jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015

The human stupidity

The institutional stupidity is dangerous because put in risk to the humanity 
The stupidity   
By: Carlos Damian                                         May 6, 2015 
The world doesn't arrive to the nuclear abyss but it has been very close
México. -  The rebellion in the farm is George Orwell's writing but very well-known but the introduction to its book entirely and it was not published but it was later opposing decades among its unpublished documents, but it is not available for the public. In that rehearsal preamble to their famous book points out obviously in satire form it manages totalitarian enemy's concept, but it urges to the English town to not being believed too for that reason, like it expresses that in England the unpopular ideas can be suppressed without the use of the force, and it gives examples of what is meant although they are not priority. A reason points out; it is that the press is men's wealthy that have all the interest property that certain ideas are not expressed. The second are a good education. If it could leave to a good school where the knowledge is infused that there are certain things that to say would not be well. This situation sustains Orwell; it is a powerful hook that it goes a lot beyond the influence of the means. In this context the schools are not in fact a recipient of good ideas but rather the stupidity comes in several ways.  Perhaps the stupidity comes although it is not the simplest of all, but it could call themselves “the institutional stupidity", this arise in the world is the most problematic of explaining.  
To illustrate it would be simpler to picture their operation inside the system that operates; but it is the same mark the one that goes from the grotesque thing to the virtual insanity.  A couple of examples are mentioned to give a sample of what is mentioned. At the beginning of the decade of 1980, approximately 30 years ago, when Reagan was in the power there was an article that was about the nuclear strategy, and it referred to supposedly intelligent people they designed a course of collective suicide in forms that were reasonable inside a picture of analysis geostrategic. Through the years we have learned much from those old times. Let us see a magazine The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists; it presents a study of the false alarms of systems of automatic detection that The States and other countries use to detect attacks of missiles and other threats that could be perceived as a nuclear attack. The study embraced from 1977 to 1983, and it estimates that during that period there was a minimum of 50 false alarms, and a maximum of 255. Those alarms were miscarried by human intervention that avoided a disaster for question of minutes.         

You can assume that anything is substantial and that anything has changed for some time. But in fact it has become much worse, seen from the perspective in that it treats the matter openly. For 1983 the nuclear war was a great fear, and it was partly George Kennan, eminent diplomat that called “the unfailing characteristics of the march then toward the war… that and nothing else". You began with the programs that Reagan's government undertook as soon as it arrived to the power. It interested him to put on approval the Russian defenses, so he simulated naval and air attacks to Russia. It was a time of great tension. They had settled missiles Pershing in western Europe, at the same time of flight of five to ten minutes to Moscow. Reagan also announced his program War of the Galaxies those strategists of both decrees understood as a he arms to give the first blow. In 1983. The operation “Capable Archer” included a practice that “took to forces from the NATO to a feigned liberation of nuclear weapons in great scale". The KGB, as we find out in recent file material, it concluded that it had put on to American armed forces in alert, and that perhaps bear in mind the regressive counting had begun for the total war. 
The world has not still arrived on the edge of the nuclear abyss; but during 1983, without realizing, it was near a shiver way, without a doubt more than in any moment from the crisis of the missiles in Cuba, in 1962. The United States prepared a first blow, and well they could have thrown a preventive blow. In fact, we have to the hand a recent analysis of American intelligence of high level, which concludes that the fear to the war was real. The analysis highlights that in the bottom it was the persistent memory among the Russians of the Redbearded Operation, name and German key of the attack from Hitler to the Soviet Union that was the but military disaster in the Russian history and it was about to destroy completely to the country. The analysis highlights that the Russians in fact compared the situation. All this seems bad and it seems that it goes of bad in worse, since as one year ago amid these serious events that threaten the human existence in the planet, the system of alert early of Russia that is similar to that of West, but faultier.  An attack of missiles coming from The States was detected and it sent a maximum alert. The protocol for the military Soviets was to respond with a nuclear attack. But the order had to go by a human being. The shift official, called Stanislav Petrov, decided to disobey the orders and not to communicate the alarm to his superiors.  
It received a good official reprimand, but due to their non fulfillment of the duty, today we are alive to say it. It is known about an enormous number of false alarms of the American side. In spite of the great deficiency of the Soviet alarms it is known that the nuclear systems are being modernized. The Bulletin of Scientific Atomic it has the call Clock of the Day of the Trial, and in recent date it advanced it two minutes. It explains that the clock “sounds to the three minutes for the midnight because the international leaders don't complete its more important duty that is to guarantee and to preserve the health and vitality of the human civilization". Perhaps these leaders in the individual thing are not silly, more however it is its institutional function its stupidity it is lethal in their implications. When observing the registration from the first atomic attack, and it seems to be the only one, it is a miracle that we have escaped from the third world war. The nuclear destruction is one from the biggest threats to the survival, and very real. The Second World War is the environmental catastrophe. (La Jornada, Noam Chomsky) 
One has to a group of professional services in Pricewaterhouse Coopers that in their study a series of the high directive of the private consortia priorities is published yearly. In the first place the excess of regulations is of the list. The report indicates that the climatic change didn't figure among the first ones 19. It is of to be supposed that these directives are not silly but they direct their business with intelligence. But the institutional stupidity is severe and enormous, and it threatens the life of the species literally. The individual stupidity has remedy, but the institutional one is more resistant to the change. In this stage of the human society, truly it puts in our danger survival. For that reason it should be the institutional stupidity a primordial concern for the human existence. www.stop-wylfa.org Organization against the nuclear activity in Scotland.  (La Jornada, politica, p. 2, April 18, 2015).

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