martes, 27 de julio de 2010

Che Guevara %1

Comparing the figure of the Che Guevara and Beyond
Che Guevara %1
By: Carlos Damian June 17, 2010
Ryszard Kapuscinski: Christ with a gun to the shoulder
México. – The reader will choose to the good personage that may have elected a road in his life and it will be better than the other. In a given moment of his life, Ernesto Guevara abandons the dispatch of the minister in Cuba and his work table to be marched to Bolivia, where organizes a detachment of guerrilla. He dies being the commander of that detachment. Salvador Allende in Chile to the contrary, it dies defending his work table, his president dispatch, of which only would draw it "in a wood suit". Apparently, it is considered two very different deaths, but in reality that difference does not rest more than in the place, the time and the circumstances.So much Allende as Guevara sacrifice his life by the power of the people. The first defending it, the second fighting for obtaining it. Allende’s table is a symbol only; the same as it are the peasant boots that shoes Guevara. Until the last moment the two are convinced of have elected the most just and succeeded of the roads. For Guevara, is of the gun action. And is known that this can not be remnant without victims. For Allende, is the road of political struggle. He wants to avoid victims cost what cost.The two were medical. Guevara, surgeon; Allende, internist. Influenced such thing their attitudes? Upon choosing a profession the person is guide by a series of psychological motives. Undoubtedly, but Was it thus in this case, too? We don’t know. The shoots that finish with the life of Guevara and of Allende are not fired of a hideaway. The two accept their death. Conscientiously, knowingly of the fact that arrives. Each one of them can be saved, it had their opportunity, has their time. Between the apprehension of injured Guevara and his execution elapse twenty hours.The colonel Zenteno promises to him that will preserve the life if consents to appearing before a court as accused. Guevara rejects the proposal. Manacled, it stayed sat in the land soil of the rural school of Fig-trees and he quiets, refuse to speak. Aches to him the thigh opened by the shot, ache to him the furunculous, asphyxiates to him the asthma. Maybe not even is realized of the moment in which in the window appears a sergeant that pulls the trigger of his gun machine.Allende has eight hours. For the tomorrow it is deposited of the fact that there is a plane waiting it, that it can go where wants, to condition of the fact that resigns, of the fact that abandons his charge. But not will make it. Still yesterday was a older sir, of tired and concerned face, already serious, already easy-going, gotten dressed always with sophisticated elegance. Today it abounds in new energies, in a force and a vitality that astonishes to everybody: disparate, it dictates orders, leadership his last battle. Happen the hours. To his around has died and injured. Also it is injured. But the pulse continues firm, the gun machine not defect in the target. The army bursts upon the palace. In one of the salons, in the middle of the smoke, the powder and the smell of burnt, he’ll follow firing until the end a short man, though healthy, compliments with increase the 60’s, with miner head and jersey of high neck, the president of Chile.In the way that Allende and Guevara die there is a implacable determination, a conscientiously relentlessness chosen, a tremendous dignity. In those last hours, all what would be carried to the salvation remains rejected: bargaining, scheming, commitments, and surrenders or fled. The road, already cloudless and straight line, it does not carry but to the death. So much an as other, their deaths are a honor cast, a challenge. A desire of be expressed publicly the justice of their convictions and an arrangement, beyond all hesitation, to pay for them the maximum price. We see me obligated to go me, but we don’t go us of the all, not completely, not forever. They have gone this know it the two, carry time being prepared for this.
Guevara it is bidden farewell of Fidel Castro, of his parents and of his children in some written letter months back. Allende begins his last and tragic day bidding of his daughters, and in a broadcast speech, of the nation. From here on the two will be remained to alone with the destination, surrounded by a handful of men that will follow them until the end. To follow until the end: this was the idea that will accompany them during the rest of the hours that they remain. Until the end act, they do not have time; they are occupied in their assignments. The two fall in full march. Their deaths: so similar, their lives: so different. Two personalities anti ethical, two diametrically opposite temperaments. (La Jornada, cultura, p. 6a, February 17 , 2010)

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