martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

Make great to Mexico again

International/ political
The organization SVREP launches the campaign, to register to Latino
Make great to Mexico again
By: Carlos Damian                                             May 23, 2016
You hard against the wall: SVREP
Mexico. -   They are sought to register to all the eligible Mexicans to begin the campaign: Hard against the wall!  This week was launched to mobilize to million in originating citizens in Mexico in response to fascist and driving candidates of the hatred, racism and discriminatory against the Mexicans and Latino Americans: Donald Trump it is one of the targets to assault. This is one of the projects that emerge abroad of Mexico, because within Mexico still are thinking, and run to the ambassador that reply to the aggression of the political speech of this fascist. It is a census and education project of the voter of the southwest that announces SVREP. In Mexico cannot wait that the Mexican officials are deposited of the phenomenon Trump as threat fulfilled, though it is in doubt that arrive to The United States presidency the area is sapped for the national interest and to Mexican that are found in that foreign country that them denies their citizen rights of first class, to the residents, to the migrants and to those which are of visit in The States.  This hatred speech to post in judgment fabric all the relationships binationals of any class and they should be reclassified immediately, due to the serious reefs for national policies that depend on the relationship between two countries that they are commercial associates but not friends. 

Until a little while ago the phenomenon Trump was part of the folklore outsider, but now in perspective should take in bear mind the eleventh official institutions in Washington, and we should apply us in answering to the effects of this baggage of hatred and the not reconciliation and difficult relationship that we have had with Washington and, the Congress and the powerful think thank. The aggressive and xenophobic speech, carries a sack of unavoidable, demand the attention  of guarding national interest, as the Law of National Security (LSN, for their initials in Spanish), this "gift" outsider with the time will be national problems of the threat range, as warns it the LSN, in its article 5, fraction II. "Acts of national interference in the national matters that they could imply an affectation to the Mexican State", it is not an option, to fulfil it is a constitutional mandate. The phenomenon Trump, it is to the light of the national history is a national safety threat, and should answered to him immediately, with a preventive study and reaction proposals, from makes months would have to have begun of methodological and coherent way so as not to give sticks of blind, and not to have incoherent expressions as a drunkard that crosses the street, but see to the Mexican chancellor and to the president saying bilges without sense and unbasteed. Response is as compared to our nose: the National Security Council in their articles of the 9 to the 17, that anticipates the law in the matter, but our capricious and rotted government, never is going it to see, (La Jornada, David Brooks).

All of them against the wall
This campaign of the Mexicans that want to Mexico, already form part of the strategy of one of the organizations of the Latino vote more important to promote the Latino Americans record in electoral cycles. Making use in wide form of the social means, and by and large with Promoting United USA, that it is the greater organizing of organizing consortiums of Mexican music arrangements in The States, they are making use of the app Voto Latino, for smartphones, that permits be registered in 31 states of the American Union. With this option is sought to part of 8 million of Mexico -American are registered so that participated in the national elections in the presidential elections in November of 2016. With respect to the border wall that they are widening and completing their construction, this organization indicates, that: "will be intensified the repression and migrants exclusion and Latino within The States!" Upon completing it is giving the definitive step for the militarization of the relationship between the two border countries, and it is an omen than what comes", for The States and Mexico. With an election the most expensive in the history with their favorite: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton that they announced that they go to collect billions of dollars for the presidential battle, and guess who those which go to provide this money are: the club of the one percent richer of the planet.   

Antonio González, president of the SVREP, says that these campaigns are part of an effort for "to mobilize our power in the election of 2016 as well as to create a permanent dissuasive political speech against political  against immigrants and  against Latino-Americans that will continue with the discussions on matters as the migrant reform in Washington in 2017".  For the other hand Promoting United USA, it is an organization that represents to more than thousand groups of Mexican music. "During a weekend in average, our members accomplish hundreds of arrangements in United States, and we arrive to more than 50 million of followers in the social nets", comments Nancy Galvan, directress of the consortium. (ttpp://,  it is a hypothesis that with the time would be valid if we observe as the Trump phenomenon has been rising in the surveys and preferences of the American electorate: a) It will hoist the triumphalism of a republican government that would impose political and social programs to re-establish the American Dream with all the consequences, with their groups identified as: Tea Party, skin heads, Ku Klux Klan, with their conservative and right-wing, disposed to impel in national form the hatred, discrimination WASP and racist that characterizes it with demonstrations interferences that never they have abandoned. Though with the candidates as Clinton or Sanders would have to be to the party center democrat - center, will receive sapped country and divided by the effects of the Trump phenomenon, with a wrong inheritance that would condition their political against Mexico, without excluding their political of good vicinity as the inert gesture called Initiative Merida, in their case. 

You have to go against the wall
In their time the bilateral relationships will be developed to future in a dense difficult environment where will deprive the inert gestures, the radical face with demonstrations interferences of the Empire of the North clearly prejudicial to the national interest, and is manifested when the chancellor Ruiz Massieu proposes heavy ideas as a bilingual foreign policy, and to forget the constitutional principles that govern the outsider policy, article 89, fraction X. These advanced ideas, ignominious and said with nonchalance of an ignorant and inept chancellor the spirit in Tlatelolco, and shipment to the Mexican ambassador to be put the gloves with the Trump phenomenon. Still it does not warn the historical load that occupies their speech before the Heritage Foundation, and would have to begin to build hypothesis on a catastrophic stage for Mexico before the new panorama binational complex: Growth of the transnational crime, human rights, military relationships, tourism, impunity, Naphtha,, with an anachronistic justice system and applied from a political point of view, (La Jornada, Jorge Carrillo).

In this country the access to the sanitary is a key matter, when is observed the managing that make the rich, and the transnational of the use of money, with their puppets and political operators in the electoral struggle, if only are went to wash the  hands after be about the pupu and dirt  of so much corruption, and would be vomited upon seeing and listening so many wild attempts in the world against the human being, war crimes, affronts between political with blows under table, and deceits to good part of the electorate with untruthful promises. The economic and political system is nourished daily of the values and wealth movement to the one percent, that defines statistically the misery of this country. This situation is not the "transparent hand" of the free market, but a series of laws, and political projected by a political class supported by the richest and the transnational, that them interests to maintain the political power and are assured that the situation follows thus.. (La Jornada, politica, p. 17, Mayo 21, 2016).

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