viernes, 9 de abril de 2010

The economic model of the federal government is a failure

The economic model of the federal government is a failure
By: Carlos Damian Tuesday, October 09, 2007

They demand to define the political legal status of the country or it won’t leave forward to average term
México, (The news of Monterrey city).- Marcelo Ebrard Casaubon mentions that the Federal District (D. F.) is a case only in the world by the characteristics of the city of Mexico concerning its priority in the nation and social needs. We observe in the federal government, "one of the most mediocre stages, in economic and social terms, of the history of the country during the last 15 years, with a growth rate from among 2 and 3 percent at domestic level".

He mention, the lack of a clear definition on the role and the nature of the city of Mexico and its relationship to the federal fields has led to the capital to be devoted to contain the effects of the social measures that are taken at domestic level. Devoting a mediocre social and economic service to the D.F. submitting to a political blackmail and in matter budget and fiscal; misses and heavy to the city.

Ebrard question the economic and educational growth that it has been had the last 15 years

Indicates us that from 1997 has been consolidated a rude behaviors at institutional level in so important areas for the city as; water, drainage, transportation, educational, and social. These topics so neglect at domestic level by the federal government in the D. F. at local level are very evident. He insisted on his thesis of the fact that the greater investment have made in the social area and human development.

Thus it exposed, your administration has had to amend the negative effects of the federal policy in aspects as the level education middle superior and level superior investing about 347.83 millions of dollars to widen the Autonomous University of the city of Mexico and the preparatory net of the Superior Middle Education Institute, as well as the programs of support to baccalaureate students.

The federal economic model, responsible for the current situation

The government of the city of Mexico must make what is same in health matter, before the dismantlement of the social security institutions, as the Mexican Institute for the Social Security (IMSS) and of particular way the social security Institute for the workers of the state. (ISSSTE). We have sufficient time to create specialized hospital infrastructure that it doesn’t has the Institute of the Popular Insurance, since in the IMSS the federal government is solved to not to invest in this.

Refirió que la administración a su cargo atiende a más de 42 por ciento de capitalinos que carece de servicios de seguridad social y deberá atender además de los derechohabientes del IMSS y el ISSSTE. Es lo que mencionan los derechohabientes de estos servicios sociales que no están atendiendo en especialidades como oncología, cardiovascular, crónico degenerativas, entre otras.

He referred that the administration to your cargo attends to more than 42 percent of capital that lacks social security services and it will have to attend in addition to the successors of the IMSS and the ISSSTE. It is like mentions the successors of these social services that they aren’t attending in specialties as oncology, cardiovascular, chronic degenerative, between other.

An occurrence of the Federal District the social security and educational

These deficiencies can be noted in other educational policies, social; the dismantlement of the social state for the government federal . That they have as logic to administer the extreme inequality, and consequently, under this reasoning, the city of Mexico doesn’t require a great investment and what is same occurs with other instruments of the call social policy. (La Jornada, la capital, October 6, 2007, p. 29)

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