martes, 27 de julio de 2010


Cananea and the crusade anti - occupational
By: Carlos Damian June 13, 2010
It was eliminated the right to strike in Mexico
México. – The Central Worker of The States AFL - CIO condemned this Friday, 12 of February, the judicial failure against the miners of Cananea, the one which "annuls the right to strike in Mexico". Richard Trumka, president of the central principal national worker, declared that "AFL - CIO penalty the decision of a Mexican court of permitting that Group Mexico cease of the deposit of Cananea, Mexico a thousand 200 unionized" to the mining union and indicated that the argument of the company of the fact that the strike has let non-operating the mine was not established in no test, and asserted that the deposit stays operable.The organization asserted that this is part of the official campaign to destroy the mining union and other repression attempt against the worker movement and a union that still struggle by the rights and bonus of the workers. In this line he condemned "the official campaign of four years of the Mexican government to destroy this independent union" and democratic. The spokesman added that undermine the promises made makes years to the workers of Mexico, United States of America and Canada in the context of the parallel occupational agreement to the North American Free Trade Agreement, of the fact that the basic rights of the worker sector would be observed in North America. Trumka requested American government to compel to the Mexican government "to yield accounts by the systematical violations to the occupational rights and to solve of peaceful way the situation in Cananea and to waive of the use of the military and police force".It is eliminated the right to strike in CananeaThe miners procured a temporary suspension that protects them of the possible eviction of their sources of work, however hundred of workers make custody in the accesses to the mine, informed the leader of the section 65 of the mining union. The leader indicated that "we go to appeal to international instances to defend our right to strike", Furthermore indicated that the protest began 31 of July of 2007 and yet it does not end in spite of the facts that are just demands of the mining sector. "The miners will not take a step back; be prepared to defend the mine, our work center and our strike until the last consequences", warned Tolano Lizarraga.Antonio Navarrete Aguirre, integrating of the diffusion Commission of the section 65 of Cananea, Sonora, accused second court associated in occupational matter of favoring the caprices of German Feliciano Larrea Velasco - proprietary of Group Mexico - "who at no time it has let of scourging and pressing so that our occupational conflict end in a problem actually of transcendence that would assign the frontiers".We will use the machinery of Group Mexico to prevent the armed forces entry“We deposit ourselves of the resolutely with the one which intend the justices of finishing with the right to strike consecrated in the Political Constitution of Mexico as legitimate weapon of the workers. In the form of revenge, these governments, as is making the Governance secretary (Javier Lozano), impinge not only on the rights of the workers, but also on our families and our children". On that tone, Gerardo Arteaga Trejo, secretary of political matters of the union, warned on an ominous stage in connection with the situation of Cananea. "We don’t go to deliver Cananea, they do not go to let the struggle that by but of two years and middle have maintained, we are avoiding a tragedy as that of Pasta de Conchos, Coahuila (19 of February of 2006 with 65 mining dead) by the insecurity that there is in this mine. The petitions of the workers are not blackmail, as was expressing the attorney of the group Mexico, Fernando Gomez - Mont Urenga, that now it is Governance Secretary".The section 65 of miners belongs to the National Union of Mining Workers and Similar of the Mexican Republic (SNTMSRM), join the offensive occupational in against of the Mexican Electricians Union (SME) permit to heft the situation and due to the decision adopted by the federal court in occupational matter, exhibits the slight level and non-protection in which are found the workers before the connivance of the entrepreneurial interest and the authorities, exhausts the institutional expression process for that union and cancels perspectives of a possible negotiation to give solution to the conflict. The federal government exhibits a mandatory alliance to the interest of the property company of German Larrea. Permits us to see contra - reform occupational in blossom, and it does not make lack much perspicacity to suppose the benefit of the workers of the country. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 2- 13, October 13, 2010)

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