Juan Domingo Argüelles: To say that to read is wonderful not enough
The wonderful book
By: Carlos Damian July 24, 2010
Ascension y Miguel Leon-Portilla: The first grammars of the new world
México. – The poet and literary reviewer Juan Domingo Argüelles considers that the "analysis of the reading in Mexico is a structural education problem and culture, but also of economy and political, because all the senators and officials that they are in educational and cultural areas they say that to read is extraordinary, however, we do not know how many books have read". (sic)Add the literary reviewer, "can not have the reader index of the Danes or Finnish, because this is a country made a disaster from the economic and political point of view; that counts also, because reflects our reader indices and the country that we are, where it is most customary than appear informative notes on catastrophes or of organized crime, and are not referred to the extraordinary readers; that should not forget it". Emphasized Argüelles that we are readers of a political system with huge economic lag and education problems; not enough to say that to read is wonderful so that magically is increased the reading level. "All this time have been outlining lies". (sic)The reflectionsWe wait that there is conscience of the fact that a book is someone that speaks and seeks speaker, because behind that book there is an author, and behind it there is an ideology, prejudices, interest, meanness, nobilities. We are the reader those which we endow of real existence and of values to the books, and these books do not be that will be bad or good. "The programs and reading campaigns would have to impact in the reading in the school, no compelling to the students to read, but promoting the books in a way free reading, not submitted to the qualification, neither to the judicial examination, because those things are precisely those which separate to the adolescents, above all of the junior High School, of the reading"."The serious problem that we have, before a so disastrous situation in the education, it is caused that it removed the philosophy within the High School education; all related what is to the sensibility and the thought, it has been relegated, now is spoken of abilities and skills". "The reading must insert us more in the feeling of belonging to a humankind, more than to separate us, in such a way that we think that we are the good, the cults, the intelligent, the noble. It is known different the reader, but what is determinant is not only what is read, but the form how is read and how assimilates one the form as makes it". (sic)"The book stems from the experience, of the direct thought of the spirit of be in dialogue with the other. The work fulfils its purpose, not when is converted into pages only, into the dead letter, but when is reactivated between the readers". "Is a perfect invention that it can not be perfected". What we observe in the web is the possibility of acceding to exemplary exhausted, lost or that they have not been published yet. The book will suffer an involution necessarily, and will return to the conversations and to the school that it has been relegated by worst feuilletons that they do not reflect by its summary the academy that is exposed. When to the book we integrate it and reflects our experiences actually we will be conscious of our environment, but if we read alone to add more bibliography, we will be wasting time since do not focus our reading toward some goal especially. The first grammars of the New WorldThis work analyzes and values the grammars with which was opened "a road to the comprehension of the Babel American". The obligated question: For what serves a grammar book? Response: "Because the language is the delivery of the thought", Monk phrase Domingo de Santo Tomas. Miguel Leon - Portilla adds: "For what serves to think? Gives you equal to say a something that other? To think well, the best is to know the language. The Olmos grammar concluded in 1547) "preceded in the time the first French grammar"; that of Olmos as well as that of Gilberti (concluded in 1558), "precede any grammar of any Scandinavian or Slavic language". Adds Leon - Portilla, "we believe that the languages indeed enrich to the humanity, because each one segments the human experience of different manners". (La Jornada, cultura, p. 5a, February 21, 2010)
martes, 27 de julio de 2010
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