viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Student 44

The actions to exterminate to the " bands" included aggressions to the population
Student 44
By: Carlos Damian                                          October 17, 2014
The Commission presents in Chilpancingo its report, after 2.5 years of investigation
Mexico. -   The first of December of 1971, a telegram originated in Lomas de Sotelo, Federal District, it was received in the command of the 35 Military Area of Chilpancingo, the one which was signed then by the secretary of the National, general Defense Hermenegildo Cuenca Diaz (HCD), and that next it is transcribed: " The order is ratified way order increases activities end to locate, to harass, to capture or to exterminate bands operates in that region, should use maximum measures of security". Starting at the date, in Guerrero State the armed conflict loosens, the crashes are intensified between battalions of the Army and units of the Party of the Poor in the Costa Grande of Guerrero State. In the lapse in the one that locates the biggest number of detainees, disappearances, of prisoners in secret jails, of cases of torture, still narrated with pain by the survivors. They are the years in those that the communities of the area whose testimonies figure for the first time in an investigation for the clarification of the historical truth of the “dirty war", they suffered the biggest number of violations in soldiers' hands: it fence military, "put the top" on roads, control and access restrictions to provision, pursuit, virtual exception state, espionage and agents' infiltrations. Also extrajudicial executions, disappearances and tortures to the population civil non combatant.  
They remove it water to the fish 
The telegram of HCD, as well as other recovered documents of the General File of the Nation, they demonstrate that in the decade of 70’s in last XX century, it shows us that there was order at the highest level of State to exterminate to the insurgent groups and their social base. The confrontation degree reached its higher point in Guerrero's Costa Grande in 1974, when the guerrilla of the Party of the Poor, to Lucio Cabañas' control, kidnapped May 30 to Ruben Figueroa that was senator and pre-candidate from the PRI to Guerrero State government in that time. Tests of this type demonstrate that the extermination of " hoodlums" and " bands", to those that the military ones decided to call this way for not recognizing the presence of the guerrilla's forces, it was a direct order of the old president of the nation Luis Echeverria Alvarez to the secretary of the National Defense of Great State HCD. The documents will be contributed today by the Commission of the Truth (Comverdad, for their initials in Spanish) created for the investigation from the violation to the human rights in the dirty war in Guerrero, when it presents in Chilpancingo, Guerrero their final report, after two and a half years of investigations.  
Among other evidences, a wide evaluation of the military situation is included in the area of Atoyac and Coyuca in 1974, where Lucio Cabañas ' men maintained kidnapped the senator and future governor Rubén Figueroa (PRI). Remembering in these years difficult to of the guerrilla to professor Genaro Vazquez Rojas in Guerrero's mountain. In diverse and military telegrams are included precise orders of fencing communities, controlling the accesses and the provision step for the civil population. July 2, after two months of fruitless search, the general Alberto Sanchez Lopez, old boss of Great State, and who one of those that participated in the Operation Galeana of the bloody night of Tlatelolco, October 2, 1968 he was; it signed an extensive report, where he makes an evaluation around the kidnapping of Figueroa. It is directed “to the superiority". In this brief one written it describes us that to find the former governor it was implemented 'Operation Atoyac', with unfolding in Petatlan, Acapulco, Cruz Grande, Iguala, Chilpancingo, Zihuatanejo and Altamirano City. The mission of the areas military 27 and 35 consisted on “locating, to capture or to destroy hoodlums", With this reason it ordered “to fence” the civil communities. 
The writing constitutes a solid evidence since of what understands each other in terms of the universal justice as a crime of State, the president of the Republic and the secretary of the Defense they ordered, besides doubling the patrolling of the area, put the top on roads and the escalation of surveillance in highways and airports, as well as to enlarge the effects from the Operation Atoyac to the civil population. This copied plan of the manuals of war of military invasion of The States when it razed the population from Vietnam that they attacked to civil gremlins with the purpose of subtracting them it bases social to the Vietcong, with a tactics that it called itself to remove them it dilutes the fish". The civil population's control was mounted with the help of identification credentials (…), of supplies, mainly provision that they consume Lucio Cabañas' sheaves. "Also to achieve the infiltration of own, previously indoctrinated and trained elements". The document recognizes that it will be identified as “hoodlums or bands” to the guerilla fighters for “not deteriorating the image of Mexico in the exterior". Among bulls developing data, this internal evaluation that had not been made public up to now, admits that in Lucio Cabins' guerrilla and of Genaro Vazquez Rojas “military elements that deserted for diverse reasons participated", (La Jornada, Blanche Petrich). 
The government rejected the figures of intentional homicides 
In Iguala, Guerrero, has one of the highest indexes in this entity in deceitful homicides, only below Chilpancingo and Acapulco.  This pretty biggest town in the national and international aim for the murder of 43 students for professor of the Rural School from Ayotzinapa that they went to give their life in an abandoned place for heaven's sake and the devil, reported in 2013 a general drop in criminal incidence, the number of murders continues being high regarding its population's size.  This municipality that was presided over by the one of the intellectual murderers, Jose Luis Abarca, of 43 adolescents that were incinerated with life by squadrons of the death directed by Abarca Velazquez’s wife, mayor with license to which gave him the opportunity to escape with his family, it was not included in the federal program for the prevention of the crime. A document of internal analysis of the Segob also reveals the list of the 10 more violent municipalities of Guerrero, according to the number of deceitful murders, one of the main indicators to measure the degree of violence and insecurity. Acapulco is in first place, with almost 800 thousand inhabitants and 883 deceitful homicides in 2013; as for Chilpancingo, with a population of little more than 240 thousand inhabitants, and with 164 murder accusations. As it was mentioned, in third place it is it Equals, with 73 thousand 460 inhabitants. In fourth place it is then Coyuca de  Benitez that has 67 homicides in the referred period, Zihuatanejo de Azueta it continues him (65), Atoyac de Alvarez (60), Ometepec (49), Chila de Alvarez (46) and Teloloapan (45).  

From Iguala in the figures one has that you grieve 4 percent of Guerrero's total, with a level of more schooling (in 1.8 years) that in the rest of the entity. It also bends the state scale as for workers with formal employment.  Population's percentage that is in “vulnerability situation for social lack” is of 34.4, bigger than 23.2 percent of the state one, the same thing that in lack for access to the health. The Observatory National Citizen registered to national scale an increase of 6.67 percent in the accusations that were presented among July and August gone by the crimes of kidnappings and deceitful homicide, simultaneously this state is in a governability crisis, and it has stayed with bigger quantity of deceitful homicides. This state is to the head of intentional homicides, “being the second entity of the country with bigger quantity of previous verifications and of victims of crimes in the eighth month of this year". As regards kidnapping, the entity registered the biggest number of previous verifications for this cause. (La Jornada, politica, p. 10, October 15, 2014).

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