sábado, 21 de diciembre de 2013

The monkey’s games

National The parties of the right wing carry out more adjustments than they benefit to transnational: PRI-PAN The monkey’s games By: Carlos Damian December 14, 2013 The approval to this reformation was made for: PRI, PAN, y PVEM Mexico. - When being approved the verdict on the energy reformation and with the modification to the constitutional articles 25, 27 and 28 allow the total opening to the capital private in the exploration and exploitation of petroleum, in their industrialization, as well as in the electricity generation, activities before reserved until today to the State, with changes of last hour that PRI-PAN introduced in the verdict they allow that the mining companies that operate in the country, and that in its majority they are Canadian, they can exploit the petroleum and gas, associated to the locations of coal or other minerals that are part of the concession that they have been assigned. The changes to the constitutional article 27 facilitate the celebration of contracts of risk, included concessions with international oil companies; in the case of the article 28, the strategic character is eliminated to the refinement of petroleum, the production of gas and the electricity generation, activities that are completely in hands of matters, the same as the transport of hydrocarbons. In the article 25 a new status is believed for Pemex and CFE that pass from entities State’s property to “productive companies of the State", those that will compete for the contracts with the transnational ones, and for they will demonstrate it in a term of 90 days that “they have the technical and financial capacities and of necessary execution to explore and to extract the hydrocarbons in an efficient and competitive way." A new status is generated for the State’s property It settled down that to more to take in two years Pemex and CFE will owe they become again in “productive State’s companies", -in the national sale they are sold and taking place with outsiders’ hands, and it is an absurdity that they continue being productive of the State-, whose executives will be able to be freely removed by the president of the Republic. Through 21 transitory articles they are left in the Constitution the limits of the secondary legislation. One generates in the transitory article quarter a régime of contracts to benefit to the foreign companies that they will be able to keep the raw one that they extract and even to register as own the reservations of Mexican hydrocarbons and to market electricity directly. That transitory quarter article is another of those modified by the presidents of the commissions who considered that instead of saying that the recruiting modalities “will be able” to being of services, of utility and shared production and permission - that are equivalent to the concession -, they were necessary that the types of contracts “will be, among other”. In the constitutional article 27 it is specified that “being the petroleum and of the hydrocarbons, solids, liquids or gassy in the underground, the property of the nation is inalienable and lasting and concessions won't be granted". Equally that “corresponds to the nation exclusively the projection and the control of the national electric system, as well as the public service of transmission and electric power distribution; in these activities concessions won't be granted". However, it is added to that article that “it without the State can celebrate contracts with matters, in the terms that establish the laws. In the transitory article quarter that is another of those that were modified at the last moment of bottom the document, it is ahead a recruiting system that gives advantage to the transnational ones. The infrastructure delivery to the transnational foreigners The privatization of files is contemplated, and in the transitory article 16 it is ordered that in the term of one year, after the approval of the regulation law, Pemex gives its infrastructure -ducts - for the transport and storage of gas, and CFE its nets of the public service of transmission and distribution in conditions of continuity, effectiveness and security, to two organs of new creation. Of the verdict project, PRI and PAN they removed the gradual elimination from the subsidies to the gasoline and the electricity, contemplated in the article transitory tenth first. That article facilitates to the foreign companies that will generate electricity “to finance, to install, to maintain and to operate the amplification of the necessary infrastructure so that they lend the public service of transmission and electric power distribution". They also modified the name of the autonomous organism that will distribute the oil rent that will be denominated 'Mexican Fund of the Petroleum for the Stabilization and the Development'. It was necessary that its resources will be transferred in the first place to the Treasury of the Federation, to the governments of the States, for long term saving, and to the system of universal pension, when there is balance of the long term saving. They eliminated of the verdict a paragraph of the transitory article seventh, in the one that was indicated that “the legal dispositions about national content will be adjusted to that prepared in the international treaties and commercial agreements subscribed by Mexico”. Such a disposition it would make that the Treaty of Free Trade of America of the North (TLCAN) it was applied, eliminating the reservation of the petroleum that Mexico imposed when it signed this commercial agreement with The States and Canada. Separately in the course of the process legislative of imposition of the energy reformation impelled by 90 percent by the PAN this went by irregular episodes in their approval. On behalf of the Senate it got tired most arithmetic -PRI, PAN, PVEM, and Panal - the troublesome ones and you release tricks to lengthen and to make conscience in these commercial legislators for the patriotic and visionary opposition in the full of the Chamber where the difference of votes among legislators group would squash the few hopes and objections with solid arguments of left- wing, such as: PRD, PT and Civic Movement. The monkey’s games The agreement that they carried out the PAN and PRI to the margin of the Congress would have fruit in the full of the Congress, increased by the final negotiations of the PAN where it was looked for more negative aggression and nation’s delivering to the oil and mining outsiders ones, since modifications were presented to the verdict of omissions legislatives. In a turn totally to privatize with the conviction of headquarter of power due to the weak energy design you could achieve more permissions, and extraterritorial concessions. In contrast it has been left aside to the oil union completing an expectation from the PAN when accusing them of the corruption in Pemex, but they have forgotten the leadership of suppliers, and direction of the State’s property, attacking the oil leader and legislator Carlos Romero Deschamps when sending it to the official refrigerator but without consigning it judicially and clear demand that it returns that plundered to the country. Once again, another corrupt politician is sent to the hell so that “it suffers” unpunished his wealth abroad, travel deluxe and his frolic in parks private in the Swiss Alps. In the San Lazaro building they are clever to approve in ‘fast track’ the watchword of Manlio Fabio Beltrones, EPN and the ‘Virrey’ Videgaray; in plenary the deputies will approve it and it will be this way finished for the December’s parties, and the new year (2014), we will enjoy the approvals in state congresses. From far the fence is observed by members of Morena headed by the son of AMLO and the president of Morena, Marti Batres where bet citizens continued in protest for the energy reformation, although it is worthy to say it they are less than those that were expected -lack the hand of the ‘Peje’ -, and without victory expectations. On the other hand the members of the PRD, continued with their walk of 75 hours around the Angel of the Independence in Reforma Ave, now with the company of the former leader of that party, Cuauhtémoc Cardenas who participated discursively in a brief meeting. This segment of the Aztec sun has been left without the flag of the popular consultation in 2015, because in the Chamber of Deputies a law was approved on the matter that doesn't contemplate the constitutional reformations. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 10-14, 1 December 11, 2013).

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