sábado, 21 de diciembre de 2013

Politics fights in mud

National The voting in Commissions of the congress, deferred; they will change 60 articles Politics fights in mud By: Carlos Damian November 29, 2013 They have become fights in mud, they accuse the political parties Mexico. - The approval of the political reformation in commissions of the Senate was postponed for next Monday (12/2/13), all time that even when the parties PRI and PAN had decided to vote her this Friday (11/29/13), last night the party of white and blue decided to wait, since they decided the political parties in particular the PAN to modify the political reformation to their convenience. The above-mentioned like a condition inside the Pact for Mexico to approve the energy reformation of the petroleum and the electricity. After the decision of the PRD of retiring of the negotiations, most PRI-PAN decided that this Friday they will have their session the four commission of ruling. It made an appointment formally to that meeting, but at night the members of the PAN changed opinion, they argued that the 37 members of that organism were no longer and everything moved a Monday. In accordance with the project of the verdict that yesterday circulated, they modify near 60 articles of the Constitution in order to change diverse aspects of the electoral political system. To create a new organ responsible for the electoral processes that will substitute to the Electoral Federal Institute (IFE) is among the fundamental modifications.. 60 articles will be changed It thinks about to establish a different mechanism for the election of electoral consultants and that they are 11, instead of the nine current. In the same way it intends to rise to three percent, the threshold for registration of parties that at the moment is of two percent points of the voting, and to allow the serial reelection of legislators and mayors, as well as to diminish two months the date for the taking of the elect president's possession. The decision of the PRD of abandoning the negotiations of the political reformation forced to change the dates and instead of approving the verdict in commissions of Constitutional Points, of Government, of Studies Legislatives Second and of Reformation of the State, like it had been planned, today will be made. It was also summoned to session of the full one next Monday, when first reading will be given to the verdict. Alejandro Encinas (AE) of the PRD, he noticed that it persists the pretense of the PAN that the immediate reelection of legislators operates starting from 2015 for the deputies and of 2018 for the senators, what implies “to legislate in own benefit", to this it is denominated ‘legislator commercial pirate’. It also considered negative the requirement that to register new parties, these achieve 3 percent of the total voting, all time that the disposition is not only at federal level, but also state and in many entities the bipartisanship will persist. The verdict project that finished elaborating at the 4 of yesterday's dawn has several articles encrypted, among them those referred to the date in that it will operate the reelection of legislators. They were pending of consent the causal of nullity of the election, since the PRI seeks that the "determinacy" approach, the same one is established that used the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF, in Spanish), in 2006 for not annulling the elections, in spite of the fact that it recognized that diverse precepts and the had been violated president of the Republic then it intervened in an illegal way. It stands out in the verdict before-project that with the creation of the Electoral National Institute (INE, in Spanish) that will raise the old IFE, “they will retire the most controversial functions in the electoral institutes that have questioned their impartiality". The INE will be integrated by a consultant president and 10 electoral consultants that will last in the position nine years and they won't be able to be elect. For their appointment, the Chamber of Deputies will emit the convocation. It will have a technical committee of evaluation, integrated by seven people of grateful prestige, of which three will be named by the organ of direction of the Chamber of Deputies, two for the Commission of the Human Rights (CNDH, in Spanish) and two for the organism guarantor foreseen in the constitutional article sixth. Of equal it is formed it grants their autonomy to the PGR and it becomes General Attorney Bureau of the Republic that the first of December of 2018 would go into effect. Politics fights in mud Electoral specialists conclude that it is necessary to revise the pattern of political communication so that it is not only sustained in advertising promotions of 30 seconds that cannot express a partisan proposal in campaigns. Outlines of agile and effective communication should be looked for to compete in the polling-booth, they pointed out. The commissioned one of the Federal Institute of Access to the Information (IFAI, in Spanish), Jacqueline Peschard, said that the adopted pattern is very similar to the American, sustained in the spots, without having the conditions that exist there. To only sustain the communication in those announcements is “an attack to the good pleasure", for what should be struggled by agile outlines for a political proposal and not to only bet to the impact of the promotional one. The electoral consultant Maria Marvan sustained that it is necessary think again the pattern because to sustain it in the promotional ones takes to question if in fact with messages of 30 seconds it is informed the citizens. She pointed out the necessity to take into account that to diffuse the proposal of a candidate cannot be low the same outline that likes “they are promoted the Coca Cola and donaught Bimbo". on the other hand the magistrate of the TEPJF Flavio Galvan highlighted that, in occasions, this communication outline you restitution virtually in “fights in mud", in which the electoral authority should intervene to prevent that the wars are based on the slander and the diatribe. The investigator of the UNAM Julio Juarez recognized that in a parallel way to the instrumentation of the pattern based on times of the State grew “the black market of sale of interviews and mentions". He highlighted that that cannot be attributed to the reformation that prohibited the spots purchase, but to a media relationship - politics that has been inconvenient. It pointed out that starting from the reformation, the media has received money’s cartloads of the states’ governments that promote its reports, with that which is clear that the television chains didn't lose with those changes, those “that lose are the citizens starting from an outline that saturates the audience by means of 48 minutes of daily spots, situation that should modify to improve the political communication". The specialist Cesar Astudillo recognized that the pattern is very rigid from its inclusion in the Constitution, for what changes should be introduced that they favor a better exchange of ideas. PRD reproaches a transformation short one and not well made The group of the PRD in the Chamber of Deputies denounced that the national parties of the PRI and PAN get ready to give an ‘closing’ this weekend with the purpose of to approve the political reformation and to enter to a quick process of voting of changes in energy matter. Silvano Aureoles Conejo (SAC), deputy of the PRD, denounced that PRI-AN is in a hurry to privatize and to sell the outsider Pemex, and CFE, with a mutilated political reformation, short one, blunt, that anything has to do with those that proposed, as the civic rights and the limitation to a new electoral organ so that it is not subject to the caciques and the governors in the states". Manlio Fabio Beltrones, its rejection to that the reelection of deputies and senators are made in the following legislature confirms, because in that case the Congress would be legislating for itself and there would be conflict of interests, that which to the informed being the legislature of the PAN was disappointed with the changes that have proposed in the political reformation and they commented that these talented current legislators will lose". Luis Alberto Villarreal of the PRI commented on the retirement of the PRD of the Pact for Mexico that is “a dirty tricky legislative of the PRD. It is been worth to differ, but also to discuss and it is necessary to know how to win and to lose in democracy". The PAN frankly recoiled in political matter, to make with flexibility its posture, sentence of SAC, when commenting the infamous and clumsy reformation politics. The tribe New Left of the PRD commented on the national sale of the petroleum; "an enormous error of the PAN and the government when making predominant their interest partisan about national necessity because the Mexicans in 80% are opposed for sale of garage. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 2-3, November 29, 2013).

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