lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

Oil get out of TPP

Nacional The European Union refuses to sign the agreement TPP by prejudicial to the users Oil get out of TPP By: Carlos Damian November 21, 2013 What is are cooperation picture: Joaquin Coldwell Mexico. - Energy secretary, Pedro Joaquin Coldwell (PJC), rejected that the energetic sector form part of the negotiation that the government of Mexico carries out with other eleven nations in the Association Agreement Transpacifico (TPP), as reveals an official document of The States Congress. PJC says that it is not negotiating Mexico in the picture of the TPP, in energetic matter. Though is insisted that an elaborate document for the Investigations Service of the American Congress, where is revealed that the TPP represents for The States an opportunity to insist on the opening of the energetic sector to the private capital, independently of the discussion that here is carried out. However it recognizes that Mexico has cooperation exchanges, of experiences and of energetic efficiency programs, international experience programs in renewable energy", said. It add that the sovereignty of Mexico is not committed. The Mexican experts are not consulted Exist a document issued by the Investigations Service of The States Congress (La Jornada, 11/13/13), in the one which indicates that the negotiations of the TPP "can open a space to approach additional problems as the reconsideration on the part of Mexico to the exclusion of the investment private in its oil industry". In The States reality is the principal driving of the TPP and is not tried only to a commercial agreement, since in this practically all items the commodities exchange that Mexico has with that country is free of duties as consequence of the North American Free Trade Agreement of North America (NAFTA). On the other hand, the secretary considered that "once it solved the economic package comes now in the Senate the political reform - electoral and when this be concluded will be given step to the energetic reform". The agreements in this regard, it said, corresponds to reach them the legislators, all time that the federal government already presented its proposed of energetic reform and also made it PAN and PRD. Of the budget approved for the energetic sector, commented that the Congress made a reduction of 33.33 million of dollars to the proposal of the Executive and said that will be made "a rationalization effort and of efficiency to make more with less". For his side, Fernando Gutierrez said that countries as France, and Germany, between others, they have been denied to sign that type of agreements because have been conscious of the collateral impacts. Emphasized that in Mexico already there are protection mechanisms to the copyrights whose work is used in hotels, discotheques and restaurants. The consultancies director, The Competitive Intelligence Unit (The-CIU), Ernesto Piedras, said that he has not been consulted about the intellectual property in the TPP, neither as consulting, academic or as specialist in copyrights. “It is being negotiating in a darkness stage". The director of the consultancy The-CIU, said that without doubt is necessary to protect the rights of the authors that they have let of be represented by collective management societies. He assured that the copyrights are interrelated with the economic growth and the welfare of the society, but their defense in no way justifies " that a digital citizen is disconnected neither the invasion of the privacy, it is a right that you can not resign". He warned that it is considered a negotiation very complicated in the one which must have balance to defend the intellectual property rights; one must to assure that all the Mexicans are connected and that there is digital equity, to guarantee the privacy and that the citizens will be treated us as delinquent. "If I am an author and I decide to send by mail electronic my books as gift or as sale to someone, the detection systems go me to locate to me and to the addressee as delinquent, in addition to that the service suppliers of Internet will be violating our privacy and all will be accused as violating" of intellectual property rights. It is relinquished to the censorship and alertness of Washington Upon regulating the use of Internet through international agreements with the White House, it is an act of complacency of the Mexican government, would be relinquished to the censorship and extreme alertness that intends the government of Washington through normative instruments that include coercive hardest actions for the suppliers of that service. Mister Loera (LL) said that if in truth the Mexican State wants to seek methods that guarantee tutelary of the intellectual property, "then that the legislators would update the Federal law on copyright, the one which was drafted makes more than 60 years, when there was not internet neither formats MP3, and could be copied information in CD or USB". The academic devoted to the civil litigations and teacher of the UNAM, emphasized that any regulation attempt dictated from The States "will not be more than a impose act that it must reject the government of EPN". As far as it is concerned, Jesus Alberto Guerrero Rojas (JGR), doctor in constitutional right, held that it is unnecessary that Mexico sign it the association Agreement Transpacifico (TPP), since "enough with which in our country pass it regulate directly the use of Internet through a specific federal legislation. We do not need that they dictate us international laws, what is required is that there is interest in the Mexican State to draft a regulatory law that outline the means to stop the violations to the copyrights". The opinions of the jurists also specified that in Mexico emerged the first Federal Law on the Author Law in 1947. Through this was conceded to publish own creations in any middle and with the purpose of profit, as well as their transformation, translation and reproducing partial or total, extending the force of the copyrights until 20 years after its death (at present the term is of 100 years), in benefit of their heirs. Also it is classified in the Federal Penal Code some offenses as violations to the copyrights. As much Loera as JGR, agreed that in Mexico is very it complicated for the artists, writers, composers and creative to obtain the damages and prejudices repair when their works are spread by Internet, due to the fact that rarely is known the identity of who or who rise to the net the creations protected by a record before the Mexican Institute of copyright. "Practically the creators are losing the judgments in Mexican courts in their demands do not indicate to the responsible for have risen to a page of Internet, a book, a song, an image, and a protected video", said JGR. He added that the right to the information ends when opposite beats with the right to patrimonial tutelary of creative other. The president of the IFAI, Gerardo Laveaga, expressed in reference to the TPP that each country must decide how to regulate the intellectual property, and though recognized that with that argument can be committed "many abuses", it is necessary to protect that right. With this information can light the alarm lights since TPP wears and erosion it the national sovereignty. They are particularly serious the agreements on intellectual property in the area of the medicines. Other important point to consider is "to establish arrangements balanced for the protection of the intellectual property, which defend the national products without falling in the under regulation". (La Jornada, economia, p.p. 6-23, November 15, 2013).

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