domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

Political acolytes

Political acolytes
By: Carlos Damian November 30, 2009
We have women incarcerated in the country by the right to their freedom
The PAN and PRI according to the catholic hierarchy have applied in the country their support to punish legally the women what is opt them for the abortion
México.– Rocio Garcia Gaytan, chairwoman of the National Institute of the women (Inmujeres), said in the senate (26 of November) that they are retrograde the reforms that they have been made in 17 states to penalize the interruption of the pregnancy eliminating causative, and denounced that already there are incarcerated women (Jalisco, y Guanajuato) in the country by interrupting the pregnancy.

To the women try them as citizens to second class, upon compelling to the woman that appeal to the abortion to treatment and rehabilitation. The state and federal governments have not stopped the violence against the woman, what has a cost of 2 percent of the PIW, in addition to that from makes a decade are not made family planning campaigns. Many of the reforms according to the religious policies to criminalize to the women are with mud feet, and they can be fallen because Mexico signed international treaties, that they were ratified by the Senate and they are Supreme Law in the country, they are below the Constitution of the Republic, but above the local constitutions and the state laws.

Reforms to penalize the abortion
The abortion is penalized in the country, even in the Federal District (DF). what happens is that in the DF was legislated so that is permitted the interruption of the pregnancy until the week 12 without no causative, and the women that decide be practiced an abortion can make it in clinics without risk for their health.

Instead of sending them to the jail, we should say them that have protection, that have opportunities and that one must to make prevention campaigns. When they are obligated to abort make it by pressure of their couples, and they accompany them to the fact that are practiced the legrate. The sentimental couple of the women that abort would have to receive treatment against the violence.

Disqualify to Governance Secretariat by his attitude
Cesar Nava Vazquez of the PAN mentions that supports decidedly the state reforms that penalize the interruption of the pregnancy and that is opposed to the marriage between persons of the same sex. The Governance Secretary (SG) is opposed to the abortion with referred arguments to the fact that the life starts from the moment of the conception, finding friendliness in Nava Vazquez. In the Senate, not only the legislators of the PRI and PRD reproved the points out of the secretary and demanded to him that observes the Constitution and the state to right.

The people of the PRI mentions, that to the SG is not forgotten to him that the Mexican state is a state semi lay, that it does not amend adequately its articulate 30 yet, so that agree with the laws and bylaws of the states, to which must observe instead of following opening doors to the intromission of the religious hierarchy. His party is able to do it but the as responsible for the interior policy of the federal government must be adjusted what brand the Mexican constitution.

Opinions de la Mexican left
Pablo Gomez (PG) says what is expressed by Gomez Mont has background religious, without approaching it as a social problem that must be solved. Added (PG) that is held to canonical right, "because incidentally of faithful, the fecundations in vitro are condemned by the Church". Vidal Lleneras, rejected the affirmations of Gomez Mont and demanded to him that observe the law. "He is obligated, more than anyone; it has observed the character lay of the state. The risk that we suffered, from not to amend these attitudes and this offensive conservative, it is to see us again we confronted in polarizations and confrontations ".

In our Mexican society the violent SG the lay state upon expressing his personal opinion, therefore would have to study also the attended reproduction, as the fecundation in vitro. We can outline in base to the luckless statements of the official, revealed the disability of the administration of Calderon to separate his conservative ideology from the public policy that it is obligated to apply to all the sectors of the population. However SG also it transgressed the public space, at the same time that confirmed the determination of the right of maintaining the actions that violent them the fundamental guarantees of the women. (La Jornada, sociedad y justicia, p. 32, November 27, 2009)

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