martes, 27 de julio de 2010

The union leaders are assaulted

Governments of the PAN maintain a frontal assault
The union leaders are assaulted
By: Carlos Damian June 20, 2009
The working electricians are lynched by an advertising campaign
México. – The governments so much of the PRI as of the PAN have between their priorities to vanish to the workers that they do not be in agreement with their social and economic policies of strategic companies delivery abroad anyone that it will be its denomination. Between those policies you publish to extinguish the social protest and it criminalizes is found in the first place, to liquidate to the dissenting unions with the poverty of their salaries, the misery of their families and in that watches are found Company of “Luz y Fuerza del Centro”.Upon maintaining as priority the frontal assault to the independent syndicalism, the occupational authorities have failed against the workers in various disputes that they have been presented in this federal administration, and even they have authorized collective contract clippings, presentations and pension systems, warn various occupational organizations. The working electricians denounce that it has not been only the attack against the Mexican Electricians Union (SME), since also the Federal Board of Conciliation and Arbitration (JFCA) has failed against the mining strikes, it has permitted the presentations clipping for working of the air sector, it has filed by three consecutive years the salary increase demands of the stewardesses, favoring to the employer part, in addition to that it has not obligated to the fact that the bosses fulfill their occupational commitments, as in the case of Vidriera del Potosí.The collection in the monument of the angel of the independenceIn contrast, when a federal court ordered that is removed “la toma de nota” to Carlos Rosemary Deschamps as general secretary of the related oil union to the government, the occupational authorities fulfilled, but in few days gave to him other. In these observations, it is a constant in the regime of Calderon; this federal administration has been distinguished by the climax that it has reached its political versus worker and fascist. In “petit comite“ is indicated that with these actions the federal government is finishing practically with the independent unions and the great majority of the unions are under protection contracts.However to these unions "ghosts" and to their directing the occupational authorities them give “la toma de nota”, to them is it permitted internal elections, is not objected the managing of their resources and even in some instances, as in the oil union, and the magisterial union, are not questioned the millionaires governmental resource transfers for these organizations and until the officials are "friends "of the leaders.Avoided occupational Organizations remove the official assaultIt is questioned that there is a judicial sentence in against of the SNTE, section 9 so that is summoned to elections, due to the fact that the leader eternal of the SNTE, Elba Esther Gordillo, with headquarters in Mexico imposed a year ago to a nearby person to her to the front of this representation, but it does not want to observe this judicial determination.In Mexico occur serious violations to the union freedom; they are put hobbles to unions on constitution, the autonomy of the authentic unions is vulnerable constantly by the opened intromission of the State, since as a rule the record or recognition of their elect executives are subject to the greater arbitrariness of the occupational authorities.Via crucis of the Mexican worker in the independent unionThe workers upon trying from obtaining a union that represent them are faced to the strategies of the state, this policy of the federation puts them on a real via crucis; they lose its work, their life, resulting in a cruel irony, and an absurd simulation that in 2008 the Mexican government may have been admitted as integrating of the union freedom committee of the International Organization of the Work (IOW). (La Jornada, politica, p. 08, October 26, 2009)

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