domingo, 10 de junio de 2012

Collective masochism

The people is masochistic if they choose to the dinosaurus to vote
Collective masochism
By: Carlos Damián June 8, 2012
The lack of information is a factor so that they choose to vote for the PRI-PAN
México. - In case the citizens want more than the same thing, if one gives kind of a collective masochism, we have to accept it, the presidential candidate said for the lefts-wing, in the Lucernas Hotel (5/2/12). What gave cause to those hours later the reaction of the national president of the PRI, Pedro Joaquin Coldwell (PJC) who said that the candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), he is preparing in conflict post-electoral. When responding the one from Tabasco to PJC, “we don't know that they are thinking the National Executive Committee of the PRI. If they are already in charge of us it is this way because they are thinking that we will win." (You would never trust an electoral organism in that the parties have been divided their property).

Then when they are taking the commercial flight to La Paz, Baxa in whose terminal of the airport Leonel Cota Montaño waited for it, former PRI-man former national president of the PRD former applicant to the governorship of San Jose del Cabo for New Alliance who then he called to vote for the PRI and now he is candidate from the coalition Progressive Movement to the senate. In the route to Cabo San Lucas AMLO stopped in the Todos Santos municipality to eat in the Emporio Hotel, California that inspired The Eagles’ legendary song, Hotel California, where he ate tacos of fresh fish.
They will decrease the wages of the high officials
The movement of National Regeneration (Morena) it will finish being organized, with object that their government leans on in people to the moment that it presents reformations so that the big ones corporate they pay taxes. In La Piedad Michoacan, they attended the concentration in the afternoon in the main square where it was subjected to an operative one, ordered by the mayor Hugo Anaya PAN-man. AMLO when arriving was received by the priest of El Señor de la Piedad, and in its speech he referred to the fact, “the priest requested for us. To see if they don't nag him. But in this movement there is Catholic, evangelical and freedom thinkers", it expressed.

He accepted to open a space in their speech to respond the question of a man that from under the one tempers you he screamed: “How long time does him need to make reality what is proposing? The candidate began a wide explanation on his routine, to answer. Every day, it telling; he gets up at 5 in the morning to be informed of the news and to begin their day later. It will be this way if he wins the Presidency, it enlarged. "to think eight hours, to work eight hours and to rest eight hours. We will work more time to make successful our six years federal administration". We will be able to put the bases of the change only. He affirmed that, as well as he made after winning, in 2000, the Mexican capital Government's chief, we will begin to prepare the projects of the following administration from its eventual victory, July 1st, so that December 1st “we are not waiting a delivery-reception act and he gets lost one year”.
Bigger medical expenses
I won't get divorced of the people. Because then we arrive to the power and we are in charge of a position and there is not accompaniment. It won't have separation", he insisted. The character of Movement of National Renovation (Morena), it will allow that decisions like the one of reducing the wages of the high public officials are not stopped, even when in this case the cutting of the revenues would depend on the Executive's ordinance. Ironic, it exemplified that the officials use the biggest insurance of medical expenses “to be given their little renovated. But that will finish. They don't know that we like he will give me to sign the ordinance” to suppress those benefits. Everything it without increasing the taxes, stood out it.

“Although this it is not the case of EPN who although he has been asked if it seeks to apply the IVA in foods and medicines he answers with ambiguities. This means that yes he is, he will make it. Nothing else that they won't arrive (to the presidency) and they will keep the desires". When he returns to Cheran, Michoacan, it said that “it will no longer be in campaign plan but to elaborate a regional integral plan for the municipalities of the entity that allow reverting the despair, poverty and violence state". “We will no longer be able to sleep for the demand of the PRI. Before we didn't exist, but now the things have changed. They are the turns that it gives the life."

After the first debate the coordinators of the campaigns, Luis Videgaray confirmed what a secret to sotto voce was already: Josefina Vazquez Mota (JVM), she fell to the third place in the surveys, according to the statistics that it makes the PRI. The debate was carried out in Carmen Aristegui's program, it transmitted for MVS. The coordinators of the PAN, Roberto Gil Zuarth (PRI-PVEM), and Ricardo Monreal also participated, of the Progressive Movement (PRD-PT-MC). According to journalistic sources, it is already recognized that the great end of the presidential candidates is among the candidate of the PRI, Enrique Peña Nieto (EPN), and AMLO of the Progressive Movement. The perverse former president Vicente Fox, he had just given the narrow lace edging to the rooster of their party, pardon to the hen of their former party that took it to the power, and that he said that it will take out to ‘tepocatas’, snakes, and dinosaurs of the power; and you see what is making later this how he said that a miracle would make it only that it won the election. Fox has been working a relationship secretly with EPN.

This relationship that manages under the table of negotiations has its implications among which we can glimpse the impunity, due to dark areas in its six years of public administration, among them we can highlight the escape that supposedly negotiated with the Chapo Guzman. Although they lack less than one month for the presidential day, and the legislature no longer allows JVM to substitute. With this panorama it goes a long way among the PAN-men the panic and they fear to lose the work that it last them twelve years. The height would be that Calderon leaves them without employment (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 6-31, June 2, 2012)

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