domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

The Agrarian Reform

The Agrarian Reform hinders to the government
By: Carlos Damian September 13, 2009
The peasants are excluded as motor of development of the rural zones
With the close of SRA, the State cancels the defense project of the land
México.- “Proposes the federal executive in his austerity plan for 2010 to disappear three State secretariats: the tourism functions (Sectur), the Secretariat of the Agrarian Reform (SRA), and finally the Secretariat of the Public Function (SFP). Project that transmitted to the Congress of the Union, furthermore the programs suppression that comments F. Calderon they have not operated, it offered to save in such clippings of the federal government 80 billion of pesos that with the changes in fiscal matter would add 180 billion of pesos, equivalent to 1.4 percent of the wight internal product.

Conclude functions SRA
Upon consider concluded the functions of the Secretariat of the Agrarian Reform (SRA), the State ends with the political defense project of the land and with the social agreement that supported from the century passed with the peasants. In the facts, the SRA already was extinct, since as of 2003 to the agrarian sector was assigned to it 3 percent, in average, of the total amount destined Concurrent Special Program for the Sustainable Rural Development (Pecsdrs). The few resources let of be directed to generate country through works of infrastructure; now they are delivered of individual way, by organizations. These monetary funds were channeled to persons as: Drug-traffickers, politician relations, rich of lineage and people well related to the status quo, they are being forging the federal resources destination.

The quittance history of the SRA
The existence of a State secretariat depends on the commitment of the government in shift with given political: for the current the land let of be the central shaft and prevails the vision of the fact that the peasant hinders. It is explained that the “ejidatarios” and “communal plots” of the states of the center and south of the country receive more supports by means of the resources for the combat the poverty than from the subsidies for productive promotion.

To be created the SRA, in 1974, the Agrarian National Commission (CNA), of 1911, and the Agrarian Advisory Body (CCA), of 1935, already they had endowed or refunded to “ejidos” and communities 8 of each 10 hectares, and assigned 87 percent of the irrigation lands. Then, with the change to the article 27 constitutional in 1992, and the expedition of the agrarian law, the legal existence of the Secretariat of the Agrarian Reform is supported in the Organizational Law of the Federal Public Administration (LOAPF) only.

In the last years, the activity of the SRA was centered in solving the limit conflicts and in ratifying to “ejidos” and communities the possession of the land, but under the perspective of the program of Laws Certification Agrarian (Proceed), whose vision is mercantilist.

The neoliberal in the federal government
From the neoliberal perspective, is closure a secretariat hindrance, which was maintaining live in the peasant society the idea of recovering the struggle by the land, and this, hinders in a government that continues finding the legal roads so that the national lands and those of social property with natural wealth and of subsoil will be private property. The struggle by the permanency of the Agrarian Reform, and of the fact that its functions are not diluted in other instances of the government, due to the fact that the leadership of the peasant movement is diluted, they are fractioned because were converted in managing or legal bureaus to accede to the resources of the governmental programs.

The Shoe figure in the becoming of the time
We are being witnesses of the fact that the federal government seeks to bury all the forms to social right of agrarian and occupational nature, criminally the social struggle from any front. In this social project of the country of the eagle undermines seeks to disintegrate all social movement that it can not fight with the state, because all have different interest and with this prevents to the peasants to reconstruct their history through their agrarian documents; since the “Procede” was entrusted with disarticulating to the ejido-men and communal plots-men. In truth the dilemma is not if disappears the SRA, but from the state is made to a side the national political spectrum the rural development project based on the land, and to include the peasants as motor of development in the rural zones. (La Jornada, politica, p. 6, September 14, 2009).

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