miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2015

War drums

International / Europe
It is tense the confrontation with Moscow
War drums
By: Carlos Damian                                             December 29, 2015
Montenegro thinks to enter the NATO
Mexico. -  The decision of the chancellors of the countries that form part of the Organization of the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO), taken in Brussels, inviting of formal manner to Montenegro to begin the procedures to enter as member to full right to the alliance Atlantic North tense yet more the confrontation with Russia, always adverse the expansion toward the east of the military block sponsored by the empire of the north, USA. The small Balkan country - 650 thousand inhabitants - has as of the invitation date (October 2, 2015), year and middle to comply with the procedure of enter and be converted into member 29 of the NATO, by before of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia and the ancient Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the others three candidates. From 2009, when was made official the adhesion of Albania and Croatia, the NATO was not opening their doors to new members, something which provoked, an immediate rejection reaction of the Kremlin through their spokesman, Dimitri Peskov, who warned that Russia "will take response measures". The spokesman recalled that Moscow: "always it has said that the expansion of the NATO and of their structures fight toward the east, it means, toward our frontiers, it cannot remain without a response that guarantee the safety and the interest parities".

The formal invitation to Montenegro occurs in a delicate polarization context of their/its inhabitants, to judge by a recent survey that threw 36.5 percent in against and 36.2 in favor of the adhesion to the NATO. In other words, if the current prime minister Milo Djukanovic and others open promoting of the entry of Montenegro to the NATO satisfy the requirements to obtain the membership from their country and arrived to lose the following elections, the new government would be tied of hands before a difficult consummate fact to reversing. Russia, by so much, it is opposed to this perspective, and indeed is concerned about losing influence on the Balkans, where Serbia it is their principal ally. In this context is supported to the opposition Montenegrin, in first term the nationalistic party NOVA, which counts on numerous followers between the inhabitants of origin Serbian. (La Jornada, Juan P. Duch). 

War in Syria
After a pair of days of the slaughter of Hula, Alí-Sayed 11-year-old of age, jumped to the reputation in the Arabic media, when weapons men of the Daesh/Isis invaded their familiar housing in Hula and murdered with violence luxury to their family, but the child that was foreboding the violence, by instinct is fallen to the soil near his mother, that was lying wrapped of blood, immobile in soil is stain of the liquids of the death, and the murderous squadron thinks upon seeing it that the kid is died. However it calls the attention that upon awaking after that the assassins are disappeared from the violent scene, the child describes them as: "men with the shaved and long head beards". With this given description of the religious assassins squadron of the religious Cartel of the Daesh. We can deduce that it slaughter it occurred during the period of time after the sentence of the Friday. When the rebels Sunnites assaulted three ports of control of the Syrian army about Hula. In spite of the caused that the city has more than 90 percent of population Sunnite, almost exclusively to the families of the minorities ‘Alauitas’ and ‘Chiitas’, in Hula, they were murdered. These criminal facts included members of the family Alauita Shomilaya, and of the family of a Sunnite member of the parliament since was considered as a collaborator of the government. Immediately after the slaughter, the guilty filmed to their victims, and presented them as victims Sunnis. 

These are the targets preferred by the terrorism veiled by the weapons resistance. Taxi drivers, ambulant sellers, postman, especially civil officials that they were innocent victims of the acts that went from simple assassinations to the unjustified barbarism. According to the mother Agnes Mariam de la Croix (Monestere St. Checks), that attended an assassination of the many that occur in Syria. "Their throats were cut, mutilated carved in chunks, thrown in the corners of the streets, or in the public garbage boats". Those acts of atrocity after were exploited by the media, to attribute to them the responsibility to the forces of the Syrian government. This tactics of the mercenaries, of Daesh/Isis, took by surprise in the visit to Homs. "A man that was finishing of be assaulted by weapon bands of paramilitary all because was refused to close their shop. Exploited their car, literally was hacked off to him and it was put in the counter of his shop for example of his rebels to the religious Cartel. In the moment that were gone through there, other persons with cruelty and coldness luxury to the luck of a citizen merchant were opening their cellular telephones and were recording with illness the tragedy of a human being. It has been heard to say to one of them, without doubt speaking with one of the TV nets by satellite: this is what the Syrian citizens suffer to squadron hands from the death from Bashar Al - Assad".

With cynicism and cold blood unload to the prevailing regime their hate and rancor to the humanity. "They take photographs of the event and carry the body of the merchant murdered to the hospital. Instead of making this, the spectators film it obtaining with this action that "Al Jazeera", made to believe to the media that the state there was assignment this hideous crime. Supporting all these criminal events, has to the Emirates of the Persian Gulf, and to Saudi Arabia as a third element of power in this impulse to the Daesh. A source of intelligence of the United States (Unnamed) with headquarters in Washington D.C. provide an estimate of 500 billion of dollars per year to nets radical Salafis, including several groups of  Al - Qaeda, that they are involved in destabilizations violent including the current rebel operations armed in Syria. In recent weeks with the support after The States flies to the religious Cartel of the Daesh, and those economic funds have facilitated the weapons flow, and paid to purchasable foreign within Syria, through border countries, including Iraq, Lebanon and Turkey.   

We go to recover Mosul and it will be the final blow: Al Abadi
The army celebrated hoisting the flag of Iraq and the release of Ramadi, the great city to the west of the capital that was in hands of Daesh from May, 2014. Video images transmitted by television show the moment that the flag was moved by the wind above of the principal building of government in the city. The prime minister of Iraq, Haider Al Abadi, assured that their government will defeat to the Daesh (acronym of Isis in Arabic) in 2016. "We go to release Mosul and it will be the deadly and final blow for Daesh (the religious Cartel)". Mosul north of Iraq, it is proclaimed by the Caliphate (religious Cartel), in wide regions of Iraq and Syria. Steve Warren that purportedly it supports to the Iraqi forces, expressed: "the dispossession of the center of government is a meaningful achievement and the result of many months of work". The international coalition, it has released a campaign to fight against positions of the Daesh in Iraq and Syria, from by mid-2014, when the Jihadists captured a third of the Iraqi territory. The agreement obtained in September anticipates the exit of the group to Lebanon, and then to Turkey. Zabadani, last city in hands of the Daesh, was carrying months besieged by the forces of the Syrian president. It was observed cease and to the fire in Fua and Kafraya, the two last peoples Chiita that controls the Syrian army in the province of Idleb, mastered by the Daesh. In so much in the north Nigeria zone have died 60 persons by assaults of the group Boko Haram. (La Jornada, mundo, p. 17, December 29, 2015).

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