In the CMPCC there was strength rejection and repeated to the "Understanding of Copenhagen"
We will have 400 million of poor: UN
By: Carlos Damian July 29, 2010
The meeting of Cancun, opportunity to seek to reduce carbon emissions
México. – Due to climatic change some 400 million of persons will fall in poverty conditions. The increase of two degrees in the world temperature give cause for meteorological phenomena more intensive and frequent, said Margareta Wahlström. Responsible for the application of the international strategy for the disasters reduction of the UN, Margareta Wahlström, is found of visit in Mexico, and after the masterful conference that gave in the Secretariat of Foreign Relationships, expressed that the greater challenge that prevents to the persons to change the consumption standards to reduce the climatic change. In spite of the facts that know on the importance of the topic, they do not act when opportunity, considered have. Consumption standardsIt is in the area of the public policies where they can be provided weight incentives so that individual, communities and governments could modify behaviors and consumption standards, in order to reducing the risk of extreme climatic events. Need to act together so much the low resource countries as those of high resources to ease the devastating effects of the climatic change, and be adapted to the modifications of the environment, indicated her. The visit of the commissioned of the United Nations is registered in the context of the cooperation between hers office and the Mexican government, to impel measures that reduce the losses caused by the natural disasters, according to the action framework of Kyoto and in the commitment of Mexico of sharing its experience to international scale. As part of its activities will promote a regional approach of the civil protection school, something which will favor the creation and capacities strengthening and of institutions in the matter. Leonardo Beltran of Energy Secretariat (SE) assured that not only are required financial resources to guarantee an international treaty on climatic change and to establish the bases of a sustainable development in the developing countries as well as in the nations with technology more advanced. In that context recognized that our country will require investing 0.4 percent of its weight gross internal product, that is to say more than 200 million of dollars, to guarantee a reduction "energetic" of the emissions of effect gases greenhouse, since 60 percent are generated by the consumption and the energetic production. (La Jornada, April 29, 2010)Sleigh-bell already has the catThe summons to this “petit committee” exceeded the expectations, in number as well as in content, becoming in the international discussion on the climatic crisis. The summons launched it Bolivia to the World Conference of the Peoples on Climatic Change and Laws of the Earth Mother (CMPCC), in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Most of the participants were social movements, peasant, indigenous, organization environmentalists, and fishing. The government of Bolivia summoned to the bases of the societies of the world to express positions and to outline them to the governments of the orb, those which were made in forceful form. Most of the social movements do not consider that is needed a new structure, but more interaction and complementation. It was created a common base for the comprehension, the critical analysis and the strategies as compared to the climatic crisis, enriched by various perspectives from many cultures, peoples, sectors and thematic organizations of the continent and the world. The agreement of the peoples of Cochabamba reflects this. ( The cynical commitments of Copenhagen that there are signed will mean an increase in the temperature until of four degrees, a catastrophe announced for the peoples of the South. The CMPCC demands to stop the warming "decolonizing the atmosphere", with a reduction of 50 percent of the gas emissions of the countries industrialized in its source, not through mechanisms of carbon markets, to those which is opposed in all their varying. Reject also the mechanisms called REDD, that under the title of reducing the deforestation, in reality will increase it and provoke the alienation of the managing of the forests by the communities and peoples, in addition to promoting the mono-farming of trees, that they are not forests, but aggravating of the crisis. Penalty the industrial agriculture and the corporations of the agro-business, as well as the mechanisms and proposals that support the advance of the transnational and the devastation of the Earth Mother, as the free trade treaties and the introduction of new and risky technologies as transgenic, technology terminator, nanotechnology, geo- engineering and agro -fuels. The foregoing and more they will arrive to Cancun, Mexico, where the official negotiations about the climate session them. The climatic crisis will be the personage invited more important in that meeting. (La Jornada, economia, p. 24, 24 de Abril, 2010)
martes, 27 de julio de 2010
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