martes, 27 de julio de 2010

Dangerous Mexico for journalists

Ratify the UN that Mexico is more dangerous for the journalists each day
Dangerous Mexico for journalists
By: Carlos Damian June 17, 2010
The world organization says that authorities are accomplices of many homicides
México. – The Committee of Journalists Protection (CJP) made known that during the past I gloss Mexico was converted in one of the most dangerous nations to exercise the journalistic trade in Latin America and regretted than nine of each ten assassinations of informants in such nation remain unpunished due to the disability to carry out the inquests, as well as the complicity of some authorities in the homicides. In the context of the presentation of the report Attack on the press 2009m the alternate director of CJP, Robert Mahoney, said to Notimex that before the quantity of aggressions to journalists the Mexican Congress must approve the initiative of law that typify the assaults against the informants as federal offense, but recognized that such approval would not be sufficient to stop the journalist assassinations that add 44 from 1992. "The proposal that would give to the federal government the tools to pursue these offenses is stopped in the Congress, therefore we requested that is accelerated the legislative process for its approval.The legislators will have to approve the death of the journalist as federal offense"Added that this must go accompanied of constitutional changes that concede to it to the federal authorities the jurisdiction to pursue all the crimes against the expression freedom. Fit to indicate that currently the assaults against the journalists in Mexico are considered offenses of the common jurisdiction, therefore they are treated by the state justice systems and sometimes they are forever stopped with a folder final remaining without justice the death of a human being.The report was presented in the headquarters of the CJP in New York and also in Tokyo, Bogota, The Cairo, Nairobi and Brussels, and in him is given a vision of the situation that prevails in the world with respect to the press freedom. In this report is specified that Mexico occupies the first seat in homicides matter perpetrated against journalists in Latin America and that the assassinations add 32 of 200 to date. (La Jornada, 17 de Febrero , 2010)The writer process is a transformations processWe believe that over time do not am the same of makes 25 years, we have changed, but we have a continuity line, it has been an evolution of course and no longer I am the same writer, we have changed my style; but we believe that there are features that constitute the genetic map of a writer, and that we have maintained through my texts. The map genetic of a writer is a set of recurrent ideas, obsessions, ghosts, obsessions, topics on what one is going and coming all the time, in that sense, we believe that each who has its personality.Sometimes upon writing we have a need of evasion that begins us to affects after 40 years, we felt ourselves a little overwhelmed, overwhelmed by the reality that the environment communicates us, and it is when one begins to age, and you go it detesting increasingly. Therefore, I suppose, we have a need from fleeing toward the past, from reconstructing remote eras, taking advantage what have investigated. However if you located in Mexico, the paradox is that when you try to absconding you in the present, in reality what you discover is the origin of the scars that we followed suffering at present. For example, as scars of the era colonial those persist in the contemporary Mexican life.The origin of the Mexican injusticesThis “patrimonialismo”, that idea of the fact that the public charges are property of who occupies them. In that past colonial, the Spanish were buying the posts of the customs and after, were trying to yielding it as fast as possible, to return with much money to Spain. That is the origin of the corruption that we followed dragging until our days. Other survival of the era novo - Hispanic is the omnipresence of the delinquency and the criminality; in that time, the families dared to leave of the first table of the city because was risked to the fact that the assailant bands murdered them, either they leaved at night. We say that it has been, from the colonial era until our days, a kind of "state of siege of the delinquency", what has to do with the injustices that always we have suffered. The last that we have in my baggage of mistakes of the past is the racism that we suffer the Mexicans in the castes system that, in times of the Colony had all a nomenclature (baroque) according to the mixtures that there were between the different races but clear, was based on the contempt of the people with obscure skin, something that we followed dragging also until our days. Enrique Serna said us. (La Jornada, cultura, p. 9, 13 de Febrero , 2010)

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