lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013
The Obamacare's failure
Obama offers an exit to those who suffered the cancellation of the medical insurance
The presidential failure
By: Carlos Damian November 23, 2013
The reformation of health is a failure; "I am the responsible one": Obama
México. - The president from The States is subjected to a strong pressure on the part of the republican legislators and of a growing fraction of the democrats, president Barack Obama (BO), he announced yesterday modifications in the application of his reformation of health (Obamacare) that considers in allowing the insured that want this way it to maintain their medical plans during 2014, instead of changing them for policies that fulfill the legal requirements approved by the American Congress in 2010. This concession constitutes a blow to the spine of the plan of sanity of Obama, designed so that all the inhabitants from The States have a minimum covering as regards medical attention. Although the own leader affirmed that these modifications are of temporary character and that it is willing to recover their plan of health, the episode is equal to the collapse of the main and only political victory obtained by its administration: besides the one it rejected that it raised the one referred reformation among the legislators of the opposition and of a sector of their own party, the American Executive faces a growing distrust of the citizenship for the difficulties in the operation of the mentioned legal modification.
This way Obama heads to the last three years of its command without having the only factor of change impelled by his administration whose defense a lingering waste politician represented for his government, and this was demonstrated with the recent unemployment of government activities, as consequence of the negative of the opposition to endorse the fiscal package 2013-14 unless they were gone back in the application of the Obamacare. This event implied the realization of numerous concessions to the opposition: indeed, in their almost five years, the presidency of Obama has moderated all the endorsed aspects of its calendar of social transformation; it has continued the militarism and the diplomatic immorality of Washington in the world; it has avoided to regulate the financial system and Treasure American, and it has even given up the aspects of their calendar that generated bigger consent, as the closing of Guantanamo.
The law of health is a defeat to the president
The president from The States Barack Obama, tried to calm down this Thursday (11/14/13), the biggest domestic crisis in his administration, when recognizing that there were errors in his reformation to the system of health and he announced a plan to help those who suffered the cancellation of their medical insurance due to the unsuccessful of the Law of Accessible Cares of Health, well-known as Obamacare. "In other occasions we have said that they hit us wrongly, but this time the blame was our; the blow was very desert", he admitted. It recognized that the problematic implementation of its reformation of health in October caused the loss of trust of its administered, and he said to be resolved to recover it. "I am the responsible one. We have failed in the launching of this reformation", Obama recognized. The law for the Public Health already has the guarantee of the Supreme Court, but it should still be approved by the Congress. BO who tries to limit the political damage to its presidency and democratic coreligionists, it said that the insurance companies of health could enlarge at least one year the policies that should be canceled because they don't fulfill the new minimum requirements imposed by the Welfare law.
It was not clear if the plan of BO could work, since the insurance companies complain that the solution could create new problems and to elevate the bonus, or if it will alleviate the concerns of those who fear that the unsuccessful launching subtracts options to the democrats that today faces a great challenge to achieve the reelection in 2014. The depressed president when admitting his “mistake " will work to recover the credibility and the population's trust. In this context of “amending errors", BO announced that it completes a previous promise that who wants to conserve its private medical insurance it won't be forced to change it, after 5 percent of the Americans insured received notifications that its plans were annulled and that they should subscribe to the public insurance, what caused that the initiative lost part of its democratic support and it found bigger republican opposition. The president was threatened by the democrats when considering modifying themselves as legislatives the law Obamacare.
The republicans, and being added to this protest some democrats, they claim a change so that the insurance of the citizens, so that these can be conserved in 2014, although they don't respond to the approaches of the Obamacare law. BO promised that it would make the entire possible one to solve this problem and the president presents an idea that she will help to solve it. Last week the secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, manifested before a committee of the Senate her doubts that the retroactive authorization to the insurance companies so that they blindfold canceled policies “it can work by virtue of that there are companies in the market with a diversity of new plans". “Many have incorporated protection to the consumer in the last ones three and a half years", she affirmed. The republican John Boehner, insisted in that was hour of “eliminating this law once and this it forever."
The failure of the Obamacare
The announcement made by BO places the leader in a virtual political death: lacking social substance in his administration, and exhibited as a leader unable to make counterbalance to the formal and factic powers that are opposed to the political and social transformation, the leader it doesn't seem to have the force neither the enough will to impel in the following three years. The original proposals of BO, they have been boycotted systematically by the republican legislators, among which can mention apart from the structural reformation to the system of health, to the integral migratory reformation, and their function like president seems reduced to play a merely managerial part and of take steps to arrange of the interests factic and of the elite that they move the threads of the real power of his country. We can see after curtains that the administration of corporate interests is the negotiation of the Trans-Pacific Agreement of Association (TPP), which The States takes to end together with a dozen of governments in a context of total darkness.
Para los ámbitos liberales y progresistas que llevaron a BO a la silla presidencia en 2008, y para los ciudadanos de todo el mundo que cifraron esperanzas de cambio en el actual mandatario, el fracaso de la actual administración federal no tiene esperanza alguna, en la medida en que se coloca a ese país sin rumbo de solución para los vicios, las miserias y las distorsiones que padece en lo económico, lo político, lo diplomático y lo social.
For the liberal and progressive environments that took to BO to the seat presidency in 2008, and for the citizens from all over the world that they calculated hopes of change in the current leader, the failure of the current federal administration doesn't have hope some, in the measure in that it is placed to that country without solution direction for the bad habits, the miseries and the distortions that it suffers in the economic thing, the political thing, the diplomatic thing and the social thing. (La Jornada, economia, p.p. 2 - 4 , November 15, 2013).
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