viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

The mining in Mejico

National The exploitation, slavery, illness and death persist in that economic branch The mining in Mexico By: Carlos Damian November 2, 2013 Some few hands have appropriated of the wealth of the nation Mexico. - The exploitation, slavery, illness and death are situations that have accompanied the mining activity in Latin America during hundred of years, and “unfortunately they continue", the author of the book tells us 'Mining: five centuries of looting one’. Co-edited for La Jornada - Zacatecas University and the author is Alfredo Valadez Rodriguez, it is a journalistic assay - documented that he makes a historical recount of how, during so much time, there “has been an appropriation, for some how many hands, of the wealth of many, that it is the background". The mining in Mexico thinks about in a simple way, “it doesn't benefit in anything to the town that is the original owner of those natural resources. Historically the earnings have always been for the transnational ones, for the foreigners. In the Colony they were the Spaniards; during the Revolution, Englishmen and French; today they are mainly the Canadians". In their narration documented part of the Zacatecas State, as example of the mining exploitation at the hands of scarce transnational: "unfortunately, today, actually there is not a lot of difference with what happened during the New Spain. We play the tragedy of the ‘pocito’, those mines of coal in those that one works, under miserable conditions. Of course, Pasta de Conchos, tragedy that is relating of what passes in the world." The Spaniards covet the rich mine of discovered lithium in Zacatecas In Mexico we have a coalition of parties that we denominate Pact for Mexico, and it is, "in the Pact for Mexico, there is a commitment that made the current president EPN; he said that he will close the pocito and all mine immediately where there was not security, but we are already to one year that it assumed the Presidency and that promise continues being dead letter."The pocito continue operating, people making sick and dying under miserable conditions, and nobody makes anything. They are many the mines in Mexico and Latin America, where the labor conditions are precarious. Another example that we include in the book is that of the mine Peñasquito, property of the transnational Goldcorp. They have the highest technology and even there are fatal accidents. It is not to be against the industry, what we decide is that it is not regulated in a correct way the mining sector, they are not charging rent to the foreign owners of the mines, they are not paying neither one percent of the value of what they extract (gold, silver, copper, lead)". When extending in their comments he narrates that recently it was discovered in Zacatecas a rich lithium mine, “the mineral of the future", but on those locations, “the Spanish interests are already". For such a reason, he insists, it is urgent that Mexico regulates with more attention the mining activity, because with the argument that they should be given facilities to the foreign companies so that they come to invest, they have been given too many freedoms, they have ended up appropriating of big earth extensions to exploit the mining resources. The law doesn't order a fair rent. "The countries of the first world are very strict regarding the regulation of the private investment. Mexico not, here we lose. The workers have miserable wages; they expose their health and their life". Zacatecas is the main producing of zinc and silver, they have the mine to sky open of bigger gold of Latin America, they are 4 thousand 400 hectares, all that that there the GoldCorp extracts it leaves to Vancouver, Canada. "Derived of the problems of insecurity in the state and in the north of the country, the criminal groups began to assault the shipments of gold and other minerals. Then, the Canadians built inside their mining complex an airway and now they take out the ingots for air. "Of all that they extract it doesn't play him anything to Mexico. The law effective Miner only indicates the collection of a minimum percentage for hectare; it is a biannual luck off. It is a ridiculous quantity. Also, in some cases, the mining ones pay to the peasants for their lands a rent of 50 cents the extension meter, adding that and other administrative collections, the payments don't overcome one percent of the value of the metals that extract. In Peru and Chile you charges to mining foreigners, at least 7 and 8 rent percent, “quantity that it is very little one, enters but compared with Mexico, here it is of laugh. Months before dying, Hugo Chavez nationalized in Venezuela the industry of the gold; they are examples that we should continue", the writer points out. Hydraulic fracking of the petroleum A devastating report of the organism for the climatic change (IPCC), it means the one that the exploration of the gas shale and their noxious fracking are harmful for the health. The European Union (UE) it comments us that the hydraulic fracking, it can expose their emission of the toxic methane (10 percent of the total extraction of the gas shale), “it is more toxic 86 times that the CO2 in a 20 year-old period” with the risks of unchaining an ominous “feedback loop" for the global heating. (The Daily Telegraph, 10/10/13). Jos Delbeke, whips when commenting with irony that “the methane is a gas more powerful hothouse that the CO2", that which can bury the polemic extraction of the gas shale in the UE that is very sensitive to the preservation of the environment. With all these antecedents the open and aggressive “reformation energetic” that they have not wanted to solve the complete initiative until today, when presenting it with the secondary laws to regulate it appropriately and it is date that they are only sketching it and completing with babblings, silly and unconscious. The reformation structural energetic of EPN/Aspe/Videgaray, they become obstinate in “copy & paste” of the controversial project of “energy security of North America that includes Canada and Mexico (without Mexicans)", like they said in the wild west the signs when entering to a Yankee bar “without dogs and without Mexicans". Alfredo Jalife continues writing in his informative note “Bajo la lupa." In this context of information of the fracking, we don't believe that the methane acts different in the British archipelago that in the European and American continent. We know that the methane will impel the global heating to make useless any initiative of extraction of the fracking, in any oil well, since the repellent gas shale will constitute one of the active poisons that the white man in the XXI century will send to the atmosphere due to the secret injection of more than 90 unknown chemical substances; to the contamination of the phreatic mantels that they are of human consumption, of their probable provocation of earthquakes and of the open damage to the public health. Mexico is favorable to the earthquakes and it will have serious risks to the public health of the Mexicans that they don't care cheerful goldfinches’ miserable cumin. In the global village Spain in particular Cantabria, they have taken the serious risks seriously to the health of the exploration and production of the gas shale, while their predators oil companies in Mexico promotes it without caring them the human and environmental damage of the Mexicans. These prohibitive measures share those countries like France, Bulgaria, Denmark, and Czech Republic, and it is not commented about the open hostility of the Germans. This is a project of gradual poisoning of the oil Anglo-Saxons to expel us of our Mexican territory. The delivery of the petroleum for the reformation would be qualifying her ' grosso modo' of: Technophobic “because it rejects the technology transfer"; it is significantly against the environment, “it participates senselessly in the gas shale for unilateral benefit of it USA and it gratifies to the predators of the Gulf of Mexico; BP, Halliburton and Schlumberger". Perhaps we sin of “catastrophist environmentalists", when condemning the use of the transgenics, of the energy ones renewable and diminished the use of the nuclear energy (it was post-Fukushima), and now we have put our aim to the fracking of the gas shale. The question is for all the human beings that worry about this healthy blue ship; we never promote the blind man nihilism from the financial neoliberal pattern to a biological, geologic and corrupt maximum degree, ( (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 22 – 3ª, October 23, 2013).

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