sábado, 21 de diciembre de 2013

The imposition and the forgetfulness

National The founder of the PRD unites to the march of 75 hours in the monument to the independence The imposition and the forgetfulness: Mexico By: Carlos Damián December 16, 2013 The speech of the PRI - PAN is lying and false on Pemex, and CFE México. - In the second day of the march of 75 hours in defense of the petroleum, on Paseo de la Reforma Ave, Cuauhtemoc Cardenas (CC) and several leaders of the PRD walked next to dozens of militant and sympathetic of the party, after a brief act in the one that described as "liar" the speech of PRI - PAN around this initiative, because they only opens the possibility that Mexico is more dependent of foreign interests and it cannot prepare with freedom of their natural resources. CC founder and moral leader of the PRD-men, were absent in the first day of protests but now he went on time to the appointment. He said that behind those 'contracts' and 'licenses' that approve the right parties hides the true interests of granting sale permits to transnational companies. It denounced that with the reformation, oil corporative State’s property (Pemex), and Federal Commission of Electricity (CFE) they will finish with the worst investment projects, while the foreign signatures will keep the most profitable and substantial thing. He also said, Mexico this condition already lived before 1938, previous to the expropriation of the petroleum, where there were exhaustion and production of hydrocarbons, because the companies only interest them the earnings and little the future and conditions of the country. . From the staircases of the monument, CC pointed out that the initiative that these members of the committee of total delivery of energy will endorse, doesn't speak of to grant administration autonomy to Pemex neither to modify its fiscal régime to be a true productive company, but rather they are only centered in celebrating contracts to give the rent and earnings of the sector to the transnational outsiders. However in spite of the result, the PRD in their national president's voice, they say that God willing the right-wing incrusted in the Senate will regulate the popular consultation (it is not effective this referendum of the State in fiscal topics) that at the moment you discusses in an intent to ask to the society on this unpopular, and prejudicial reformation to the national goods. In this imposition context and authoritarianism, leave very far that the right will grant to the people the right of questioning its victory when asking to the reactionary group in the Congress in a popular consultation, to confront it with the negative of the citizens, after its tremendous victory that impels the misery and the migration in Mexico. The law of the imposition to Mexico It is no longer a novelty after thirty years of authoritarianism, imposition and death the hasty and abused urgency of summing up the Federal Executive's oil and electric denationalization, together with the legislators PAN-man and green jesters in turn, they went by the crotch the Law of Budget and Responsibility Treasure for themselves promoted and approved. Carlos Fernandez continues, in his informative column ‘México SA’. "It is that in their article 18 such a legislation orders the following thing; the commissions corresponding of the Congress of the Union, when elaborating the respective verdicts, will carry out a valuation of the budgetary impact of the law initiatives or ordinance, with the support of the Center of Studies of the Public Finances of the Chamber of Deputies, and they will be able to request opinion to the secretary on the project of corresponding verdict". Also, “the federal executive will carry out an evaluation of the budgetary impact of the law initiatives that presents to the consideration of the Congress of the Union". In none of the initiatives of ‘reformations energetic’ correspondent to the Congress for EPN, and it presented the PAN where they modify the articles 25, 27, and 28 of the Constitution, supported by the Green Party and the Panal, neither the verdict on the energy it was included as fiscal obligation, the evaluation on the budgetary impact that will have the oil and electric denationalization that among all they cooked." If has such an evaluation you could measure the size and depth of the fiscal hole that the national sale will cause in the public finances, clerk in end of the oil entrance: between 35 and 40 cents of each peso budgetary it comes from the black gold and of this the economic future of the country depends. For that that with this forgetfulness on the budgetary impact, already for that fact they have violated the law. It is not a smaller matter and it was uncovered in the Senate by legislator Manuel Bartlett (MB) who it presented a suspense motion of the verdict of "reformation” energetic to name of their party and it denounced the open legal violation made by the bad cooks of driver's national sale. When extending in their comment, he spoke of the fiscal impact, of the economic impact of the two more important companies of the country that they will be fractioned and practically missing, and their revenues will be modified", and missing of the fiscal panorama of the State. MB adds: "how it is possible that a single mention doesn't exist to the economy of the energy denationalization that means nothing else of entrance, among the 35, 38 and sometimes 40 percent of the national budget. And also the revenues of the second national rent (CFE). How we can approve something that we don't know. The federal government's forgetfulness It is a jump to the economic hole. It is the most serious thing that could be presented and it has been analyzed. A series of elements is accepting that they will act brutally against the national economy and there is not an analysis of the fiscal impact. It is a legal obligation that that they are not completing. It is, anything less, of the breakup of Pemex and CFE, the two more important national rents of Mexico. Do we wonder, after driver's sale, where the economy of the country will be? Obviously the opinion of the legislator from Puebla (MB) it was thrown in some broken sack, and the warnings of the suspense motion went them by the crotch the delinquent legislators. These legislators that don't meditate only care their own finances. In the last 13 Years Pemex informed to the treasury near 8 trillion pesos -41 millions (USD) like annual average in the period-, without considering the earnings obtained by the foreign subsidiaries of the own State’s property. In this last case to be worth to remember the accusation of the Superior Audit of the Federation that it says this path: "the government of the Federation that says this way: "Felipe's Calderon generated government in 2010 a parallel treasury of Pemex in which they are deposited the earnings of the 39 filial companies of the State’s property that they operate abroad and that, in accordance with a sample elaborated by the ASF, during 2011 they obtained revenues for near 28 thousand 933.3 million dollars that didn't report to the treasury. "The earnings that they obtain the foreign branches of Pemex cannot be inspectional for the Congress, since the companies are not subject to the Constitution neither to the Pemex’s law, neither to the legislation that regulates to the companies of majority state participation. The decision of Calderon of creating a false treasury", parallel to that of Pemex it allows that the resources generated by the branches are managed to the margin of the Congress" (La Jornada, Andrea Becerril). They have not still noticed of what they are losing when carrying out driver's sale, and we wonder from what magic twig the public money will spring to assist education, housing, health, employment, and the generous salaries and fat benefits that oil to the three powers of the union. All this that each six years like six years’ pharaoh were given, and that they were never modest, neither Sparta’s way of life, where all this will be? In 1994 the federal government obtained around 12 thousand million dollars for taxes, rights and uses contributed by Pemex to the budget of expenditures of the federation; in 2012 that number was increased to 60.2 thousand millions dollars and with the oil denationalization it will collapse at non well-known levels. In sum to EPN, the riseyourfingers’ legislators forgot lightly to carry out the calculation. We can remit ourselves to the element that the ASF that helps us to understand the dimension of all this contributes: in 1985, with MMH in Los Pinos residence, it began to be increased the tributary load to Pemex, the same as the proportion of this with regarding the GDP, when spending of 0.1 percent that year to 7.6 percent in 2012. Finally it can make their reflection and you tell us the quantity of sweet that they will take of the pot of jelly with label “sale of national driver", the outsider ones that come “to save Mexico". (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 15-34, December 11, 2013).

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