jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013
The government's advertising campaign
It asks to retire aggressive campaign in the oil sector
The federal government's advertising campaign
By: Carlos Damian October 15, 2013
PRD won't be left acolyte of the PRI: Miguel Barbosa
Mexico. - The parliamentary group of the PRD in the Senate demanded the president of the Republic to retire the “millionaire advertising campaign" that is taken to end in electronic means around its energy reformation and to dedicate those resources to the reconstruction of the entities affected by the step of two hurricanes. In press conference some senators and the coordinator of the PRD stood out that the proposal has double end: that those resources are used to support to the entities that they live a tragedy for the impact of the climatologically phenomenon and at the same time to allow an objective and neutral debate around the energy reformation. Senator Manuel Camacho Solis exposed that it is not smaller quantities, but of many millions of dollars that now are dedicated to pay spots in radio and television and that they should be used to assist the emergency mainly to reconstruct housings, infrastructure and to reactivate the economy. It advanced that the soon will present a proposal in this respect before the full of the senate.
Senator Dolores Padierna (DP) she emphasized that for many reasons that lying campaign should be stopped, with the one that is sought to deceive to the public opinion, when sustaining that the government's energy reformation doesn't look for to privatize Pemex, worse the main thing now is that those millionaire resources are required to support to the thousands of Mexicans that lost their houses and their possessions. For separate, senator David Monreal, of the PT, noticed that in front of the disaster austerity of the budget is required and not new taxes. He outlined to diminish the salaries and the high federal officials' benefits in half, of governors, legislators, judges, magistrates and ministers, as well as of the consultants of the IFE and other autonomous organisms. With there would be it a saving of 3 thousand 333 million dollars, he said, and he made notice that it should be canceled, also, the purchase of a new presidential airplane that costs 300 million dollars, which could also support the reconstruction of almost half of the territory, so that it gets up of the disaster. He made notice that the damages are calculated in around 7 million dollars and in the National Fund of Natural Disasters (Fonden) there is hardly 12 percent of that quantity. The financing, he insisted, it should come from the own government and it wouldn’t should of new taxes.
The blue sun won't be procession of the PRI: Miguel Barbosa
The realization in the Senate of the debate forum around the energy reformation confronted positions. The coordinator of the senators of the PRD, Miguel Barbosa (MB), he noticed that their group won’t be procession of the PRI neither of the government, neither it will allow that that consultation becomes a simulation with the real purpose of guiding the posture toward the reactionary proposal of EPN to privatize Pemex. In contrast, David Penchyna (DP) and Enrique Burgos, of the PRI, they are presidents of the reporter commissions of the energy reformation they regretted that AMLO considers that the forums are a simulation and they reiterated him the invitation to participate in them, although they slipped that they hope the rejection of the Tabasco-man is not due to the lack of arguments or to have a technical defense of the same ones. "That tell us when it was consulted to AMLO to be included in a listing of possible presenters", MB asked who pointed out the excessive protagonist of DP around the realization of the forums, agreed by the meeting of Political Coordination.
Accompanied by DP, Alejandro Encinas, Manuel Camacho Solis, and Luis Sanchez, MB considered that apparently it is only looked for to exhibit it as somebody that refuses to the debate. Before, in conference senator DP said separated, that in spite of the negative of AMLO, he calls “it to the intelligent reconsideration to be able to attend a plural forum", agreed by all the political forces in the Senate, where he will take the decision on the energy reformation. The forums, the senator said, “they will start up with the right foot with the presence of Cuauhtemoc Cardenas Solorzano (DC) and academic, managerial, social representatives, of the public sector and private. He left clear, however that should have reformation energetic at “the political cost that is” for the PR, because no cost will be comparable “if we don't make anything". The coordinator of the PRD detailed that the Aztec sun decided to participate in the encounters that begin next Monday with DC like first presenter, because they will win the debate, but they will fall in the trap of creating with its presence a perception of plurality and of civic inclusion, when one wants to guide the consultation toward the proposal of privatization of Pemex.
Peaceful mobilization to favor: we stop to the government's prejudicial measures
MB considered that it would be healthy that AMLO participates, mainly now that there are common efforts in the defense of the petroleum of the Tabasco-man, CC and other personalities. The spokesman of the PRD fraction in San Lazaro building, Carlos King Gamiz, and Rosa Elia Romero, deputed by the PT, they supported the convocation to the peaceful civil resistance in defense of the national petroleum, they sign the convocation: AMLO, CC, Pablo Gonzalez Casanova, Raul Vera, Miguel Concha, Miguel Alvarez Gandara and Mario Saucedo, because “its essence is to face the intent of affecting the national sovereignty from the same government power". With independence of the unit call that they carried out in defense of the petroleum and against the increase to the taxes, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), and CC, will follow each one its own actions. It is that this way that CC won't attend the march summoned by the leader of Morena, of the Angel of the independence to the Zocalo, but yes it will participate in the forums on it reforms energetic that organizes the Senate. To these forums, on the other hand, AMLO won't go to consider that it is a simulation, because “already this all ironing", words of AMLO when referring to the invitation that they have made him for the media, and this simulation has as purpose to approve the reformation on October 15, ‘a fortiori and in spite of everything the theater that the PRI and the PAN have been able to make.
When interviewing him the communicator Carmen Aristegui, she informed that they gave him a document of PRI and of EPN where it is established the strategy that will be continued in the Senate to fulfill that done. He said that that document includes the realization of the forums and the names of those who were invited, and “it is pointed out that everything low control is, everything encapsulated annexally". That means, “that there is not so much diffusion of the forums and they already establish the route: two weeks of controlled forums, three days to elaborate the verdict that has to do with the reformation of the constitutional 27 and 28 and the approval October 15. We have the calendar", it sustained. He considered very irresponsible that performance, “for that reasons I won't participate", he underlined. Besides that to go to the Congress, he affirmed, “it is a simulation and I won't lend myself for that (…). Because, for these considerations we would be ingenuous “when believing that legislators “are popular representatives, although there are exceptions, but they are had the fingers of a hand. There they vote because they give them orders", he added. AMLO remarked that the only possibility to stop the measures that are contrary to the town ”is with the peaceful civic mobilizations. For that reason we summon to the meeting. If we achieve people to participate, wake up and decide to exercise their civic rights to fullness, we will be able to stop the pretense of making the constitutional reformations and the increases of taxes", he pointed. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 15 -25, September 21, 2013).
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