miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2015

The responsible State

In homicide of  “Triqui” the State is responsible
The responsible State
By: Carlos Damian                                            September 28, 2015
The incident was not in Los Pinos residence, with the President: "statesman" and "heroe"
Mexico. -  As opposed to the previous occasion will not be the meeting of the relatives of 43 disappeared in Los Pinos residence. It is meaningful that the politician of Atlacomulco may have given up of offering the official interview, but it does not let from receiving champions from the national sport - commercial and to speak with guests from personal character.  Perhaps the risk that were waiting to suffer is of sit-down strike within the official residence, and only might have sufficed that the ached visitors might have been denied to be left of the official rooms in so much did not prompt had response that satisfied them the minimal truth and justice requirements so that the note of that takes earned world presence in the daily principals. Though not exempt the government in their cautions upon choosing the Technological Museum of the CFE, in the third section of the Bosque de Chapultepec in Mexico City. All this in order to accommodate the protection devices and to avoid more groups of help and support for the cause of Ayotzinapa. The demonstrators arrived with several anticipation hours since their plan was to arrive at seven ó clock of the night, for power to fast, to end it on Friday and to carry it to end on Saturday, waiting with a great participation of the citizens and students that support their cause.   
Nueva York, participando en una cumbre de jefes de Estado y en la asamblea de la ONU.

The government projected the change of headquarters, and on Wednesday was spread that so that EPN pronounce their demagogic speech on the initiative that sent to the Congress to establish the General Law against the forced Disappearance of persons, appearing that attends to the requirements in the matter that they have various made Mexican groups of activists with support of international organizations as the UN, and the assaulted Inter-American Commission of Human Laws. The president together with his presidential cabinet has supported a lies string against the Mexican citizens in agreement with the "historical truth" and the support of the soldiers that intervened cynically therefore they have not been able be interviewed by interdisciplinary international experts. It is hoped that the legalistic rhetoric that the leader prescribe us will be part of the lies theatre and it will not assume a posture contradicts to the one which has supported until today, in this context is that will not give marches back in its offers and subtlety promises to earn time and to maintain the impunity of all those that they may have intervened in the massacre of these poor kids. Upon complying with his official agenda will try to preparing the trip of the Saturday 26 to the 29 in New York, participating in a summit of State chiefs and in the assembly of the UN. 

After the participation "stellar", the official announcements increased until the sky to the ex-governing (Mexico State) until the level of "statesman", with subsequent encounters with groups of the American elite, as Henry Kissinger, near bought magazines that were labeling to the president of Mexico, as "savior of Mexico" and "hero of Mexico". While EPN it was in the audience gives cause for this political garbage that is maintained in foot to a year of distance, when in their hands had some oratory pieces that nobody attends in the assemblies of the UN, unless the personage will be of median world importance (Sep 24, 2014).  following this many articles appeared with the Mexican Moment but now they have been capsized to speak of Mexican disaster and they have been focused in the political disability, their void solution from the disappeared from Ayotzinapa in Iguala a year back, the complicity and corruption that they have appeared after of take to flight of the ‘Chapo’ Guzman, the chronicle of the White House, and this has caused to him a considerable wastage in his prestige abroad.

Responsible State
In his residential space in Los Pinos will take to him time to face eventually such violent reactions with future overflowing of the popular protest the one which will be directly responsible the political flights secretary, Osorio Chong, and is deduced of this situation that it is a reduced responsibility when the president is absent physical and politically.  Upon complying with their official commitments abroad and not to attend the fire in house timely it has labeled it for many years with the stigma, and in these circumstances the fire will follow for many years yet when he no longer it be in Los Pinos residence. On the other hand the Mexican state requested excuses and recognized their responsibility in the homicide of the leader Triqui Antonio Jacinto Lopez Martinez (ALM), who was deprived of the life in 2011, in spite count on a preventive measure dictated by the Inter-American Commission of the Human Laws (CIDH, for their initials in Spanish).  The facts occurred in Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca, before officials and defending of human rights of the entity, the Human Laws undersecretary of the Governance Secretariat (SG), Roberto Campa Cifrian, it was the superintendent with exposing to the family Lopez Martinez the public excuse by the violation to the guarantees of Lopez Martinez. 

Julia Vazquez, wife of ALM, regretted that in spite of the obtained habeas corpus protection; "even so killed it"; said that it does not has resources to maintain to their children. The attorneys and defending of human rights of the region demanded that the State guarantee the fulfillment of the measures caution; underlined that it persists a serious crisis by disability of the State.  While the leader Yaqui Mario Luna has left at large by motive of be a ferrous oppose to the construction of the Independence Aqueduct, incarcerated by tricks and traps for Guillermo Padrés, governing by the PAN of the Sonora State. 

Succession in the University
The Committee of government in the UNAM issued a summons (Sep 23, 2015), for all the aspirant to the parsonage to happen to Jose Narro Robles, that will end his management 16 of November of this year. Therefore those that are considered to occupy the charge have of term until 4 of October to deliver documentation that accredit path and their work program.  The selection of the new governing has a difficult environment for the nation, of which is deduced that are detached risks that they cannot be concealed. It can be mentioned that any person that it take the command of the prestigious educational institution, it will have to avoid that the national Executive and the Legislative federal shorten the budget for 2016 that will be destined for the UNAM. It is a measure that seems probable due to black economic panorama and the stubborn trend to reduce the resources for the education therefore it is necessary confront a critical financial situation. It should be take into account to the restoration of the PRI in the power, and it is necessary to resist the old and persistent usage that was devoted to make of the parsonage of the Great Studies House a position of the presidential cabinet, and is needed that the future university authority is performed a committed master that make to observe the autonomy principle. 

Though it is reasonable that the rate of rejected of that institution would be followed maintaining, and not by their under academic level but for lack of quota in the UNAM, and that this level follows increasing. It is not by annoying but the rate of this year was of more than 90 percent of the kids that were presented to the admission examination. What it means that more than 117 thousand youths did not find the opportunity of entering UNAM. It is reasonable to suppose that the privatization of the education, impelled from the political power, employer, and annex, they have thought from several lustrous take advantage any conflict stage to weaken the sense of the teaching superior public and to strengthen educational models, excluding and of elite. The elected person there will be of confronting these challenges and to face the challenges that are come. (La Jornada, political, p.p. 2 – 5, September 24, 2015).

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