It is not problem of military strategy it is a problem of public health
God was the only one that helped the sick person
By: Carlos Damián May 30, 2012
The citizens demand answers now
México. - In The States the use and abuse of the drugs is considered a problem of public health, the same as the crime rate, and it is trying to learn of other countries the way of approaching the topic like an illness, he said last Tuesday (22/5/12) the boss of the political anti narcotics of Barack Obama's government, Gil Kerlikowske (GK). The antidrug czar pointed out that the country is adopting a more balanced focus in front of the consumers of drugs, instead of carrying out “a war” centered mainly in the application of the law. The former police boss also sustained that important advances in the medical science have demonstrated that the dysfunctions for abuse of drugs are chronic illnesses that can be foreseen and to be efficiently.
In this humanitarian context toward the drug addicts in The States, he adds that the international community should recognize the work on the whole in programs to prevent and to treat the drug addicts, to help them to recover and to study reformations to the systems of justice to stop the “rotate door” of the consumption: criminal behavior, imprisonment, liberation and criminal repetition. This problem we cannot allow happening and we should face the readiness of a treatment of quality and the commitment of the sector of public health and of the doctors of primary attention as regards drugs is crucial, GK indicated.
The statistics don't lie
Although the authorities say that the use of the illicit drugs in The States has diminished substantially in the past 30 years, there are more than 20 million Americans that could benefit of the treatment and recovery programs. At the present time, only near 4 millions of them they receive the type of help that they need. The abuse of prescribed medications has become a serious concern in recent years and it was the second more important factor of death, after the accidents, in 2007.
The Czar antidrug American is in a world tour, visiting Sweden, Great Britain, Portugal, Italy, Colombia, and Mexico to share their experiences have more than enough types of rehabilitation programs, consumption of drugs and plans of prevention. It also indicated a “quite successful” focus in Portugal where a program of personal supply of any drug has been taken, without arrests, trials and prison for addicted people, in which they have centered its efforts in messages of prevention and treatment. The experts say that the evidence supports a bigger use of tribunals of drugs that hey look for to impose treatment programs instead of sentences in dependent prison of narcotics. Finally the official of the White House said that it was in disagreement with the concept “war against the drugs". This concept the Americans recently have come undone of this concept lacking intelligence and tact for the sick person rehabilitation. "If you had a problem with the drugs… you only needed to find to God and to overcome it by means of your own effort."
In contrast in Mexico is to liquidate them
In his vehement defense of security’s politics, the Mexican president considered that to make “comfortable” or “to get ready” with the criminals would represent for the country a “serious error", for what called it to the candidates for President to define “with clarity and without ambiguities” if they will continue or not in the fight for the security. "That is, in synthesis, the alternative: to make comfortable to the criminals or to bring face them". “If we don't face to the cartels of the drugs, it derives sooner or later in: a dispute of the criminals for the domain, some against other", Calderon pointed out. He even referred to those who affirm that the problem of insecurity is only solved with education and employment. "That is to miss the truth", the president reproached.
He adds, it is obvious that the social fabric will continue, but the situation of the robberies, violations, assaults and homicides among other crimes, the citizens demand an answer here and now. It should have a police that they help and that it pursues the criminals. We need the two things, a culture of prevention, but we also have to assist the problems that damage the population. That the governments don't avoid their responsibility. The governors in the morning criticize their strategy of security and in the afternoon they demand a pick a quarrel of soldiers to assist and to solve problems of that type in their municipalities and communities.
On a long speech of 45 minutes, the president was given time to question the delay with which the Congress acts to legislate, as regards security. Felipe Calderon wants to be gone up to like give place in the electoral carrousel, and after throwing an oblivious provocation to see if somebody is bothered in organizing him a social protest, it also summoned to the candidates for President to define if they will give continuity to the well-known national massacre as “war against the drug traffic". The occupant of Los Pinos residence continues without understanding that set in motion in his against it has already begun and he has the candidate of the PAN in significant disadvantage (3rd place), in what represents a form of disqualifying to the party in the power and that the final phase of that national protest will be July 1st in the polling-booth. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 4-5, May 23, 2012)
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