miércoles, 24 de junio de 2015

Theater of human parts

Fausto Vallejo in complicity  with leader Enrique Plancarte Solis; monster that began the practice 
Theater of human parts 
By: Carlos Damian                                           June 22, 2015 
Self-defense group finds shipment in 2014, I govern he/she doesn't investigate the criminal event
México. -   2014, year the self-defense groups stopped a truck in which human organs are transported for their traffic and commercialization, however, the commissioner of the state and the former commissioner for the Peace and the Development in Michoacan, Alfredo Castillo, they decided not to investigate the event,  Alejandro Solalinde Guerra denounce (Catholic priest).  In previous wheel of celebrated press to their participation in the picture of the Summit Legislative about human rights, it assured that Michoacan is the second state at national level where it registers bigger traffic of infantile organs, practice that was begun by one of the leaders of Los Caballeros Templarios, Enrique Plancarte Solis who in complicity with its nephew Manuel Plancarte Gaspar “was the one in charge of beginning to rehearse the traffic of children's organs", but “where there were also the former governor's complicity”, Fausto Vallejo, and the former government secretary, Jesus Reyna, as well as of the commissioned Alfredo Castillo. They cannot deny this because the self-defenses group detected (in 2014) a shipment that they sought to take out for the port of Lazaro Cardenas, stopped a first truck that transported infantile organs and they surrendered to those that went managing it, but it liberated them; therefore, if there is a responsibility of the State, in the first place of Castillo and after the governor in shift", it described.  
Months later, the self-defense groups stopped another truck again where they transported infantile organs, “some children still came alive, but this time the self-defense group thought that yes they gave them it will pass the same thing with the first truck, of which is not known where it was or if finally it arrived to its destination. It was the traffic of organs very undoubtedly it began to be it negotiates here and in the port of Lazaro Cardenas. The Catholic priest defined this criminal practice as “the human being total annihilation", because never nobody will know who the victims were. He also regretted that authority doesn't exist some that responds on these acts and that neither exists legislation that contemplates sanctions for these crimes, where people are only used in one on their behalves, while the rest is destroyed and burnt. He mentioned that from 2008 to the date, they have registered 10 thousand migrant people as missing, but, now it is known that many of them were sold in parts because it is a business that comes displacing to the traffic of people, the same one it tries of human and the kidnappings, since a lot of demand exists in countries like Germany, Brazil, Mexico and The States, respectively, and where in the black market the organs are quoted in more than 100 thousand Eurus.  
Solalinde reiterated that 35 and 40 percent of the migrants that disappear in the country enters they are of Honduran nationality, in second place they are the Salvadorans, in third the Guatemalans, and in fourth the Nicaraguans. But what “alarms” is that the Hondurans continue disappearing as victims and criminals, because they are forced to work of paramilitary assassins and murderers. The concrete cases are fully identified, for example, in December of 2006, one has registered the first massive kidnapping of migrants; in 2007, the sixth massive kidnapping is denounced of human; from 2008, the phenomenon extended for the whole Mexican Republic.   

The refugee's day 
On the other hand this phenomenon of the migration has extended in the planet and June 21 it was the refugee's world day, where some officials and personalities have formulated diverse pointing outs on the critical circumstances that face in the planet 60 million people displaced by the armed conflicts and other forms of violence. In western Europe it has gone opening up step the notion that those displaced by the global economic asymmetries refugees should be considered, as much as those that escape from the wars and the persecution. Illustrative of this fact it was the combined conference that they sustained in Rome the first Italian minister Matteo Renzi and the French president François Hollande, in which both recognized that the massive arrival of migrants of Africa and Middle East to the European Union are a complex matter that concerns to all the countries that are part of that block and it should be faced with “solidarity and responsibility". In contrast, in The States, president Barack Obama centered his speech in those who escape from warlike conflicts, but she avoided to refer to those who cross opposite in work search, like it happens with the great majority of the outsiders that they look for to settle, temporary or definitively, in the neighboring country.  
The one that put the finger in the wound was the pope Francisco, who declared in Turin their rejection to that the travelers are treated “as goods", and it exposed: "if the immigration increases the competition (economic), you cannot accuse (to the migrants) of it, because they are victims of the injustice, of the economic rejection and of the wars". Indeed, the frontiers of the contemporary world are no longer defined as much as mechanisms of protection of security territories or markets, but as valves of control of the migratory flows caused by the inequalities that the own global model has imposed among countries. In this context, the migrant manpower is view, in fact, like a merchandise, and not only for the formal economic factors (industry, trade, services), but also for criminal corporations that make business with the traffic of people and that they articulate with the legal economy in a much more intense way and to regulate of what the governments dare to admit. In such circumstances it is imperative, on one hand, to recognize without ambiguity that the economic migrants are given refuge of the economy and that they should, in consequence, to receive the same treatment that is granted to those who escape from the wars and of the violent threats, for the other one, it is inevitable that, as well as at the moment the governments negotiate favorable commercial treaties secretly to the capitals and noxious for the populations, be involved in the elaboration of general migratory regulations and it links that the rights, the dignity and the security of the dozens or hundreds of millions of people that go from a country to another by reasons of survival assure. 

Transplants of organs  
We have that we remember that in Mexico 20 thousand people they hope to be subjected to an organ transplant or fabric. Of them, near 12 thousand they require a kidney, more than 7 thousand a cornea and the other liver, heart, pancreas or lung, even a combination of them. The specialists indicate that it was increased between 10 and 15 percent the wait list to receive died donor's organs, this means that the number of patients lowers some type of substitute therapy it grows to a bigger proportion to the transplants that are carried out in the country, there is a bigger kidney demand, since it is the organ of more demand and it belongs in fact to alive donor, it is mentioned that “the inability to solve this problem of health is similar to the one that face many other countries, due to the increment to global scale of the chronic illnesses not transferable, as diabetes mellitus and hypertension". It is also underlined that it is necessary to create conscience in to the citizenship to promote the culture of transplants and donation of organs to give hope of life to the sick persons that need them. Finally in the environment of the market labor, such massive traffics of people, instead of being considered a problem, they should be seen as a solution to the world economic imbalances. In their current configuration the global economy requires of less regulations and of more traffic freedom. As long as you doesn't act against this criminal situation, millions of human beings will continue being innocent victims of abuse, traffic, exploitation and accidents in very dangerous terrestrial and marine voyages. (La Jornada, economía, p.p. 7-8, 22 de Junio, 2015)

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