Total impunity to mining
The labor
violence of the state
By: Carlos Damian September 3, 2014
Group Mexico not faces
antecedents very happy", they point out
Mexico. - The legal representatives of the
organization ‘Pasta de Conchos Family’ refuted before the Interamerican
Commission of Human Rights (ICHR) that in Mexico, the federal, state and
municipal governments have not acted penalty against companies while they
have caused the death of hundred of workers for the terrible conditions of
security and hygiene of their work centers. In the session that took place in
the ICHR of August 11th, 2014; lawyer Rodrigo Olvera Briseno (ROB)
it pointed out on behalf of this organization that there are not a single
company, directive, investor or representative of the same one that it has
been punished penalty by the dozens of workers' industrial crimes that have
registered in the sector of the mining of our country from last century.
"Both a single manager has been imprisoned by these industrial and very
few crimes they are hardly played with minimum sanctions", it indicated.
‘Pasta de Conchos Family’ presented for several years a complaint against the
Mexican government before the ICHR, for the case of the 65 dead miners in
2006 and in demand of the rescue of the bodies.
For such a reason it has
continued participating in diverse sessions and committees of the organism.
This way, in the last session it took advantage of the forum to outline that
in the companies while Mexicans, labor violations are not only made against the
workers, but also violations of their human rights and it is not only
attempted against labor conditions and of union freedom, but against the same
life of the miners". “It is a modern slavery", Rodrigo Olvera
indicated. Before the ICHR, ROB exposed that companies of the sector, among
them preponderantly Grupo Mexico and Penoles, they accumulate more than 600
widows and 140 orphans for the dead workers in its mines. The biggest test of
it is it that industrial homicides as that from Pasta de Conchos continue
unpunished, as well as the hundred of workers' deaths that were given with
posterity. He underlined that in
Mexico a lot of precarious work is creating and without benefits like a
modern slavery, and they are constant the violations to the right to the
Mining group takes unpunished 20 years: CCI
In fact, we are living
inside labor violence, favored by the State, much as municipal, state and the federal government's instances, so they
are in complicity to violate the state of the citizens' right, and to protect
the industrial homicide of the human beings, since only they take care of the
interests of the transnational companies. Inside the industrial context it is
observed in the mining of coal and coppers these violations to the human
right. These feudal gentlemen of the mining dominate the regions, the social
life and they have a total impunity for the federal government, it proves of
it is it that these murderers have not been imprisoned, and they are less
still prosecuted. Although they have violated the article 159 of the Semarnat
2011, they have not been able to apply these measures with depth and clarity
for the affected population. On the other hand Grupo Mexico's mining activities
have caused the livestock death and the infertility of agricultural lands for
the emission of pollutants; few cattlemen and farmers dared to denounce it
because it was an employment source for their inhabitants, but after the 'homicide
industrial' from Pasta de Conchos, in Coahuila, the company hired personal of
other states and the economic benefit disappeared.
The cattle raising is the
predominant activity in the region; the lands are of fertility land, but the under
exploitation of the rivers, as the tributary San Pedro, of which 21 million
cubic meters are extracted, when their natural recharge is of 16 millions annual,
it has generated a productive crisis. The public land (ejido) 16 de Septiembre
suspended the cattle and agricultural activities for lack of water, and the
Ignacio Zaragoza and Emiliano Zapata ejido they have problems because they
dried off its wells. Before 10 hectares were required by livestock head and
now they are needed from 25 to 30 hectares. Rafael Galindo Jaime explains, “for
thirty years and more yet we have outlined that they are applied in a
rigorous way the norms of environmental protection and a fair compensation is
granted by the damages, but few times it has been achieved. Five years ago it
was possible to exchange a parcel contaminated for other, but the problem of
lands no fertile for the mining is a constant in Ninos Heroes’ ejido. The
secretary of Agrarian Action of the Independent Rural Power station (ICS), he
says; "A ticket won't solve the problem of the spill; it is necessary to
reimburse people, to demand to the company repair for the environmental
damage. The Conagua and the Profepa should act with more force", it
The border ones are not according with the rise
to the VAT
The delegate of the
Secretary of Agriculture in Sonora, Horacio Huerta, trying to minimize the
devastating effects of the industrial pollutants, he said that the 120
samples that were sent to Senasica demonstrated that there neither are not
any toxicity element and risk for the 155 thousand livestock heads that are
located in the seven affected municipalities, for the 6 thousand agricultural
hectares, of which 90 percent is dedicated to the production of forages and
the rest for garlic, (La Jornada, Matilde Perez). On the other hand the
inhabitants of the north of Mexico don't crack in spite of the quantity of
received blows that the Court has just treated them. To these taxpayers they
sought protection collectively against the increase to the VAT that went from
11 to 16 percent, but it is stopped because president EPN interposed a
complaint resource before the tribunal 15 of district, alleging that the
experts that analyzed the presented tests were partial and they agreed with
to the border ones with The States, he says the fiscal thing lawyer Adolfo Solis
(AS), legal representative of inhabitants no conforms.
About the sentence of the
Court and their relationship with the collective habeas corpus, AS says that
it analyzed the violation of the principles of tributary justness, reasonability,
competitiveness and liberate configuration, contents in the constitutional
article 31, “but the habeas corpus takes arguments of another nature, as the
tax neutrality, the fiscal collateral, the principle of retroactivity, of
artificial security, among other, captured in the articles 1, 6, 25, and 133
of the Constitution. However, it is pointed out that the Judicial Power could
also be taken the hands and to leave for the easy road, the approach of nine
ministers is for the Legislative's free configuration that is to give a check
in white to the Congress". It is possible that the civic consultation
for the energy reformation and for many skeptics this is a frank dream,
however every day we find in the world these dreams and it is as well as many
nations have changed, starting from the social mobilizations with a strong
civil organization, with new fight forms you don't force, showing to the
electronic and international means international that could not leave the
sick environmental with a total ecocidy. Being able to leave the sick environmental
with a total ecocidio. To him attended
the reason; let us remember the cases of Nelson Mandela, and of the
plebiscite that allowed the Chileans to make to a government that maintained
in the death and the terror during 18 years with Augusto Pinochet to this
illegitimate government's head and murder state. (La Jornada, politica, p. 5-6, August 27,
lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014
The labor violence of the state
La violencia laboral del Estado
Total impunidad de empresas mineras
La violencia laboral del Estado
Por: Carlos Damián 3 de Septiembre,
Grupo México enfrenta antecedentes “no muy
felices”, señalan
México. -
Los representantes legales de la organización Familia Pasta de
Conchos impugnaron ante la Comisión
Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) que en México, los gobiernos
federales, estatales y municipales no hayan actuado penalmente contra
empresas mientras que han provocado la muerte de cientos de trabajadores por
las pésimas condiciones de seguridad e higiene de sus centros de trabajo. En
la sesión que tuvo lugar en la CIDH del 11 de agosto, 2014; el abogado Rodrigo Olvera Briseño (ROB)
señaló en nombre de esta organización, que en el sector de la minería de
nuestro país no hay una sola empresa, inversionista, directivo o
representante de la misma que haya sido castigada penalmente por las docenas
de crímenes industriales de trabajadores que se han registrado desde el siglo
pasado. “Ni un solo empresario ha sido encarcelado por estos crímenes
industriales y muy pocos son apenas tocados con sanciones mínimas”, indicó.
Familia Pasta de Conchos presentó desde hace varios años una queja contra el
gobierno mexicano ante la CIDH, por el caso de los 65 mineros muertos en 2006
y en demanda del rescate de los cuerpos.
Por tal
motivo ha seguido participando en diversas sesiones y comités del organismo.
De esta forma, en la última sesión aprovechó el foro para plantear que en las
empresas mientras mexicanas, no sólo se cometen violaciones laborales contra
los trabajadores, sino también violaciones de sus derechos humanos y se
atenta no sólo contra condiciones laborales y de libertad sindical, sino
contra la vida misma de los mineros”. “Es un moderno esclavismo”, indicó
Rodrigo Olvera. Ante la CIDH, ROB expuso que empresas del sector, entre ellas
preponderantemente Grupo México y Peñoles, acumulan más de 600 viudas y 140
huérfanos por los trabajadores muertos en sus minas. La mayor prueba de ello
es que homicidios industriales como el de Pasta de Conchos siguen impunes,
así como los cientos de muertes de trabajadores que se dieron con
posteridad. Subrayó que en México se
está creando mucho trabajo precario y sin prestaciones como una moderna
esclavitud, y son constantes las violaciones al derecho a la vida.
Grupo minero lleva 20 años impune:
En realidad, estamos viviendo dentro de una
violencia laboral, auspiciada por el Estado, y las instancias del gobierno
tanto federal, como municipal y estatal están en complicidad para violar el
estado de derecho de los ciudadanos, y para proteger el homicidio industrial
de los seres humanos, ya que sólo cuidan los intereses de las empresas
trasnacionales. Dentro del contexto industrial se observa en la minería de
carbón y cobre estas violaciones al derecho humano. Estos señores feudales de
la minería dominan las regiones, la vida social y tienen una total impunidad
para el gobierno federal, prueba de ello es que no han sido encarcelados
estos asesinos, y menos aún son enjuiciados. Aunque han violado el artículo
159 de la Semarnat de 2011, no han logrado aplicar estas medidas con
profundidad y claridad para la población afectada. Por otra parte las
actividades mineras de Grupo México han provocado la muerte de ganado y la
infertilidad de terrenos agrícolas por la emisión de contaminantes; pocos
ganaderos y agricultores se atrevían a denunciarlo porque fue una fuente de
empleo para sus habitantes, pero después del ‘homicidio industrial’ de Pasta
de Conchos, en Coahuila, la empresa contrató personal de otros estados y el
beneficio económico desapareció.
La ganadería es la actividad predominante en la
región; los terrenos son de agostadero, pero la sobreexplotación de los ríos,
como el afluente San Pedro, del que se
extraen 21 millones de metros cúbicos, cuando su recarga natural es de 16
millones anuales, ha generado una crisis productiva. El ejido 16 de
septiembre suspendió las actividades ganaderas y agrícolas por falta de agua,
y los ejidos Ignacio Zaragoza y Emiliano Zapata tienen problemas porque se
secaron sus pozos. Antes se requerían 10 hectáreas por cabeza de ganado y
ahora se necesitan de 25 a 30 hectáreas. Explica Rafael Galindo Jaime,
explica “desde hace más de treinta años hemos planteado que se apliquen de
manera rigurosa las normas de protección ambiental y se otorgue una justa
compensación por los daños, pero pocas veces se ha logrado. Hace cinco años
se logró permutar una parcela contaminada por otra, pero el problema de
tierras infértiles por la minería es una constante en el ejido Niños Héroes.
El secretario de Acción Agraria de la Central Campesina Independiente (CCI),
dice; “Una multa no resolverá el problema del derrame; hay que indemnizar a
la gente, exigir a la empresa reparación por el daño ambiental. La Conagua y la
Profepa deben actuar con mayor rigor”, acotó.
Los fronterizos no están conformes
con el alza al IVA
El delegado de la Secretaría de Agricultura en
Sonora, Horacio Huerta, tratando de minimizar los efectos devastadores de los
contaminantes industriales, dijo que las 120 muestras que se enviaron a
Senasica demostraron que no hay ningún elemento de toxicidad y riesgo para las 155 mil cabezas de ganado que se
localizan en los siete municipios afectados, tampoco para las 6 mil hectáreas
agrícolas, de las cuales 90 por ciento son destinadas a la producción de
forrajes y el resto para ajo, (La Jornada, Matilde Pérez). Por otra parte los
habitantes del norte de México no se rajan a pesar de la golpiza que la Corte
acaba de propinarles. A estos
contribuyentes se ampararon colectivamente en contra del aumento al IVA, que
fue de 11 a 16 por ciento, pero está detenido debido a que el presidente EPN
interpuso un recurso de queja ante el juzgado 15 de distrito, alegando que
los peritos que analizaron las pruebas presentadas fueron parciales y le
dieron la razón a los fronterizos con Estados Unidos, dice el abogado
fiscalista Adolfo Solís (AS), representante legal de los inconformes.
Sobre el fallo de la Corte y su relación con el
amparo colectivo, AS dice que analizó la violación de los principios de
equidad tributaria, razonabilidad, competitividad y libre configuración,
contenidos en el artículo 31 constitucional, “pero el amparo lleva argumentos
de otra índole, como la neutralidad impositiva, la colateralidad fiscal, el
principio de retroactividad, de seguridad jurídica, entre otros, plasmados en
los artículos 1, 6, 25, y 133 de la Constitución. Sin embargo, se señala que
el Poder Judicial también podría llevarse las manos e irse por el camino
fácil, “el criterio de nueve ministros está por la libre configuración del Legislativo, que es dar un cheque en
blanco al Congreso”. Es posible que la consulta ciudadana para la reforma
energética y para muchos escépticos esto sea un sueño ingenuo, sin embargo
cada día encontramos en el mundo estos sueños
y es así como muchas naciones han cambiado, a partir de las
movilizaciones sociales con una organización civil fuerte, con nuevas formas
de lucha no violentas, mostrando a los medios electrónicos e internacionales
que no pudimos dejar el medioambiente enfermo con un ecocidio total. Pudiendo
dejar el medioambiente enfermo con un ecocidio total, le asiste la razón; recordemos los casos de
Nelson Mandela, y del plebiscito que permitió a los chilenos hacer a un
gobierno que mantuvo en la muerte y el terror durante 18 años con Augusto
Pinochet a la cabeza de este gobierno ilegítimo y asesino. (La Jornada,
política, p. 5-6, 27 de Agosto, 2014).
The black history of Pemex
The peasants and affected
natives should wait decades to receive the payments
The black
history of Pemex, CFE and SCT
By: Carlos Damian September 14, 2014
The energy reformation
will cause wave of abuses against proprietors of properties
Mexico. - Evacuates, threats, detentions and deceits
are confronted by hundred of peasants and indigenous of multiple public land
and communities of the country that take between two and four decades with a
legal fight against Mexican Petroleum (Pemex), the Federal Commission of
Electricity (CFE), and the Secretary of Communications and Transports (SCT)
to demand the payment for the expropriations carried out by those instances
for the construction of airports –Hidalgo State and Toluca -, highways, oil
wells, towers of high tension, camps and barracks for elements of the armed
forces, among other qualified works as of public utility. Some as the ejido’s
men of the Peñón de los Baños, in Mexico City -in where the international
airport Benito Juarez was built - they maintained its payment demand during
80 years until in recent dates it surrendered the last payment to a
descendant of one of the ejido’s men.
Not for sale of the public land to Conagua
Some other people
plaintiffs of justice, as 200 peasants of Atasta, municipality of the Carmen,
Campeche, they take three decades fighting with Pemex, some of them were even
left practically without their houses when arriving Marina Secretary to
settle in the area to protect the activities of the State’s company property.
In 1980 Pemex it installed a plant of gas inside the public land. In that
year the State’s company property requested to the Secretary of the Agrarian
Reformation the expropriation of 350 hectares, for those that offered 233
thousand dollars, that is to say, a six cents for square meter. The peasants
didn't accept, but the State’s company property continued with their
activities and up to 1985 it signed an agreement of temporary occupation. In
2008 it enlarged their expropriation petition to 526 hectares for the
construction of a process center and transport of gas, as well as their area
of security, reduction and conservation of the ecological environment; the
ordinance was published in 2012 and the Institute of Administration and
Evaluations of National Goods (Indaabin, for their initials in Spanish) it
fixed the compensation in 3.5 million dollars for this surface, the payment
decreased to 10 cents of Mexican peso for square meter.
Pemex deposited less than
half of the one mentioned figuret in the Fideicommissum National Fund of
Fomento Ejidal and it continue with its activities, for it without previous
warning to the peasants, Marina Ministry took possession of a part of the
surface without caring that in them there were houses of little more than a hundred
of them, as well as its animals. Most of the cases that here they are
presented and of which one had knowledge for conduit of the Rural Power
station Cardenista (CCC), Coalition of Urban Democratic organizations and
Peasants (Coduc), National Union of Agricultural Workers (Unta), Independent
Federation of Agricultural Workers and Peasants (Fioac) have an antiquity of 20 to more than 40
years. The institutions of the agrarian sector, including the Agrarian
Superior Tribunal (TSA), they assured not to have statistic of the cases in
litigation of the condemned surface that it has not been paid, of the figures
that are owed neither of the number of having affected, it is spoken to sotto voce since the transnational
ones they will arrive and they will behave equally and it will follow all
this without statistical and without payments to those affected, and the SCJN
will continue sleeping the dream of the fair ones.
Properties punished by the interest of
They are the peasants who
with their files under the arm and the back of diverse agrarian groupings
look for that they are made justice.
The Coduc informed that it has a wallet of 20 cases with Pemex and
seven with the CFE, most is related with properties located in Guerrero,
Tabasco, Chiapas, Baja California and Morelos, in this state it participates
with other groupings that have united to the peasants against the Integral
Project of Morelos that includes two thermoelectric power stations and a gas-duct
160 kilometers of longitude and 30 inches wide that it will affect 24
municipalities at least in this entity, Puebla and Tlaxcala. The group of the
cases, Marco A. Ortiz, leader of the Coduc, said he has a problem: the
evaluations make them Indaabin and the highest payments that he/she has made
they are of 60 cents of Mexican peso for square meter, he doesn't take into
account if the earth is of watering or of storm. "In function of the
quality they pay them in 20 or 30 cents of Mexican peso, for what they fix
him a price of 133 dollars to 200 dollars to the hectare. The State’s companies
property argues that they cannot pay an evaluation different to that of
Indaabin", (La Jornada, Matilde Perez).
However the rural non conforms
appeals to the agrarian and civil tribunals, and their cases even arrive to
the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation and this orders Pemex -this in
Campeche and Tabasco - to pay, the State’s company property interposes
dissents and the trials lengthen per years, it delimited. The public land 16
of September ejido, municipality Center, in Tabasco, is 20 years old
demanding Pemex the payment for the areas that it has occupied in passing for
servitude and the area where it has the well. The peasants have taken to end
protests and denounced that the Mexican Company of explorations that works
for Pemex, entered to their lands without permission and it dynamited fields
in search of locations, damaging walls and floors of the houses and to the
wells of water, it also destroyed cultivations and rural roads. The case is
in the TSA but it has not achieved that the State’s company property is
presented in trial, Alvaro Lopez Ríos explained, of UNTA.
The ejido’s men against
the change of public land régime to full domain
In the case of the
construction of the freeway North Arch, with a longitude of 227 kilometers it
affected to public land of Puebla, Tlaxcala, Hidalgo and Mexico State. The
peasants of the Cardenista Central (Peasants Union) and the Fioac checked
that the SCT didn't request the expropriation of the lands to carry out the
work. Carlos Moreno, secretary of Agrarian action of the CCC, commented that
the institution didn't carry out the established procedure legally, for what
there is not an evaluation of Indaabin.
It specified that in the case of the public land located in the
municipalities of Españita, Lazaro Cárdenas, Calpulalpan, Ixtacuixtla and
Nanancamilpa, of Tlaxcala, the CCC requested the intervention of the Agrarian
Attorney's office (PA) as witness to check the damages in the public land such
as: Pipiyola, San Francisco Mitepec; Magdalena; Alponzonga de Lira y Ortega;
Santorum; Nanacamilpa; Calpulalpan, San Gabriel Popocapla and Francisco I.
Madero. The construction of the freeway began in 2002, the investors, among
them Carlos Slim, they signed contracts of previous occupation and they gave
an economic advance to ejido’s men, but the manufacturer caused damages to
the housings for the weight of the trucks and the use of dynamite; they abandoned
construction material in the freeway, that which caused reservoir where they
become moist in the parcels and losses of crops, and that was not considered
in the compensation.
The trial battle takes 12
years and the SCT it doesn't still enter to the Secretary of Agrarian,
Territorial and Urban Development the expropriation application neither there
is an established file. The case of the manufacturer takes it a former
delegate of the PA. Francisco Chew, from Fioac, pointed that in the public
land of Tula, Hidalgo, the peasants have not been able to charge the
compensation, since the money surrendered to the president of the public land
delegate (ejido) who defrauded to the community. In the case of the
amplification of the airport of Toluca, 200 hectares of the public land were
affected San Pedro Totoltepec, but there is not registration of the
expropriation application, even in the surface there was an irregular
establishment, including a primary one without mediating order evicted to the
families and they placed metallic meshes. All these facts of robbery of
lands, “in juridical terms that calls you spoil, if that happens at the
moment we wonder what it will pass with the energy reformation and the
immediate answer is social fracture of the community", and it legalizes
the spoils by reason of “particular utility” and the president of the
republic guides to be left them without pay, if the applicants are the
transnational ones oil (La Jornada, politica, p. 12, September 9, 2014).
La negra historia de las paraestatales
Los campesinos e indígenas afectados deben
esperar décadas para recibir los pagos
La negra historia de Pemex, CFE y
Por: Carlos Damián 14 de Septiembre,
La reforma energética provocará ola de abusos
contra propietarios de predios
México. -
Desalojos, amenazas, detenciones y engaños son afrontadas por cientos
de campesinos e indígenas de múltiples ejidos y comunidades del país que
llevan entre dos y cuatro décadas con una lucha legal en contra de Petróleos
Mexicanos (Pemex), la Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE), y la Secretaría
de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT) para demandar el pago por las
expropiaciones realizadas por esas
instancias para la construcción de aeropuertos –Hidalgo y Toluca-,
carreteras, pozos petroleros, torres de alta tensión, campamentos y cuarteles
para elementos de las fuerzas armadas, entre otras obras calificadas como de
utilidad pública. Algunos como los ejidatarios del Peñón de los Baños, en la
ciudad de México –en donde se construyó el aeropuerto internacional Benito
Juárez- mantuvieron su demanda de pago durante 80 años hasta que en fechas
recientes se entregó el último pago a un descendiente de uno de los
No a la venta del ejido al Conagua
Algunas otras personas demandantes de justicia,
como 200 labriegos de Atasta, municipio del Carmen, Campeche, llevan tres
décadas lidiando con Pemex, incluso algunos de ellos se quedaron
prácticamente sin sus casas al arribar
la Secretaría de Marina a instalarse en la zona para proteger las
actividades de la paraestatal. En 1980 Pemex instaló una planta de gas dentro
del ejido. En ese año la paraestatal solicitó a la Secretaría de la Reforma
Agraria la expropiación de 350 hectáreas, por las que ofreció 3.5 millones de
pesos, es decir, un peso por metro cuadrado. Los campesinos no aceptaron,
pero la paraestatal continuó con sus actividades y hasta 1985 firmó un
convenio de ocupación temporal. En 2008 amplió su petición de expropiación a 526 hectáreas
para la construcción de un centro de proceso y transporte de gas, así como su
zona de seguridad, amortiguamiento y conservación del entorno ecológico; el
decreto se publicó en 2012 y el Instituto de Administración y Avalúos de
Bienes Nacionales (Indaabin) fijó la indemnización en 52.5 millones de pesos
por dicha superficie, el pago se redujo a 10 centavos por metro
Pemex depositó menos de la mitad del citado monto
en el Fideicomiso Fondo Nacional de Fomento Ejidal y continúo con sus
actividades, por ello sin previo aviso a los campesinos, la Secretaría de
Marina tomó posesión de una parte de la superficie sin importar que en ellas
había casas de poco más de un centenar de ellos, así como sus animales. La mayoría
de los casos que aquí se presentan y de los cuales se tuvo conocimiento por
conducto de la Central Campesina Cardenista (CCC), Coalición de
organizaciones Democráticas Urbanas y Campesinas (Coduc), Unión Nacional de
Trabajadores Agrícolas (Unta), Federación Independiente de Obreros Agrícolas
y Campesinos (Fioac9 tienen una antigüedad de 20 a más de 40 años. Las
instituciones del sector agrario, incluyendo el Tribunal Superior Agrario
(TSA), aseguraron no tener estadística de los casos en litigio de la
superficie expropiada que no se ha pagado, de los montos que se adeudan ni
del número de afectados, se habla a sotto
voce ya que van a llegar las trasnacionales y se van a comportar igual y
seguirá todo esto sin estadísticas y sin pagos a los afectados, y la SCJN
seguirá durmiendo el sueño de los justos.
Propiedades castigadas por el
interés de particulares
Son los campesinos quienes con sus expedientes
bajo el brazo y el respaldo de diversas agrupaciones agrarias buscan que se
les haga justicia. La Coduc informó
que tiene una cartera de 20 casos con Pemex y siete con la CFE, la mayoría
está relacionada con predios localizados en Guerrero, Tabasco, Chiapas, Baja
California y Morelos, en dicho estado participa con otras agrupaciones que se
han unido a los campesinos en contra del Proyecto Integral de Morelos, que
incluye dos centrales termoeléctricas y un gasoducto de 160 kilómetros de
longitud y 30 pulgadas de ancho que afectará al menos 24 municipios en dicha
entidad, Puebla y Tlaxcala. El conjunto de los casos, dijo Marco A. Ortiz,
dirigente de la Coduc, tiene un problema: los avalúos los hace Indaabin y los
pagos más elevados que ha hecho son de 60 centavos por metro cuadrado, no
toma en cuenta si la tierra es de riego o de temporal. “En función de la calidad
las pagan en 20 o 30 centavos, por lo que a la hectárea le fijan un precio de
2 mil a 3 mil pesos. Las paraestatales argumentan que no pueden pagar un
avalúo distinto al de Indaabin”, (La Jornada, Matilde Pérez).
Sin embargo los campesino inconformes recurren a
los tribunales agrarios y civiles, e incluso sus casos llegan a la Suprema
Corte de Justicia de la Nación y ésta ordena a Pemex –esto en Campeche y
Tabasco- pagar, la paraestatal interpone inconformidades y los juicios se
alargan por años, acotó. El ejido 16 de septiembre, municipio Centro, en
Tabasco, tiene 20 años exigiendo a Pemex el pago por las áreas que ha ocupado
por servidumbre de paso y el área donde tiene el pozo. Los campesinos han
llevado a cabo protestas y denunciado que la Compañía Mexicana de
exploraciones, que trabaja para Pemex, ingresó a sus tierras sin permiso y
dinamitó campos en busca de yacimientos, dañando paredes y pisos de las casas
y a los pozos artesianos, además destrozó
cultivos y caminos rurales. El caso está en el TSA pero no ha logrado
que la paraestatal se presente a juicio, explicó Álvaro López Ríos, de la
Los ejidatarios en contra del
cambio de régimen ejidal a dominio pleno
En el caso de la construcción de la autopista
Arco Norte, con una longitud de 227 kilómetros afectó a ejidos de Puebla,
Tlaxcala, Hidalgo y estado de México. Los campesinos de la central cardenista
y la Fioac comprobaron que la SCT no solicitó la expropiación de los terrenos
para llevar a cabo la obra. Carlos Moreno, secretario de acción Agraria de la
CCC, comentó que la institución no realizó el procedimiento establecido
legalmente, por lo que no hay un avalúo de Indaabin. Especificó que en el caso de los ejidos
localizados en los municipios de Españita, Lázaro Cárdenas, Calpulalpan,
Ixtacuixtla y Nanancamilpa, de Tlaxcala, la CCC solicitó la intervención de
la Procuraduría Agraria (PA) como testigo para comprobar los daños en los
ejidos Pipiyola, San Francisco Mitepec; la Magdalena; Alponzonga de Lira y
Ortega; Santorum; Nanacamilpa; Calpulalpan, San Gabriel Popocapla y Francisco
I. Madero. La construcción de la autopista inició en 2002, los
inversionistas, entre ellos Carlos Slim, firmaron contratos de ocupación
previa y dieron un adelanto económico a los ejidatarios, pero la constructora
causó daños a las viviendas por el peso de los camiones y el uso de dinamita;
abandonaron material de construcción en la autopista, lo cual provocó
encharcamientos en las parcelas y pérdidas de cosechas, y eso no fue
considerado en la indemnización.
La batalla jurídica lleva 12 años y la SCT aún no
ingresa a la Secretaría de Desarrollo agrario, Territorial y Urbano la
solicitud de expropiación ni hay un expediente instaurado. El caso de la
constructora lo lleva un ex delegado de la PA. Francisco Chew, de la Fioac,
apuntó que en el ejido de Tula, Hidalgo, los campesinos no han podido cobrar
la indemnización, ya que el dinero se entregó al presidente del comisariado
ejidal, quien defraudó a la comunidad. En el caso de la ampliación del
aeropuerto de Toluca, se afectaron 200 hectáreas del ejido San Pedro
Totoltepec, pero no hay registro de la solicitud de expropiación, incluso en
la superficie había un asentamiento irregular, incluyendo una primaria sin
mediar orden desalojaron a las familias y colocaron mallas metálicas. Todos
estos hechos de robo de tierras, “en términos jurídicos eso se llama despojo,
si eso sucede actualmente nos preguntamos qué va a pasar con la reforma
energética y la respuesta inmediata es fractura social de la comunidad”, y legaliza
los despojos por causa de “utilidad particular” y tutela el presidente de la
república para quedárselos sin paga,
si los solicitantes son las trasnacionales petroleras. (La Jornada,
política, p. 12, 9 de Septiembre, 2014).
The Federation before the State ‘s drug dealer
Barbosa criticizes that they offer recompenses in Guerrero
Federation before the State ‘s drug dealer
By: Carlos Damian October 6, 2014
It urges to find with
life to students: Bishops of the ecclesiastical County
Mexico. - The president of the Senate, Miguel
Barbosa (PRD), it considered little hit upon Guerrero's governor's decision,
Angel Aguirre, of offering recompenses to who informs on the missing students
in Iguala, Guerrero and it considered that it should not be given for dead.
To ask him if to offer recompenses speech of lack of operatively of the state
government, the senator manifested: "It speaks of a perception that is
not the correct one". He stood out in the interview that Guerrero's
government has not taken the necessary forecasts so that Jose Luis Abarca,
Felipe Flores and his bosses middle for control of the police: "they
were not given to the flight". He also stood out that the municipal
president celebrated since she was dancing with his wife when the young
students were murdered, what is a jeer for all the Mexican families at the
The bishops of the
ecclesiastical County of Acapulco expressed their "concern" for the
happened violent facts last Saturday in Iguala, and they pointed out that it
is “urgent that it has all the resources of the state to find the 43 students
missing students (murdered)". They stressed “that this action should be
high-priority". The bishops manifested “that we worry about that at this
time it is the luck that the 43 missing students will run."
The local attorney's office should credit the
The federal government
won't investigate the disappearance of more than 40 students of the Rural
Normal School of Ayotzinapa until the PGR of Guerrero's state (PGJEG) it
credits that it is a case of forced disappearance or that were victims of a
group of the organized delinquency, procurator's Jesus Murillo Karam’s
collaborators pointed out (JMK) and officials of the SG. The participation of
federal forces in this case is at the moment only of support it indicated
Miguel Angel Osorio Chong (MOC)-executive of SG -, around the presumption
that in the facts there was participation of the organized crime. The
possibility should be investigated on time, the only certainty until the
moment is that the missing youths were students. Osorio (MOC) says: the time
is urgent, there are many things that to clarify. The local authority has to
make what he corresponds so that all know what happened", he said. He
adds that it lacks to know a lot of -about the matter - it has more than
enough who gave the order, which made the excess (of violence) against the
As long as, JMK
procurator's collaborators pointed out that the ministerial dependence won't
act until Guerrero's attorney's office assumes its responsibility and
determine and credit that the Federation should attract the case. On the
other hand, as for the file Tlatlaya (where 22 people died they were of the
squadron of the Cartel of the drugs) although one suspects that they were
executed in a wall with their weapons for the Army. The government's sources affirmed
that the PGR is about to conclude the inquest and it could inform on the
results in some days. The secretary of Government insisted in that the PGR
never closed the investigation, although it recognized that Tlatlaya is razed
by the murderous squadrons (Cartels); and one shows off that they are seven
military elements investigated by the attorney's office -some people of the
area of the conflict they applaud them to defend them of the organized
criminals -.
The organized activists request in London to
present to the 43 students
Members of Solidarity
Zapatista's Net, and of #yosoy132 in the United Kingdom, they showed today in
front of the Mexican embassy in London “to demand with life to the Rural School’s
students of Ayotzinapa", they are missing persons from last Friday 26 of
September, and they remembered the anniversary of the slaughter of October 2,
1968. The activists gave a letter directed to ambassador Diego Gomez
Pickering, in which “we emphasize our demand for the presentation with the
missing students' life and the end to the impunity in Mexico". The
missive was received by consul Anibal Gomez Toledo. In the letter ascended to Facebook, it is
read: that “made regrettably as those of Ayotzinapa facts they are not
isolated, but the result of a prevailing impunity it makes (3) decades. The
first forced disappearance that one has registered it was made in 1969; also
in Guerrero's state. In each government’s six years disappearances have been
made (deaths) and each six years has guaranteed the impunity of the previous
ones". They add the communities of Manchester, Edinburgh, Dorset, Essex
and Bristol, and they add: "The government for which you work has
underrated the disappearances speaking of ‘not located people’, they have
returned to victimizer to the families, and he has made insufficient efforts
to fulfill the international obligations that he has acquired as regards
forced disappearance."
The indignation is general
Before the wild crimes perpetrated
against the students in Guerrero, the town of Mexico it is manifested their
indignation emphatically in front of these criminals’ facts. The slaughter of
these unpunished facts reveals us as a bankrupt state and this clearly is a
state crime, and we demand that the future squadrons of the peace that they
will send to the UN are correspondents to dangerous regions in Mexico, since
if in Mexico they don't have idea of the justice, the consistency and order
less they will know it in Haiti Country, or some other part of the world to
where they will be correspondents. In Mexico the forced disappearances, the
impunity and the violent deaths have become daily facts to those that we
cannot get used. It takes place the fight victory that the students of the
IPN (State University) have liberated, since this success is not an amusing
concession that the government makes, but the result of the organized force,
the consistency and the justness of the cause that they have hoisted to
defend and to preserve their rights.
The teachers, the
workers, and the Mexican employees are paying the consequences of the
structural reformations of EPN that are more than the will of the dominant
class erected in law. With them the costs are socialized and the economic
benefits are privatized. The labor reformation eliminated the labor rights
favoring shamelessly to the bosses and the barons of the money. With the “educational”
reform-versus-reform it was eliminated labor rights and they delegated
responsibilities to the family parents. To medium term we will be seeing
private schools sustained with public funds, as the American pattern called “schools
charter". With the fiscal reformation the town pays now more taxes, with
the reformation in telecommunications now the paid time is paid although the
user doesn't use it and with the energetic they betray to the town when
giving the petroleum, the gas and the electricity to the outsider capitalist.
You consult e-mail:
In some Arturo Cano's
notes you can appreciate the hate and the bitterness of the drug dealers’
State with the aggression of policemen and civilians armed to students of
Ayotzinapa, in they that left without face to Julio Cesar Mondragon, this
facts it makes us infer the responsibility, for omission, for inability to
guarantee the life and the civil population's tranquility, of all of them
call it municipal and state authorities, and in great measure Guerrero's
governor's responsibility who has given samples of their deep negligence, and
inability in the security in spite of being publishing their government's
achievements in security and to fulfill their campaign promises. They should
be in the jail all these accomplices and murderers in the jail, (La Jornada, politica,
p.p. 2-10, October 3, 2014).
La Federación ante el narcoestado
Barbosa critica que se ofrezcan recompensas en
La Federación ante el narcoestado
Por: Carlos Damián 6 de Octubre,
Urge hallar con vida a estudiantes: Obispos de la
Provincia eclesiástica
México. -
El presidente del Senado, Miguel Barbosa (PRD) consideró poco atinada
la decisión del gobernador de Guerrero, Ángel Aguirre, de ofrecer recompensas
a quien informe sobre los estudiantes desaparecidos en Iguala y consideró que
no se les debe dar por muertos. Al preguntársele si ofrecer recompensas habla
de inoperatividad del gobierno estatal, el senador manifestó: “Habla de una
percepción que no es la correcta”. Se
destacó en la entrevista que el gobierno de Guerrero no haya tomado las
previsiones necesarias para que José Luis Abarca, Felipe Flores y sus mandos
medios de la policía: “no se dieran a la fuga”. También se destacó, que festejara el
presidente municipal ya que estaba bailando con su esposa cuando eran
asesinados los jóvenes estudiantes, lo que a la distancia es una burla para
todas las familias mexicanas.
Los obispos de la Provincia eclesiástica de
Acapulco expresaron su “preocupación” por los hechos violentos ocurridos el
sábado pasado en Iguala, y señalaron que es “urgente que se disponga de todos
los recursos del estado para encontrar a los 43 estudiantes normalistas
desaparecidos (asesinados)”. “Remarcaron que “esta acción debe ser
prioritaria”. Los obispos manifestaron “que nos preocupa que en este momento
es la suerte que correrán los 43 estudiantes desaparecidos”.
La procuraduría local debe
acreditar el asesinato
El gobierno federal no investigará la
desaparición de más de 40 estudiantes de la Escuela Normal Rural de
Ayotzinapa hasta que la PGR del estado de Guerrero (PGJEG) acredite que se
trata de un caso de desaparición forzada o bien que fueron víctimas de un
grupo de la delincuencia organizada, señalaron colaboradores del procurador
Jesús Murillo Karam (JMK) y funcionarios de la SG. La participación de
fuerzas federales en este caso es por el momento sólo de apoyo indicó Miguel
Ángel Osorio Chong (MOC)-ejecutivo de SG-, en torno a la presunción de que en
los hechos hubo participación del crimen organizado. La posibilidad debe ser
investigada puntualmente, la única certeza hasta el momento es que los
jóvenes desaparecidos eran estudiantes. Osorio (MOC) dice: “el tiempo
apremia, hay muchas cosas que aclarar. La autoridad local tiene que hacer lo
que le corresponde para que todos conozcan lo que ocurrió”, dijo. Añade que
falta conocer mucho -sobre el asunto-
sobre quien dio la orden, quién
cometió el exceso (de violencia) contra los estudiantes.
En tanto, colaboradores del procurador JMK
señalaron que la dependencia ministerial no actuará hasta que la procuraduría
de Guerrero asuma su responsabilidad y determine y acredite que la Federación
debe atraer el caso. Por otra parte, en cuanto al expediente Tlatlaya (donde
22 personas murieron fueron del escuadrón del cartel de las drogas) aunque se
sospecha que fueron ejecutadas en un paredón con sus armas por el Ejercito
mexicano. Algunas fuentes del gobierno afirmaron que la PGR está a punto de
concluir la indagatoria y podría informar sobre los resultados en algunos
días. El secretario de Gobernación insistió en que la PGR nunca cerró la
investigación, aunque reconoció que Tlatlaya está asolada por los escuadrones
asesinos; y se presume que son siete
elementos castrenses investigados por la procuraduría –algunas personas de la
zona del conflicto les aplauden por defenderlos de los criminales organizados-.
Los activistas organizados piden en
Londres presentar a los 43 estudiantes
Integrantes de la Red de Solidaridad Zapatista, y
de #yosoy132 en el Reino Unido, se manifestaron hoy frente a la embajada
mexicana en Londres para “exigir con vida de los estudiantes de la Normal
Rural de Ayotzinapa”, desparecidos desde el pasado viernes 26 de septiembre,
y recordaron el aniversario de la matanza del 2 de octubre de 1968. Los
activistas entregaron una carta dirigida al embajador Diego Gómez Pickering,
en la que “enfatizamos nuestra exigencia por la presentación con vida de los
estudiantes desaparecidos y el fin a la impunidad en México”. La misiva fue recibida
por el cónsul Aníbal Gómez Toledo. En
la carta subida a Facebook, se lee: que hechos como los de Ayotzinapa
“lamentablemente no son aislados, sino el resultado de una impunidad
imperante hace (3) décadas. La primera desaparición forzada que se tiene
registrada fue cometida en 1969; también en el estado de Guerrero. En cada
sexenio se han cometido desapariciones (muertes) y cada sexenio ha
garantizado la impunidad de los anteriores”. Añaden los colectivos de
Manchester, Edimburgo, Dorset, Essex y Bristol, y añaden: “El gobierno para
el que usted trabaja ha desestimado las desapariciones hablando de ’personas
no localizadas’, se han vuelto a victimizar a las familias, y ha hecho
esfuerzos insuficientes por cumplir con las obligaciones internacionales que
ha adquirido en materia de desaparición forzada”.
La indignación es general
Ante los salvajes crímenes perpetrados contra los
estudiantes en Guerrero, el pueblo de México se manifiesta enfáticamente su
indignación frente a estos criminales hechos. La matanza de estos hechos
impunes nos revela como un estado fallido y esto claramente es un crimen de
estado, y exigimos que los futuros escuadrones de la paz que van a enviar a
la ONU sean enviados a regiones peligrosas en México, ya que si en
México no tienen idea de la justicia,
la congruencia y orden menos lo van a conocer en Haití, o alguna otra parte
del mundo a donde van a ser enviados. En México las desapariciones forzadas,
la impunidad y las muertes violentas se han convertido en hechos cotidianos a
los que no podemos acostumbrarnos. Se celebra el triunfo de lucha que han
librado los estudiantes del IPN, ya que este éxito no es una graciosa concesión que el
gobierno hace, sino el resultado de la fuerza organizada, la congruencia y la
justeza de la causa que han enarbolados para defender y preservar sus
Los maestros, los obreros, y los empleados
mexicanos estamos pagando las consecuencias de las reformas estructurales de
EPN que son más de la voluntad de la clase dominante erigida en ley. Con
ellos se socializan los costos y se privatizan los beneficios económicos. La
reforma laboral eliminó los derechos laborales favoreciendo descaradamente a
los patrones y a los barones del dinero. Con la contrarreforma “educativa” se
eliminó derechos laborales y delegaron responsabilidades a los padres de
familia. A mediano plazo estaremos viendo escuelas privadas sostenidas con
fondos públicos, como el modelo estadounidense llamado “escuelas charter”.
Con la reforma fiscal el pueblo paga ahora más impuestos, con la reforma en
telecomunicaciones ahora se paga el tiempo abonado aunque no lo use el
usuario y con la energética traicionan al pueblo al regalar el petróleo, el
gas y la electricidad al capitalista extranjero. Consulte e-mail:
En algunas notas de Arturo Cano se puede apreciar
el odio y el rencor del narcoestado con la agresión de policías y civiles
armado a estudiantes de Ayotzinapa, en la que dejaron sin rostro a Julio
César Mondragón, nos hace inferir la responsabilidad, por omisión, por
incapacidad para garantizar la vida y la tranquilidad de la población civil,
de todas las autoridades municipales y estatales, y en gran medida la
responsabilidad del gobernador de Guerrero, quien ha dado muestras de su
profunda negligencia, e incapacidad en la seguridad a pesar de estarse
publicando los logros de su gobierno en seguridad y cumplir con sus promesas
de campaña. Deberían estar en la cárcel todos estos cómplices y asesinos en
la cárcel. (La Jornada, política, p.p.
2-10, 3 de octubre, 2014).
The government's corruption
The corruption is
infinite and it covers us totally as rotten tomato
government's corruption
By: Carlos Damian September 20, 2014
The federal ombudsman
doesn't demand penalty to those responsible for the energy reformations
Mexico. - For many years we have seen field in
multiple newspapers, publications and books the Latin American corruption,
and in particular that of Mexico trying to explain that this corruption is
the cultural legacy of the Spaniards and that it comes from the old European
museum and that difficultly the Mexicans will get rid of this plague of the
XXI century. This social phenomenon has its origin and this gets lost in the
shades of the centuries. Greece also suffered of this social phenomenon. If
it is you an erudite that looks for information will find dozens of books in
Spanish, English and other languages that look for roots and hypothesis
besides that they propose explanatory exits to this complex social phenomenon
to settle down. If we tried to establish the quantity of books, publications,
and have, we would have in our hands a number with so many zeros that
difficultly could explain. This topic chose it on purpose due to the interview
that Jose Carreno Carlon propitiated president EPN August 19, 2014. In this
interview it was that the president shone his best garments and him same as
an understood person and responsible.
The president when being
questioned by the reporter of Televisa Co., Denise Maerker about the
corruption that suffocates us, the president answered: the corruption “is a
topic, I insist, of cultural order", Leon Krauze (LK), in contrast he
said: that in The States, the Mexicans didn't spend the traffic lights in red
light, they didn't throw the cans of beer in any part from the car moving n
the street and in parks, since they respect the law and they pay their taxes just
in time. In this context when environmental not corrupt we having the
Mexicans, as Yankee in their country, it implies that these they are not
corrupt. Another writer like Jesus Silva Herzog -JSH - (08/25/14), in their
article “Conversation to way", several interesting topics that Carmen
Aristegui recaptures points, and with this it was the exit big flag to so
many opinions, critic and buttery defenses, around the topic. When remitting
us to the comments of JSH: "In a very opportune and clear intervention,
LK differed of the president's opinion: "The corruption doesn't reside
in our way of being, but in a régime political based, -Zaid says-, in the
private property of the public functions". We see that this coincidence
is not gratuitous and these Mexicans that now are civic Mexican of first
generation that live in United States, they live, they study and they work in
a non corrupt society and they act as any American, in a State where the
public functions are, as much as possible, even more private property that in
With all this information
we have that the hardship of vision has decreased to a problem of corruption
in the public functions. And “our culture” has an uncertainty that it doesn't
offer some concrete answer when embracing all that includes such a concept.
If we remit ourselves to the index of International Transparency it is
located United States far from the first places, but this doesn't prevent to
have a reference of the Mexicans in the exterior. Writer Jose Blanco pointed
a reflection, “The ubiquitous
corruption" (La Jornada, 11/12/12) giving a bigger complexity to the
one that now they reduce his reflections to the topic of the public
corruption and it generally points to a single cause, that which is not valid
to give us a commendable and appropriate explanation to our environment. Let
us see some publications that can clarify our thorny and difficult topic:
"With the step of the time, the UN became what today is: one of the
biggest centers of corruption in the western world, according to the
Institute Global for Ethics. The maneuvers of the big powers caused a corruptness
flow in the recruiting of officials, in the definition of missions or for the
own control of the General assembly and the Council of Security that today
still persists". (UN: History of
the corruption, Eric Frattini (2009), Bubook Publishing, CO. LTD., 462 p.p.)
The movement of social attendance has more
than the same thing
It prospers (pro-hopes),
now it is the real name of Opportunities that has re-baptized the
administration of EPN that thing has as mantra it tries to avoid the Mexican
citizen's infinite poverty. This government responsibility tries to take
refuge in a new name but little ingenious of the World Bank who it is behind
in the shade and they are proposed of the National Council of Evaluation.
Until today all the beneficiaries will continue receiving financial supports
and materials of Opportunities, but now their children will be able to enjoy
scholarships for university studies or superior technicians and who look for
work they will have priority in the national system of employment. But they
declare that “strategy to reduce the poverty is that the families are able to
generate revenues self-employed and diminish its dependence of the monetary
transfers", and these clearly are promoted by the official social
attendance. Pro-hopes to go since to the indigenous field it affects it
directly. You laud indigenous towns they have not been able to rob of the
epithet of vulnerable, since the State has denied them the right of having
its resources and direct that allow them to overcome the exclusions to arrive
to its full autonomy. Although it tries the state to overcome this with,
wordiness: "the equality among the Mexicans should be a full reality,
independently of the ethnic origin."
The ordinance that it
believes the program makes emphasis on the social inclusion and it speaks
confusedly of the positive results, but “the experience has proven that the
simple amplification of basic capacities in the individuals and families in
poverty is not enough to reduce the vulnerability condition". Although
it is pointed out that they will promote “the coordination with those
government's orders three, with private institutions and with the organized
civil society that they allow to strengthen the actions of Prosper one".
Well its desires and its wills are very good but as in the government's
administration, they will be made according to the approved budget and they
will incorporate the families supposedly in extreme poverty. Pena Nieto's
government's watchword is to move to Mexico", and it gives us list of
its reformations: that they say they will make of our country it harvests the
economic growth, however the Pro waits: "naturally, they are deep
processes that don't generate immediate result, and we would be deceiving to
the Mexican society if we promised magic results". This way in La
Jornada the Secretary of Treasury said it, the9/6/14. Finally the neoliberal
régime is trans-government of six years and the project of the new airport
you drifted with Felipe Calderon and in this perspective Pro is expected it
has a good integral advance if it is that the beneficiaries don't run out of
the patience and the hunger.
The Mexican system is a disaster
When coming closer to
another anniversary of our independence the economic condition and politics
is a disaster. After two years we have an economic growth that it achieves to
return to the members from the presidential cabinet to the first semester of
the career. Before the perspective of their own failure the Secretary of
Treasury is treated in health and it notices that next year we will have “a
pressure to the public finances” and that the economy will continue to fall,
in spite of the fact that government's cabinet promised that its
constitutional reformations and its secondary laws would be the great
detonator of a brilliant economic growth. All this is a great lie, as the
president's statement that Pemex and CFE won't privatize. We have that they
tell us that the criminal violence has not ceased, adding him a repressive
violence that contaminates to the governors, municipal presidents that are
inspired by the impunity of those who are up of the administrative pyramid.
We wonder by what measure this régime inspires Rafael Moreno Valle in its
zeal in solving the social conflicts to tip of political persecutions, and of
rubber bullets. The organized criminals continue unpunished but the citizens
that defend continue in the jail. Example: Nestora Salgado. Jose Manuel
Mireles them and this way many others. (La Jornada, politica, p. 32, September
9, 2014).
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