martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013


National It arises a restructured party and a new force politics PANAL By: Carlos Damian October 7, 2013 Monica Arriola's opponents say that “she was alone" México. - The Mexicans wait that it improves the quality of the education of the children that an autonomous administration of the schools exists, because we all thought that the directors would have economic resources to manage to these schools with efficiency, and disposition, in accordance with the priorities specify and necessities that generate the own schools, were not considered as a booty, either political or commercial, and that the one mentioned educational reformation would eradicate the national plague: corruption, impunity. In this luck of structural changes we are put to it Televisa Co, with their first apparatus commercial “First Mexicans", impelling changes of innovations when returning dead letter the article third of the Great Letter, when privatizing the education and forcing the family parents so that they contribute resources for maintenance of the physical structure and payroll of the school. The government has faced the distrust of the citizenship that is deceived by the successive governments of the PRI-PAN, of his arguments of mud and his factory of lies that have deceived their with the disinformation of the powers factic, with false promises and tricks of all nature, going by the war of fears and brought miasma of Spain. In this context of deceits of the cold war, they cannot lack interests of the television chains, of the editorial, of the commercial suppliers of the SEP, and the groups that are seeing to the education like a booty, and opportunities of plundering to the schools to be distributed in the national prey all this money that the government is giving them, with the pretext of improving the national educational quality. The political force of right In the party of the PANAL she shows off in “a new way of making political". The main characters of this episode are: Monica Tzasana Arrriola Gordillo (MAG), and the former secretary peculiar of Elba Esther Gordillo, Luis Castro Obregon (LCO). In the eve of their political battle, it tries to avoid their exit of the General Secretary of the Party New Alliance (PANAL), threatening litigation to the national advice that will be carried out in Puebla. In this political joint where the daughter of the former leader of the SNTE, tries “to explode” the national council, and in the battle of the loyalty of the national 400 consultants of PANAL, LCO has the support of the national committee of the SNTE that now substitutes in the national direction of the national union of teachers, Juan Diaz de la Torre, faces the power of the family that MAG heads that has (RMV) Rafael Moreno Valle's support it, Puebla’s governor, and consultants of several states among them, Chiapas, Federal District and Mexico State. To governor RMV, he has left 32 faithful political followers, but they sometimes heat him the head to auto call “institutional”. Teacher EEG now is in the prison of Tepepan, she lit in cholera when finding out that her daughter will be tossed of the party that her generate it. In Monica Arriola's television soap opera already hers thirty years happening, she intruded in politics without new ingredients, it collided with almost all the formal leaders of the party created by its mother and commercial partners. Federal deputy was chosen in the legislature of 2006, the president of the PANAL his “connection legislative” he sent her", but the new very proud deputy ran him, because she had entered for the big door to the politics, saying: "the graduated Ruiz cannot name anybody without consulting me". The president called him to know her clumsy decision, answering the superb daughter of EEG, “You are there because she put you here my mom, and if you want to name somebody she has to consult it with me or with her". When the matter arrived to the mother's knowledge the Graduate's destination it was sealed: Jorge Kahwagi overnight president of the party was made, and after all this manager and boxer didn't enter in conflict with the mother. Mommy's spoiled daughter always entered in conflict with any formal leader of the party, all of them had to support the genius of her insolences and threats that finished with: "because if you don't find I speak my mom." In this bitter television soap opera of their leaders and creators as Xiu Tenorio who put the registration of their political association so that the party arose, he had to give up before to suffer the punishment of being deprived, and the first president of the new party, Miguel Angel Jimenez Godinez, suffered more than once the abuses of the superb daughter of Gordillo. It is worthy of mentioning that Luis Castro Obregon (LCO), it arrived for the family affections to the circle of the former leader's power around 1986. This character's antecedent to arrive to the power went that he knew the Gordillo’s first daughter Maricruz Montelongo, in the university and friends were made being part of the team of advisory when the former president Carlos Salinas played her the hand to place it in the General Secretary from the SNTE when giving up her predecessor Jongitud Barrios. With these origins, several youths of the Ibero-American University collaborated in the “patriotic fraud", together with the general delegate of the PRI in Chihuahua. LCO made political career with EEG at starting from April of 1989 becoming its particular secretary. The relief of the general secretary Although LCO thought of other homes and she left to Europe having in mind to carry out a master that became its curriculum at last. She stayed first in Spain like correspondent of Notimex, and then as attaché of the Mexican intelligence organism, CISEN due to their studies in intelligence analyst in the Carlos III and King Juan Carlos Universities. When she got tired and the support was not enough of the teacher, one returned to these lands ignoring many of the executives and leaders of the SNTE. To Spain it was correspondent MAG in 1994, because she was “a misled point of the life” according to their mother, and LCO he was their assistant in it not became their big brother. LCO of its near relationship showed off with the teacher and she repeated until the fatigue that would not have any crash with her. When staying this relationship in 2011, they were chosen as the double one wonderful and he occupied the presidency and her in the general secretary. For hers arrogance their opponents accuse her of having entangled the electoral agreements with the governors of Zacatecas, Hidalgo, Tlaxcala and Aguascalientes, and also of spending millions of dollars in deluxe hotels (their stick paw) with position to the party, and stiller of having disappeared more than 45 days before the last elections. However the teacher's daughter returned when they increased the magisterial protests and she was presented with LCO announcing him: "It introduced you to the new treasurer of the PANAL". This fact precipitated the rupture decision between both, when tightening the relationship between both, forcing the president of the party “to leave her alone". When being alone the teacher's daughter was debated in the “room’s war” of the daughter’s advisers as the renouncement she would be presented: in a press conference or if she went to the council to defend. Among the advisers Luciano Pascoe stood out, trying to elucidate an exit worthy to the boss' daughter audacities, and it repeated with insistence in the corridors of the party the successor's name, Sonia Rincon Chanona of Chiapas. When giving up their party in press conference, she announces that it will be able to integrate a new force politics. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 20 - 21, September 21, 2013).

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