martes, 14 de julio de 2015

Greece in their critical hour

EPN gets in debt to the country to a trillion rhythm per year 
Greece in their critical hour 
By: Carlos Damian                                                     July 8, 2015 
The true saviors of the financial crash of Mexico
México. -   In this context of electoral elections it is observed Miguel Angel Osorio Chong, as the promoter of the independent candidates as El Bronco one - subtle allies - and punishing of the early candidates as the attack in Jalisco, to Aristoteles Sandoval and Murillo Karam like the executioner of plans to consolidate the reformation privatize of waters, in the imposition of 16 percent to foods prepared in Oxxo, Seven eleven and other institutional stores. Although the conformation of the House of senators and federal deputies will be key for the second half in the power of EPN. For both accomplices -PRI and PAN - that wait to conform an enough majority to design the federal budget starting from the base zero, and to consolidate the energy reformation basically and contrary to Greece that they are politically some late ones with regard to the politicians of the central power of EPN that didn't have to consult to the citizenship that they don't represent - smaller to 30 percent - to the Mexican citizenship. The citizens had a small contemporary transition from the square of weapons to the mall, to fulfill the electoral days, however they didn't forget the aided Sunday habit: to buy the provision in weekend. Although it is of recognizing that both spaces were those most frequented ones. The father's next day it received multiple blinks of the windows of the commercial centers with offers that attracted many visits, and where the citizen took advantage of the cinemas and the cafes shop.  

In the city we have a security that invites the walkers to vote, with the opinion of the employees and the person in charge of the tickets of the Mall, they assured that the visitors would be in more number that other weekends. Let us remember that the families visit the supermarket and the markets on wheels of the colony and they won't leave it for another day. When traveling the masses they were scarce around the polling-booths, polling Station, and the step would take a long time around 20 minutes. Around the elections they seemed to be on the dot the directive and electoral representatives, together with the police forces with the pick up of Public Security with the lit motors and the brilliant turrets awaiting commands of the headquarters.  Although when putting the feet in the earth one has the government from Greece headed by Alexis Tsipras an option popular -former militant of communist youths - that will be confronted with the impositions of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) who has subjected to almost all those that have requested their poisoned help. This country has fallen in a vortex because of its non-fulfillment of the payment of a thousand 600 million Eurus, a debt that the country perhaps won't complete.  It is a country that refuses to pay their debt and it is in risk their obligations with the European Union; (triadic) the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF too.  
It is interesting the outcome that could have, since has a legitimate government that doesn’t defend the popular interest, the scheming of international interests that they are able to convince by means of the loan with restrictive economic politics and the local rulers become foremen to the service of the big transnational companies.  These financial “rescues” order: salary contentions, clip labor, advantageous privatizations for the transnational companies, and they are prioritized the payment of foreign debts above the hunger of the town. We have that in Mexico it is said that the country is armored and it is transitory this problem for the country, -of agreement to the governor of the Bank of Mexico, the doc flue - but it is that the dollar with regard to the Mexican weight has increased, due to the liquidity of our peso. The corrupt political class of the six years dedicates the public money by means of financial maneuvers to the payment of loans and they are restructured many times. This one can see that not yet the first triennium of the federal administration is completed and the load of the debt has already been increased previously. In our case we have to the great bank robbery called by the new class political Bank Fund of Protection to the Saving (Fobaproa, for their initials in Spanish) reads you in other terms for the town Mexican Bank Robbery of unprotection to the citizen, for this road have become a great hole that our portion of national wealth is stolen.  
It is here where it has become our debt, all the earnings, waste and excesses of some rich favorite of the national political system that took advantage diverse technical writhing to enjoy supports and subsidies that the legislative granted them together with the president in shift after being attributed the banks.  The Mexicans have seen as Greece, Tsipras and Syriza they are example of what one can make from the urns to carry out positive and deep changes. This government from Greece has popular root you convulses with the forces of the capital globalized of Europe, together with the exit of capital swallows, economic crisis and voters' deception but it is able to organize a referendum to obtain the support of the town in chaotic situations.  From this point of view the Hellenic battle, a global liberation of the impositions is achieved made by the IMF.  In Spain, leave to the Spanish organization with Pablo Iglesias whose leader wrote an article: "Left” that has moved to the reflection, if there are people that fights from this ideology it can help him their reading. From this geometry point it becomes worse the confrontation among ‘United Left’ and ‘We can do it’. Let us don't forget the past of a militant's thousand of the Communist Youths, Pablo Iglesias and with record of social and student fights that is based on Perry Anderson's words, historian and Marxist thinker that it was editor of National Left Review for long years: "the only starting point conceivable today for a realistic left is to take conscience of its historical defeat", (La Jornada, Julio Hernandez). 
The saving workers from Mexico 
To the step that the president from Mexico takes it will have been able to duplicate the public debt, it means, he will get in debt more to the country that all the governments that preceded, even that the last ones. The Mexican government's debt in 2012 was of 5 trillions 890 million pesos. To May of 2015 it increased to 7 trillions 755.8 thousand million pesos. Although it lie us for the excuse of the fall of price of the petroleum and the collapse of prices in two years of their unfortunate six years, EPN has taken borrowed a trillion pesos each one of the two years, what has generated a spectacular collapse of the revenues of Pemex.  They were located in 305.8 thousand million pesos between January and May of this year inferior by 40.6 percent to the same lapse of last year that was the last of oil peacefulness. According to this they don't accuse Greece of the critical situation of the growing poverty, economy, devaluation, and growing poverty. We have had a bad mistaken administration of the public finances before from a lot of time; however the oil collapse has made it more visible. The dollar is at 16.01 in Banamex, and when EPN began the six years it was to 12.95 pesos. 
With a total of 53 millions of thrifty, Afores they accumulate 2.5 trillion pesos through the SAR; it turns 18 years in the national system. Consar with the executive Carlos Ramirez has an effective acting. Let us see the figures: 1.1 trillion pesos are net yields of commissions, what represents 45.1 percent of the balance of the system. In accordance with the Consar, the profitability of Afore, born the first of July of 1997, and taking into account to the closing in May of 2015, reached a rate per year (removing the inflation) of 6.18 percent in real terms, positioning you like one of the best options for thrifty, this it is one of the smallest options for thrifty. The voluntary saving is able to overcome 2 thousand million dollars. The workers are the main financiers of the national companies and the government. These are the true saviors from Mexico. (La Jornada, política, p.p.6- 8, 1 de Julio, 2015).

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