miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2015

Without rules for the war

 The war in Syria already has 4 years and it does not end
Without rules for the war
By: Carlos Damian                                             November 5, 2015
United States is the James modern Bond upon sending 50 special soldiers to Syria  
México. -   United States is the modern James Bond since will send 50 " special soldiers" in the region Kurd of Syria to combat to 230 thousand Jihadists Sunnites that operate in the Middle East. Though it does not escape by sight of social researcher the synergy that there is between the empire of the north and the Syrian Kurds. The States officials are bragged of the “multiplying effect" that the “special soldiers" are sent without formal permit of nobody. They have not been deposited the American Congress, the UN, the Syrian government, the Arabic League of 22 countries and of the Organization for the Islamic Cooperation of 57 countries. Fuad Hussein (FH), chief of the office of Massoud Barzani, president of the region Kurd in Iraq, in the last semester of 2014 evaluated the number of soldiers Jihadists Sunnites in 200 thousand combatant, and this quantity is greater than the CIA there has reported. Which is the purpose of the fact that the western intelligence be underestimating to the religious soldiers that navigate between Iraq and Syria? The chief of the Massoud Barzani FH, upon giving a balance of the bloody war by the Isil/Daesh/Isis: "the soldiers of the religious Cartel govern to a vast union of Jihadists potential upon considering that are moved in the third part so much of Iraq as of Syria, and this area understands a population of recruits between 10 and 12 million that live in an area of 250 thousand square kilometers, this is, it is considered a so large region as the same Great Britain".

The diabolical mistake of the CIA
These large territorial regions have been returned huge with the recent acquisition of the empire of the Isil/Daesh in Syria, and these warriors Sunnis have acquired other 30 thousand potential recruits of the vast Islamic geography, that understands 3 thousands combatant of Chechnya (Russia), and of the Islamic region of the Xinjiang in China. Not sufficient with this, it is feared to the terror of the Islam, Al - Quds Al - Arabi whose squadrons of the death have to the accidents dhabbihah, reaching the figure of 15 thousand hangmen, ready to condemn to death with behead to the Christians that are opposed to the empire of the Caliphate. The left project of the World War impelled by the empire of the Jeehadistan (caliphate Qoqaz), understands the Iberian peninsula (Andalus), all the north of África, the horn of África (Somalia) and the sub-Sahara, going through the Balkans and the Caucasus (frontier with Russia), until Khurasan (Asia Central), frontier with the Indian subcontinent and China. In this World War context can be found "battalions of Chechens", that the prophet of the Islam has sent to combat to Russia in their war with Ukraine, therefore we have to combatant two simultaneously in the same stage: Iraq/Syria. According to Marcus Papadopoulos of the British magazine Politics First: “Oil is one of the key components of the terrorist summit. If The States coalition actually wanted be rescinded of the militants of the Daesh/Isil, in the first place would have destroyed the oil infrastructure of the terrorists, but not makes it. And the real motive is that the soldiers serve to the interest as The States, and of the West, that at the same time, understands that if is deprived to the militants of their principal source of financing, the terrorists will let of obeying, something that now permits Washington to maintain the region under tension".

The sent military of The States are there to multiply the helps to the terrorists of the Caliphate Sunnite, what actually causes that are split into two parts the explanation: a, it is be distributed the bier of the Balkanization of the region Kurd of the north of Syria, and to recapture the pulverization of Iraq. And the other part is to make a “human protection shield" to the Syrian rebels "moderate" of Al Qaeda covered with costumes of Hollywood that the pentagon has designed for them, and this in order to vaccinate them to immunize them of the successful Russian bombardments. Finlan Cunningham, British asserts: "The decision of Obama of sending special forces to Syria is sight as a military The States escalade in that country. The troop shipment by The States is to prevent the Russian successes in erasing the instruments of Washington for the regime change in Syria".  There is a confusion in the referring vocabulary managing to the "moderate" of  Al Qaeda and the murderous squadrons Jihadists, but this confusion is deliberated forming part of the “controlled chaos" geopolitical that besieges the frontiers Sunnites[EJ1]  of Russia, India and China (RIC). The vision of the Financial Time, Edward Luce (EL) says: ""Putin is better player than Obama", and "the first Russian bombardment weeks have elapsed pursuant to their plan. The regime of Assad no longer faces the collapse and Russia has consolidated their geopolitical relevancy and it has revived their naval presence in the east of the Mediterranean sea", (La Jornada, Alfredo Jalife).

Real Syria history
To Jeb Bush the electorate has given to him the back by their social routs and in particular to the geopolitical disaster with the rout in Afghanistan and Iraq and geo-financier, in the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in 2008. The dynastic nepotism of the house of the Bush, with their warlike arrogance and their cowboy disasters wishes them EL for a trepidation in the brain of the attorney Barak Obama, so that not lose the holistic vision of the empire and has a reactive managing case by case of the crisis, which is going to face The States president. With insolence and nonchalance mentions EL to Joseph Dunford, chief of the armed forces conjuncts of The States, who "took their charge a day after of the beginning of the Russian air bombardments" in Syria: "If a country represents an existential threat to United States, I have to indicate to Russia". In this world thermonuclear war against Russia, China and allied nobody earns, and upon paving the way Washington and the NATO, is observed the global chaotic decomposition underway, and therefore we will have a new world order.

The resignation of the lay Syria president, Bashar Al Assad is part of the recipe on how to contend with the Arabic world, after have destabilized this part of the world will be launched with the cherry of the pastel: Iran. Already it has destroyed: Iraq, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, and Afghanistan, with the support of: Israel, USA, NATO, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Oman and Yemen. The obligated question of Putin; "Who are the actors that they are today in the stage of the world? It is a question that is maintained without be answered by those superintendents with communicating us, "the truth". Continuous Putin, "however yet we do not reach to arrive to it, not by a lack of access to it, but by a continuous dread that darkens us the vision. “They are presented as heroes, but in fact they are destructive", (Barack Obama dixit), in May 1, 2011, in public conference: "The death of Osama Bin Laden." behind the shades operate a great plan larger than the destruction.

The objective is the imperial dominance and only some few have been lifted against them. The objective is the total control in a situation where the own cause he is defeating. The objective does not seem to come from no nation, but from an external force that it has taken as hostage. To know whose are these actors is something that we should know right now, if is that we want to defeat them. However the question continues being if we will make it before will be too late for you, for your family, your children, and the world civilization, (Vladimir Putin dixit). The mind of the public world has been deluged by the yells of the western influence field, directed by the doctrine of the British prime minister Tony Blair, known as "Responsibility of protecting" with the complicity of the American government that began with George Bush and followed by Barack Obama. Lifting the flag of the humanitarian intervention. The States with evidence little clear provided by the British government of Tony Blair in 2003, invaded Iraq, with a similar argument of the "protection of the people" of foreign lands. Procured the same fiasco in any intervention to fight in the world destabilizing and destroying countries and all to overthrow dictators and to protect civil.  (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 4 – 5, November 4, 2015).

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