexico serve the FED with three purposes: 1) to support to the fallen American dollar; 2) to sustain to the speculation gender with the differential of the interest rates (carry trade); and 3) to stop some speculative aggression contrary to Wall Street bidirectional interests. Although in these considerations we have not considered the “war of the foreign currencies” -the control of the money -, in the one that if somebody dares to thwart Washington, the financial of Wall Street adopts ipso facto a hemorrhagic it escapes of capitals
The Congress is disguised
It is an aberration the attitude that the Bank of Mexico is shown as such if truly it is subordinated to the interests of the FED, and to the Anglo-Saxon interests. The question of the 50 thousand dollars is for what reason they serve those more than 155 thousand million dollars of reservations in the country where most is miserable. Gotcha, you go have guessed right if, it is to sustain to the parasitic dollar. Such it is the balance of the pattern neoliberal Israeli-Anglo-Saxon financial that adapted in form masochist, “the neoliberal Mexico". In form excessively imaginative the neoliberal Mexico would owe to create a basket of silver reservations, and in its assets in petroleum to strengthen the foreign currency.

In the financial context this Mexico of popular imagination should possess gold and silver like monetary support and enough dollars for the trade, what would give to Mexico a relative autonomy that so far doesn't have it. From the financial point of view we are a country slave of The States whose FED has 12 branches and 13 if it sinks to the Bank of Mexico-FED. There is not such an external “autonomy ": it is only “internal” in front of the three sell-bad date local powers, we have fallen in the trap central-bank. The serious thing resides that that pattern is broken when the debt of The States is with out of pay: 14 times more than what is announced. This neoliberal model requires to be sustained of the permanent deceit and the lack of information.
It milks it of the country
With these figure we can affirm that of the Mexican economy they have already left, in the last two years, at least 22 thousand million dollars, and a private debt generated has not been registered, to pay mortgages, maintenance and taxes, for more than 20 thousand million dollars that are added to the foreign debt of the country, quantities that added to the 12 thousand million mexdollars, they make a total of 54 thousand million dollars. In these lines we can risk that a group of stateless Mexicans but advised and supported by the private banks, they are those that have taken out more money of the country that the empires that have been plundering us from the beginning of our history like Mexico.

The speculation and the rental-theory are translated in a multiplication of the wealth of some few ones without producing anything, and it necessarily comes from the spoil of those that produce money. At one time this attitude leads to the ruin of the country. If one observes it is in ruins the Mexican economy, but it is in abundance for the Sires of the money that have sustained this government of the PAN and they have transformed Mexico into their particular business and to the looting in their favorite sport. We can affirm that to the Mexican political system as to the economic pattern it urges it a real and of bottom change, because along 30 years the same characters -the oligarchy and the power factice - they have made the same decisions and they have made the same atrocities, and there the results are. (La Jornada, economia, p. 22, June 6, 2012)

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