Civil organizations against the education of the CNTE
Stop to the punitive evaluation
By: Carlos Damian June 4, 2015
The violence perturbs to the education and the professors win a
miserable payment
Mexico. -
The Secretary of Public Education (SEP, for their initials in Spanish)
it informed their decision (06/29/15) that “it suspends the evaluation
process indefinitely” for the entrance, promotion and permanency of teachers
in the education basic and High School senior, what will affect to more than
350 thousand professors and directive of the country that will be examined in
the cycle 20156 - 2016. The tests would be applied starting from the second
semester of this year; they were part of a strategic axis in the application
of the educational reformation, because for the first time the abilities of
the teachers were evaluated in service that of not reaching “suitable” results
in three occasions, they could be removed of their teaching task. In an
official statement of three lines, the federal dependence pointed out that
the National Coordination of the Service Professional Educational -organism
that should be part of the evaluation of applicants' thousands to enter to
the teaching, and give you this year in the valuation of the acting of the
professors in service - it detailed “with reason of new elements to consider”
in the process, the dates in that you/they would be carried out the exams are
“suspended indefinitely for its realization."
The eve, leaders of the National
Coordinator of Workers of the Education (CNTE, for their initials in Spanish)
they rejected the application of this tests, to those that qualified of “punitive”,
and they noticed that of not being suspended their application, they would
carry out an electoral boycott June 7 in at least 11 entities. The dissident
teachers pointed out that the first of June -date in that they announced an
indefinite strike in at least four states and mobilizations in other 16 -
they would go to the Secretary of Government (SG) to demand the installation
of a work table whose only point to discuss would be the suspension of the
calendar of evaluations. "We have 11 points in our petition sheet, but
there won't be any advance if before we don't discuss a non punitive
evaluation outline for the professors", they affirmed last Thursday (06/28/15).
although that the Law of the Educational Professional Service settles down in
its article 52 that the evaluation of the educational acting is obligatory,
and that all entrance process to the teaching will be carried out by means of
a competition of opposition, this won't be carried out in the dates diffused
by the National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education (INEE) and
approved by the SEP.
After the announcement, the INEE summons to meeting
In accordance with that calendar, published
in passed March, 350 thousand educational and directive in service of basic education
and High School would be examined by first occasion in the cycle 2015 - 2016.
Ramiro Alvarez Retana, national coordinator of the Educational Professional
Service, informed at the end of that month that 150 thousand educators would
be validated from September 9 to November 30 of this year, while other 200
thousand would carry out the test among the first of February and May 31, 2016.
Also, he explained with the results of the evaluations the promotions they
would also be applied in educational and directive functions, like part of
the new program that it will substitute that of magisterial career whose term
for the publication expires May 31, in accordance with the Law of the
Educational Professional Service (Profile,
parameters and indicators, published February 26, 2014). as long as, the
competitions of opposition for the entrance in charge of teachers and
directive of education basic and education half superior would be carried out
from the 4 to next July 19. The evaluations with promotion ends in directive
functions, supervision and technical - pedagogic consultant they would be
applied from the 13 to June 28 and the results should be published July
The SEP gave to know the past 10 of May
that 190 thousand 234 people concluded the pre-registration process to
participate in the competitions of opposition for basic education that this
year would throw 18 thousand 476 stage positions, 33 thousand 617 hours/week/month,
as well as 15 thousand 141 positions of basic education, which should be
assigned before the school cycle begins 2015-2016 in next August. At night, the INEE informed in an official
statement that summoned to an urgent meeting of its government meeting,
headed by Sylvia Schmelkes, in order to elaborate a positioning, after the
announcement made by the SEP. On the
other hand there is a call to build an education of quality, with justness
and including, the Organization of United Nations for the Education, the
Science and the Culture (UNESCO) it subscribed the Declaration of Incheon in
Korea where is recognized that “the crises, the violence and the attacks to
the teaching institutions, as well as the natural disasters and pandemics
continue perturbing the education and the development to world scale".
After concluding the works of the World Forum on the Education, carried out at
May 19 - 22 in Korea of the South, with representatives of more than 130
countries, the multinational organism gave to know the final declaration,
where the global educational goals settle down up to 2030.
The growing violence rebounds in the education
The assisting nations recognize that the
success of the calendar 2030 that includes to strengthen an education of
quality, with access for all and with a humanist vision, it requires of
political solid and of planning, as well as of a strong commitment of the
governments to face the conditions of risk that continue affecting the
educational processes. Among the risks it highlights the violence. One of the
commitments included in this declaration is that the states will guarantee
sure educational spaces, with inclusive and sensitive systems to the
formative necessities of all the people, what should embrace to the groups
but vulnerable, as migrants, displaced and refugees. On the financing to the education, it intended
that there is a desirable minimum investment from 4 to 6 percent of the gross
internal product of each country, and at least it is dedicated from 15 to 20
percent from the public expense to the teaching tasks. It also intends to
create a plan of global coordination, headed by the Unesco that allows to
reach the outlined objectives, among those that bigger transparency
mechanisms and rendition of bears in mind are contemplated in the expense of
the sector, as well as an improvement in the instruments applied to evaluate
the learning and the results of the educational systems.
The declaration also outlines like goal
that there are nine years of obligatory minimum scholarship, as well as a
year of pre-primary, and bigger attention to the development of the first
stage. As for the professors, the countries gathered in Korea of the South
agreed to strengthen their preparation, and with it, their autonomy in the
taking of decisions, but they also point out that they should be properly
hired, trained, motivated, and with enough resources to carry out their task.
The continuous formation and of quality it is another from the outlined
challenges of face to 2030, so that it is an educational opportunity open to
all, with a high technical quality and professional. On the other hand the
INEE doesn't intervene in the normal schools that after all they are the
institutions that form to the educational ones and in its to have it has many
years of experience. But it is of public
knowledge that the applied exams are made by people different to those that
carried out the teaching process, we will have problems unavoidably, reproved
and diphase. That institution that defines the contents and elements of these
exams, a priori is determining what
they should study those that are approved. This whole academic relationship
is tautological and basic, we cannot deny it. Some institutions of superior
education rejected the expenditure certifications for the internal
implications that would be made by means of the Ceneval. These academics are
parapet ones in the Ceneval, and the INEE is the institution that it should
examine to the educational ones for its entrance, promotion and permanency. (La
Jornada, politica, p.p. 3-4, May 30, 2015)
miércoles, 24 de junio de 2015
Stop to the punitive evaluation
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