miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015

Authoritarian gale

The authoritarianism after the Presidency of the Republic: PRI 
Authoritarian gale   
For: Carlos Damian                                             March 29, 2015 
The action disappears to a journalist of more prestige in America: Human Rights Watch
Mexico. -   Before the facts happened during the last days that have derived in the termination of the labor relationship among journalist Carmen Aristegui (CA) and the MVS Group (Joaquin Vargas), and we make a call wing public opinion to dimensional this event in the picture of a series of democratic setbacks that faces our country starting from the reassignment of the PRI in the presidency of the Republic. The censorship that was carried out in the journalist with the informative retirement of its special one is extremely excellent by the light of its professional trajectory: CA has pointed out acts that suppose conflicts of interest of the President of the Republic. The report diffused by its team regarding the call “White House" has had international repercussions and it has been worth a series of answers on the part of the spokesman of the Presidency of the Republic. This has only been one of the multiple cases in that Aristegui has been constituted as a critical voice to the régime. Let us remember the investigations regarding Cuauhtemoc Gutierrez de la Torre, Emilio Gamboa, Mario Marin and recently the related with Luis Videgaray's house.  

It has been pointed out that the Mexican political system is questioned by the absence of spaces for the civic participation and for the preeminence of private and corporate interests about the legitimate interests of most of the Mexicans. This situation becomes worse when referring to the media, which go by a homogenization process that seeks settle down again the control practices, censor and cooptation that characterized the emanated governments of the revolution like the PRI.  The left-wing legislators have been added to the posture that the dismissal of CA and their team of news like an act that it attempts against the freedom of speech go and it constitutes a front attack to the militant opposition to the party in the power. This act without a doubt diminished the right to the access to the information of the Mexicans and it promotes the autocensure it informs the journalists of the country. We should not forget that the spectrum broadcasting is above all a very public one that in any event, it has been concesionate to a matter, for what the approaches of the media are not only those of the private company but those of the social profitability and the right to the information. Let us remember that the article 6 of the Mexican Constitution, guarantees that: "All person is entitled to the free access to plural and opportune information, as well as to look for, to receive and to diffuse information and ideas of all nature for any means of expression."  
Attack to the right to the freedom of speech 
The relationship between MVS Group and Carmen Aristegui is in lawyers' hands and Tribunals, the vice-president of institutional relationships of the company, Felipe Chao pointed out in connection with the provisional suspension that the federal judge Fernando Silva granted to the communicator, and to the command constitutional so that the parts dialoguing in the facilities of the company. "The matter is in lawyers' hands, it is a juridical topic. They will have to see how the help comes and to make the decisions", it pointed out. Fernando Silva gave the precautionary measure because it considered that the termination of MVS Radio's contract was justified exclusively in contractual abilities of private right, without having in consideration that is been in presence of the concession of a good and service to the public of the State of social relevance (critical journalism)". The resolution of the judge points out that because before the term of the contractual relationship of Aristegui without warning or previous audience proceeds that the parts dialoguing to reach an agreement; the conversations will be carried out in the facilities of MVS, and if there was not arrangement before the next audience, the authority will emit a pronouncement on the definitive suspension requested by the journalist's defense. 

MVS pointed out that until last Wednesday it had not promoted complaint resource some about judge Silva's decision, however officials of the Judicial Power ratified that personal of artificial address of the Multivision Group they went to the jurisdictional organ that granted the provisional suspension to Carmen Aristegui to present a complaint against that failure, and you prevé that in next hours the resource is resided in some collegiate tribunal of circuit.
Near sources to the conflict pointed out that the dialogue among legal representatives of MVS and of Carmen Aristegui it could take place as soon as the approach of the journalist's defense is given, but they considered not very probable its reassignment, because both parts “are very offended and wronged", as consequence of the conflict that loosened when the communicator announced that MVS incorporated to the platform Mexicoleaks, without to inform and to consult to the company. MVS pointed out that until last Wednesday it had not promoted resource and some complains about judge Silva's decision, however officials of the Judicial Power ratified that personal of legal direction of the Multivision Group they went to the jurisdictional organ that granted the provisional suspension to Carmen Aristegui to present a complaint against that sentence, and it is early that in next hours the resource is resided in some collegiate tribunal of circuit.  
Homage to outstanding women 
Benita Galeana was born September 10 1904 in San Jeronimo, Guerrero. She lived a childhood of poverty and abuse; very young it immigrated to Mexico City, and to the few years it entered the Mexican Communist Party, then clandestine. Their active participation meant her little more than 50 revenues to the jail. Little time later married the outstanding intellectual and writer Mario Gill (1900 - 1972). With the support of Gill it was able to finish its biographical book Benita, and later on the book of stories Blunt Weight. It shared those years of fight with their comrades Revolved Jose Revueltas, Juan de la Cebada, Valentin Campa and Miguel Angel Velasco, among others. When being dissolved the PCM, Benita entered the PSUM to follow the fight for her ideals until the end of her life. One has the privilege that some comrades accompanied her in their adventures, like in their trip to Cuba (1989) because she wanted to know Fidel Castro Ruz. In 1990, after several administrations, it was achieved the government of the Federal District to acquire her house for what reason soon after her death, to transform it into the Center of Studies of the Woman and the Social Fights Benita Galeana that it was inaugurated in 2000, and coordinated from then on with great zeal and dedication by teacher Maria de Jesus Real Garcia Figueroa.. The voices of the women were listened April 17, 1995, Benita lives that the fight continues … it continues…", while the unforgettable Rene Villanueva accompanied her with its flute.
One has among our families a topic that the current system has tried to ignore and it is the persistent insecurity that supposedly the current régime had in its hands a brilliant program to combat it but after three years of government it continues being a great challenge that faces our country. The insecurity affects all and it transforms our lives, attentive against the most elementary rights in coexistence in society. The recent attack perpetrated against the institutions of the order of the nation and Jalisco State, in the highway of Vallarta to Guadalajara, in which 15 elements died to the being attacked by the organized crime, with squadrons of paramilitary provided with assault weapons that murdered to elements of the federal forces of the Unique Force, spreads to express the solidarity of all Mexico with the families of the policemen. It is time of transforming the indignation into a call to the conscience to raise the voice for the appropriate of the work of the elements of public security. We should have presented that the policemen are human beings that work in a permanent situation of risk that they are also civic; they have children, parents and family like all. The valuable work is recognized that men and women carry out committed with safeguarding our security in the picture from the respect to the human rights; to all them, they are manifested our gratitude and encouragement sincerely so that they continue this dangerous work. It is reiterated: their pain is the pain of all.   (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 4-9, April 17, 2015).

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