martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

Electoral census: for sale

Data of more than 2 million of citizens that vote
Electoral census: for sale
By: Carlos Damian                                             May 26, 2016
The list coincides with the delivered by the INE to the PRI
Mexico. -   The superintendent of the Federal Electors Record of the INE, René Miranda, rejects make known the name of the responsible political party, and it did not gave no evidence of these facts. Only it announced, in press conference that had presented a penal accusation before the District Attorney's Office Specialized for the Electoral Offenses Attention (Fepade) by the improper use of the electoral poll. First in Yucatan the responsible party was Citizen Movement (MC), after was to arrangement this data base of 93, 8 million of Mexicans in Internet, in the cloud of Amazon of all the Mexicans that they are in age of voting. The Electoral national Institute (INE) has recognized that the file is legitimate and it has obtained that the American consortium withdraw the where all account this information was deposited. In the first inquests is referred that it is a copy delivered to the party MC, in their update of the electoral poll of the 15 of February of 2015, though is discarded a hacked to the computer systems of the electoral organ. "The data no longer they are accessible through Internet and there is no indicium of the fact that might have been given an intromission expresses to the data base to the computer systems of the INE", insists Murayama. 

List coincides with the delivered by the INE
This information were found housed in the storage service of Amazon, did not be for sale, when the data base was found by Chris Vickery, 132 jigs with the data that appear in the federal season-tickets to vote, with: domiciles, birthdates. Took the decision of calling to the embassy of Mexico in Washington, and not to receive no response called to the Department of United States State so that called to the Mexican Chancery. Therefore it published in the web exposing the topic, and obtained response of the INE. The computer specialist comments that you do not want that the type of information end in hands of the organized crime that operates in the country. The information was not in sale but were found in the storage service with headquarters in Seattle, (USA). Vickery it was not capable of tracking the origin in Amazon, of the address IP. In their discharge the INE recognizes that distributed by law the list in electronic format to all the parties and that some had been taken advantage of the file to affiliate to their political trainings to the Mexicans without their assent. Gave the case of the PRI, which affiliated to citizen without party and political of other organizations to their ready. However they have not taken measures so that is not repeated, the case though, insist Benito Nacif, of the electoral counselor, "we are taking measures so that this information does not must leave of the INE". 

The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) is the responsible, since all notes is the responsible for publishing more than 2 million of records of the electoral poll of Sinaloa in the web site of the digital company Ocean, registered in The States and without no protection, according to Chris Vickery. "If I believe that it is the PRI is responsible. Their name was in the data base and the address IP, corresponds to one of their sites", according to the expert and made known some screen apprehensions contained in said files with the emblem of the tri-colored. This history is identical to the one which located to the party Citizen Movement (MC), in the anteroom of be sanctioned again by this motive by the INE. Around the end of April were discovered the data of more than 87 million of Mexicans in the cloud of Internet in charge of the company Amazon, when some months before the party had been fined by 4 million 222 thousand dollars by the filtration of the list of the list de

Federal penal accusation against parties
The person in charge of the Federal Electors Record, it does not make known the names of the parties and citizen and either gave evidence of the criminal fact, but announces in conference to the media that has a penal accusation in the Fepade, by the delinquent use of the electoral poll. Vickery who resides in Texas, it said to know that the INE did not mention the name of the involved political party, but added "that the data base is entitled 'DBPRI´, and all the signs note to the PRI as responsible of the federal offense. I have included some screen apprehensions that illustrate yet more the data base with this Post”. "The same as with the first configured wrong data base, this also exposes great quantity of personal information on the voters, and seems to contain data on 2 million 72 thousand 585 citizen.  Furthermore it confirmed in a note spread by the company MacKeeper, for the one which works of safety researcher, that has a copy of the list and was asked if the responsible for this fact will assert, as Citizen Movement that they were hacked. "As soon as of new seems that we have a data base with personal information of Mexican electors housed would be of the country", explained. However the responsible for these citizen records informs that already had detected such "carelessness", and to the political parties them sent electronic mail, but rejected that this specialist work for the INE or receive some commission. Comment the responsible, that it corroborated that the data were coinciding with the polls delivered 15 of February of 2015 to the representations of the political parties, and transacted with the Webpage Digital Ocean to take sick leave, something which occurred in May 20, 2016. 

Tailor booth
To the teachers them is being giving a criminals and bandits dealing in their demonstrations and Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) repudiates the teachers eviction that were camping in the immediacy of the Governance Secretariat (SG), in the Mexico City. "It should be to avoid the provocation, Pena Nieto is very authoritative (fascist)". "EPN and who integrate his cabinet forget what was saying Juarez: "Nothing by the force all of them for the reason and right”. Meanwhile the country is submerged in an impunity sea, corruption and nonfulfillment of laws the citizen faces the regular institutional barbarism. The current illustrious, liberating and pre-candidate just found in your announce before journalists the free plagues territory and rebellious master, and with their mien, and gestures the current public education secretary (SEP), with red tie and Mexican flag corresponded to infamous moments of the Mexican history. “But nothing can be waited of these hawks that they do not convince but are imposed; want to crush to the people". That it can be waited of this "finest person of Otto Granados Roldan”, public education undersecretary, with very good relationships to the means of sold information or rented to the regime, advising to the Public Education secretary, Aurelio Nuno, in the teachers thrust and the educational sector of Mexico. This finest person was propaganda chief of Carlos Salinas, then governing of Aguascalientes and never has it let of belonging to the mafia in the power.  (La Jornada, politica, p. 21, Mayo 21, 2016).

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