miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2015

Siria’s war

International / Middle East
Russian military intelligence describes three routes of the crude traffic to Turkey
Siria’s war
By: Carlos Damian                                             December 03, 2015
The Erdoğan’s family it is benefitted of the purchase of oil to the Daesh: Russia
Mexico. -  Turkey is the greater buyer of the oil that the group Jihadist Islamic State (Isil/Daesh/Isil) robs people of Iraq and Syria, and the own Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, just as members of his family, appear between who are benefitted of that illegal trade to support to the terrorist religious Cartel Daesh, asserted this Wednesday the Russian Defense vice-minister, Anatoli Antonov. During a summoned urgency press conference to fulfill this serious accusation, early makes some days by the president Vladimir Putin without giving details, the Russian Defense ministry was supported in photos satellites, captured images by plane and drones Russian, as well as in maps, upon describing three routes that, identified by the military intelligence, uses the Daesh to carry out the illegal traffic of oil robbed the petroleum of the people of Iraq and Syria toward criminal Turkey. That would have to be object of bombardments on the part of Russia, France and Great Britain, so that end with their criminal contraband of oil and money that finances to the Daesh. According to data of the greater headquarter of the Russian army, the Jihadists have 8 thousand 500 cistern trucks with capacity transporting until 200 thousand barrels of crude every day, and as a consequence of the bombardments of the Russian aviation. 

That source of financing of the Daesh, that represents about 2 billion of dollars per year, it has suffered a considerable wastage. Antonov assailed against the Turkish government, whose "cynicism does not has limits" to be implicating in "an amoral business", and put special emphasis upon assaulting on president Erdoğan and his family, with unusual hardness from the recent demolition of a Russian bombardier SU-24 for Turkish fighter-plane near the Syria frontier. Is under a cloud that the son of the Turkish president, Necmettin Bilal Erdoğan it will be president of BMZ Ltd., maritime transportation company, it is one of the principal energetic consortiums, and their son-in-law Berat Albayark married with Summeyye Erdoğan finishes of be nominated Energy minister, the Russian vice-minister ironize saying this circumstance: What so wonderful familiar business! Accuse of liar Erdoğan upon recalling that the Turkish press revealed the secret supply plans of weapons and ammunitions to the "militias Turkmens" in Syria under supposed humanitarian help, by something which the journalists, incarcerated and accuses of "perfidy", operate the judgment of the judgment in their against by publishing "Secret of state".

Turkey bootlegs oil robbed by Daesh
Antonov it did not curtail sarcasms and ironical words to disqualify to the Turkish president enemy of Russia: "Erdoğan it does not is going to resign and is going to deny all even if the face, bedaubed of has robbed oil". Russia, according to the military official, it does not has the purpose of forcing the resignation of Erdoğan: that corresponds to the Turkish people, and just wants to cut that source of money that permits the murderous Jihadists supported by the Daesh to buy military caliber weapons and to recruit mercenaries. "We present part of the information about the horrid assignment crimes by the Turkish leaders that finance directly the international terrorism", also “it offered to follow making known data on the illegal supply of oil to Turkey and other countries", concluded Antonov.  In similar terms was expressed Erdoğan in Paris, on Monday past, when their homologous Putin commented to the press, after their participation in the summit of the climate, that "sufficient we have motives to suppose that the decision of demolishing the fighter-plane (SU - 24) obeyed to the desire of guaranteeing the safety of the supply routes of oil (bootlegged) to the territory of Turkey", (La Jornada, Juan P. Duch).

The mind of the public has been poisoned with lies, and directed by the Great Britain by the ex-first minister Tony Blair the humanitarian intervention and followed by David Cameron, known the doctrine as "responsibility by protecting", with the complicity of the American government that began with George W. Bush and followed by Barak Obama U.S. president. Lifting the flag of protecting to the Christians Washington with evidence little clear, provided by the British government of Tony Blair in 2003, invaded Iraq; with a similar argument of the "protection of the people" in foreign lands, obtaining with lies the international military intervention in the war of Libya in 2011. In such a way that they procured the same military fiasco of the war between Kosovo and Serbia around the end of the decade of 1990. In those cases, under the war yells of annihilating to a brutal dictatorial regime, that in fact most of them it were. In this context were provided untruthful evidence, and Yankee laws were violated and all this with the untruthful human protection costume. Upon watching back nostalgically it is perceived that this world was surer, however in retrospective we would analyze what occurred in Syria. In the Hula City, May 25, 2012. For this criminal matter of hurt humanity, says Sergei Lavsov (Co. LTD.), Minister of Foreign Matters of the Russian Federation: "What is most important for us is to stop the violence".

GB attempts to follow with the violence
But now the urgent matter is to try to obtaining the beginning of a political process, under any term that could be agreed between Kofi Annan the regime of Assad, and the principal forces of the opposition in Syria. We are all united to achieve this. Upon continuing with his chat SL, says: "when some of our allied especially the countries that geographically they are closer to Syria that Russia and England, speak about of the regime change as the only one solution, I begin to doubt of the sincerity of their desire of stopping the violence, and of their intention of helping to stop slaughter it civil". On account of the slaughter of Hula in Syria, Russia seems be the most firm defending to carry out the six points of the Kofi Annan’s peace project (UN) since it would be appointed sent special for the peace in Syrian, (UN and the Arabic League in February of 2013). On account of this conflict of interest Russia headed a crucial battle during the subsequent weekend to the slaughter caused by the mercenaries of the Daesh, to determine with forceful evidence what actually had passed in the brutal events of the 25 of May. Russia summoned to safety emergency of the Security Council of the UN, two days after of the Sunday afternoon. The safety Council received a report from the Norwegian General, Robert Mood (RM) who heads the observant equipment of the UN. 

This chief of the mission of peace - RM - with more than 200 observant of the UN displayed in Syria, underlines to the permanent members of the Security Council, more a Germany representative, comments that the evidence were "turbid" concerning who directed slaughter it, against the Syrian population. But in spite of the caution of the general to blame to who were the responsible of the assassination in bulk against the Syrian citizenship. With the Russian leaders, and a letter of the Security Council, where was indicating that were needed a detailed investigation; it did not happen neither a second of the close of the meeting when, the sent French, British and German, took the microphones in the press area giving the conclusion to the public present: "Without doubt Assad was the guilty". It was taken a step more for satanically to the Syrian regime.  (La Jornada, política, p. 29, December 3, 2015).

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