sábado, 13 de febrero de 2016

Americans’ tears handkerchief

Trump it is a clown that it exhibits their phobias and fillies personal to the people
Americans’ tears handkerchief
By: Carlos Damian                                             February 12, 2016
The fastidiousness is more serious: WOH
Mexico. -  The president Barak Obama, will request to the Congress of his country the creation of a urgency fund of more than thousand 800 million of dollars to fight against the virus of the zika, so much here as in other nations, of agreement to the communique of the White House. Detailed that money will be destined for development of a vaccine against the virus that it has been related to the appearance of newborn microcephaly in infected mother - a bad-formation congenital by the one which the babies them present head and brain abnormally small -, as well as to reinforce the diagnosis capacities of the health care systems. Obama said to the chain CBS that it is necessary "be taken this very seriously", though added that it is important to avoid "the panic" since "nobody dies of zika". Nevertheless recognized the risk that run the pregnant before this disease. The petition of the mandatory democrat to the Congress, mastered by the Republican Party oppose, considers 828 million dollars of fund for the Control and the Diseases Prevention, and 200 million for investigations routed to the development of a vaccine, for the one which could be begun tests "in the summer", of agreement to the directing of the National Institute of The State’s Health, Anthony Fauci.    

Germany requested help to all the persons that they may have fixed to regions affected by the zika, be abstained to donate blood, by a lapse by determining in order to preventing more contagions. The virus transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti, already it was detected in blood, saliva, and sperm, by something which was recommended that who return from affected area use preservative altar not to infect third parties. The fastidiousness is more serious than the zika, or the fever of chikungunya together, asserted Pedro Vasconcelos, member of specialists of the World Organization of the Health (WOH). "The WOH estimates that there are 300 million of infections by fastidiousness per year, of those which 100 million present symptoms. Approximately 50 infected thousand die by year. There is respect negligence to the fastidiousness. Seem banal in the world, but it is more serious than the chikungunya and the zika together". It is considered a "riot" world in wheel to the zika and it must to the outbreak of microcephaly associated with them. "It is the social and personal cost for the families of those children what sensitive to the world authorities and resulted in all that riot".  Furthermore is supported that it does not has doubts on the relationship between the increase in cases of microcephaly in newborn and the zika in Brazil, something confirmed by the Brazilian sanitary authorities, but not by the WOH, the one which considers that one must to follow investigating. The chain TVGLOBO reported that the fastidiousness already affects to 135 cities of Brazil, those which face an epidemic, to be presented more than 300 cases by each 100 thousand inhabitants, though this information was not confirmed by the Health ministry.

Donald Trump
The victory of Donald Trump between the republican candidates in the primary elections of New Hampshire was received with a humorous documentary on the entrepreneur boaster protagonist for Johnny Depp shining a wig. Funny or Die Presents Donald Trump's the art of the Deal: The Movie it was inaugurated in the cyberspace of Funny or Die where Johnny Depp it interprets to the controverted personage that drags hatred and rancor to the Latino world. It is a middle-film parodist that it intends have been directed by the same republican candidate in the 80’s. The project was just publish after the victory of Donald Trump on Tuesday (02/09/16), in the republican primary election in New Hampshire. The movie of 50 minutes takes its title of the popular advice book of Trump of 1987 and simulates be special of television that the entrepreneur rejected as Trump offended, since its transmission was changed by a party of football. In a notice of introduction, the directing Rum Howard, explains that this movie is an adjustment of the book auto-biographic The Art of the Deal, that the fanciful real-estate magnate Trump published in 1987 and in the one which gives advice of how do business.

The movie with grain in the film and a soft area, similar to the style ends of the decade of 1980, portrays to Trump as a personage that suffers megalomania and buffoon. "The successful people always it is speaking by telephone, even if there is no nobody in the line", says Trump in a scene. Depp it is jeer in this parody of the unmovable ego of the candidate to the White House, and narrates us the moment that, "to him change the life". To 10 years saw a photo of the impressive white marble mausoleum of Tahj Mahal in India. "I swore that a day would have my own palace. Thirty years afterwards was opened an opportunity. Until had more class than the original, because was a casino and were found in a place more beautiful than India: New Jersey", says Depp in his characterization. After, in the movie in reference, to the statements of auto-praise of the millionaire, the personage explains to him to a child that robbed a copy of the book auto-biographic, and says that this book is the most sold second in the world after the Holy Bible, the one which to the contrary "must have been written by 12 persons, and that is bored". It is found in: www.funnyordie.com/videos/ad38087bac/donald-trump-art-of-the-deal-movie?_cc=_d__&_ccid=6cdeec237cae84aef .

Americans’ tears handkerchief
The success of Donald Trump the same us narrates it, when was absented of a republican discussion between pre-candidates that took place in Iowa. Made it to protest against the participation of a journalist - Megyn Kelly - in the moderators’ panel, to the one which intended to veto. In this absence was noted to the instant when the opponents were seen free of the pressure of the clown and person that characterizes to the hatred and rancor of the common citizen. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio showed an ease rarely sight, and Jeb Bush could not control a relief expression, and soon after was carried with a in himself safety and with a naturalness that made to him much lack in the previous occasions of the discussions, when were found front ego of Trump and his insolence. This interesting encounter where was discussed intelligent postures and political proposals, the public was dissatisfaction, perhaps because the insolence coarse and heavy exhibited was not what we are waiting, this public banal and rude was waiting low blows and personal affronts, as in a series of television, that exhibits cloddish clowns, that insult to the Latino, accuse them of the employment problems, and misery of the Americans - Americans’ tears cloth-, and furthermore exhibit coarse remark affronts and odious personal difficulties of each one of those which intervene in the discussion. 

This episode puts on the discussion table that it is what wait the American citizen and in this reflection is added that it is a public that seeks sensations, to discover to clowns, that exhibit their phobias and fillies, and this happens above all when they do not be prepared to answer tit for tat and personal affronts against the citizens Mexico-American in The States, that for many years they have been treated as citizen of third class. (La Jornada, politica, p.p.20- 22, February 11, 2016).

Paño de lágrimas

Trump es un ´payaso que exhibe sus fobias y filias personales al publico
Paño de lágrimas 2016
Por: Carlos Damián                                             Febrero 12, 2016
El dengue es más grave: OMS
México. -  El presidente Barak Obama, pedirá al Congreso de su país la creación de un fondo de urgencia de más de mil 800 millones de dólares para luchar contra el virus del zika, tanto aquí como en otras naciones, de acuerdo al comunicado de la Casa Blanca. Detalló que el dinero se destinará al desarrollo de una vacuna contra el virus que ha sido relacionado con la aparición de microcefalia en recién nacidos de madres infectadas –una malformación congénita por la cual los bebes presentan cabeza y cerebro anormalmente pequeños-, así como para reforzar las capacidades de diagnóstico de los sistemas de salud pública. Obama dijo a la cadena CBS que es necesario “tomarse esto muy seriamente”, aunque añadió que es importante evitar “el pánico” ya que “nadie muere de zika”. No obstante reconoció el riesgo que corren las embarazadas ante esta enfermedad. La petición del mandatario demócrata al Congreso, dominado por el opositor Partido Republicano, considera 828 millones de dólares de fondos para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades, y 200 millones para investigaciones encaminadas al desarrollo de una vacuna, para la que podrían iniciarse pruebas “en el verano”, de acuerdo al director del Instituto Nacional de Salud de Estados Unidos, Anthony Fauci.

Alemania pidió ayuda a todas las personas que hayan fijado a regiones afectadas por el zika, abstenerse a donar sangre, por un lapso por determinar a fin de prevenir más contagios. El virus transmitido por el mosquito Aedes aegypti, ya fue detectado en sangre, saliva, y esperma, por lo cual se recomendó que quienes regresen de área afectadas utilicen preservativos ara no infectar a terceros. El dengue es más grave que el zika, o la fiebre de chikungunya juntos, afirmó Pedro Vasconcelos., miembro de especialistas de la organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). “La OMS estima que hay 300 millones de infecciones por dengue al año, de las cuales 100 millones presentan síntomas. Aproximadamente 50 mil infectados mueren por año. Hay negligencia respecto al dengue. Parece banalizado en el mundo, pero es más grave que el chikungunya y el zika juntos”. Se considera un “alboroto” mundial en torno al zika y sse debe al brote de microcefalia asociado a él. “Es el costo social y personal para las familias de esos niños lo que sensibilizó a las autoridades mundiales y resultó en todo ese alboroto”.  Además se sostiene que no tiene dudas sobre la relación entre el aumento de casos de microcefalia en recién nacidos y el zika en Brasil, algo confirmado por las autoridades sanitarias brasileñas, pero no por la OMS, la cual considera que hay que seguir investigando. La cadena TVGlobo reportó que el dengue ya afecta a 135 ciudades de Brasil, las cuales enfrentan una epidemia, al presentarse más de 300 casos por cada 100 mil habitantes, aunque esta información no fue confirmada por el ministerio de Salud.

Donald Trump
El triunfo de Donald Trump entre los candidatos republicanos en las elecciones primarias de New Hampshire fue recibido con un documental humorístico sobre el presumido empresario  protagonizado por Johnny Depp luciendo una peluca. Funny or Die Presents Donald Trump’s the art of the Deal: The Movie fue estrenada en el cibersitio de Funny or Die donde Johnny Depp interpreta al controvertido personaje que arrastra odio y rencor al mundo latino. Es un mediometraje paródico que pretende haber sido dirigida por el mismo candidato republicano en los años 80. El proyecto fue publicado justo después de la victoria de Donald Trump el martes (9/02/16), en la elección primaria republicana en New Hampshire. La película de 50 minutos toma su título del popular libro de consejos de Trump de 1987 y simula ser especial de televisión que el empresario desechó molesto, pues su trasmisión fue cambiada por un partido de futbol. En un aviso de introducción, el director Ron Howard, explica que esta película es una adaptación del libro autobiográfico The Art of the Deal, que el extravagante magnate inmobiliario Trump publicó en 1987 y en el que da consejos de cómo hacer negocios.

La película con grano en el filme y un foco suave, similar al estilo de finales de la década de 1980, retrata a Trump como un personaje que sufre megalomanía y bufón. “La gente exitosa siempre está hablando por teléfono, incluso si no hay nadie en la línea”, dice Trump en una escena. Depp se burla en esta parodia del inamovible ego del candidato a la Casa Blanca, y nos narra el momento que, ”le cambio la vida”. A los 10 años vio una foto del impresionante mausoleo de mármol blanco de Taj Mahal en la India. “Juré que un día tendría mi propio palacio. Treinta años más tarde se abrió una oportunidad. Hasta tenía más clase que el original, porque era un casino y se encontraba en un lugar más bello que la India: Nueva Jersey”, dice Depp en su caracterización. Después, en la película en referencia, a las declaraciones de autoelogio del millonario, el personaje le explica a un niño que robó un ejemplar del libro autobiográfico, y dice que este libro es el segundo más vendido en el mundo después de la Biblia, la cual al contrario “debe haber sido escrita por 12 personas, y esa aburrida”. Se encuentra en: www.funnyordie.com/videos/ad38087bac/donald-trump-art-of-the-deal-movie?_cc=_d__&_ccid=6cdeec237cae84aef .

Pañuelo de lágrimas de los estadounidenses
El éxito de Donald Trump el mismo nos lo narra, cuando se ausentó de un debate republicano entre precandidatos que tuvo lugar en Iowa. Lo hizo para protestar contra la participación de una periodista –Megyn Kelly- en el panel de moderadores, a la que pretendió vetar. En esta ausencia se notó al instante cuando los contrincantes se vieron libres de la presión del payaso y persona que caracteriza al odio y rencor del ciudadano común. Ted Cruz y Marco Rubio mostraron una desenvoltura pocas veces vista, y Jeb Bush no pudo controlar una expresión de alivio, y enseguida se portó con una seguridad en sí mismo y con una naturalidad que le hizo mucha falta en las ocasiones anteriores de los debates, cuando se encontraba frente al ego de Trump y su insolencia. Este encuentro interesante donde se debatió posturas inteligentes y propuestas políticas, el público estuvo descontento, tal vez porque los desplantes groseros y torpes exhibidos no fue lo que esperaban, este público banal y corriente esperaba golpes bajos e insultos personales, como en una serie de televisión, que exhibe tontos payasos, que insulten a los latinos, los acusen de los problemas de empleo, y miseria de los gringos, y además exhiben insultos groseros y dificultades personales odiosas de cada uno de los que intervienen en el debate.

Este episodio pone en la mesa de discusión que es lo que esperan los ciudadanos estadounidenses y en esta reflexión se añade que es un público que busca sensaciones, descubrir a payasos, que exhiben sus fobias y filias, y esto sucede sobre todo cuando no están dispuestos a responder en los mismos términos e insultos personales contra los mexicanos residentes en Estados Unidos, que por muchos años han sido tratados como ciudadanos de tercera clase.(La Jornada, política, p.p.20- 22, Febrero 11, 2016).

Money whitening

To the man covered it because helped in many campaigns of the PRI: AMLO
Money whitening
By: Carlos Damian                                             January 22, 2016
It is requested the Mexico general district attorney's office that it investigate debt in Coahuila
México. -  The ex-governing of Coahuila Humberto Moreira Valdez (HMV) it was arrested in Spain, and "it will be processed abroad and not in Mexico, as had to be made because counts on protection of Enrique Peña Nieto" (EPN), assures Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO). "Moreira helped EPN, even used money of the exchequer of Coahuila for their campaign (2012); then, therefore they covered it. But the case transcended, happened abroad and arrested it in Spain, where is going to be court. It is lamentable that it would follow prevailing the impunity", it indicated. "Therefore also they did not open a process against Moreira, because he was helping in many political campaigns of the PRI, and above all helped in special form EPN, there is a relationship of complicity.  He denied that they would be a failure the bad results that obtained Morena, in the election of Colima, because there "operated the election of the racoon of Manlio Fabio Beltrones, National leader of the PRI". “Then there was a dirty war against other candidates, bought votes, it was all a dirt. There it was the principal electoral criminal was Don Beltrone, of that not have the smaller doubts. Lopez Obrador revealed that the governor of the PRI from Zacatecas, "it spoke with the national leaders of the PAN and of the PRD so that accepted to his brother-in-law (De Leon Mojarro), with the commitment of the fact that is going it to support economically".

It is proposed district attorney's office to investigate corruption and pension remove
Local deputies approved an agreement point to request the creation of a special district attorney's office that investigate the debt of about 1.94 billion of dollars that was registered in the administration of the ex-governing Humberto Moreira Valdes. Furthermore, the permanent delegation of the local Congress requested to the procurator of Justice in Coahuila, Homero Ramos Gloria, which appear to explain the result of the investigations in connection with the debt. "We demanded an investigation in depth of the Special Commission of the Public Debt (CEDP, for their initials in Spanish) that there is in the State Congress, as well as the creation of a special district attorney's office in the (general district attorney's office) mentioned like PGR that investigate the debt of the state", says the coordinator of the legislators’ petit comite of the PAN, Jesus de Leon Tello. "We requested that the CEDP of Coahuila request the PGR and the Secretariat of Foreign Relationships (SRE, for their initials in Spanish) information on the detention of Humberto Moreira in Spain; and that report that the procurator Humberto Ramos on the penal previous inquiries and the great debt of the State and their involved", indicated. "As legislative branch are obligated to make justice or let the position if we preferred to follow betting to it to the accomplice silence", said.

The people of Coahuila demand the separation of Ruben Moreira Valdes, to avoid any misadventure and that there are omissions and complicities in the development of the investigations that are accomplished against his brother Humberto (HMV) arrested in Spain by presumed money wash. Ricardo Anaya (PAN) emphasized that from his party presented various accusations against HMV national ex-leader of the PRI, by the illegal indebtedness of the state administration, contracted during his management. In a communique, added that no of the accusations had the follow-up that the Spanish justice yes has given to the topic and considered a shame that in other country is punished what in Mexico not. Requested to the Mexican authorities that comply with their must and explain why they have been made of the fat sight in the case of HMV. Furthermore it demanded that this would return all money that "it was robbed" when it was governing.  In so much the entrepreneur Arming Guadiana, an entrepreneur that it has had personal problems with the family Moreira Valdes, requested the citizenship to provide accusations against the two brothers by the operation offenses with illicit origin resources, bribe, delinquent association and the other that result of this fact. 

The Spanish policeman investigates
Entrepreneur of mining industry and cattleman, he criticized that the politicians may have been certified with making statements mediates without presenting the necessary accusations. Many persons have been pronounced in favor of the creation of a special district attorney's office in the PGR that investigate the governors’ corruption, ex-gubernators, independently of their factional origin. The ex-national president of the PRI is investigated by the Unit against the Economic and Fiscal delinquency of the policeman of Spain at least from past September, and the prosecutors of that country presented as one of the cargo tests several recordings of listens telephonic (authorized by a judge of the National Hearing) between the Mexican politician and his presumed he lends the name with those which washed money, whose origin is presumed illicit. The ex-governing, it contracted in the Iberian country the professional services of the recognized penal action Spanish Manuel Olle Sese, international criminal law teacher of the Universidad Complutense from Madrid, who has intercalated during his short career as attorney the helping with fiscal of the International Penal Court in causes against authors of hurt humanity crimes (basically in countries as Argentina and Chile) and the defense of known entrepreneurs and Spanish politicians.

The advocates defending equipment headed by the penal action Mexican Victor Olea, face the resolution of the Spanish judge Jose de la Mata, who denied the freedom under bail to the HMV, already it was contested and it will be checked by a jurisdictional organ superior of that country. In days gone by the judge De la Mata accepted the arguments of the district attorney's office Anti-corruption of Spain, that requested the prison without right to bail for the accused, arrested by order of judge other (Santiago Pedraz), by presumed money wash, bribe and criminal association, between other offenses. One of the attorneys, the penal action Manuel Olle Sese worked in some moment with the judge of the National Hearing Baltazar Garzon and it has participated as auxiliary of help like prosecutors which they have realize charges by hurt humanity offenses to the August Pinochet Chilean dictator and to the argentine repressor Ricardo Michael Cavallo, genocide accused, who was extradited of Mexico to Spain in 2003.  This singular personage always it has defended the persecution of the crimes against the assignment humanity in Spain during the ‘franquismo’ (political line).

We can say that beyond Moreira case the corruption can be observed in all the parties in smaller or greater measured, and all the society as a rule alone perceives the impunity, since does not attend when there is offense that to pursue and it will be denounced in the federal courts yet. In this context the impunity is derived from situations from the institutions and of the power that it carried the position that they have. It is obligation of the legislators and of the State to promulgate the National System of Auditor Department (SNA, for their initials in Spanish), and to reinforce the Special Commission of the Public Debt (CEDP, for their initials in Spanish), of the states, as well as the creation of a special district attorney's office in the PGR, and to remove the pension that grants the State and the Federation. The investigation would have to begin by the Secretariat of the Public Function (SFP, for their initials in Spanish), and the National Congress will have to change the framework to the conflict of interest that there is with the governor of current Coahuila. This topic has been returned a discussion important topics and it has been converted acuter than what originally was, this conflict of interest that perceives the public, and the public servant, the governing will have this problem before and after be official. But in spite of all the governmental disparagement persists and it is hoped that the corruption and the impunity are ended to global scale. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 10-11, January 20, 2015).

Lavado de dinero

Al hombre lo taparon porque ayudó en muchas campañas del PRI: AMLO
Lavado de dinero
Por: Carlos Damián                                             Enero 22, 2016
Se solicita  a la PGR que indague deuda en Coahuila
México. -  El ex gobernador de Coahuila Humberto Moreira Valdez (HMV) fue detenido en España, y “será procesado en el extranjero y no en México, como debió hacerse porque cuenta con protección de Enrique Peña Nieto”, asegura Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO). “Moreira ayudó a Enrique Peña Nieto (EPN), incluso utilizaron dinero del erario de Coahuila para su campaña (2012); entonces, por eso lo taparon. Pero el caso trascendió, pasó al extranjero y lo detuvieron en España, donde va a ser juzgado. Es lamentable que siga imperando la impunidad”, indicó. “Por eso también no abrieron un proceso en contra de Moreira, porque él estuvo ayudando en muchas campañas políticas del PRI, y sobre todo ayudó en forma especial a EPN, hay una relación de complicidad. Negó que fueran un fracaso los malos resultados que obtuvo Morena, en la elección de Colima, porque allí “operó la elección del mapache de Manlio Fabio Beltrones, dirigente Nacional del PRI”. “Entonces hubo una guerra sucia en contra de otros candidatos, compraron votos, fue toda una cochinero. Ahí fue el principal delincuente electoral fue Don Beltrone, de eso no tengo la menor duda. López Obrador reveló que el gobernador del PRI de Zacatecas, “habló con los dirigentes nacionales del PAN y del PRD para que aceptara a su cuñado (De León Mojarro), con el compromiso de que lo va a apoyar económicamente”.

Se propone fiscalía para investigar corrupción y retiro de pensión
Diputados locales aprobaron un punto de acuerdo para solicitar la creación de una fiscalía especial que investigue la deuda de cerca de 35 mil millones de pesos que se registró en la administración  del ex gobernador Humberto Moreira Valdés. Además, la diputación permanente del Congreso local pidió al procurador de Justicia en Coahuila, Homero Ramos Gloria, que comparezca para explicar el resultado de las investigaciones en torno a la deuda. “Exigimos una investigación a fondo de la Comisión Especial de la Deuda Pública (CEDP) que hay en el Congreso Estatal, así como la creación de una fiscalía especial en la PGR que investigue la deuda del estado”, dice el coordinador  de la bancada del PAN, Jesús de León Tello. “Pedimos que la CEDP de Coahuila solicite a la PGR y a la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores información sobre la detención de Humberto Moreira en España;  y que informe que el procurador Humberto Ramos sobre las averiguaciones previas penales y la gran deuda del Estado y sus implicados”, indicó. “Como poder legislativo estamos obligados a hacer justicia o dejar el cargo si preferimos seguir apostándole al silencio cómplice”, dijo.

El pueblo de Coahuila demanda la separación de Rubén Moreira Valdés, para evitar cualquier contratiempo y que haya omisiones y complicidades en el desarrollo de las investigaciones que se realizan contra su hermano Humberto (HMV) detenido en España por presunto lavado de dinero. Ricardo Anaya (PAN) destacó que desde 2011 su partido presentó diversas denuncias contra HMV ex dirigente nacional del PRI, por el endeudamiento ilegal de la administración estatal, contratado durante su gestión. En un comunicado, agregó que ninguna de las denuncias tuvo el seguimiento que la justicia española sí ha dado al tema y consideró una vergüenza que en otro país se castigue lo que en México no. Pidió a las autoridades mexicanas que cumplan con su deber y expliquen por qué se han hecho de la vista gorda en el caso de HMV. Además exigió que éste devuelva todo el dinero que ”se robó” cuando fue gobernador.  En tanto el empresario Armando Guadiana, un empresario que ha tenido problemas personales con la familia Moreira Valdés, solicitó a la ciudadanía aportar denuncias contra los dos hermanos por los delitos de operaciones con recursos de procedencia ilícita, cohecho, asociación delictuosa y los demás que resulten.

La policía española investiga
Empresario de la industria minera y ganadero, él criticó  que los políticos se haya conformado con hacer declaraciones mediáticas sin presentar las denuncias necesarias. Muchas personas se han pronunciado en favor de la creación de una fiscalía especial   en la PGR que investigue la corrupción de gobernadores, exgobernadores, independientemente de su origen partidista. El ex presidente nacional del PRI es investigado por la Unidad contra la delincuencia Económica y Fiscal de la policía de España al menos desde septiembre pasado, y los fiscales de ese país presentaron como una de las pruebas de cargo varias grabaciones de escuchas telefónicas (autorizadas por un juez de la Audiencia Nacional) entre el político mexicano y su presuntos prestanombres con los que lavó dinero, cuya procedencia se presume ilícita. El ex gobernador, contrató  en el país ibérico los servicios profesionales del reconocido penalista español Manuel Ollé Sesé, profesor de derecho penal internacional de la universidad Complutense de Madrid, quien ha intercalado durante su corta carrera como abogado la coadyuvancia con fiscales de la Corte Penal Internacional en causas contra autores de crímenes de lesa humanidad (básicamente en países como Argentina y Chile) y la defensa de conocidos empresarios y políticos españoles.

El equipo de defensores encabezado por el penalista mexicano Víctor Olea, enfrentan la resolución del juez español José de la Mata, quien negó la libertad bajo fianza al HMV, ya fue impugnada y será revisada por un órgano jurisdiccional superior de aquel país. En días pasados el juez De la Mata aceptó los argumentos de la Fiscalía Anticorrupción de España, que pidió la prisión sin derecho a fianza para el acusado, arrestado por orden de otro juez (Santiago Pedraz), por presunto lavado de dinero, cohecho y asociación criminal, entre  otros delitos. Uno de los abogados, el penalista Manuel Ollé Sesé trabajó en algún momento con el juez de la Audiencia Nacional Baltazar Garzón y ha participado como coadyuvante de fiscales que han fincado cargos por delitos de lesa humanidad al dictador chileno Augusto Pinochet  y al represor argentino Ricardo Miguel Cavallo, acusado de genocidio, quien fue extraditado de México a España en 2003. Este singular personaje siempre ha defendido la persecución de los crímenes  contra la humanidad cometido en España durante el franquismo.

Podemos decir que más allá del caso Moreira la corrupción se puede observar en todos los partidos en menor o mayor medida, y la sociedad en general solo percibe la impunidad, ya que no atiende aun cuando haya delito que perseguir y sea denunciado en las cortes federales. En este contexto la impunidad se deriva de situaciones de las instituciones y del poder que conlleva el cargo que detentan. Es obligación de los legisladores y del Estado promulgar el Sistema Nacional de Auditoria (SNA), y reforzar la Comisión Especial de la Deuda Pública (CEDP), de los estados, así como la creación de una fiscalía especial en la PGR, y retirar la pensión que otorga el Estado y la Federación. La investigación debería comenzar por la Secretaría de la Función Pública (SFP), y el Congreso Nacional deberá cambiar el marco al conflicto de intereses que hubiera con el gobernador de Coahuila actual. Este tópico se ha vuelto un debate toral y se ha convertido más agudo de lo que originalmente era, este conflicto de intereses que percibe el público, y el servidor público, el gobernante tendrá este problema antes y después de ser funcionario. Pero a pesar de todo el descrédito gubernamental persiste y se espera que la corrupción y la impunidad se terminen a escala global. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 10-11, Enero 20, 2015).

Trunk affront

Trump it is a clown that exhibits his social resentment and hatred toward the Latino culture
Trunk affront
By: Carlos Damian                                             February 14, 2016
The political changes in the world
Mexico. -  The success of Donald Trump the same it makes us to reflect, when was absented of a republican discussion between pre-candidates that took place in Iowa. He made it to remove it from the political game and it was against the participation of the journalist Megyn Kelly in the moderators’ panel, to the one which wanted to veto. In this episode of primary we see to a public spiteful and puts on table the draft that the political speech has taken in The States. The episode that is emphasized is not only in the presidential campaign as the public American exhibits its interest, no longer waits that their candidates offer alternative political programs and present their ideological positions  with a clear definition that distinguishes them of their opponents. The parties should be competitive electorally, and exhibit their ideological position and eventually of class, and to be excluding their probabilities of earning them to the parties that including will be greater. They are observed to the alliances of parties, and related organizations to their political platforms, under penalty of confusing to the citizen prepared to vote, but if the political discussion is converted into a circus spectacle, a round of fight, break noses, pull kicks to the air, and deride to the adversary, they go to demote the policy to mere procedure, or it is a means to earn charges and positions in the political representation, without importing the needs from the majority and less demands of the citizen yet.

The candidates that use the force of the affront, that they do not exchange opinions and their electing are a group of boors without culture, and not them import the intelligent opinions, neither ideological positions, are amused when these guys appeal to the striver blows that upon insulting to their competitors inhibit to their competitors, and this happens when they do not reach to answer at level that they are assaulted by these clowns of the policy. In the past this lack of sensibility to the electorate practically they were eliminated ipso facto of the contest, what now we see is a phenomenon in the one which the affront inhibits to the adversary and the coarse remark have been returned something common in the political discussions. Before in the discussions were appealed to euphemisms, periphrasis, circumlocutions and they were very correct and adapted the politicians that sometimes were sinning in their training. All these instruments political were seeking to hide the violence load that has the power struggle. They was introduced rules for the politicians using the civism and the ethics in the competition disguising the risks that they could emerge and is discontinued the confrontation.

The force of the affront
In these changes of the political class from the 80’s, so much in most of the Latin American countries and Europe, the defined parties abandoned the traditional positions, either of left-wing, right or anti-system, and were continuous to the center to compete with the ancient parties social-democrats and some were remained in the electoral limbo of the marginalized and small parties that must seek alliances to achieve representation charges, in the parliament or in the national congress. The communist parties abandoned their ideology based on the Marxism, and the struggle of classes as ideological counterfoil. In their journey toward the Center-left, they let of be anti-capitalists and disappeared to be converted into hybrid and by decades had been differentiated in their center position. It more serious is that upon disappearing, reducing on their influence and the workers that were saying to represent, were happened to the nationalistic strings, xenophobic, and finally were happened to the party of ultra-right-wing, as in Europe is happening. These parties have been exceeded by parties 'emergent' of new mold that they have established alliances with the radical right to earn elections. 

These political alliances are given between parties more or less related, but happens that makes 30 or 40 years were opposes, this happens when the ultra-right reaches successes and centering the antagonistic political class and the old left-wing compels it to accomplish alliances with those of right-wing by considering to these more liberal than the court neofascist known. In Mexico the antagonistic ancient parties are making alliances (PAN - PRD), the alliances in 90’s were not viable but now the left-wings parties have been returned of center - left, and the parties of ultra-right not extremists, they have been returned of center - right, to cheat to the electorate without political position some. Perhaps the explanation is that the center parties - left considered as social-democrats be interested in the plots of power and to share them with who will be and as goal to remain within politicians system in the power. Indeed are miserly in their goal therefore the bureaucrat leaderships have been estranged of their electing, of the interest of the citizens that say to represent. These types of party are chameleons that to be disguised sharing the power with their antagonistic political in the 90’s, now they have been adapted to the changes after thirty years of neofascism, and have no alternative. 

Circus clown
It can be deduced that to be maintained in their old political conceptions, they do not have capacity to be political competitors, since are swimming against a current world policy and as the socialistic left-wings does not has presence between the new electing, and it is every time smaller between the intellectual and academic means, and to accept that we have to adjust our political plans and to accept that the world has changed. It is supposed that to be of left today, it is be populist, nationalistic and supporter of the intervention of the State in the economy, well in Mexico no longer we have no of these ideas on the left politician, it has changed: the people does not accept the populism, it is not nationalistic, and less yet there are property companies of the state to give abroad. It has been finished all the infrastructure that generated the ancient PRI -ancient social-democrat converted currently in ultra-right - to cover with social presentations to the common citizen. 

In The States the political speech there has elapsed of the ideas field to the force of the affront, and Donald Trump it is a teacher, part of their transformation to be in the goal and to enjoy a good case in the American discussion. Now it is waited of the candidates: personal histories and heart-rending; to surpass of a terminal disease; the loss of a son; the cruelty of a mother; to surpass of the adultery of a sexual sick husband. Hillary Clinton achieved the friendliness of the voters and how much candidates more they have achieved to rise upon softening to the electors. Hillary Clinton achieved the friendliness upon having a history of how to surpass the Calvary of your unfaithful husband. Perhaps now they should achieve to invent a personal history to amuse and achieve the enthusiasm of the electorate, as is making it their democrat oppose Berni Sanders. In this context the ascent of Trump is not a surprise, a celebrity that bursts upon the political life with a huge photographs bag that appear in magazines of the feeling and love, and a curricular file full of his sentimental couples. This circus clown is a current merchandise, of the generation x, of a public avid of feelings, of affronts, with tending structured political plans to the catastrophes of the century XX, and they are seductions of their empty political project. But it is hoped that a lot of people be vaccinated of these empty clowns, vulgar and without culture. We wait that they build the gigantic wall upon dividing the countries and it is make within earthly property of Mexico (La Jornada, politica, p.p.20- 21, February 11, 2016).

El hocico 2016

Trump es un payaso que exhibe su resentimiento social y odio hacia los latinos
El hocico 2016
Por: Carlos Damián                                             Febrero 14, 2016
Los cambios políticos en el mundo
México. -  El éxito de Donald Trump el mismo nos hace reflexionar, cuando se ausentó de un debate republicano entre precandidatos que tuvo lugar en Iowa. Lo hizo para sacarla del juego político y fue contra la participación de la periodista Megyn Kelly en el panel de moderadores, a la que quiso vetar. En este episodio de las primarias vemos a un público resentido y pone sobre la mesa el giro que el discurso político ha tomado en Estados Unidos. El episodio que se destaca no es sólo en la campaña presidencial como el público estadounidense exhibe sus intereses, ya no espera que sus candidatos ofrezcan programas políticos alternativos y presenten sus posiciones ideológicas con una clara definición que los distinga de sus oponentes. Los partidos deben ser competitivos electoralmente, y exhiban su posición ideológica y eventualmente de clase, y al ser excluyentes sus probabilidades de ganarles a los partidos incluyentes sea mayor. Se observan a las alianzas partidarias, y organizaciones afines a sus plataformas políticas, so pena de confundir al ciudadano preparado para votar, pero si el debate político es convertido en un espectáculo de circo, un round de box, rompen narices, tiran patadas al aire, y ridiculizan al adversario, ellos van a degradar la política a mero trámite, o es un medio para ganar cargos y puestos en la representación política, sin importar las necesidades de la mayoría y menos aún las demandas del ciudadano.

Los candidatos que usan la fuerza del insulto, que no intercambian opiniones y sus electores son un grupo de patanes sin cultura, y no les importan las opiniones inteligentes, ni posiciones ideológicas, se divierten cuando estos tipos recurren a los golpes de luchadores que al insultar a sus competidores inhiben a sus competidores, y esto sucede cuando no alcanzan a responder al nivel que son atacados por estos payasos de la política. En el pasado ésta falta de sensibilidad al electorado prácticamente eran eliminados ipso facto de la contienda, lo que ahora vemos es un fenómeno en la que el insulto inhibe al adversario y la grosería se han vuelto algo común en los debates políticos. Antes en los debates se recurría a eufemismos, perífrasis, circunloquios y eran muy correctos y adecuados los políticos que a veces pecaban en su formación. Todos estos artilugios políticos buscaban esconder la carga de violencia que tiene la lucha por el poder. Se introducían reglas para los políticos usando el civismo y la ética en la competencia disfrazando los riesgos que pudieran surgir y se suspendiera la confrontación.

La fuerza del insulto
En estos cambios de la clase política desde los años 80, tanto en la mayoría de los países latinoamericanos y Europa, los partidos definidos abandonaron las posiciones tradicionales, ya sea de izquierda, derecha o antisistema, y se corrieron al centro para competir con los antiguos partidos socialdemócratas y algunos se quedaron en el limbo electoral de los partidos marginados y pequeños que tiene que buscar alianzas para lograr cargos de representación, en el parlamento o en el congreso nacional. Los partidos comunistas abandonaron su ideología basada en el marxismo, y la lucha de clases como matriz ideológica. En su transitar hacia la centroizquierda, dejaron de ser anticapitalistas y desaparecieron para convertirse en híbridos y por décadas se habían diferenciado en su posición de centro. Lo más grave es que al desaparecer, disminuyeron en su influencia y los trabajadores que decían representar, se pasaron a las filas nacionalista, xenófobos, y de plano se pasaron al partido de ultraderecha, como en Europa está pasando. Estos partidos han sido rebasados por partidos ‘emergentes’ de nuevo cuño que han establecido alianzas con la derecha radical para ganar elecciones.

Estas alianzas políticas se dan entre partidos más o menos afines, pero sucede que hace 30 o 40 años eran opositores, esto sucede cuando la ultraderecha alcanza éxitos y cimbra a la clase política antagónica y la vieja izquierda la obliga a realizar alianzas con los de derecha por considera a estos más liberales que la corte neofascista conocidos. En México los partidos antiguos antagónicos están haciendo alianzas (PAN-PRD), las alianzas en los 90 no eran viables pero ahora los partidos de izquierda se han vuelto de centro- izquierda, y los partidos de ultraderecha no extremistas, se han vuelto de centro-derecha, para engañar al electorado sin posición política alguna. Tal vez la explicación es que los partidos de centro-izquierda considerados como socialdemócratas están interesados en las parcelas de poder y compartirlas con quien sea y como meta quedar dentro del sistema de políticos en el poder. Desde luego son mezquinos en su meta por lo que las dirigencias burócratas se han distanciado de sus electores, de los intereses de los ciudadanos que dicen representar. Estos tipos de partido son camaleones que al disfrazarse compartiendo el poder con sus antagónicos políticos en los 90, ahora se han adecuado a los cambios después de treinta años de neofascismo, y no tienen alternativa.

Payaso de circo
Se puede inferir que al mantenerse en sus viejas concepciones políticas, no tienen capacidad para ser competidores políticos, ya que están nadando contra una corriente política mundial y como la izquierda socialista no tiene presencia entre los nuevos electores, y es cada vez menor entre los medios académicos e intelectuales, y aceptar que debamos ajustar nuestros esquemas políticos y aceptar que el mundo ha cambiado. Se supone que al ser de izquierda hoy, es ser populista, nacionalista y partidario de la intervención del Estado en la economía, bueno en México ya no tenemos ninguna de estas ideas sobre el político de izquierda, ha cambiado: la gente no acepta el populismo, no es nacionalista, y menos aún hay paraestatales para regalar al extranjero. Se ha acabado toda la infraestructura que generó el antiguo PRI –antiguo socialdemócrata convertido actualmente en ultraderecha- para cubrir con prestaciones sociales al ciudadano común.

En Estados Unidos el discurso político ha girado del campo de las ideas a la fuerza del insulto, y  Donald Trump es un maestro, parte de su transformación para estar en la meta y gozar un buen pleito en el debate estadounidense. Ahora se espera de los candidatos: historias personales y desgarradoras; la superación de una enfermedad terminal; la pérdida de un hijo; la crueldad de una madre; la superación del adulterio de un esposo enfermo sexual. Hillary Clinton logró la simpatía de los votantes y cuantos candidatos más han logrado subir al enternecer a los electores. Hillary Clinton logró la simpatía al tener una historia de cómo superar el calvario de su esposo infiel. Tal vez ahora deben lograr inventar una historia personal para divertir y lograr el entusiasmo del electorado, como lo está haciendo su opositor demócrata Berni Sanders. En este contexto el ascenso de Trump no es una sorpresa, una celebridad que irrumpe en la vida política con una enorme bolsa de fotografías que aparecen en revistas del sentimiento y amor, y un archivo curricular lleno de sus parejas sentimentales. Este payaso de circo es una mercancía actual, de la generación x,  de un público ávido de sentimientos, de insultos, con planes políticos estructurados tendientes a las catástrofes del siglo XX, y son seducciones de su proyecto político vacío. Pero se espera que mucha gente esté vacunada de estos payasos vacíos, vulgares y sin cultura. Esperamos que construyan el muro gigantesco al dividir los países y se haga dentro del terreno propiedad de México. (La Jornada, política, p.p.20- 21, Febrero 11, 2016).

Fail Economy

Queretaro grows economically, and falls Campeche
Fail Economy
By: Carlos Damian                                             February 9, 2016
The presidential case: annual average 1.9 percent
Mexico. -  Luis Videgaray Caso, secretary of Estate and Public Credit, announced a new clipping to the government expenditure, "beginning by Pemex", in the framework of a "preventive adjustment" obligated by the low international quote levels of the oil and what called "the volatility and distaste to the risk that exists with respect to the emerging markets". The backdrop of this advertisement is characterized, between other data, by a new fall of the national currency before the American dollar - already is about to the quote of 20 pesos - and by an increase by the price of the tortilla, that according to the Information System and Markets Integration (SNIIM, for their initials in Spanish), of the Economy Secretariat is sold until in 16.25 pesos the kilo in some localities of the country. Antonio de la Torre, directing of the Unión Nacional de Industriales de la Masa y la Tortilla, has his version and says that the increase it should be, to the fact that if the corn production is satisfactory, and though there is not shortage, "the large companies bind the price to the market of Chicago", therefore in Mexico "it was fired more with the devaluation of the peso". This shows the fragility of the governmental promises and of the Banco de Mexico in the sense of the fact that the devaluation there would not be of be translated in an increase of the inflation in the country. 

In a pair of weeks the Inegi will divulge the definitive results of the economic activity during 2015, in spite of this some governmental sources have been venturesome to assure that "was obtained a good result", but the GDP is estimated in a 2.5 percent. If is taken as certain such affirmation, then the annual rate average of "growth" economic in first half of the federal administration that presides EPN, is located in a weak 1.9 percent, with all and "reforms". With this proportion does not reach neither to blow to them to the official speech called "to move to Mexico" - EPN -, and nor by glimpse to think about "better times for the Mexicans" – Videgaray dixit - and it will not be able to give form to the gas called " promissory future" that so much repeat to the ear of the Mexican citizen. While it is amended the information on the GDP in 2015, the Centro de Investigacion en Economia y Negocios (Cien) of the ITESM, campus Mexico State, in their analysis, The knowledge as driving of the growth, recalls that from 2009 the OCED was indicating that one of the problems in the economic performance of the country "has been the limited paper of the diffusion and knowledge accumulation to increase the productivity. In few words an economy based on the knowledge is the key for the prosperity, the small problem is that our country has not taken into account said item.   

In this high-priority topic for any nation, Mexico has not been distinguished in innovation matter, science and technology where the capital of the country concentrates a whole slew of resources, as opposed to other states, as Chiapas and Martial. This serves as base to analyze the information on the state economic activity during the third trimester of 2015, in the one which is observed that the growth rates by annual highest were presented in entities that count on a  favorable concentration of technological resources as is the case of Queretaro (6.7 %), San Luis Potosi (6.7%), and Baxa California (- 5.2 %), due to the automotive and aerospace sectors; in contrast there are entities as Guerrero (1.6%), and Chiapas (- 5.2%) that they do not count on investments in technological matter. The "powers" economic as Mexico City (1.9 %), and the Mexico State (1.3%), and a similar behavior is appreciated in Puebla and Guanajuato. According to the information, in the last triennia the annual rate economic growth average in Mexico City arrives to 1.43 %, and Mexico State to 1.2 percent. In the event of Nuevo Leon (3.5%), and Jalisco (3%), while that of Puebla is 0.7 percent. The five states that are cited provide about 40 percent of the national GDP.

The official speech presents as unavoidable the accomplishment of new clippings to the government expenditure and additional adjustment measures to the already announced - example of the bid farewell of 16 working thousands of Pemex - , but  the State there has of admitting that such determination strengthen the trends recessives in the national economy and with this is declined yet more the impact of the unfavorable international circumstance in the life conditions, in and of itself deteriorated, of most of the inhabitants of Mexico. It is certain that the national economic authorities do not have under their control the international variables that they have impacted in the fall of the quotes of the crude, and therefore, in a considerable reduction of the fiscal resources, united to this  the Mexican peso has suffered losses experimented in the exchange markets. In reality the federal government if it is in conditions of undertaking a turn in the economic policy in order to strengthening and energizing the internal market instead of dictating measures that impact in their contraction. Instead of closing sources of employment in the public sector and of imposing the expense could be carried out a reorientation in the form in which are exercised the budgets in order to implanting within the public administration a real austerity, the one which would imply to reduce in meaningful form the perceptions of the officials and top-level representatives, the trips of the foreign and the unnecessary procurements, united to this is irritant that the political class not lessen their excessive expenses given the vastness of the lack that affect to the lion's share of the population. 

The Cien (for their initials in Spanish) indicates that the foreign trade showed results little favorable upon ending 2015. The total exports fell 4.1 percent during the last year, behavior that it was attenuated by the marginal increase of 0.8 percent in the manufacturing exports whose principal motor is the automotive sector, which exhibited an increase of 4.7 %. Of agreement to the Inegi, to the term of 2015 the production of the country was increased 2015, though of high does not may have nothing. Finally, the panorama shown by the Cyclical indicators System last November it was little encouraging. The coincident indicator as well as the early were located by below of the potential, so that said results permit to see that will stay outstanding the slow pace of the economy during the first months of 2016.

It is necessary that urgently it is undertaken a frontal assault to the corruption, the one which costs annually to the country some 37 billion of dollars, equivalent figure to the 4 percent of the GDP.  In base to this is not overdone to assert that if is suppressed that huge national resources bleeding of the exchequer and is applied a rationalization of the government expenditure, could be destined hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars for the reactivation and the strengthening of the internal market through the creation of work position, the accomplishment of works of infrastructure with real costs, it is other words without illicit commissions and other corruptive actions. Furthermore with the real support to the agriculture, acts to dignify aspects general of the public education in all their cycles, the improvement of the health services that still it has not disappeared the neoliberal slight to the IMSS and ISSSTE, the impulse to cooperative and small companies, and in short a support to the cultural activities, among other things. It is hoped that these alternatives does not go through the traditional measured recessives of the recipe book neoliberal. Finally Pemex it was rescinded of one of their/its large ballasts, Emilio Lozoya, who was one of the worse managing that suffered, the "nonproducing company of the state". (La Jornada, politica, p.p.1- 24, February 9, 2016).

Fallida Economía

Querétaro crece económicamente, y cae Campeche
Fallida Economía
Por: Carlos Damián                                             Febrero 10, 2016
El caso presidencial: media anual 1.9 por ciento
México. -  Luis Videgaray Caso, secretario de Hacienda y Crédito Público, anunció un nuevo recorte al gasto público, “empezando por Pemex”, en el marco de una “ajuste preventivo” obligado por los bajos niveles de cotizaciones internacionales del petróleo y lo que llamó “la volatilidad y aversión al riesgo que existe con respecto a los mercados emergentes”. El telón de fondo de este anuncio se caracteriza, entre otros datos, por una nueva caída de la divisa nacional ante el dólar estadounidense –ya se acerca a la cotización de 20 pesos- y por un incremento por el precio de la tortilla, que según el Sistema Información e Integración de Mercados (SNIIM), de la Secretaría de Economía se vende hasta en 16.25 pesos el kilo en algunas localidades del país. Antonio de la Torre, dirigente de la Unión Nacional de Industriales de la Masa y la Tortilla, tiene su versión y dice que el alza se debe, a que si la producción de maíz es satisfactoria, y aunque no haya escasez, “las grandes empresas ligan el precio al mercado de Chicago”, por lo que en México “se disparó más con la devaluación del peso”. Ello muestra la fragilidad de las promesas gubernamentales y del Banco de México en el sentido de que la devaluación no habría de traducirse en un incremento de la inflación en el país.
En un par de semanas el Inegi divulgará los resultados definitivos de la actividad económica  durante 2015, a pesar de esto algunas fuentes gubernamentales se han aventurado para asegurar que “se obtuvo un buen resultado”, pero el PIB se estima en un 2.5 por ciento. Si se toma como cierta tal aseveración, entonces la tasa anual promedio de “crecimiento” económico en la primera mitad de la administración federal que preside EPN, se ubica en un raquítico 1.9 por ciento, con todo y “reformas”. Con esta proporción no alcanza ni para soplarle al discurso oficial llamado “mover a México” –EPN-, y ni por asomo pensar en “mejores tiempos para los mexicanos” –lema de Videgaray- y no se podrá dar forma al gas llamado “futuro promisorio” que tanto repiten al oído del ciudadano mexicano. Mientras se corrige la información sobre el PIB  en 2015, el Centro de Investigación en Economía y Negocios (Cien) del ITESM, campus estado de México, en su análisis, El conocimiento como impulsor del crecimiento, recuerda que desde 2009 la OCDE señalaba que una de las problemáticas en el desempeño económico del país “ha sido el limitado papel de la difusión y acumulación de conocimientos para aumentar la productividad. En pocas palabras una economía basada en el conocimiento es la clave para la prosperidad, el pequeño problema es que nuestro país no ha tomado en cuenta dicho rubro.

En este tema prioritario para cualquier nación, México no se ha distinguido en materia de innovación, ciencia y tecnología donde la capital del país concentra una gran cantidad de recursos, a diferencia de otros estados, como Chiapas y Guerrero. Esto sirve de base para analizar la información sobre la actividad económica estatal durante el tercer trimestre de 2015, en la que se observa que las tasas de crecimiento anualizadas más altas se presentaron en entidades que cuentan con una concentración favorable de recursos tecnológicos como es el caso de Querétaro (6.7 %), San Luis Potosí (6.7%), y Baja California (-5.2 %), debido a los sectores automotriz y aeroespacial; en contraste hay entidades como Guerrero (1.6%), y Chiapas (-5.2%) que no cuentan con inversiones en materia tecnológica. Las “potencias” económicas como Ciudad de México (1.9 %), y el estado de México (1.3%), y un comportamiento similar se aprecia en Puebla y Guanajuato. De acuerdo con la información, en el último trienio la tasa anual promedio de crecimiento económico en la Ciudad de México llega a 1.43 %, y el Estado de México a 1.2 por ciento. En caso de Nuevo León (3.5%), y Jalisco (3%), mientras la de Puebla es de 0.7 por ciento. Los cinco estados que se citan aportan alrededor de 40 por ciento del PIB nacional.

El discurso oficial presenta como inevitable la realización de nuevos recortes al gasto público y medidas de ajuste adicionales a las ya anunciadas – ejemplo del despido de 16 mil trabajadores de Pemex- , pero el Estado ha de admitir que tales determinaciones fortalecen las tendencias recesivas en la economía nacional y con ello se agudiza aún más el impacto de la desfavorable circunstancia internacional en las condiciones de vida, de por sí deterioradas, de la mayoría de los habitantes de México. Es cierto que las autoridades económicas nacionales no tienen bajo su control las variables internacionales que han incidido en la caída de las cotizaciones del crudo, y por lo tanto, en una considerable reducción de los recursos fiscales, aunado a esto  el peso mexicano ha sufrido quebrantos experimentados en los mercados cambiarios. En realidad el gobierno federal si está en condiciones de emprender un viraje en la política económica a fin de fortalecer y dinamizar el mercado interno en lugar de dictar medidas que inciden en su contracción. En lugar de cerrar fuentes de empleo en el sector público y de constreñir el gasto se podría llevar a cabo una reorientación en la forma en que se ejercen los presupuestos a fin de implantar dentro de la administración pública una verdadera austeridad, la cual implicaría reducir en forma significativa las percepciones de los funcionarios y representantes de alto nivel, los viajes del extranjero y las adquisiciones innecesarias, aunado a esto es irritante que la clase política no aminore sus gastos excesivos dada la vastedad de las carencias que afectan a la mayor parte de la población.

El Cien señala que el comercio exterior mostró resultados poco favorables al finalizar 2015. Las exportaciones totales cayeron 4.1 por ciento durante el año pasado, comportamiento que fue atenuado por el incremento marginal de 0.8 por ciento en las exportaciones manufactureras cuyo motor principal es el sector automotriz, que exhibió un incremento  de 4.7 %. De acuerdo al Inegi, al término de 2015 la producción del país se incrementó 2015, aunque de alta no tenga nada. Finalmente, el panorama mostrado por el Sistema de indicadores Cíclicos en noviembre pasado fue poco alentador. Tanto el indicador coincidente como el adelantado se ubicaron por debajo del potencial, de manera que dichos resultados permiten ver que permanecerá vigente el lento ritmo de la economía durante los primeros meses de 2016.

Es necesario que urgentemente se emprenda un ataque frontal a la corrupción, la cual cuesta anualmente al país unos 740 mil millones de pesos, cifra equivalente al 4 por ciento del PIB.  En base a esto no es exagerado afirmar que si se suprimiera esa enorme sangría nacional de recursos del erario y se aplicase una racionalización del gasto público, se podría destinar cientos de miles de millones de pesos a la reactivación y el fortalecimiento del mercado interno mediante la creación de puestos de trabajo, la realización de obras de infraestructura con costos reales, es otras palabras sin comisiones ilícitas y demás corruptelas. Además con el apoyo real al agro, una dignificación general de la educación pública en todos sus ciclos, el mejoramiento de los servicios de salud que todavía no ha desaparecido el desprecio neoliberal al IMSS ISSSTE, el impulso a cooperativas y pequeñas empresas, y en suma un respaldo a las actividades culturales, entre otras cosas. Se espera que estas alternativas no pasen por las tradicionales medidas recesivas del recetario neoliberal. Al fin Pemex se deshizo de uno de sus grandes lastres, Emilio Lozoya, quien fue uno de los peores administradores que sufrió, la “improductiva empresa del estado”. (La Jornada, política, p.p.1- 24, Febrero 9, 2016).

Puebla State

Gotten dressed it of Margarita Zavala
Elections in Puebla State
By: Carlos Damian                                             January 28, 2016
The PRD is wanted to lead as a sovereign party
México. -  In the last times in the PRD has been intensified a discussion by the course of the party toward 2018, but particularly in this 2016.  On the one hand it is being seeking to recapture to party as sovereign force of the society, that it is opposed to the neoliberal policies that they have made of this Mexican nation a booty for political, landowners, and outsider that seek to handle the energetic resources. This discussion acquired a new stage by the decision of a group of the PRD of summoning to the Full of the Puebla State Council to approve the alliances policy and the method of candidates election to governing. Neither the summons, nor the advice of Puebla are autonomous actions. The governor of Puebla State, Rafael Moreno Valley - RMV - (PAN), it was who took that decision. Who execute are leaders of the PRD, national and state, that speak of the “modern left", but attempt to approve the alliance with the PAN, and to guarantee to him unconditional as succeeding. Their subordination is such that they have accepted that the alliances policy of the PRD is decided in Casa Aguayo, and that people as Carlos Martinez Amador, Julian Rendon Wall and Jorge Cruz Bermudez accede to direction positions of the Puebla PRD to defend the interest of Moreno Valle political line

The political center of the conflict by the alliances is in Puebla State, who’s governing covets be presidential candidate of a PAN -PRD alliance in 2018. For their purpose wants to control the electoral processes of 2016, as is observed upon putting to their ex-secretary of government, Luis Maldonado Venegas, as campaign coordinator of the PRD candidate, to the government of Tlaxcala. The auto-denominate modern left wants to impose that project that will convert to the PRD into a domesticated left, marginal, and docile to the power in shift. Those that they are in against of the project of the sovereign PRD and opposed to the neoliberal project, are justified saying that the only one form of avoiding the authoritative restoration is be allied with the PAN in 2016. The current that participates in the PRD, it is National Democratic Alternative  (ADN for their initials in Spanish) that says be in against of the project of subordinating to the PRD to the interest of the governing in shift of Puebla State, RMV, due to:

1.            In Mexico is the principal violating of the human rights. With their "law bullet" sponsored the assassination of the child Jose Luis Tehuatle Tamayo on the part of the state policeman, in addition to have mutilated to several persons and incarcerated to nine inhabitants of Chalchihuapan. 

2.            He is enemy of the political freedoms. In five years of government has pursued to the dissenting social movements, to their directing, incarcerated to more than 127 persons, and maintains to 18 as political prisoners.

3.            It is against the expression freedom, and to project a positive image of his government harasses and presses to the critical media. 

4.            With the law of expropriation was taken the attribution from removing to it their lands to their legitimate owners, to accomplish private businesses hide as public works.

5.            With their reform to the organizational law of the municipalities did not know the right to the autonomy of the peoples and the respect to their identity, eliminating the boards’ auxiliaries.

6.            To forbid the use of the motor-taxis, imposed the law of the terror and deprived to it to thousands of Puebla citizens an autonomous and legitimate source of work.

7.            He didn’t fulfil none of their campaign commitments, since in Puebla grew the unemployment, the poverty, the insecurity, the corruption, the opaqueness and the impunity.

8.            He let it to his State with an increased public debt of 66 billion of pesos.

9.            Their authoritative method achieved to him the control of the legislative and judicial branches to adjust them to his personal interest.

10.         Finally, it has been punished the welfare of the citizens with the privatization of the service of the drinking water, the photo- fines of vehicles, the verify-centers, and the unjust bid farewell of workers. 

It is clear that the government of Moreno Valle in Puebla has been characterized as a bankrupt state and unsuccessful attempt of stopping the authoritative restoration of the PRI with the alliances that are accomplished. The current ADN does not be in agreement with the intention of establishing an electoral coalition with the PAN in 2018.  It is ratified the purpose of building wide alliances with the left parties and with the progressive social movements. It is established in the context of 30 years of neoliberalism of the new political class PRI - PAN, that our conviction that a left party will be able to change the neoliberal development model, producing poverty, and social inequality, by other way current political that it will be freedom guarantor, welfare and social equality additionally. It is impelled to recapture the congruity of the party with their principles, and their social platform, and political. They would that recapture to the PRD of their confusion, of their principled lack, and their lack of courage to recapture to the PRD from the left-wing and the social democracy. 

Gotten dressed it of Margarita Zavala of Gaul
On the other hand, the faction that impels (Felipe) Calderon took a step outside of the PAN before the signs that his wife Margarita Zavala does not has no possibility of the fact that it will be candidate presidential by the classic right party. In that context threatens to their blue and white party with be independent aspirant. Therefore hurried was noted to make known their personal launching platform, the label #YoConMexico (2006-2012), to denounce to their way as the drug traffic has been infiltrated in the political parties. This digital uncover was launched with a huge M of Margarita and Mexico, in purple and white, according to the fund. This virtual ‘reboso’ recalls us to Martha Sahagun (wife of Vicente Fox), when had the fantasy of be the next chairwoman of Mexico, with the Foundation (Ro) Vamos Mexico. This purple linen seems an adornment of funeral type. In Twitter immediately which begins the "war against the drug traffic" was hurried to be added to the proposal, that if triumphs, carries of new account to the marriage to Los Pinos residence with political, just as then shared. 

In Puebla has to the current governor Moreno Valle the principal destination of these take-offs "independent" of the marriage of Calderon, and Zavala Gomez del Campo. While in Davos, the president EPN, was ordering to the PGR speed in the extradition of El Chapo, in the airport of the Mexico City, the retired overcharges Mexicana de Aviación inaugural again the one which cafeteria depend 40 persons, since is an alternative for the sustenance of their families, and all this before the lack of interest of the government of EPN of solving their problem.  (La Jornada, politica, p.p.7- 8, January 25, 2016).