lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

The Electoral Federal Institute

National The four counselors of the IFE receive: 306.7 thousand dollars The Electoral Federal Institute By: Carlos Damian November 18, 2013 IFE does not has anticipated to grant them a " march bond" México. - Though the Electoral Federal Institute (IFE, initials in Spanish) does not has anticipated to grant a "march bond" to the four counselors that will conclude their management the next Wednesday (10/20/13), according to the arrangements of the organization, the presentations that has the personnel most the possibilities of saving during the period of management, with similar contributions of the institution, and after, each one of the projecting officials would receive 306.7 thousand dollars, before taxes. Of agreement to the president of the IFE, Leonardo Valdes Zurita (LVZ): "do not have the administrative precision of the case, what I understand is that the advisors, so much of the counselors as of the presidency of the Council (General) will present their resign as corresponds (by Law), and in the terms of the rules approved by the Executive General Board will receive the liquidation the one which by law have right". Alfredo Figueroa IFE´s counselor was emphatic when rejected that will be applied extraordinary payment some upon concluding management. "There is no provision in this regard", only what was established for the personnel of the Institute. The internal arrangements for the retirement of the personal, applicable to the electoral counselors, indicates that them would grant three months more 20 days by year of service, that in this case they were five, since the four - Macarita Elizondo, Francisco Javier Guerrero and Alfredo Figueroa, as well as the own LVZ entered IFE in 2008. The tabulator of the IFE indicates that the gross salary of a counselor is of 17 thousand 287.6 dollars, by something which, to be applied that arrangement, would correspond to him approximately 106 thousand 666.7 dollars, more the proportional part of bonus, what implies some 20 thousand dollars more. To these would be added other presentations that govern in the public administration, as the individual saving that each counselor may have accomplished in the period of five years, which has as maximum limit 10 percent of their revenue. The front institute to the waste of their members In eve of the fact that concludes management LVZ asserted: "We are delivering an IFE in better conditions that it receipt". Furthermore was referred to the IFE as a “consolidated institution" and emphasized that were organized two federal elections in those which there was not “political complication neither legal some". To followed line the official said do not know the amount of their quittance - which according to unofficial estimates would reach 113. Thousand 333.3 dollars of dollars, those which there would be that to add 100 thousand for each one of the three counselors that also abandon the job -, but supported that payment will be accomplished "in terms of the ruling" and that it is considered a one which liquidation by law has right. Similar payments will be able be in legal effect, but result unwarranted if is taken into account that the counselors of the projecting IFE received large quantities of money on account of remunerations during their management, and they are, furthermore, immoral in a social environment characterized by the poverty and the misery, more the severe deterioration in the public health systems, education and national emergencies, as evidenced the recent hurricanes step. In this large salaries context to public officials and the occupational environment of the citizen average with a under salary maintained by thirty years, must the more than 4 hundred thousand dollars that will receive the projecting counselors from the IFE with the obtained sum all over the workers of the IFE, that it is of approximately 57 thousand 333.3 dollars and it will be intended for the gift of the damaged of the hurricanes Ingrid and Manuel. The mentioned quantities result inadmissible if are checked with the recent performance of the IFE in their fundamental responsibility: to organize equitable electoral processes, transparent and reliable. In effect, during the electoral presidential of 2012 the integrating of the organization decided to watch toward other side before the traditional and sophisticated maneuvers implementation of purchase and votes constraint, such accusation was put in the public opinion by Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador from March of 2012; but they were remiss in their monitoring activities of the media from those which was supported the one candidacy of the aspirants to the Presidency, and in spite the generalized dirt and the irregularities the day of the elections, qualified them as "clean" and "exemplary", in a clear abuse as their powers and legal obligations. They will receive an exit bond of the IFE If we guide ourselves by the arrangements of the IFE, must by each dollar that saves provide it you, the IFE is obligated to pay a most, therefore in case of that they might have saved the maximum limit (a thousand 666.7 monthly dollars), the total of the saved money more the institutional contribution would imply the possibility of accumulating 200 thousand dollars. Thus, in this way, each counselor would retire, without extra bond some and only with the institutional presentations, until with 306 thousand 666.7 dollars, included the personal saving, that they would be 100 thousand dollars as maximum. A similar plan operates for the office-supply personnel, which would have the same applicable retirement plan to the counselors, according to the arrangements that they have governed in the IFE, and ratified by agreements of the Executive Board. On the other hand, LVZ made votes by that the Deputies Chamber facilitate the negotiations for the designation of the substitutes of the projecting counselors and he speak on his management: "It is remained a very solid institution, consolidated; we have not only industrious efficiently a complex electoral reform that made subject obligated to the media, that finished respect the mandate of the law by the seriousness with which the IFE applied it. We organize two electoral processes that they did not had no legal neither political complication; it was renewed in 2009 the Deputies Chamber thoroughly, peacefully. Also it was renewed the senate, the own Chamber by second occasion and the executive branch". The cynicism of the executive of the IFE To followed line can criticize the onerous refill process of the counselors of the IFE outlines an example of the waste and the prevailing levity in the executive branches, Legislative and Judicial and in the autonomous organs, whose members perceive wages and other perceptions that insult to the citizen majority impoverished by the conditions of the neoliberalism, they employ public money to be endowed of work conditions pharaoh and exhibit without modesty all those benefits through exercises of "administrative transparency". It is necessary before such circumstance, to endow to the country of a picture regulatory that serves to contain the excessive official perceptions, those which convert the public service into a driver of the inequalities of the country, and is refund the republican way and Spartan spirit that it should prevail in the public administration, felt today eclipsed by the enrichment zeal and of personal ambitions satisfaction to coast of the public exchequer. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 2-3, October 23, 2013).

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