sábado, 13 de febrero de 2016

Geopolitical with Francisco

Their presence in Chiapas sends implicit messages to critical of the church Roman
Geopolitical with Francisco
By: Carlos Damian                                             February 12, 2016
With their action the Pope recovers to Samuel Ruiz before the clergy that " was detesting it"
Mexico. -  The Pope arrives to Mexico after 24 years of resuming diplomatic relationships with the Vatican. It has been in the course of the important time changes, notorious transformations, and these have happened in the Vatican as well as in Mexico. In our country the political alternation has been insufficient, and we have seen as has been happened in the presidential chair a corruptive political class and inept, causing a hopelessness in the Mexican citizens, a frustration in the seeks of employment, precarious salary, and void presentations that the previous workers generation if they had been covered, but to them criminally them has been denied. They have been found with hurt to society, with violence, and insecurity and surrounds them a class of bloody war that they have not built. In the social nets have been severely questioned: the government, the rich and the political class. The catholic Church is jolt by multiple pederasty scandals in the priests and they have been precipitate in a deep ravine full of disparagement in the society. Furthermore they have been surrounded of an opaqueness in the managing of the money and the banking of the Vatican has tagged many members of the church as delinquent of white neck. Of the last two pontiffs have to be serious doubt: Sodano and Bertone. They are found in a black hole by authority abuse and acts of corruption, therefore the media have made presence in multiple critical, causing doubts of their moral authority. 

The privileges and the palatial struggles of the church Roman have opened fractures, in the stamens religious, in the conduct of the finances, and in the administration of the State that drove to the resignation of Benedict XVI, united to the depression, and the diseases caused by his old age. The Secretariat of Foreign Relationships in September of 1992 was produced the reestablishment of diplomatic relationships: in a first moment was closed a tense chapter of the laden simulations country and tense relationships; on the other hand it were let back a difficult relationship caused by the Mexican revolution and the ‘Christ war’ was remained in the century XX, and part of the century XIX. The Pope Francisco, of name Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a lovely Argentine represents for the Church a proposal that permits to him to emphasize the difficult panorama that crosses, as soon as Jesuit priest permits to him to find new renovations and reform routes. With this qualified Argentine politician the Catholic church has recovered protagonist international and presence, because has demonstrated their qualified resources to mediate in acute conflicts, as in the middle East. Also it has served as bridge to make reality the diplomatic resumption between The States and Cuba; had political intervention to accomplish negotiations between Colombia and the Revolutionary armed forces, the event between Bolivia and Chile was suggested to restart the dialogue to have access to the sea, and at this time are seeing a miracle, after many years takes place the approximation between the patriarch Kirill of the Greek Orthodox Church, and the pontiff of the Catholic Church, creating a sharing out in ecumenical matter. 

Between the previous German catholic pontiff Ratzinger, in Europe opened a refuge and achieved it confer it with the secularity cultural. While Wojtyla, it was a polish that made it in focus his first period in the west confrontation - east, capitalism and communism. In so much Bergolglio seeks his cultural identity in the South Cone, is manifested in their life lesson, finds discrimination economic, exclusion of the indigenous, and is manifested in against of the "discard" of the small nations, and is focused in the ecological disasters caused for the excesses of the rich countries. In their written is manifested qualified upon publishing his encyclical ‘Laudatory yes’. The last pontiffs have been characterized by their personal magnetism, so much Juan Paulo II, as Francisco have unusual resonance in the international scene reaching incredible levels. In this political scene context Karol Wojtyla was a political actor itinerant, which facilitated to the Vatican to earn positions in the international policy, as well as to strengthen his mission of Christian ethical code, to strengthen material conditions, local and legal policies to facilitate his Christian mission. Upon falling the Berlin Wall changed the world critiques from the dictatorship of the proletariat until arriving to the dictatorship of the market that it claims the country by capitalistic excellence, The States, and centering their interest in Mexico. In this circumstance was visited five times by the Pope and in 1999 was exhorted to the catholic with the written Ecclesia in America, published document before 2000 and considered the testament of the Pontificated of Wojtyla.

Claiming to the forgotten
Francisco it has achieved to penetrate with his opening speech in complex topics as the abortion, homosexuality and pederasty, all this has been faced with the conservative and fascist church, and it is there where are located their enemies. Perhaps the visit has an implicit message to the Mexican Episcopate. To choose "Chiapas "is the recovery of Samuel Ruiz", as compared to a clergy that was detesting it and was hating. For the club of Rome - related clergy to Juan Pablo II -, they were designating to the Tatic of  "communist" and demanded his investigation by their “pastoral deviations".  Other interest point is the migration in the world and for Mexico is Juarez City, "it is to approach it, while of the other side of the frontier that is spoken of building walls". That implies what to support morality to the priest Alejandro Solalinde, who demand to the Mexican Episcopate "to assume a commitment in this topic". It is of course not there are identifications between the visions that has Francisco and the Mexican government, but will be imposed the diplomatic forms so that not exist penalty opened to topics as the drug traffic. There will be a generic message, if thus it can be spoken upon breaking forms with the conservative government of EPN that will open National Palace in Bucareli for the first time.

The contrast with Juan Pablo II, which substituted to all the progressive bishops by a conservative clergy and of right-wing, the current Pope does not share but questions positioning of the Theology of the release, with other vision of the paper of the Catholic Church. Francisco was critical about the operation of the Church, beaten by the accusations of the pederasty and the corruption of the finances of the Vatican, and is recognized that from their arrived has been changes in the forms and in the fund of this Roman shed. From their Jesuit world the forms reinforce that vision that struggle by a Church made for the heart poor people, and with a spontaneous message of gesticulation. All the accusations received begin to accomplish a turn to the catholic hierarchy. But one must to recognize that a Faith man is faced to an institution of more than two thousand existence years and Francisco it has taken steps important to recover their credibility. He has a Sir talent: his charisma, but these critiques of the excess of capitalism that censorship the inequality and the poverty, and it has devoted time to ventilate topics that Juan Pablo II, was omitting and was evading thoroughly. As opposed to Wojtyla that was centralizing the power in the Vatican, was ending with polarized visions and was combatting all what would be communism in a bipolar environment. It was a protector together with Joseph Ratzinger of the sexual abuses of Marcial Maciel, by an implicit agreement before the weight of the Legion of Christ. Bergoglio drawing the strong pressures to canonize to Wojtyla, but made it together with Juan XXIII, that represents the Vatican Council II, since the canonizations are a matter of State. The visit of Francisco beyond doctrinal appearance, it is a political event by the world importance of the Pope, to which all the politicians that eventually they have been believing deep made of God by work and grace of the holy spirit from the Reform, seek protection. And where the media unleash a religious fanaticism, that they do not share all the Mexicans, where is omitted the ignorance, and overflowed religion in all the areas. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 4-20, February 11, 2016).

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