In two decades was stressed the forfeiture of the catholic parish
The Catholics in Mexico
By: Carlos Damian July 29, 2010
This Catholics forfeiture of 28 million between 1980 and 2000 is the struggle with the state
México. – In 1950s, 98.21 percent of the greater persons of five years in Mexico declared are catholic, while in the year 2000, 88.73 percent said to profess this creed, according to figures provided by the National Geography Institute and Statistics (INEGI). In Guadalajara as far as it is concerned, between 1980 and 1990, a total of 189 thousand 381 persons let of professing the catholic religion, of official way.Data extra-officials indicate that about 28 million of Mexicans have deserted of the strings of the Catholicism and they have opted additionally religious confession or they have let of believe. To this respect, and being less conservative, the own Cardinal Sandoval Iñiguez was asserting in 1997, that "for the year 2000 would have 30 percent of not catholic Mexicans", says the specialist in its test, The cardinal Sandoval, the religious nonchalance and the lay State in Mexico. Add Laura Campos Jimenez historian, "in this text from my point of view, which is the motive of the ecclesiastic hierarchy in their struggle against the Mexican lay State: the religious disbandment, the secularism current and the loss of the influence and power in the contemporary society". However at domestic level, the Conference of the Mexican Episcopate (CEM) has recognized that so only 7 of 89 million of Mexicans that say be catholic, they are practicing religion, is supposed 6.7 percent of the current population, according to a study of the Mexican Institute of Social Doctrine (IMDS).Desert great quantity of Mexicans of the Catholic ChurchThe trial tries to presenting the reasons by those which has grown the forfeiture of faithful catholic. But forward in its exposition exemplifies: In Latin America, according to published figures by the CEM, about 12 thousand persons abandon each day the strings of the Catholic Church. Of 1970s to 1990, 40 million of Latin American let of be catholic. Its cold figures fall as the coins one by one, Campos asserts that nevertheless the catholic herd decreases perceptually is caused that an the catholic hierarchy in Mexico is unable to attend it personally. The historian indicates the myth that means the sexual retreat to which should be submitted the priests, since in the country exist "about 2 thousand married catholic cures, and the fact of the fact that the CEM does not know that to make with them and with the collateral problem that this fact represents".For the " religious freedom"The historian shows your strangeness in spite of the disillusion of the Mexican catholic parish, the forfeiture of 28 million of Mexicans toward other religions; the pederasty that it has invaded in these times to the Catholic Church in the world; two thousand catholic cures that they have opted for be married; the great religious nonchalance of the Mexicans toward the catholic hierarchy; few or void response that the catholic Hierarchy is given to herself of the religious disbandment. In addition to 90 women percent that abort and take birth control pills, they are catholic; we have the cures shortage; the collapse of the priesthood the world over, amen of the sexual scandals rose by the priests in the interior of the clergy. In this list have been cut but yet lack the intervention in political of the Mexican catholic clergy, limited by the outstanding laws, but they have been tolerant and sponsors the current federal government. It does not make lack much mistrust to give us realize that the assaults on lay state, the Episcopal strategy will be to recover spaces of power that the hierarchic elite enjoyed without balance until the era Reform in the century XIX. Focus their batteries the Mexican Catholic Church, in a hand has the bible and in the other threatens, and excommunications, to achieve that the article 24 constitutional will be modified, in the paragraph about belief freedom and erudite to supply it by that of religious freedom. Al modificarlo permitiría introducir la educación católica en las escuelas públicas, subvención estatal para los ministros de culto y para sus actividades litúrgicas; la operación de capellanías militares en las instalaciones castrenses, el control directo de los medios de comunicación electrónicos, entre otros pliegos petitorios.Upon modifying would permit it to introduce the catholic education in the public schools, state subsidy for the cult ministers and for their liturgical activities; the chaplaincies operation fight in the facilities military, the direct control of the electronic media, between other petition sheets.Conclude the historian, "the catholic hierarchy intends to move the cult, the religious instruction and the confessionary, to the public schools, bring face to face their evident failure in the area of the catechesis of our country and the consequent religious disbandment". (La Jornada, política, p. 3, 29 de Marzo, 2010)
martes, 27 de julio de 2010
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