lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

Pemex needs partners

National The transnational representatives affirm to have “big expectations": Shell and GE Pemex needs partners By: Carlos Damian November 6, 2013 The potential of Pemex is similar to that of Petrobras, Petrochina and Qatar Petroleum Mexico. - In the opening of Pemex the partners are indispensable because Pemex doesn't have money due to the looting that has made Secretary of Treasury (SHCP) of their resources via taxes. In this to traffic of Pemex among the Mexican citizens (reads you Mexican legislators) that they have denied it everything and in spite of that it still exists Pemex, we don't have leaf turn, we have to associate according to the private Initiative and commercial partners -PRI, PAN, PV, and Panal - with managerial consortia of the energy sector, and it will be with them who guarantee us the best conditions for the exploitation, commercialization, refinement and export to the foreigner, while we with this terrible exploitation will only be looking, because from now on “the petroleum is of the other ones and the hardships are ours”. The director of the Company State’s property Pemex, Emilio Lozoya Austin (ELA), according to its version 60 million dollars are required to invest in infrastructure and to revert it fall behind of the last decades, in those that the production of hydrocarbons in the country 20% has descended. For such a thing it is imperious that the Company State’s property has the juridical tools that allow him to share the risk with other international companies that are those dedicated due to the great quantity of resources that they will have to invest to take out to it floats to Pemex and associates. According to ELA, “Pemex needs partners, non intermediaries; we believe that the best thing that can pass to the company it is the competition (the sale of Pemex)". And in that line of information, to Pemex they compare it like to a bad girl of cabaret, in its first appointment. So much Raul Gallegos (RG), president of General Electric (GE) Mexico, as the Brazilian Jorge Santos Silva (JSS), executive vice-president of Shell Exploration and Production stood out the qualities and potential of the Mexican Company State’s property and they expressed the "enthusiasm" and the “big expectations” that it wakes up at world level the sale of Pemex, due to the imminent opening that in Mexico the Mexican legislators already got tired of receiving the benefits and money of Pemex, and they are looking for the “great sale of the buen fin", to be distributed the economic benefits, and works -that will arise to posteriori - in the private entities that will convert this giant oil property of the State. The opportunity of the gas shale According to JSS, the potential of Pemex could resemble each other to that of Petrobras, Petrochina and Qatar Petroleum, companies that have economic strength and of autonomy. But Mexico has the advantage of having a strategic geographical location and qualified manpower. "All our partners are Chinese, Arabs. We constitute this way the consortium because we have years and years of working on the whole (…) earlier than it takes him we can make with Pemex because it usually works this way in the world", he added. RG from GE México explains that the experience of its company like supplier in the energy sector have been positive in the countries where the sector opens up. It indicated that GE operates 18 factory plants and five centers of service with 18 thousand employees that compete with other similar ones in the world and that have generated better rates. “We work with the biggest energy companies in the world and besides providing services we also work in how to develop local suppliers, to design and to operate supply chains and talent development”. The production of gas shale opens a great perspective of opportunities for America of the North and Mexico that it could become the most important producer at world level. "In America of the North the production of the gas shale, associated to lutitas, it has had a significant increment and today we have a unique opportunity in America of the North, of having the cheapest natural gas in the world. Around 3.7 dollars the barrel, against 15 or 16 dollars the unit in Asia and between 10 and 12 dollars in Europe. That is the great opportunity that has the even country to diminish their energy cost", ELA indicated. The official proposes 60 thousand million dollars to arrive to the goal of three million daily barrels of petroleum, and this opportunity is given in 75 years with the federal reformation. When asking Arthur Hannah to ELA, of where so much money, the director of Pemex would come out he responded that a fiscal régime and the society contracts will grant the resources. "At the moment the investment in exploration and production is exclusive of Pemex and it is of 25 thousand millions. If to Pemex was put a fiscal model as Petrobras, they would be liberated 10 thousand million dollars of investment. They would lack other 25 thousand", for what the sale is imminent. GSS explained that the time of petroleum of shallow waters and continental platform finished now to extract this resource it is necessary to perforate more and deeper and that urges it, for what the heavy monetary load should be shared among partners. "It finished the time of the easy petroleum. Now there is petroleum in deep waters, in the arctic one, in difficult oilfield. To speak of deep waters, to perforate a well costs between 150 and 250 million dollars. To build a platform will cost two thousand million dollars. Then if we put everything apart from the pipelines and of the perforation, we speak of an investment for a oilfield of five thousand million dollars. It is an industry of high risk and high technology", the Brazilian said. The mail of Charly It makes sure that last Sunday (10/20/13) there was a family trip heading the nobility for a politician of the white and blue party, to facilities of Pemex. According to the report of Meshicoleaks, the helicopter XA-HCB was correspondent of Villahermosa, to pick up the high political leader of the PAN who they arrived to the oil complex Ku-Sierra, in the sond out of Campeche. Then they went to know a Chinese platform, Cosi Confidence, of which they must take off to return to the capital from Tabasco to 14:45 o'clock. The visit was supervised by a correspondent that he traveled in advance, and he said to be Official of Pemex. Also for those in favor of the privatization of Pemex was a gift that Dilma Rousseff, president from a given birth to socialist's emanated Brazil as the PT and in Brazil the participation of three companies has been admitted - Shell, Total and Cnooc - in the bid for the oil field Libra. Finally they won it and they take as partner to the Company State’s property Petrobras. It is an enormous oilfield, it is expected that it produces a million daily barrels of raw, the Dutch Shell and the Total French have a participation of 20 percent and Cnooc of 10 percent. The rest of the investment is by check of Petrobras. In Enrique Galvan's informative column called ‘Dinero’, says: "they feel delighted that the Mexico privatization is made, because they have a case that can be good to say: "they already come, that it is the road", however, there are differences: 1) Petrobras stays in charge of the oil development; 2) it is a contract of “shared production", not of “shared utilities", type Initiative Mexico; and 3) they don't have a ‘charro’ union leader as Romero Deschamps. The consortium will give 41.65 percent from the petroleum to the government so that it blindfolds it for its part. However, it doesn't have plans neither present, neither future of privatizing Petrobras, but in Brazil if they protest for their president's financial maneuver". (La Jornada, política, p.p. 2-3, November 7, 2013).

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