lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

It doesn't modify the reformation

The law does not permit to unify proposals of the energetic conference: Cardenas
The popular consultation: it doesn't modify the reformation
By: Carlos Damian                                           September 8, 2014
The referendum doesn’t modify the reform but serves for democratic participation
Mexico. -   Cuauhtemoc Cardenas Solorzano (engineer), it assured yesterday (08/26/14) that the law does not permit to unify the popular conference proposals on the energetic reform of the PRD and Morena, as outlined intellectual several, academic and representative of political and social organizations. In a supported act of the Wide Front of the Left-wing (FAI, for their initials in Spanish) so that it will be unit candidate to the national presidency of the PRD, to the event attended Porfirio Munoz Ledo (PML), Ifigenia Martinez, Alejandro Encinas and Dolores Padierna who criticized the quotas regime that prevails in the party, and furthermore supported that only the Supreme Justice Court of the Nation can modify the questions that both parties have formulated. Also it indicated that it has not been discarded nothing on his participation in the internal contest of the Aztec sun, but it said that it will be October 5th, when will be known the candidates to preside it. As far as her PML it indicated that the act of support to CCS expresses a frame of reference on the wills of the Mexican left-wing by "to find the lost unit".

It is discarded that is modified the reform
Indicated that is needed a pole that would attract the patriotic wills, but warned on the possibility of the fact that, by associated decision, the Court reject the popular conference proposals that they have been presented. Furthermore it expressed in name of the front that a unit candidacy as that of Engineer is the better option to close to the step to the division, to unify to the party and to lead it with clear route. To the engineer was asked to him on the denial of AMLO to unify the conferences of the PRD and Morena on such reform. It is a valid decision as any other, he said, but disagreed of their opinions about the leaders PRD’s men. 

Such as is drafted the constitutional reform that regulates the popular conferences, "it is impossible that serves even to know the opinion of the citizens on problems that require a decision on topics and accessible matters to the population", considered Clemente Valdes expert in the matter “Mexican Political Constitution".  Furthermore it said, that by the legal form in which they were designed "all indicates that the exercises will not serve to achieve even a minimal initial democratic participation of the citizenship in the Mexican political system". And underlined, that there is no possibility some of the fact that the citizens may have interference in the constitutional reforms approval and their laws, or in decisions of the government, and thus it is as is designed is “incipient democracy". To be questioned on the reversion of the structural reforms and especially of the energetic reform, it said that the constitutional reform as well as the legal are incongruent, "because can not question no of the arrangements that they are in the Constitution. They can serve unique to decide irrelevant matters, since all the transcendent topics are in the Constitution", underlined. He added that the first paragraph of the fraction seventh of the article 135 of the Great Letter says that the conferences are "on topics of national transcendence", and in the third point of that fraction establishes that they will not be able be object of popular conference the restriction of the human rights, in electoral matter, income and expenses of the State, national safety, between other topics. 

The reforms are made to give financial safety
The referendum has been built for power to give to them participation to the Mexicans on transcendent facts, since these topics recently approved go to affect the future of the nation and of the Mexicans. To the constitution to it have made changes recognizing the need and the importance of the changes that it has suffered the Mexican society by and large and it is hoped that to be consulted on general interest aspects answer favorably. The society is abeyant that the government and the National Congress will be obligated to act of agreement to the result of the referendum, where the Mexican will be expressed about the structural changes, and their secondary laws that they have been approved by the Mexican Congress, and in otherwise they would be obligated to proceed to their agreement annulment to the constitutional mandate and the people orders that are modified substantially the policies and measures that they have been come impelling in this sense. We congratulate ourselves that Cuauhtemoc Cardenas Solorzano and Andres M. Lopez Obrador. They may have made work equipment to visit all Mexico picking up citizen’s signatures to demand their cancellation of change proposal structural, that is suspicion bead of the 80 percent of the consulted Mexicans in this regard, and that the State refuses to ear such complaints of the Mexican people. 

Also they have received these proposals support of social groups to demand its accomplishment; they are spreading and supporting the importance of the Mexican participation that it can be of character linkage according to the Constitution. The left-wing parties with this seek that the Mexican citizen is committed and  had the responsibility of achieving  the annulment of these modifications and is needed to channel the growing dissatisfaction and the distrust of the people before a government that it does not ask, but imposes without consulting to the Mexican,  is felt representative and authoritative before any reform of the Constitution and all this has achieved it through the deceit, the untruthful promises, of delivery of the sovereignty and of commitments that ever fulfils the successive governments of right-wing. We have asked me sometime if the government never takes into account us this because always makes what wants, that the conferences serve so that they are sure of their prejudicial and regressive reforms go to make damage to the Mexican citizen, they are capable of buying wills, the last time that there were elections bought the vote to alter results to their pleasure, as it have made to impose to Felipe Calderon in 2006, and to EPN in 2012. 

In these days we try to denouncing their twisted wills and to seek the full participation of the civil society and that are organized in connection with a purpose, to abolish the prejudicial that they have been promulgated forgetting our history and rejecting to the nation strategy in this convulsive world that is divided between the cold war and to an incipient war by the various forms of energy and drinking water. Thus the other nations and the outsider companies reflect before coming to Mexico, to exploit our oil, gas and our electricity. These laws are not made to favor to the will and the interest of the nation, they are directed to the transnational. In such a way that we be capable that the conference accomplished by the INE is adhered to the established bylaws and that the abuses of the bureaucrats, they will be state or federal, it will be monitored and prevented, that the millionaire expenses of the campaigns in favor of the privatizations will be limited and put them ceilings to this onerous expense, and that are granted to the contraries but according to the democratic principles that the Mexican people will demand with firmness. From this moment should consider that the conference will be with legal chicaneries of part of the government, that is achieved that the justice system decree no precedence of the fact that the conference will be accomplished by the federal and state election authorities, and that it will be made according to what establishes the Constitution: INE. Though we know that the organized society will be the one which will take in their hands the matter of the conference before the incompetence of the INE, demanding before the maximum world courts to the Mexican government by to force the Constitution, preparing us to make the conference with our own means and to protect it with world organizations. The power resides in the people.  (La Jornada, politica, p. 5-6, September 6, 2014).

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