miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2016

To rewarded to the repressor

The national executive must analyze with cared the personage to reward
To rewarded to the repressor: EPN
By: Carlos Damian                                             January 22, 2016
The delivery president the order of the Aztec Eagle to the king of Saudi Arabia
Mexico. -  The delivery of the Order of the Aguila Azteca to the king of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdualziz Al Saud, this action raised critical between legislating, parties and specialists, by "carelessness" of the Mexican Executive of not to analyze the previous context and the personage to which it was rewarding, who endorsed the execution of 47 prisoners by various causes. The president of the Commission of Foreign Relationships Europe of the Senate, Rabindranath Salazar (PRD), considered very unfortunate that the president of Mexico may have granted to the king of Saudi Arabia the maximum Premium that grants the Mexican government to foreign personalities. The legislator of the PRD emphasized, "it is unfortunate the delivery the Premium, because the king authorized the execution of 47 opposes to their regime. Must have analyzed the situation, because that is the human rights problem, and already in and of itself we have observations and international organization claims in the matter". In contrast for the legislating Hector Larios says that there was not mistake in the delivery: "I have many differences with the current government but in this case I do not believe that it were wrong, because Mexico has granted that decoration to countries that has the death penalty, as The States and other".  

In so much Moises Garduno Garcia (MGG), of the Center of International Relationships of the Sciences Faculty, Political and Social of the UNAM, expert in Middle East studies, indicated that this was not the best moment to make the delivery of the maximum distinction that Mexico gives to foreign. “Lacked to him tact. It did not consider the context and there was not no advising. There was that to have critical thought and a perspective of the context in the one which is given this trip". On Sunday past (01/17/16), the current president EPN delivered to the king, a premium by sending to the death to 47 opposed to persons their regime January 2nd, of this year. It was accused of terrorism religious leader chita Nimr Baqr - Nimr, which headed the opposition demonstrations in 2011 during the call Arabic spring, and three students that participated. 

Diplomacy and businesses
It was emphasized as a person of fascist line that supports the death penalty, violating our laws that prohibit the maximum penalty. "This action threw more fuel wood to the fire in the middle East. Even though the executions are permitted by their laws, the form in which are given violates human rights. That context had to be analyzed by the government, though the visit may have been given with character of businesses and investments search". It is criticized (MGG), that the governmental strategy to be approached the Arabic countries will be through a relationship of mere business, when would be much more deep and fruitful to promote a cultural exchange, academic and intellectual. Therefore it is deduced that though it will be valid the national executive would have to analyze to grant the recognition to a personage questionable,  and on the other hand to agree amplifications of businesses opportunity, and that is not confused these two topics. 

It is brightened the machinery mediatized of Los Pinos residence in spreading details of the presidential tour by Kuwait, Dakar, y Arabia Saudi, Middle East countries to convince citizen that it is a success and the hosts are striven in attending with attentions and meaningful deference. What is meaningful of the agreements of the national executive is that acts with nonchalance, distraction and without consideration some to the Mexican State has signed. Beyond the happy messages that they have prescribed us the synchronized journalistic columns and paid for the Mexican government, what must generate preoccupation is the agreement signed with the dictatorship of the Middle East with the Mexican equipment that up until now the local nobility has been devoted to terminate the national wealth, terminating the goods of the nation without shyness some.  A small observation of the lack of consideration with our laws of Human Laws, and the Great Letter was the reward imposed to the king Salman bin Abdulazis any way you look at it unwarranted, since the personage has not lent prominent services to the humanity and less to the Mexican nation, according to the requirements that demand the corresponding regulation. Yet when it will be delivered by comity to the gesture of the mentioned personage, which at the same time delivered a personal recognition to the Mexican president. Have to be other types of medals but not precisely this.

Decorate EPN to the repressor
The spirit that governs to the magnificent trip of the president is plasma in the delivery of the medal to the repressor of the Middle East, upon conferring to him the Mexican medal that it was used as change currency, upon receiving the personal medal from the noble king from Saudi Arabia. As good hangman upon sending to 43 persons to the death; one by heading the movement of the Arabic spring and other men by belonging to Al Qaeda, and to the other to be enemies of his dictatorial policy. A similar situation occurred in Spain with the PSOE and Podemos that exhorted to Felipe VI to discontinue the official visit to the noble of long ago that would be accomplished by mid-February. The socialistic party said that "neither it is the timely moment, nor it is the government to put this trip on the schedule of the king, just when Saudi Arabia has executed to 47 persons". as far as he is concerned Podemos, rejected a tour "toward a country in the one which the women suffer a systematical discrimination and the war by oil, very debatable distinctions, and is going it to sign to sign agree anyone that these will be, as compared to those which the national interest founded has reasons to be put to quiver. After it is directed Davos to give your opinion in this world economic forum.

The image of the country has been depreciated, also the reward in exchange for deference, arrangements and benefit contracts of group, sponsored by Claudia Ruiz Massieu, secretary of Foreign Relationships. In Saudi Arabia the social activists suffer a systematical discrimination, and the advocates from the human rights suffer a continuous repression, it was due to these arguments that Felipe VI postponed the visit by motives; that could not be unglued the complex conferences process with groups and political parties to designate to the candidate to president of the Spanish government. The world is found in complex situation, the war of the Daesh, the probable war of Iran and Saudi Arabia, the traffic of the oil robbed by Turkey, but Mexican government not imports to them the negative context and their general manager preferred to go to receive honors, distinctions and medals, front national interest that ever it has imported to him. With respect to penal process that faces the ex-governing of Coahuila in Spain, it is originating that the Mexican government begin a judicial process against the ex-national president of the PRI, to avoid that million from dollars originating from the plunder of the arks of Coahuila finish in Spain, and The States governmental accounts, due to the fact that in these countries have been given formalities with respect to illicit facts of Humberto Moreira Valdes. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 8-9, January 20, 2015).

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