martes, 27 de julio de 2010

The Zapata’s letter

Zapata in the ruin of the Republic
The Zapata’s letter
By: Carlos Damian July 9, 2009
Letter dated 17 of March of 1919 directed to Venustiano Carranza, president of Mexico
México.- In the public letter directed to Venustiano Carranza March 17, 1919, it was the last document signed by Emiliano Zapata where was outlining “embitter truths” on the situation of the country, this document enraged to Carranza that ordered to the General Pablo Gonzalez to finish with the hero of the Revolution and to the Zapata’s line in “short term and without repairing in the means”.Zapata starts his letter: “As citizen that I am, as cognized peasant of the needs of the humble people to which I belong; as revolutionary and commander of large multitudes; I have learnt to scrutinize in its intimacy and I know of their bitterness and of their expecting; with the right that gives me my rebels of nine years directing hosts formed by indigenous and peasant; I go to direct me citizen Carranza, by first and last time”.The tragic history of the revolution for Zapata“I don’t speak to the President of the Republic, to who not recognize myself, neither to the political, of that I distrust; I speak to the Mexican, to the man of all feeling, who believe impossible he don’t touch the distresses of the mothers, the sufferings of the orphans, the anxieties and the grief of the Country. I go to say you embitter truths; but nothing I’ll express to you that it will not be certain, just an righteously, I said”." Since you germinated in his brain the idea of making revolution, first against Madero and after against Huerta, when saw that fell you that he felt down most soon than what had you thought; since conceived you the project of be erected in chief and directing of a movement that with all malice you designated "constitutionalist"; since then it thought you first that nothing about be raised, and for this, it was proposed you to convert the Revolution into own profit and of a small group of collected, of friends and unconditional that helped it you to run and then helped it in enjoying reached booty"."For you never went through his mind that the Revolution would be beneficial to the large bulks of that immense legion of oppressed that you and yours allies were inciting with their sermons. However, to triumph was accurate to proclaim large ideal, to proclaim principles, to announce reforms, all to cheat and oppress. But for power to avoid that the popular commotion is returned against the one which was using it; to prevent that the people, semi - free and you feeling strong, is made justice by itself, was devised the creation of a dictatorship to the one which was given the novel name of " revolutionary dictatorship"". (sic)The ruin of the Republic"It was found then the appropriate formulation; they were pronounced suggestive words; they were you specified, indispensable, the address unit and of impulse, the cohesion between revolutionaries, energy and the readiness to execute. All that would have content in a deliberating “petit committee”, was granted to an alone man, that was you, and since then you were the only one master in the strings of the constitutionalism. To make to triumph the libertarian recoveries of the Revolution, were needed a dictator. The autocratic procedures were unavoidable to impose a refractory society to the new principles. In other terms, the formulation of the policy called constitutionalist, was this. "To establish the freedom one must be cost of the despotism"". (sic) That cost of the democratic revolution."On these sophisms was established the authority of you, the absolutism and the omnipotence of you. How and in what form has made you use of those unreasonable powers, which they had of bringing the victory of the principles? Here it is accurate, so as not to sin of light, it to analyze with calmness and to happen checking in retrospective the facts developed during the already long denomination of you. In the economic area and public treasure, your management can not have been more untoward." (sic).The Zapata mythologyRansacked banks; imposition of currency paper for then do not know with decrease of the public faith the issued bills; the trade disorganized by these monetary fluctuations; the credit lost in the interior and abroad; industry and the all gender companies, agonizing under the weight of unreasonable contributions, almost confiscatory; the agriculture and the mining, perishing by lack of guarantees and of safety in the communications; the humble and working people, reduced to the misery, to the hunger, to the privations of all kind, by the stopping of the work, by the scarcity of the supplies, by the intolerable increase of the cost of the life." (sic)In agrarian matter, the relinquished or leased estates to the generals or your favorites: the ancient owner of larges estate of the high class replaced by landowners that spend military shirt, kepi and pistol to the belt; the towns mocked in their expecting. Neither the lands communal – ejidos - are returned to the deprived peoples; neither the lands are distributed between the work peoples and peasant. In worker matter, with intrigues with bribes with dissolves maneuvers and appealing to the leaders corruption has been achieved the disorganization and the effective death of principal unions’ bastion of the proletariat". (sic)“Para allanar esa obra sólo hace falta que usted cumpla con su deber de patriota y de hombre, retirándose de la “Primera Magistratura”, en la que ha sido usted tan nocivo, tan perjudicial, tan funesto para la República”. Entrega de la primera parte de la carta pública. (La Jornada, cultura, p. 4a, Agosto 08, 2009)."To search that work only makes lack that you comply with his must of patriot and of man, being withdrawn from the "First Magistracy", in the one which has been you so harmful, so prejudicial, so untoward for the Republic". Delivery of the first part of the public letter. (La Jornada, cultura, p. 4a, August 08, 2009).

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