miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2016

Pensions private

It is intended to give the tack to rights of millions of workers and their families
Pensions private
By: Carlos Damian                                             January 30, 2016
The administrative private have extraordinary usefulness
México. -  The Partido Verde Ecologista de México (PVEM, for their initials in English), that intends be characterized since was begun the group as an organization that has as end, "the care and the conservation of the environment", and intends to assume "the value of the word" committed, in reality will be converted into lance top into the federal Congress to reform the laws of pensions of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS, for their initials in English) and of Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE, for their initials in Spanish), with the consequent affectation to millions of workers that during decades have wrought constitutional rights. As staunch ally of the del Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), PVEM will promote during their next ordinary period of meetings the reform to the pensions that intends to give the tack to the rights of the workers affiliated to the IMSS, and that they have gained rights with the law of 1973, and to the personnel of the ISSSTE registered in the transient tenth article, arguing that that workers sector means a risk for the system retirement Mexican. 

In such a way that the Party "green" will be lent to the political machination of carrying before the Congress a proposal that, in addition to be unpopular, it will be regressive in matter to occupational right, that certainly neoliberal system 30 years have achieved to mistreat it until the point that the flogged Mexican workers have the first place in low wages, precarious welfare and void pension for an oldness deigns of all America. The arguments of the ‘green’ in favor of an initiative of great fret and social risk are feeble and poor. Their legislative book thus expresses it: "Reforms related to the restructuration of the pensions and saving system for the retirement in Mexico, those which, to consequence of the increase in the population and of their obsolescence, represent a social pump that with the time is going to burst, since will arrive a moment in the one which the Secretaria de Hacienda y Credito Publico (SHCP), it will not will have payment capacity, generating an indebtedness, deficit of the finances and greater pressures to the expense. "It is tried then to accomplishing a restructure of the system to avoid the bankruptcy of the same". With these fallacious arguments the "green" tries to make responsible of the deficit of the public finances and the governmental indebtedness to the rights retirements of millions of workers. (La Jornada, Roberto Garduno, et al).  

The Green confirms their demagogic and utopian proposals, as: voucher of first employment for youths, English and computation in all the educational levels, scholarships sol as not to let the school, voucher for medical care and payment by generating clean water. These positions that insist on applying of their political platform - electoral in 2015, they have ended by confusing to the citizens, that each three years are converted into cannon meat of the political parties. While the parliamentary group of Morena in the Deputies Camera will struggle because are taken measures to stop the loss in the Administrative Fund for the retirement (Afores, for their initials in Spanish), what "has impoverished to the workers". The coordinator of the legislators group, Rocio Nahle, outlined the rejection to send the stock-exchange the pensions system, and to the fact that the product money of the saving of the workers serves so that private entities, as the company OHL, take it for their investments, "in many fraudulent cases".  

As far as he is concerned, the senator Mario Delgado, upon intervening during the presentation of the parliamentary book of Morena, warned that comes an offensive very strong in this topic. It is scandalous, it added, that "this company that has cases of tremendous corruption, is fed of the pension funds of the Mexicans". “I cannot be accepted a reform to the retirement system, when there are large doubt on the financing of the Afore". Indicated that the great majority of the workers in retirement "not even will reach the basic pension, that it is the minimal salary", while the institutions that handle these accounts have “extraordinary usefulness". Underlines that are done not know the criteria that are continued so that are destined Afore to the infrastructure financing through private funds. "Now it results that the Mexican workers are financing to companies as OHL, that by the corruption scandals that registers, it moves those losses".  We advanced that will request in the Senators Camera the companies list that are benefitted from those savings. The deputed Araceli Damian, chairwoman of the Comision de Seguridad Social, warned that when decrease the company actions that operate thus, the saving funds have a considerable wastage. "This is a generalized problems of the pensions based on the individual saving of the workers, because is a money that is put to arrangement finally of the large companies of the financial sector and they are to expenses of the risks of the markets", (La Jornada, A. Munoz).

The law of Afore permit to handle to discretion the working money the greater possible time, and in this theft of the century for the workers have been conspired the worst of the bureaucrats of the federal government and administrative as OHL, in their bad managing to be remained with money of the citizens soon to retire. There is no need of summoning to contest to evaluate which is the most complex procedure to earn money as that of than the worker recover their savings in Pensionissste as well as in the Afore private. At ISSSTE must to face you with the federal dependency where you lend you your services. Upon attending to the Condusef so that to demand the account states to the institutions where you may have lent your services. It will be demanded you that present the payment receipts of the period in which was quoted. Though they may have been twenty years ago. All this complex procedure is so that a person with few experience is discouraged, and is confused. But you want to recover your money in Afore you go yourself to encounter all this complex jungle. All this plan is for people that endurance since is a career to survivors. This complication to recover money that legally belongs to them to the working is so that is remained in hands of the private financial pickpockets of white neck, because is a money that already have invested to obtain earnings, and indeed are not gone to complicate to comply with the worker and to return to you your resources for the retirement.   

In this complex road can find data of the Consar in the one which is indicated that 25 percent of the funds for the equivalent retirement to 25 thousand 917 million dollars, are destined to finance the private debt, other 15 thousand 934 million dollars are destined for infrastructure projects. Or rather, that while their savings are they are handled with discretion in favor of other, the workers happen the black penalty by recovering them. This situation created by the federal government and Afore them comes to annul ‘de facto’ the right to the workers to their fund for the retirement. Until today there is no power in the land that could modify the law and could put it to the service of the persons, that they are for the most part vulnerable greater adults. In this context of depriving them to these elders the right to an oldness deigns and reputable, it is accurate to design and to operate administrative and legal reforms so that the persons recover their savings in a reasonable time, and urges that are opened windows only, that they could be accessed, so that the pensioned futures be able to do the procedures. It is urgent that the Legislative could revise the book of the neoliberal system of 90’s, to end with the theft that make to them to the elders and they could accede to a pensions system in the one which they recover their precarious savings for the retirement, and make it of prompt way, without demanding favors, and without paying to the attorneys. (La Jornada, politica, p.p.10- 20, January 29, 2016).

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