right-wing. Ann Coulter journalist and American
writer propose that to solve the migratory problem, The States should bombard
Mexico like in Gaza, as well as Israel makes it in Palestine. She forgets
that when charge of the lands of the Wild West was taken it made a clean one
ethnic and of five thousand Mexican that were approximately in those lands
that it stole Mexico in 1847, after five years they were 500 Mexicans
scarcely, and Israel didn't bombard them.
This character of hate and bitterness says that when placing B.
Netanyahu like president from The States, he could make a second ethnic war, “in
the frontier of Mexico and The States way like it solves theirs". The
polemic writer comments in the program "Hannity", transmitted in
the chain Fox News. Coulter affirms that in “our frontier they have been
hundred of tunnels in those that happen: you drug, weapons, immigrants. They
are invading us". She is questioned and it solves alone: "We are a
country; we have frontiers, why cannot we make the same thing in The
States"? And their comments: She said that the doctor that contracted Ebola
in Africa and it was returned to United States he is a " idiot ";
The Ebola illness kills the body: the virus of the spiritual bankruptcy and
the moral decadence spread by many movies of Hollywood infest to the
world", this wrote it in their column, “the doctor's condition with Ebola
worsened to the idiot."
Ann Coulter suggested in interview with
Jorge Ramos, she said that all the Mexicans are criminal, violators and
terrorists, and the Mexican culture is “evidently faulty". Donald Trump
declares that Mexico is an enemy, when the Republican rushes as presidential
candidate to the White House in
2016. In their hollow speech, the manager of 69 year-old intends that one of
the best walls will rise, to economic price, and he affirms that: "I
will make that Mexico pays it". Manager, boaster, and proprietor of the
competition Miss Universe – Univision Communications refuses to diffuse his program
and NBC Universal-, in his aggressive rhetoric he rushes against the
corruption and the system legal Mexican and his impressions reflect the Border
patrol’s scientific investigation. Their expressions are the reflective
clearing of the deep hate against Mexico that characterizes to the system
hegemonic of the WASP. The decline of the control hegemonic of the
Anglo-Saxons generates desperate reactions against everything that is
opposed, Russia, Middle East, China, and Mexico. Mexico with people's group
Malinche and of right-wing way it doesn't act and with that attitude Mexico
will be dragged to the sewers of the history. Trump underlines that Mexico is
drowning economically to The States for what people send with a heap of
problems, and they bring problems, drugs, crime and violators. Convinced of
their nationalist speech, it indicates that The States has become a trash can
of the problems of the other ones.
When making their official presentation
before the town of their country, he says that their objective is to face
Iran and the terrorism of the Middle East, to be planted before the nations
of Japan, China and Mexico that have been successful in the world to expense of
the American employments. He is a candidate with scarce opportunities,
without charisma and it tries to be added to the quantity of applicants that
they will contend in the primary republicans from the party to the White
House in high number, together with candidates of Cuban origin, Ted Cruz (he
shares the ideas of DT about immigration) and Marco
Rubio. He is a manager dedicated to the handling of hotels, with a program
reality: "The Celebrity Apprentice", with real state design in
Tijuana, Mexico and a golf field in Miami. Two days after the declarations of
Trump and three weeks after the interview of Coulter, somebody with right
inclinations and WASP, would make work the trigger of a Glock 40, in Carolina
of the South it assaulted a Methodist church full with Afro-American, and he
calmly made it, forethought and cruelty. He murdered an important directing
Afro-American more next to eight in a historical place for United States. In
their blog he commented that, “we don't have skinheads, neither a true KKK. Nobody is making nothing else
there of speaking in internet. Somebody has to have the courage to take it to
the real world, and I suppose that he has to be me", he wrote before the
religious massacre, believing that with these deaths he would make that The
States would become the second “secession war."
Many WASP is put in a corner by the racial
explosion and ethnic diversity, and it will leave them transformed for 2040
into a first minority, after the Mexicans in The States recover his that the
Yankee call “Aztec vengeance” but if the Hispanics didn't go to the west of The
States they would be the Asians with the phenomenon “vengeance Ho Chi
Min": Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese that occupy The States in
great number. We forget to mention that the speech of Trump is identified
with the right-wing group and this small WASP it is normal, inside its circle
of friends. They feel ‘gremlins’ inside their country, forgotten and without
hope of overcoming the bets of their imminent future and they delight in
these racist "manifestos ", of hate and xenophobic that they also
try to justify their perverse actions against the enemy, but they are
perfectly coherent inside their community of white hegemony. These writings
and actions reflect the opinions of millions of Yankee that feel that their
country doesn't make anything for them, and it abandons them to its luck
channeling its hate toward the Afro-American, to the dogs and the Mexicans.
They perceive that there is good blood that it can be rescued in Uruguay,
Argentina, Chile and even Brazil, since they have “white” beauty but in
accordance with the ideological current represented by Roof, - Trump and
Coulter - all the Mexicans are scum and they should be annihilated to all ways.
If we remit ourselves to the facts in
months recent policemen from The States they have murdered three Mexicans in
cold blood: Antonio Zambrano, Ruben Garcia, and some Mexican lost in Los Angeles
City, California. They have an
apparatus of Justice that any Mexican when it has been caught by the law it
doesn't loose it, and it doesn't doubt to apply the death penalty ignoring
the international laws, and the most recent case was Edgar Tamayo in January
of 2014. In the frontier that we share
both countries they harass and they torture Mexicans. As the case of a
Mexican friend that when passing Hidalgo, TX, to scarce steps was a store
where when visiting it he forgot to pay some chewing gums -Wrigley's -
although he paid everything the rest acquired, and when trying to pass the
border customs the border policemen they were not suspiciously and the
frankly didn't look for them to seal its passport - and he was happened later
on when arriving at its town to go to the consulate to register but, surprise
was found that starting from there they no longer gave him for good its visa
and the end broke its Mexican passport of everything. The “war against the
drugs” has been directed from Washington via military drones and by means of fusion centers, with a cost of 200
thousand died for Mexico from 2006.
The massacres -Tlatlaya, Equals, Tanhuato -
they are also a form of taming to the town. In The States it is used to place
red focuses abroad where the
American one believes that there is danger, but and the Mexicans where they
have put their red focus where they are murdered in cold blood in it USA that
maybe a lost life abroad doesn't care for the cabinet of EPN. It is part of a
global strategy and these rulers with their courtiers they look for to finish
with the Mexican culture, and their sovereignty, putting in risk their
natural resources and public institutions. It urges to exorcize the politics,
of becoming "Americanization" impelled from Los Pinos residence,
and for ‘false friends’ - Arnold Schwarzenegger, Cristina Aguilera, Milley
Cyrus and Elvis Prestley - and to impede that we are liquidated by the
machine of war of a ‘false’ positive empire. Hairless Donald trumpet, take
care the back there the indignant ones are. The flag confederate, and is in
the garden of the White House we
hope it disappears as well as the white hegemony. (La Jornada, política, p.
20, June 22, 2015)
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